Car Depreciation Cost Limits 2022, 2023, 2024 (2024)

Cars with a higher value have a ceiling value assigned to them for the purposes of depreciation claims.

Depreciation (“decline in value”) claims for Work Related Car Expenses may only be included in the ‘log book’ claim method.

Prior to 1 July 2015 the ‘one-third of actual expenses’ was also available as a claim method.

When applicable, the depreciation limit applies to cars, station wagons and four wheel drives.

There are exemptions associated with use of vehicles by or for, certain disabled persons, and hearses.

The value limits are indexed annually to the ‘motor vehicle purchase sub-group’ of the CPI.

The following depreciation limits apply:

  • 2023-34 year $68,108 (indexation 435.5 ÷ 413.8)
  • 2022-23 year $64,741 (indexation 413.8 ÷ 388.1)
  • 2021-22 year $60,733 (indexation 388.1 ÷ 377.9)
  • 2020-21 year $59,136 (indexation 377.9 ÷ 368.1)
  • 2019-20 year $57,581 (indexation 368.1 ÷ 373.0)
  • 2018-19 year $57,581 (TD 2018/6)
  • 2017-18 year $57,581 (TD 2017/18)
  • 2016-17 year $57,581 (TD 2016/8)
  • 2015-16 year $57,466 (TD 2015/16)
  • 2014-15 year $57,466 (TD 2014/17)
  • 2013-14 year $57,466 (TD 2013/15)

See also: depreciation of vehicles

Car depreciation cost limits – earlier years


The limit that applies to each car is the limit applicable for the year in which the car is first used for business purposes.

GST and the car depreciation limit

A car purchased for more than the car depreciation limit has a maximum GST credit of one-eleventh of the limit.

Thus for example in 2019-20, the maximum GST credit would be $5,234 (that is, 1/11 x $57,581). This same limit also applies to cars which are fuel efficient.

Note that the Luxury Car Tax Thresholds are separately determined.

See also

This page was last modified 2022-06-02

Car Depreciation Cost Limits 2022, 2023, 2024 (2024)


Car Depreciation Cost Limits 2022, 2023, 2024? ›

For 2023, the limits for passenger automobiles are $20,200 for the first year (with bonus depreciation) and $12,200 for the first year (without bonus depreciation). These limits decrease each year thereafter until the end of the vehicle's useful life.

What are the auto depreciation limits for 2023? ›

For 2023, the limits for passenger automobiles are $20,200 for the first year (with bonus depreciation) and $12,200 for the first year (without bonus depreciation). These limits decrease each year thereafter until the end of the vehicle's useful life.

What is the bonus depreciation limit for vehicles in 2022? ›

If the vehicle was purchased in 2022 and you used the actual costs method, the maximum first year depreciation, including the bonus depreciation, is $18,200 multiplied by the percentage of total actual vehicle expenses (60% in the example above).

How much of a car can you write off for business 2023? ›

Guidelines for Section 179 deduction on vehicles in 2023

Businesses can deduct up to $1,050,000 of the cost of qualifying equipment and software under Section 179 for the tax year 2023. The maximum deduction for vehicles is $18,100 for heavy SUVs and trucks, $10,200 for cargo vans, and $18,100 for passenger vans.

What is the depreciation limit for SUVs in 2022? ›

Section 179 deduction dollar limits.

Also, the maximum section 179 expense deduction for sport utility vehicles (SUVs) placed in service in tax years beginning in 2022 is $27,000.

What is the 179 limitation for 2023? ›

The Section 179 deduction limit for 2023 was raised to $1,160,000 and the total equipment purchase limit was raised to $2,890,000. This is an increase from the 2022 Section 179 tax deduction which was set at a $1,080,000 limit with a threshold of $2,700,000 in total purchases.

What is the Section 179 vehicle limit for 2023? ›

In 2023, the Section 179 deduction limit has been raised to $1,160,000 (an increase of $80,000 from 2022). This means your business can now deduct the entire cost of qualified equipment up to a total equipment purchase limit of $2.8 million.

Do vehicles qualify for 100% bonus depreciation? ›

Heavy Section 179 Vehicles

For 2023, a vehicle qualifying in the “heavy” category has a Section 179 tax deduction limit of $26,200. However, these autos are eligible for 100% bonus depreciation through the end of 2022. Starting in 2023, the allowable bonus depreciation percentage will decrease each year.

Can you take 100 bonus depreciation on vehicles in 2022? ›

A big tax benefit from 2017's TCJA begins phasing out at the end of 2022. The 100% bonus depreciation will phase out after 2022, with qualifying property getting only an 80% bonus deduction in 2023 and less in later years.

What is the maximum bonus depreciation on a car? ›

Depreciation & Bonus Depreciation

It allows taxpayers to take an additional (“bonus”) depreciation deduction the year that the vehicle is placed in service rather than having to spread the write-off over several years. As of 2023, the maximum allowable bonus deduction is $20,200.

What are the depreciation changes for 2023? ›

For 2023, first-year Bonus Depreciation is 80% of the purchase price. It falls to 60% in 2024, 40% in 2025, and 20% in 2026.

What is the bonus depreciation for 2023? ›

The rules allow Bonus Depreciation to 100% for all qualified purchases made between September 27, 2017 and January 1, 2023. Bonus Depreciation now ramps down to 80%, starting in 2023. Bonus depreciation will continue to ramp down for ensuing years: 60% for 2024, 40% for 2025, 20% for 2026, and 0% beginning in 2027.

How do I write off 100% of my car as a business? ›

You can write off part or all of the purchase price of a new or "new to you" car or truck for your business by taking a section 179 deduction. This special deduction allows you to deduct up to the entire cost of the vehicle in the first year you use it if you are using it primarily for business purposes.

Can you take 100 bonus depreciation on SUV? ›

Although SUVs are subject to the $26,200 section 179 limit in 2021, they are eligible for 100% bonus depreciation if they are above 6,000 lbs. 100 percent bonus is available through the end of 2022. After that, it is scheduled to drop to 80 percent in 2023.

What is bonus depreciation for 2022 luxury SUV? ›

The luxury car depreciation caps for a passenger cars, SUVs, trucks, and vans placed in service in 2022 limit annual depreciation deductions to: $11,200 for the first year without bonus depreciation. $19,200 for the first year with bonus depreciation. $18,000 for the second year.

Is it better to take Section 179 or bonus depreciation? ›

Section 179 offers greater flexibility but also caps the benefit. Bonus depreciation has no limitations but may force a company to “waste" depreciation that it could benefit from in future years.

What qualifies for Section 179 depreciation? ›

Section 179 limits

All companies that lease, finance or purchase business equipment valued at less than $2 million qualify for the Section 179 deduction, though any amounts beyond that affect the deduction value of any business expenses.

What is the max 179 expense? ›

This allows businesses to lower their current-year tax liability rather than capitalizing an asset and depreciating it over time in future tax years. Section 179 is limited to a maximum deduction of $1,080,000 and a value of property purchased to $2,700,000 for the year 2022.

What vehicles qualify for the full Section 179 deduction? ›

Business Vehicles for Full Section 179 Deduction
  • Vehicles like shuttle vans that can seat more than nine passengers behind the driver's seat.
  • Classic cargo vans featuring a fully-enclosed driver's compartment/cargo area, with no seating behind the driver's seat.
  • Over-the-road Tractor Trailers.

What is Section 179 SUV limitations? ›

The Section 179 deduction is limited to: The amount of taxable income from an active trade or business. $27,000 for SUVs and other vehicles rated at more than 6,000 pounds but not more than 14,000 pounds.

Can you Section 179 a vehicle every year? ›

Yes, Section 179 can be used every year. It was made a permanent part of our tax code with the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015 (PATH Act). How can I calculate the potential savings that the Section 179 Deduction will have on my next purchase?

What is the difference between bonus depreciation and Section 179 auto? ›

So what's the difference between Section 179 and bonus depreciation? Section 179 lets business owners deduct a set dollar amount of new business assets, and bonus depreciation lets them deduct a percentage of the cost.

What is the best depreciation method for vehicles? ›

According to Form 4562 instructions, automobiles are a 5-year property for MACRS depreciation, and the half-year convention is used for them. You would use the 200% declining balance rate for the vehicle.

What vehicles are not subject to depreciation limits? ›

Vehicles not subject to depreciation limits: Autos with unloaded gross vehicle weight (GVW) more than 6,000 lbs., trucks and vans with GVW (loaded) more than 6,000 lbs., and qualified nonpersonal-use vehicles are not subject to the Section 280F depreciation limits.

What assets are eligible for 100% bonus depreciation? ›

What qualifies for bonus depreciation?
  • Modified Accelerated Cost Recovery System (MACRS) property with a recovery period of 20 years or less. ...
  • Depreciable computer software.
  • Water utility property.
  • Qualified leasehold improvement property like any improvement to the interior portion of a nonresidential building.
Jan 23, 2023

How much can you write-off for vehicle purchase? ›

Limits on Section 179 deductions

(For 2021, the total limit is $1,040.000.) After the Section 179 spending cap is reached, you get a nice little perk called bonus depreciation. For cars specifically, the Section 179 limit is $10,100 — $18,100 with bonus depreciation.

Can you take bonus depreciation on luxury autos? ›

The depreciation caps for a luxury passenger car placed in service in 2022 are: $11,200 for the first year without bonus depreciation. $19,200 for the first year with bonus depreciation. $18,000 for the second year.

Can you take 50% bonus depreciation? ›

Section 179 allows taxpayers to recognize depreciation expense on qualifying property when its used more than 50% of the time for business. It allows business owners to deduct a set dollar amount of new business assets that have been put in place during the current tax year.

Will 100% bonus depreciation be extended in 2023? ›

One of the most significant changes to depreciation rules in 2023 is the phase out of bonus depreciation. The 100% bonus depreciation will phase out after 2022, with qualifying property getting only an 80% bonus deduction in 2023 and less in later years.

What are the major tax changes for 2023? ›

Standard deduction increase: The standard deduction for 2023 (which'll be useful when you file in 2024) increases to $13,850 for single filers and $27,700 for married couples filing jointly. Tax brackets increase: The income tax brackets will also increase in 2023.

What are the tax changes for 2023 inflation? ›

Inflation last year reached its highest level in the United States since 1981. As a result, the IRS announced the largest inflation adjustment for individual taxes in decades: 7.1 percent for tax year 2023.

What is the bonus depreciation for a heavy SUV in 2023? ›

*Note: Heavy SUVs have a deduction cap of $28,900 for the 2023 tax year.

What is the 6 000 pound vehicle deduction? ›

The 6,000-pound vehicle tax deduction is a rule under the federal tax code that allows people to deduct up to $25,000 of a vehicle's purchasing price on their tax return. The vehicle purchased must weigh over 6,000 pounds, according to the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR), but no more than 14,000 pounds.

When did 30% bonus depreciation start? ›

The Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act of 2002 (JCWA) provided an additional depreciation deduction in the placed-in-service year that is equal to 30% of the adjusted basis of the qualified property placed in service after 9/10/01.

Can you write off a car with an LLC? ›

Yes. A Section 179 deduction allows you to deduct part of or the entire cost of your LLC's vehicle.

Is it better to buy a car through my business? ›

Buy the car through your business

If you plan to use the car solely for your business, you'll get the most tax benefits by purchasing the car through your company. Companies are allowed to deduct general car expenses such as repairs, gas, oil changes and tires.

How much of my car payment can I write off for business? ›

Car loan payments and lease payments are not fully tax-deductible. The general rule of thumb for deducting vehicle expenses is, you can write off the portion of your expenses used for business. So "no" you cannot deduct the entire monthly car payment from your taxes as a business expense.

What is the IRS limit for automobile depreciation? ›

The total section 179 deduction and depreciation you can deduct for a passenger automobile, including a truck or van, you use in your business and first placed in service in 2022 is $19,200, if the special depreciation allowance applies, or $11,200, if the special depreciation allowance does not apply.

What are the limitations on depreciation of autos? ›

The succeeding-year limitations are $19,500 for the second tax year (up by $1,500 over 2022); $11,700 for the third year (up by $900); and $6,960 for each year after (up by $500).

What is the depreciation limit for autos? ›

For passenger automobiles for which Sec. 168(k) additional first-year, or "bonus," depreciation is applied, the limitation is $20,200 for the first tax year, an increase of $1,000 from the 2022 amount, which also was an increase of $1,000 from the 2021 amount.

What qualifies for 100% bonus depreciation? ›

Qualified property eligible for bonus depreciation includes depreciable assets with a recovery period of 20 years or less, such as vehicles, furniture, manufacturing equipment, and heavy machinery.

Is there a limitation on 100% bonus depreciation? ›

For tax years 2018-2022, the maximum bonus depreciation has been 100% of the cost of the qualified assets placed into service. For example, if a taxpayer buys (and places into service) a $100,000 qualified asset, they can take a $100,000 deduction in 2022.

What is the bonus depreciation for used vehicles in 2023? ›

It allows taxpayers to take an additional (“bonus”) depreciation deduction the year that the vehicle is placed in service rather than having to spread the write-off over several years. As of 2023, the maximum allowable bonus deduction is $20,200.

Are vehicles 5 or 7 year depreciation? ›

Class life is the number of years over which an asset can be depreciated. The tax law has defined a specific class life for each type of asset. Real Property is 39 year property, office furniture is 7 year property and autos and trucks are 5 year property. See Publication 946, How to Depreciate Property.

What is the IRS depreciation for SUVS? ›

Summary. If a sport utility vehicle (SUV) is exempt from the annual “luxury car” depreciation caps, the amount of the section 179 deduction is limited to $27,000 for 2022 and $28,900 for 2023.

Does car depreciation reduce taxable income? ›

Believe it or not, your vehicle can be depreciated on your tax return to reduce your taxable income.

What vehicles are exempt from depreciation caps and lease inclusion amounts? ›

Vehicles Exempt from Depreciation Caps and Lease Inclusion Amounts. The depreciation caps and lease inclusion amounts do not apply to: cars with an unloaded gross vehicle weight of more than 6,000 pounds; or. SUVs, trucks and vans with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of more than 6,000 pounds.

What vehicles qualify for a 179 deduction? ›

Vehicles that qualify for a Section 179 tax write-off include:
  • Heavy SUVs, pickups, and vans with more than 50% business use and over 6000 lbs. ...
  • Vehicles clearly designated as “work” and have no potential for personal use are typically considered work vehicles.
Mar 28, 2023

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