CapEx vs. OpEx: What’s the Difference? (2024)

CapEx vs. OpEx: An Overview

There are a variety of costs and expenses that companies have to pay to continue running their businesses. These costs can be one-off or they can be recurring, and it can often be challenging to keep up with all of these expenses. But how are they able to keep track of all of them?

One way is to divide them into different categories. The most common are capital expenditures (CapEx) and operating expenses (OpEx). Capital expenditures are major purchases that a company makes, which are used overthe long term. Operating expenses, on the other hand, are the day-to-day expenses that a company incurs to keep its business running.

Key Takeaways

  • Capital expenditures are a company’s major, long-term expenses while operating expenses are a company’s day-to-day expenses.
  • Examples of CapEx include physical assets, such as buildings, equipment, machinery, and vehicles.
  • Examples of OpEx include employee salaries, rent, utilities, and property taxes.
  • Items covered by OpEx often have a useful life of one year or less, while CapEx tends to pay for a benefit to the company for longer than one year.
  • Capital expenditures cannot be deducted from income for tax purposes, but operating expenses are eligible.


Capital expenditures (CapEx) are purchases of significant goods or services that will be used to improve a company’s performance in the future. They include the cost of fixed assets and the acquisition of intangible assets such as patents and other forms of technology. Capital expendituresare typically for fixed assets like . For example, if an oil company buys a new drilling rig, the transaction would be a capital expenditure.

One of the defining features of capital expenditures is longevity, meaning that the purchases benefit the company for longer than one tax year.

Each industry might have different types of capital expenditures. The purchased item might be for the expansion of the business, updating older equipment, or expanding the useful life of an existing fixed asset. Capital expenditures are listed on the balance sheet under the PP&E section.CapEx is also listed in the investing activities section of the cash flow statement.

Fixed assets are depreciated over time to spread out the cost of the asset over its useful life. Depreciation is helpful for capital expenditures because it allows the company to avoid a significant hit to its bottom line in the year when the asset was purchased.

CapEx can be externally financed, which is usually done through collateral or debt financing. Companies issue bonds or take out loans to fund their capital expenditures or they can use other debt instruments to increase their capital investment. Shareholders who receive dividend payments pay close attention to CapEx numbers, looking for a company that pays out income while continuing to improve prospects for future profit.


CapEx represents the company’s spending on physical assets. The following are common examples of capital expenditures:

  • Manufacturing plants, equipment, and machinery
  • Building improvements
  • Computers
  • Vehicles and trucks

For American businesses, generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) often dictate how an expenditure is treated on their financial statements. They must understand the long-term financial implications of how their reporting will be affected and how external parties may view the company’s health. As such, a company must understand the long-term financial implications of how its reporting will be affected and how external parties may view the company’s health as a result.


Operating expensesare the costs that a company incurs for running its day-to-day operations. As such, they don't apply to any costs related to the production of goods and services.

These expenses must be ordinary and customary costs for the industry in which the company operates. Companies report OpEx on their income statements and can deduct OpEx from their taxes for the year when the expenses were incurred.

Operating expenses are incurred through normal business operations. The goal of any company is to maximize output relative to OpEx. In this way, OpEx represents a core measurement of a company’s efficiency over time.


The following are common examples of operating expenses:

  • Rent and utilities
  • Wages and salaries
  • Accounting and legal fees
  • Overhead costs such as
  • Property taxes
  • Business travel
  • Interest paid on debt
  • expenses

Accounting rules may dictate whether an item is classified as CapEx or OpEx. For example, if a company chooses to lease a piece of equipment instead of purchasing it as a capital expenditure, the lease cost would likely be classified as an operating expense. If a company purchased the equipment instead, it would likely capitalize it.

Special Considerations

Both capital expenditures and operating expenses represent outlays by the company. Both are usually acquired in exchange for cash and may go through a similar purchasing process. This includes solicitation of a bid, contracting, legal review, orchestration of financial payment, and receipt of the purchase.

Both CapEx and OpEx reduce a company’s net income, though they do so in different ways. OpEx is expensed immediately, while CapEx is depreciated.

Companies can also plan for both types of expenses similarly. Though they may be tracked separately internally, each type of cost may have its own budget, forecast, long-term plan, and financial manager to oversee the planning and reporting of each.

There is an inherent difference in the way management may approach these two expenditures as well. CapEx is often more expensive and labor-intensive and often requires greater patience to reap rewards. OpEx is often cheaper and more flexible to incur. For many reasons, it is important to understand each type of expenditure and how a company may strategically approach either.

Key Differences

Capital expenditures are major purchases that will be used beyond the current accounting period in which they’re purchased.Operating expenses represent the day-to-day expenses designed to keep a company running. Because of their different attributes, each is handled distinctly.

OpEx are short-term expenses and are typically usedup in the accounting period in which they were purchased. This means OpEx is more often paid for in the period when it is acquired. CapEx may also be paid for in the period when it is acquired, but it may also be incurred over some time if the CapEx is related to a development project. For example, the building of a new warehouse may result in 1,000 transactions over six months, all of which are collectively considered CapEx.

CapEx and OpEx are reported differently, as CapEx resides on the balance sheet and OpEx resides on the income statement. This is due to the difference in their accounting treatment. In addition, the method of translating the expenditure as an expense is different. CapEx is often associated with depreciation and accumulated depreciation accounts, while OpEx is not.

CapEx vs. OpEx: Key Differences
Holds long-term value or future benefit for the companyHolds short-term value and little to no future benefit for the company
Reported as an assetReported as an expense
Reported on the balance sheetReported on the income statement
Recognized as an asset through depreciation over its useful lifeExpensed immediately and not depreciated over any useful life
Usually higher dollar amountsUsually smaller dollar amounts

What Is the Difference Between Capital and Operating Expenditures?

Capital expenditures (CapEx) are costs that often yield long-term benefits to a company. CapEx assets often have a useful life of more than one year. Operating expenses (OpEx) are costs that often have a much shorter-term benefit. OpEx is usually classified as costs that will yield benefits to a company within the next 12 months but do not extend beyond that.

Which Is Better: CapEx or OpEx?

One type of expense is not better than the other. Rather, they are simply different ways to classify costs. If a company is trying to invest in its future and wants to be most efficient with its long-term capital, it might be better for it to invest in CapEx rather than OpEx. Alternatively, if a company wants to preserve capital and maintain flexibility, it might be better off incurring OpEx instead.

What Is an Example of OpEx?

Examples of operating expenses include repairs, salaries, supplies, and rent. All of these expenses benefit the company in the short term. For example, when rent is paid on a warehouse or office, the company using the space gets the benefit of the space for a given period (i.e., one month). Because the benefit received is short, the cost is OpEx.

What Is an Example of CapEx?

Examples of capital expenditures include the development of buildings, vehicles, land, or machinery expected to be used for more than one year. In these instances, all of these assets will be used long-term. When acquired, they are treated as CapEx to recognize the benefit of each over multiple reporting periods.

How Are CapEx and OpEx Reported?

CapEx is reported on the balance sheet as a capitalized asset. Most CapEx assets are depreciated over their useful life; in this manner, an expense related to the asset is recognized each year evenly over its useful life. Some CapEx, such as land, is not depreciated. OpEx, on the other hand, is reported on the income statement and is expensed immediately. Because there is no long-term value to OpEx, it must be expensed in the period in which it is incurred. OpEx is not depreciated over its useful life, and the entire expense is recognized right away.

The Bottom Line

CapEx and OpEx represent the types of costs that a company can incur. If there’s short-term value to the cost, it’s usually treated as OpEx. If there’s long-term value, it’s usually CapEx. Each type of cost is reported differently, strategically approached differently by management, and has varying degrees of financial implications for a company.

Correction—Nov. 8, 2022:A previous version of this article misstated that the cost of goods sold (COGS) is categorized as a company's operating expenditures. The two are, in fact, separate and distinct from one another. While COGS represents any expenses directly tied to production, a company's OpEx is the category of costs that are related to its day-to-day operations.

Article Sources

Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. These include white papers, government data, original reporting, and interviews with industry experts. We also reference original research from other reputable publishers where appropriate. You can learn more about the standards we follow in producing accurate, unbiased content in oureditorial policy.

  1. Internal Revenue Service. “Publication 535, Business Expenses.” Pages 4-5.

  2. Legal Information Institute. "Capitalized Expenditure."

  3. Accounting Tools. "Examples of Operating Expenses."

  4. Internal Revenue Service. “Publication 535, Business Expenses,” Pages 3, 6-7.

  5. Internal Revenue Service. “Publication 535, Business Expenses.” Pages 12-13.

  6. Internal Revenue Service. "Publication 946, How To Depreciate Property." Page 6.

CapEx vs. OpEx: What’s the Difference? (2024)


What is the main difference between CapEx and OpEx? ›

OPEX, which stands for "operating expenses," refers to expenses incurred to maintain the day-to-day operations of a company. CAPEX, which stands for "capital expenditures," refers to expenses incurred to acquire tangible assets that will be used over an extended period.

Why do companies prefer OpEx to CapEx? ›

"CapEx is recognised as an asset and is depreciated over its useful life, but OpEx is expensed immediately and not depreciated over any useful life. CapEx often has a more complicated approval process requiring high-level approval, but OpEx often has a straight-forward, pre-approved process in place.”

What is the difference between CapEx and OpEx for IT department? ›

Examples of OpEx in IT may include salaries for IT staff, software licenses, electricity and cooling costs for Data Centers, and ongoing maintenance and support contracts. In general, CapEx is a more significant investment upfront, while OpEx is a recurring expense that may be more predictable and manageable over time.

What is the difference between OpEx and CapEx quizlet? ›

CapEx is an upfront cost, which has a value that reduces over time. Operational Expenditure (OpEx): OpEx is spending money on services or products now and being billed for them now. You can deduct this expense from your tax bill in the same year. There's no upfront cost.

Are laptops CapEx or OpEx? ›

Traditionally, if a business wanted to invest in IT equipment, such as new laptops or PCs, they would pay for their technology upfront as a capital expenditure (CAPEX). CAPEX investments refer to any significant cash investment, including infrastructure, property, software licenses and equipment.

Why separate capex and OpEx? ›

Separate CapEx and OpEx Budgets

The budgeting needs are different and it's a good idea to take that into account when planning for the two types of expenditures. Separating the budgets also makes it easier to handle taxes for each category of expenses.

Do companies prefer CapEx or OpEx? ›

Businesses are advised to consider investing in capital expenditures (CapEx) to pursue future expansion and secure enduring financial resources. However, it is possible to opt for operational expenditures (OpEx) when the business aims to preserve its capital and maintain a certain level of flexibility.

What is the CapEx to OpEx ratio? ›

The CAPEX to Operating Cash Ratio assesses how much of a company's cash flow from operations is being devoted to capital expenditure. Such investments entail engaging in capital-intensive projects such as expanding a production facility, launching a new product line, or restructuring a division.

Are software licenses CapEx or OpEx? ›

Assets that are used in the long-term, such as property, infrastructure or equipment (including owned software licenses) are considered to be capital expenditures.

Are projects CapEx or OpEx? ›

CAPEX is an expense a project/business incurs to create a benefit in the future. OPEX covers the short term. OPEX is an expense required for the day-to-day functioning of a project/business.

Where does CapEx go on income statement? ›

Capex is not recognized as an expense on the income statement, but rather, the cash outflow is expensed via depreciation. The full cash outflow incurred from Capex is recognized in the cash from investing activities (CFI) section of the cash flow statement (CFS) in the period when the actual purchase occurred.

Are contractors CapEx or OpEx? ›

Contract labor can generally be classified as an operating expense. This is because it is typically incurred in the course of running the business, and is not considered a capital expenditure.

Is electricity a CapEx or OpEx? ›

Paying electricity for a data center is an example of an operational expense (OpEx). Operational expenses refer to the ongoing costs incurred in the day-to-day operations of a business or organization.

What is the difference between CapEx and OpEx product management? ›

Understanding the difference between Capex and Opex software starts with the basics: At the highest level, Opex is an expense required for the day to day operation of a company, while Capex is an expense incurred to create a benefit in the future.

What are the similarities between CapEx and OpEx? ›

Money spent on inventory falls under capex. The money spent turning inventory into throughput is opex. Buying machinery and other equipment, acquiring intellectual property assets like patents. Costs incurred for buying the income producing property.

What is the difference between capex and opex project finance? ›

Major difference between CAPEX and OPEX

CAPEX is an expense a project/business incurs to create a benefit in the future. OPEX covers the short term. OPEX is an expense required for the day-to-day functioning of a project/business.

What is the difference between capital budget and operating budget? ›

The Capital Budget is supported through multiple funding sources, including different types of bonds (debt), grants and cash as well as other smaller sources of funding. The Operating Budget includes personnel costs and annual facility operating costs.

What is the difference between capex and opex in AWS? ›

What is OpEx and CapEx in AWS? Amazon's public cloud is priced according to a usage-based model, so these services are considered OpEx. Short-term contracts paid in advance, on the other hand, are considered CapEx in AWS.

What is the difference between capex and opex infrastructure? ›

Capital Expenditure (Capex) is normally used for major investment and is shown on the company's balance sheet. The capital is exchanged for an asset, which can then be amortised and depreciated over its lifespan and can add value to the business. Operational Expenditure (Opex) is used for ongoing expenses.

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