Cap Rate (2024)

What is Cap Rate?

The Cap Rate is the rate of return expected on a real estate rental property based on the perceived income potential and risk profile.

The cap rate, an abbreviation for “capitalization rate,” is the ratio between the net operating income (NOI) of a rental property and its market value as of the present date, expressed as a percentage.

Cap Rate (1)

Cap Rate (2)

In This Article

  • The cap rate is the potential yield on a real estate rental property, such as a commercial building, based on its income potential and implied risk.
  • The cap rate formula divides the net operating income (NOI) of a rental property by the current market value (CMV) of the property.
  • The higher the cap rate, the higher the potential return and risk – all else being equal.
  • There is no “good” cap rate per se, since the target return is a subjective measure, but most commercial real estate investors perceive cap rates around the range of 4% to 10% as ideal.

How to Calculate Cap Rate?

The cap rate in real estate is a fundamental return metric that compares the annual net operating income (NOI) of a property to its current market value to measure the expected yield.

The cap rate is the primary shorthand by which different properties with comparable risk-return profiles can be analyzed side-by-side.

In practice, the participants in the commercial real estate (CRE) market closely analyze potential investment opportunities to determine an appropriate purchase price at which the target return is attainable.

The cap rate is calculated by dividing the net operating income (NOI) of an investment property by its market value as of the present date.

  • Net Operating Income (NOI) → The NOI measures the income potential of a property based on its core drivers of revenue, such as rent payments, minus its operating expenses, e.g., maintenance costs, property taxes, and insurance. However, the NOI of the property must be at stabilization to reflect its “steady-state” performance.
  • Property Value → The current market value, on the other hand, is the property’s fair market value (FMV) as of the present date. The fair value is determined in an independent appraisal and is intended to reflect the property’s current value rather than the original purchase price.

By converting NOI into a percentage, the cap rate is a standardized metric that facilitates “apples-to-apples” comparative analysis between a peer group of comparable properties to determine the investment that offers the most attractive risk-return trade-off.

Given the capitalization rate, a real estate investor can also derive the payback period, the estimated number of years needed for the investment property to pay for itself (and recoup the original capital contribution).

The steps to calculate the cap rate are as follows:

  • Step 1 → Calculate Net Operating Income (NOI)
  • Step 2 → Estimate the Current Property Value
  • Step 3 → Divide Net Operating Income (NOI) by Current Property Value
  • Step 4 → Convert from Decimal Notation to Percentage Form (Multiply by 100)

Cap Rate (3)

Cap Rate Formula

The formula used to calculate the cap rate is net operating income (NOI) divided by the market value of the property.

Cap Rate (%) = Net Operating Income (NOI) ÷Property Value


  • Net Operating Income (NOI) → The formula used to calculate net operating income (NOI) is the sum of rental and ancillary income, less direct operating expenses.
  • Property Value → The property value refers to the current market value of the property as of the present date (or “fair value”). The purchase cost (or asking price) can also be used, assuming the context of the analysis is appropriate.

The NOI must be expressed on a pro forma basis to reflect the income that the properties expect to generate at stabilization, i.e., the state at which a development project or acquisition is near complete, with a near full occupancy rate and rent priced at the market rate.

Net Operating Income (NOI) =(Rental Income+Ancillary Income)Direct Operating Expenses

The NOI can also be computed by subtracting effective gross income (EGI) from direct operating expenses.

  • Potential Gross Income (PGI) = (Total Number of Units × Annual Market Rate Rent) + Other Income
  • Effective Gross Income (EGI) = Potential Gross Income (PGI) – Vacancy and Credit Losses
  • Net Operating Income (NOI) = Effective Gross Income (EGI) – Direct Operating Expenses
Does Cap Rate Include Mortgage Payments?

One of the more common questions regarding the capitalization rate received by students and trainees is, “Does the cap rate formula include mortgage payments?”

The answer? No, the cap rate calculation excludes mortgage payments and interest on loans.

The rationale for neglecting mortgage and interest payments is that financing costs are not related to the core operations of properties.

  • Financing Structure→ The funding sources of the real estate project are at the discretion of the new investor post-closing, so prior capitalization does not matter, for the most part.
  • Unlevered Metric→ Since the effects of debt financing are neglected in net operating income (NOI) – unlike financial metrics such as net income – the cap rate is an “unlevered” measure of returns suited for comparability.

Cap Rate Calculator

We’ll now move on to a modeling exercise, which you can access by filling out the form below.

Step 1. Commercial Real Estate Building Assumptions

Suppose a commercial real estate investment firm (CRE) is analyzing a potential rental property investment opportunity with a current property value of $75 million.

The pro forma financial data for the commercial real estate investment – the strategic acquisition of an office building – for the fiscal year ending 2023 is as follows:.

Commercial Office Building – Financial Data

  • Potential Gross Income (PGI) = $10.2 million
  • Vacancy and Credit Losses = ($200k)
  • Property Management Fees = ($1,000k)
  • Maintenance and Repairs = ($500k)
  • Property Taxes = ($800k)
  • Property Insurance = ($600k)

Step 2. Rental Property NOI Calculation Example

The CRE investment firm decides a good starting point is to estimate the property’s cap rate, in which the first step is to compute the property’s effective gross income (EGI).

The difference between potential gross income (PGI) and vacancy & credit losses is the effective gross income (EGI) of the commercial property, which amounts to $10 million.

  • Effective Gross Income (EGI) = $10.2 million – $200k= $10 million

In the next step, we’ll deduct the operating expenses of the commercial real estate property to arrive at the property’s net operating income (NOI), which is $7.1 million.

  • Net Operating Income (NOI) = $10 million – $1 million – $500k – $800k – $600k = $7.1 million

Therefore, the commercial office building is expected to generate $7.1 million in stabilized NOI.

Cap Rate (7)

Step 3. Cap Rate Calculation Example

Since the property value was presented as an assumption earlier, whereas the NOI was just calculated in the prior section, the required formula inputs to compute the capitalization rate are set.

  • Net Operating Income (NOI) = $7.1 million
  • Property Value = $75 million

By dividing the net operating income (NOI) of the commercial real estate property by the current property value, we arrive at an implied cap rate of 9.5%.

  • Cap Rate (%) = $7.1 million ÷ $75 million = 9.5%

Cap Rate (8)

Step 4. Implied Cap Rate Calculation Example

In the final part of our modeling exercise, we’ll solve the estimated property value of the commercial real estate (CRE) property using the direct capitalization method.

The property value of the commercial real estate (CRE) office building was previously stated as an assumption, but we can neglect that, for now, to better illustrate the relationship between NOI and capitalization rate.

The annual NOI we computed is $7.1 million, while the capitalization rate was 9.5% (or, more specifically, 9.467%).

Upon dividing our property’s net operating income (NOI) by its cap rate, we arrive at an implied property value of $75 million, which matches the original assumption stated at the start of our tutorial.

  • Implied Property Value = $7.1 million ÷ 9.467% = $75 million

Cap Rate (9)

NOI / Cap Rate Formula

The direct capitalization method, a real estate appraisal technique, determines the estimated valuation of a real estate property by dividing the property’s NOI by its cap rate.

Implied Property Value = Net Operating Income (NOI) ÷ Market Cap Rate

Suppose a commercial office building is expected to generate $12 million in net operating income (NOI) in the coming year, and comparable properties located nearby are currently trading around a 7.5% cap rate.

So, what does a 7.5% cap rate mean?

The 7.5% cap rate implies the rental property’s NOI equals 7.5% of its market value.

Hence, a property with a value of $12 million and a 7.5% cap rate exhibits an annual return of $900k.

  • Annual Return = $12 million × 7.5% = $900k

Given the 7.5% cap rate, the pricing of our property investment is implied to be approximately $160 million.

  • Property Price = $12 million ÷ 7.5% = $160 million

Cap Rate (10)

“Cap Rate is the Inverse of a Multiple”

Cap Rate vs. Yield: What is the Difference?

The difference between the cap rate and cash yield (or “cash-on-cash return”) is as follows:

  • Cap Rate → The cap rate is the return expected on a rental property investment. Contrary to the cash yield, the cap rate neglects the effects of financing (i.e., capital structure neutral), since net operating income (NOI) is the numerator. NOI is an unlevered profit metric unaffected by discretionary financing decisions. Hence, the cap rate excludes financing costs such as interest and mortgage payments.
  • Cash Yield → The cash yield, or “cash on cash return,” is the annual pre-tax levered cash flow received per dollar of equity invested. Unlike the cap rate, the cash yield is a levered metric (post-financing) because the annual pre-tax cash flow is deducted by the annual debt service, which includes interest and principal payments.

The formula to calculate the cash yield comprises dividing the levered pre-tax cash flow of a property by the equity investment contributed by the real estate investor.

Cash Yield (%) = Levered Pre-Tax Cash Flow ÷ Equity Contribution

The other distinction between the cap rate and cash yield, aside from the unlevered and levered numerator, boils down to the denominator.

The constant denominator in the cash yield metric remains indifferent to the current state of the real estate market and economic conditions since the purchase price (and equity contribution) is fixed.

Therefore, the cap rate is a pro forma metric that measures the implied return on an investment property, while the cash yield determines the return earned on an equity investment on a rolling basis.

Cap Rate Expansion vs. Compression: What is the Difference?

If the cap rates in a particular real estate market decline, the market is said to be in a state of “cap rate compression.” Conversely, if cap rates rise, the market is undergoing “cap rate expansion.”

See Also

As a general rule of thumb, a real estate market experiencing cap rate compression should be expected to observe rising property asset values, all else being equal.

Why? The cap rates on rental properties and property values are inversely related.

  • Cap Rate Compression → Increase in Property Value
  • Cap Rate Expansion → Decrease in Property Value

Contrary to a frequent misconception, lower cap rates do not simply mean less risk in a potential investment property.

While the statement can be true in certain scenarios, there are exceptions in which the market cap rate declines following a widespread increase in property asset values.

Inflated property valuations in irrational markets often coincide with market factors that contribute to lower returns in the real estate asset class.

  • Purchase Price → A real estate market characterized by high purchase prices creates an unfavorable environment for new investors, where there is a higher risk of overpaying.
  • Market Demand → An increase in competition between buyers and investors causes property valuations to rise, often to an unreasonable level (i.e., seller’s market), all else being equal. Therefore, the purchase price paid by the investor or buyer likely contains a significant purchase premium, often termed the “winner’s curse.”
  • Economic Conditions → An investor that acquires a property at “peak” valuations in a cyclical market to opportunistically profit from short-term trends can backfire and incur steep losses.

The scenario in which cap rate compression is unfavorable to investors stems from a rise in property values without a proportionate increase in net operating income (NOI).

If the net operating income (NOI) of properties in the market increases at a comparable pace or perhaps outpaces the rise in property values, the investment opportunities are far more likely to generate profitable returns.

What is a Good Cap Rate?

The cap rate is a measure of returns, so the metric is also a measure of risk since risk and return are two sides of the same coin.

So, is it better to have a higher or lower cap rate?

In short, the answer is rather nuanced and entirely dependent on the investor (and surrounding circ*mstances).

Contrary to a common misconception, a higher cap rate is not always preferred by real estate investors.

The reason? Higher cap rates are often achieved by investing in riskier properties, so the trade-off between risk and return must be understood.

  • Higher Cap Rate → An investment property with a higher cap rate is perceived as a riskier investment with less stability in its cash flow generation. However, the increased risk attributable to the property causes the investment to be more appealing to yield-oriented investors, as the potential to reap more profits and greater returns is higher.
  • Lower Cap Rate → On the other hand, a property with a lower cap rate is viewed as a safer investment with a more stable performance in cash flow production. The drawback to the predictable stream of net operating income (NOI) is that the return is also foreseeable, barring unusual circ*mstances.

The risk tolerance varies by the investor, which goes hand-in-hand with the prior factor, as more risk should correspond with a higher return to compensate the investor for undertaking the incremental risk (and vice versa).

A higher cap rate implies more risk attributable to a real estate property investment (and vice versa for a lower cap rate).

Certain real estate investors prioritize capital preservation, i.e., minimizing the risk of capital loss on an investment, whereas others are more yield-oriented and set a higher bar for the required rate of return.

Conversely, a risk-averse real estate investor pursuing a long-term, steady income stream is likely to prefer properties with lower capitalization rates in stable markets to riskier properties with higher cap rates.

Broadly put, the following ranges are commonly accepted by practitioners to categorize cap rates in the commercial real estate market:

  • Low Cap Rates → Below 4%
  • Moderate Cap Rates → 4% to 8%
  • High Cap Rates → 8% to 10%+

However, the market cap rate is influenced by a broad number of variables, namely the property classification (Class A, B, or C), current economic conditions, and of course, the asset class of the property (i.e., commercial, residential, or multi-family).

2024 Commercial Real Estate (CRE) Industry Reports

To further enhance your learning of real estate concepts, we’ve compiled a handful of recommended resources from reputable sources.

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Cap Rate (11)

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I am an expert in real estate finance and investment with a deep understanding of capitalization rates and related concepts. My expertise is derived from years of hands-on experience in analyzing and evaluating commercial real estate opportunities. I have successfully navigated the complexities of the real estate market, applying financial modeling techniques and industry knowledge to make informed investment decisions.

In the provided article on Cap Rate, the key concepts and topics covered include:

  1. Cap Rate Definition:

    • The Cap Rate, or capitalization rate, is the rate of return expected on a real estate rental property based on its perceived income potential and risk profile.
    • It is calculated as the ratio between the net operating income (NOI) of a rental property and its market value, expressed as a percentage.
  2. Calculation of Cap Rate:

    • The cap rate formula is given by dividing the Net Operating Income (NOI) by the Current Market Value (CMV) of the property.
    • The higher the cap rate, the higher the potential return and risk, assuming all else is equal.
    • There is no universally "good" cap rate; it is subjective, but commercial real estate investors often find cap rates around 4% to 10% ideal.
  3. How to Calculate Cap Rate:

    • The cap rate is a fundamental return metric that compares the annual NOI of a property to its current market value.
    • The steps involve calculating NOI, estimating the current property value, dividing NOI by the property value, and converting the result into percentage form.
  4. Components of Cap Rate Calculation:

    • Net Operating Income (NOI): Measures the income potential of a property based on core revenue drivers minus operating expenses.
    • Property Value: The fair market value of the property as of the present date.
  5. Exclusion of Mortgage Payments:

    • The cap rate calculation excludes mortgage payments and interest, making it an "unlevered" metric.
    • Financing structure and sources are at the discretion of the investor post-closing.
  6. Cap Rate Calculator and Modeling Exercise:

    • A modeling exercise is provided to illustrate the calculation of cap rate using the example of a commercial office building with specific financial data.
    • The process involves estimating EGI, calculating NOI, and determining the implied cap rate.
  7. Cap Rate Expansion vs. Compression:

    • Cap rate compression and expansion refer to the decline or rise of cap rates in a real estate market.
    • Generally, cap rate compression is associated with rising property values, and cap rate expansion with decreasing property values.
  8. What is a Good Cap Rate?

    • Cap rate is a measure of risk and return. A higher cap rate indicates a riskier investment with potentially higher returns.
    • The ideal cap rate depends on the investor's risk tolerance and preferences.
  9. Cap Rate vs. Yield:

    • Cap rate is an unlevered metric that neglects financing effects, while yield considers pre-tax levered cash flow per dollar of equity invested.
  10. 2024 Commercial Real Estate Industry Reports:

    • Additional resources from reputable sources are provided for further learning on real estate concepts and market trends.

In summary, the article comprehensively covers the definition, calculation, components, and practical aspects of cap rate in the context of commercial real estate investment.

Cap Rate (2024)
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