Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) | Overview and Formula (2024)

Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Overview

The Capital Asset Pricing Model, or CAPM, calculates the value of a security based on the expected return relative to the risk investors incur by investing in that security.

To calculate the value of a stock using CAPM, multiply the volatility, known as "beta," by the additional compensation for incurring risk, known as the "Market Risk Premium," then add the risk-free rate to that value.

CAPM Formula

The formula for CAPM is as follows:

Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) | Overview and Formula (1)

In layman's terms, the CAPM formula is: Expected return of the investment = the risk-free rate + the beta (or risk) of the investment * the expected return on the market - the risk free rate (the difference between the two is the market risk premium).

For each additional increment of risk incurred, the expected return should proportionately increase.

If a security is found to have a higher return relative to the additional risk incurred, then the CAPM model suggests that it is a buying opportunity.

Like all valuation models, CAPM has its limitations since some assumptions it uses are idealistic.

For example, Beta coefficients are unpredictable, change over time, only reflect systemic risk rather than total risk.

Despite its shortcomings, this model is very popular for valuing securities.

Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) | Overview and Formula (2)

Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) FAQs

CAPM stand for “Capital Asset Pricing Model” and is a common valuation method for stocks.

The Capital Asset Pricing Model, or CAPM, calculates the value of a security based on the expected return relative to the risk investors incur by investing in that security.

To calculate the value of a stock using CAPM, multiply the volatility, known as “beta,” by the additional compensation for incurring risk, known as the “Market Risk Premium,” then add the risk-free rate to that value.

Expected return of the investment = the risk-free rate + the beta of the investment times the expected return on the market – the risk free rate which is the market risk premium.

The basic assumptions of CAPM include perfect competition, hom*ogenous expectations among all investors, no taxes or transaction costs, no market imperfections or monopolies, infinite investor time horizons, and one risky asset with constant returns over time.

Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) | Overview and Formula (3)

About the Author

True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

True Tamplin is a published author, public speaker, CEO of UpDigital, and founder of Finance Strategists.

True is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance (CEPF®), author of The Handy Financial Ratios Guide, a member of the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing, contributes to his financial education site, Finance Strategists, and has spoken to various financial communities such as the CFA Institute, as well as university students like his Alma mater, Biola University, where he received a bachelor of science in business and data analytics.

To learn more about True, visit his personal website, view his author profile on Amazon, or check out his speaker profile on the CFA Institute website.

Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) | Overview and Formula (2024)


Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) | Overview and Formula? ›

In layman's terms, the CAPM formula is: Expected return of the investment = the risk-free rate + the beta (or risk) of the investment * the expected return on the market - the risk free rate (the difference between the two is the market risk premium).

How do you calculate capital cost with CAPM? ›

Using the capital asset pricing model (CAPM) to determine its cost of equity financing, you would apply Cost of Equity = Risk-Free Rate of Return + Beta × (Market Rate of Return – Risk-Free Rate of Return) to reach 1 + 1.1 × (10-1) = 10.9%.

What is the CAPM model in simple terms? ›

CAPM, or the capital asset pricing model, is a type of financial model used in corporate finance to describe the relationship between the risk of a security (such as a stock) and the market as a whole.

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CAPM Formula

Per the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), the cost of equity – i.e. the expected return by common shareholders – is equal to the risk-free rate (rf) plus the product of beta and the equity risk premium (ERP).

Is CAPM an asset pricing model? ›

The capital asset pricing model (CAPM) is an idealized portrayal of how financial markets price securities and thereby determine expected returns on capital investments. The model provides a methodology for quantifying risk and translating that risk into estimates of expected return on equity.

What is capital cost formula? ›

WACC is calculated by multiplying the cost of each capital source (both equity and debt) by its relevant weight by market value, then adding the products together to determine the total. The formula is: WACC = (E/V x Re) + ((D/V x Rd) x (1 – T))

What is the formula for the CAPM beta? ›

CAPM Beta Formula

To calculate a CAPM beta, subtract the expected market return from the expected investment return, then divide by the result of the market return minus the risk-free return.

What are the three components of CAPM? ›

This is the capital asset pricing model (CAPM). The expected return on a risky asset thus has three components. The first is the pure time value of money (Rf), the second is the market risk premium, [E(Rm) - Rf], and the third is the beta for that asset, Bi.

What is the CAPM formula quizlet? ›

The Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Theory used to price risky assets. - Focuses on the tradeoff between the risk of an asset and the expected return associated with that asset. ERi = RFR + (Beta)(ERM-RFR) + FSR.

What are the basic assumptions of CAPM? ›

The CAPM model bases its predictions on the following assumptions: Investors are given the same amount of time to assess the information. Investments can be broken up into countless shapes and sizes. By nature, all investors are risk-averse.

What are the two components of CAPM? ›

The CAPM formula comprises two components: risk-free rate and risk premium. In order to use the CAPM formula, you will need to understand some key concepts, as outlined below. Risk-free rate - This rate compensates an investor for the time value of money.

Why is CAPM important? ›

Investors can use the CAPM for gauging their portfolio's health and rebalancing, if necessary. Secondly, it's a relatively simple formula that's fairly easy to use. Additionally, the CAPM is an important tool for investors when it comes to accessing both risk and reward.

What is the Capital Asset Pricing Model CAPM for real estate? ›

Capital Asset Pricing Model in Commercial Real Estate

CAPM is used most often in commercial real estate to assess risk measures by property type. For this, investors need to put the CAPM within the context of the entire market's historical returns as well as those for the specific property type.

What is CAPM in the context of the capital asset pricing model? ›

In the context of the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM), the relevant measure of risk is beta. Beta measures the volatility of an asset's returns in relation to the market as a whole.

How do you calculate cost of capital in WACC? ›

WACC = [(E/V) x Re] + [(D/V) x Rd x (1 - Tc)], where: E = equity market value.

Can you use CAPM to calculate cost of debt? ›

The model quantifies the relationship between systematic risk and expected return for assets.” “So, combining the two, you can use CAPM to calculate the cost of equity, then use that to calculate WACC by adding the cost of debt, usually the tax-effected average interest for all of the company's debt.”

How do you calculate beta in cost of capital? ›

The formula for calculating beta is the covariance of the return of an asset with the return of the benchmark, divided by the variance of the return of the benchmark over a certain period.

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