Can You Install The Starlink Router Outside? - Starlink Hardware (2024)

In a typical Starlink installation, the router is placed inside, with the Starlink cable routed through an exterior wall. Some users find themselves in a difficult situation, where their Starlink dish needs to be installed in a remote location. In some cases, this might call for the Starlink router to be installed outside.

Can You Install The Starlink Router Outside? - Starlink Hardware (1)
Can You Install The Starlink Router Outside? - Starlink Hardware (2)
Can You Install The Starlink Router Outside? - Starlink Hardware (3)

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Can the router be placed outside?

The Starlink router is IP54 rated, meaning it has some dust and water resistance. It can operate within a temperature range of -22°F to 122°F (-30°C to 50°C). With these specs, yes, the Starlink router can be placed outside in an appropriate weather-proof enclosure.

Factors to consider when installing the router outside

Placing the router inside is recommended if at all possible. Not only will the Wifi signal work better with the router placed indoors, it’s also much better protected from the elements. Starlink recommends placing the router indoors, even though it’s designed with dust and water resistance. If you need to install the router outside, here are a few things to consider:

  • Weather – The environment needs to stay within the Starlink routers operating temperature range of -22°F to 122°F (-30°C to 50°C). Excessive moisture, dust, heat, or cold can potentially damage the router. I recommend purchasing a weatherproof enclosure to better control the weather factor.
  • Location/Accessibility – The Starlink router doubles as a power supply for the dish. Not only does the installation location need to be accessible for maintenance/troubleshooting, you need to be sure AC power is available at the installation location.
  • Wifi/Ethernet Connectivity – How are you getting internet from the router to your home? Plan for how to get Ethernet and/or Wifi from the exterior router location to inside your home.
  • Building Codes – Check with your local code department to make sure your installation plan meets all building codes.
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Weatherproof enclosures for Starlink

If you put the router in something like the QILIPSU Junction Box above, it will be protected from the elements, and secure inside a lockable enclosure. The QILIPSU box is large enough to accommodate the Starlink Ethernet Adapter if you need to run Ethernet to your home, or if you are supplying a signal for a wireless point-to-point system. You’ll need to drill your own holes to route the AC power cable, Starlink cable, and any other cables you may require inside the box.

The Octide Outdoor Electrical Box is another waterproof enclosure that can house a Starlink router. This option is more premium, with metal materials, venting, and additional ports for cable management. You can even install a PC-style fan if you live in a hot environment and need extra cooling.

Final thoughts

Installing the Starlink router inside is preferred, but it can be placed outside as long as the environment stays within the specifications given by Starlink. I recommend purchasing a weatherproof enclosure to house the Starlink router. The weatherproof enclosure gives you additional protection from the elements, and allows for an easily accessible, secure installation.

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Can You Install The Starlink Router Outside? - Starlink Hardware (2024)
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