Can't Invest In A Crypto Hedge Fund? DIY With Shapeshift's Prism (2024)

This article is more than 6 years old.

With the market cap of all crypto assets quadrupling in the past few months to around $110 billion, and Bitcoin’s percentage of that plummeting over the last few months from 85% to below 50%, it’s clear that investors are interested not just in Bitcoin but in a whole host of other digital assets.

That is perhaps why Fidelity customers can now see their Coinbase bitcoin and ether balances, why almost 20 new hedge funds investing in diversified portfolios of crypto assets are launching this summer, and why initial coin offerings are raising more and more staggering sums of money with every passing hour.

However, as old hands in crypto know, for any non-accredited investors starting to invest in this space, it’s dangerous to leave your coins on an exchange. The history of Bitcoin and Ethereum is littered with monumental hacks and other mishaps at exchanges, ranging from the $470 million loss of coins from Mt. Gox to the flash crash of ether to $0.10 on Coinbase’s GDAX a couple months ago.

While traders have to keep their coins on an exchange, for the everyday buy-and-hold (or, buy-and-hodl, in bitcoin parlance) investor, that’s not a risk worth running. And buying a whole bunch of digital assets and then storing the private keys on your own hardware or paper wallets (a piece of paper spelling out the private keys) is risky in its own way. And then there’s the convenience factor. What if you want to quickly liquidate a position?

Enter crypto exchange Shapeshift’s recent investment product, Prism.

The first smart contract-based financial product[+][-]
on Ethereum, Prism by Shapeshift


Prism enables crypto investors to easily create Ethereum-based portfolios of multiple crypto assets without having to hold their coins on exchanges or undergo the painstaking process of buying and securing each type of coin. And although it’s in beta and needs further polishing, Prism feels like a breakthrough on multiple levels and represents an early consumer product that demonstrates the power of smart contracts.

“This is a groundbreaking product, because this is the first time there’s been a non-custodial portfolio,” said Erik Voorhees, Shapeshift’s chief executive officer, noting that bank consumers must trust banks with their money — which became a problem during the financial crisis, when banks didn’t know who owned which bad mortgages. Similarly, in 2015, bank customers in Cyprus were forced to take a unilateral haircut, which was applied across all their bank accounts — a problem crypto asset holders can avoid if they custody their own assets through a product like Prism.

Since it’s non-custodial, that means Prism is not actually investing in and holding the assets you’ve chosen. So if you make money on your prism, where do your gains comes from? From Shapeshift. Right now, Shapeshift is fully collateralizing each prism. (So far, the beta is open only to 1,275 users, with 200 active prisms, a number that decreased last week in the wake of the Bitcoin hard fork.) So, if your portfolio rises 20% and you close it, you get 20% more ether than when you opened it, and that comes from the collateral Shapeshift put up. If you lose 20% and close it, then Shapeshift gets 20% of the ether you put up. In the background, Shapeshift hedges by going long on the short positions it’s assumed.

The next big feature Shapeshift plans to roll out, tentatively set for January, is for users to take the other side of prisms, rather than Shapeshift taking them all. Right now, Shapeshift says it plans to make it possible for users to take the other side of individual assets within prisms as well as whole prisms.

Olaf Carlson-Wee, founder and CEO of crypto hedge fund Polychain Capital, who is well-acquainted with the process of creating a diversified portfolio of crypto assets and has also been in Bitcoin since 2011, feels Prism’s user-friendliness makes it a significant step forward: “If you want a portfolio of 10 crypto tokens, it would take an entire day at least to just execute that portfolio. If you sign up for Coinbase on day 1, you have $1,000 and want to put $100 in 10 cryptos, that’s a seven-hour process of signing up on exchanges, purchasing bitcoin, registering your identity, registering bank accounts, actually getting your bitcoin, transferring your bitcoin, waiting for however long it takes for confirmation, then trading on a crypto-to-crypto order book, and then having to pull all those off the exchanges if you want to be secure. Then you’re downloading wallet software for 10 different cryptocurrencies and syncing with those blockchains potentially. It’s a complete disaster from a user experience perspective. This is what I have to do at Polychain. This is what I’m good at. But for regular people, they now can just get $1,000 of ether and now there’s still friction of going to Coinbase, but once they have that, they can instantly gain exposure to a portfolio of crypto assets. It’s way, way easier.”

Another compelling aspect of Prism is that it enables investors to make Ethereum derivatives of other blockchain-based assets. For instance, you could create a prismof justMonero. While you wouldn’t be able to use Monero’s privacy features, you couldnowtrade that Monero asset in a way that’s Ethereum compatible. While many people are working on making blockchains interoperable, Carlson-Wee calls Prism, at least ina financialsense, “the beginning of this larger trend where cross-chain interactions become easy.”

Even more, Prism has a social aspect, through a leaderboard on the site that ranks prisms. Chris Burniske, the first buy-side analyst to focus exclusively on crypto assets, who also tested the product, says this makes asset management fun. “The mistrust that some millennials have for markets could be overcome because it becomes a social and enjoyable experience,” he said. “It will allow good fund managers to naturally rise to the top without needing to start off with a bunch of connections, so it democratizes fund management.” Also, each fund manager’s track record is auditable on the blockchain.

Additionally, Voorhees, who has been involved with Bitcoin since 2011 and believes Prism is the first real-world consumer-facing financial smart contract on Ethereum, emphasized the product was available all over the world: “You can imagine a 20-year-old kid in Nigeria managing a portfolio of millions with his phone.” And ifother investorsfollowed or copied his prisms, he’d reap some of their fees.

I was allowed early into the beta and found the process easy overall, though still a little bit technical for the everyday consumer who is not acquainted with cryptocurrency. Also, the product is new and isn’t as robust as it has the potential to be, so certain features you would expect from an asset management tool, such as line graphs showing portfolio performance over time, are missing.

I downloaded an app called Exodus, which is a desktop wallet with Shapeshift built in. (Learn about the different type of Bitcoin wallets here.) I then logged into my Coinbase account, where I held some ether, and sent 1 ether from my Coinbase wallet to my ether address on Exodus. The reason that step is necessary is that when you’re dealing with a smart contract like Prism, you need to do so from a wallet where you are in control of the private keys. Services like Coinbase and Xapo take care of your private keys for you, so if you want to interact with a smart contract, you need to use ether held on a wallet you control.

It took 30 seconds for my ether from Coinbase to show up on Exodus. Anyone who has experienced the minimum one- to three-day delay on making a domestic bank transfer — or a week or more for international transfers — should understand why I got a thrill when I saw my ether in Exodus nearly immediately. Even though I write about blockchain technology all the time, when I actually use it, it feels like magic, like I’m living in the future.

Then, I selected my tokens and their allocation. (I chose the privacy coins Monero and Zcash, prediction market Augur’s REP token, Ethereum, storage coin Sia and decentralized computing coin Maidsafe.) To fund the prism, I entered my public Ethereum address from my Exodus wallet, and then Prism told me how much ETH to send to a particular address. I did so from Exodus, and then watched as the funds were received, validated, collateralized, finalized, etc. Within three minutes, I had a prism.

When creating my prism, however, I was confused by the tokens offered, as some obscure ones were available, but other popular ones like were not. For instance, they have Clams, which is ranked about 180th by market cap, but not IOTA, which is ranked 9th, or EOS, which is 16th. Voorhees says that the available currencies is influenced by Shapeshift’s ability to hedge its positions. But over time, the company expects to offer 100-200 tokens.

Shapeshift was initially charging 1% a month to hold a Shapeshift and 2.4% to close it out, but after an outcry over the high monthly fee, they changed both fees to 0% during beta and will eventually shiftthe monthly fee to a market-based one. (The 2.4% closing fee will remain.) With a market-based fee, some people could actually be paid to either go long or short a prism. For instance, if more people are going long with prisms, afee could be paid to people going short. Voorhees paints a scenario in which people could take the other sides of prisms as a way of earning more interest on their money than they could with an interest-earning bank account. For instance, if someone decides to take the short side of a 100 Litecoin prism for a monthly fee of half a percent, provided they hedge their 100 LTC short, it won’t matter to them if Litecoin goes up or down. “If it goes up, they lose on the prism, but they make money on their hedge, so it’s a wash. But they get the fee per month on the capital. … Compared to what they could make at a bank, you can imagine people would be pretty excited to make 6% in a smart contract where the rules of the payments could be reviewed by them.”

Then again, compared to what they could make just by investing in bitcoin, ether or another crypto, they may not be so excited by those returns.

For my first prism, at one point, I was #6 on the leaderboard, but it’s been downhill from there. I’m currently ranked 114, down almost 13%, whereas if I’d kept my ether, I’d be up almost 14%. Despite that,like any good asset manager, I don’t plan to selllow.

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Laura Shin

A former senior editor of Forbes, I’m a crypto journalist, host of the Unchained podcasts and author of The Cryptopians: Idealism, Greed, Lies, and the Making of the First Big Cryptocurrency Craze.

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Can't Invest In A Crypto Hedge Fund? DIY With Shapeshift's Prism (2024)


Is ShapeShift crypto legit? ›

The founder is Erik Voorhees. The Swiss-based company is popular with millions globally to exchange digital assets quickly and easily. So, yes, it's a safe crypto broker. Our ShapeShift review looks at what you can expect from a cryptocurrency exchange.

Can you invest in your own hedge fund? ›

You generally must be an accredited investor, which means having a minimum level of income or assets, to invest in hedge funds. Typical investors include institutional investors, such as pension funds and insurance companies, and wealthy individuals.

Are crypto hedge funds legal? ›

In the U.S., private crypto hedge fund managers at the adviser level are regulated under the Investment Advisers Act (SEC) and the Commodity Exchange Commission Act (CFTC), which classify portfolio assets as securities or commodities.

How much money do you need to be able to invest in a hedge fund? ›

1 2 Hedge fund general partners and managers often create high minimum investment requirements. It is not uncommon for a hedge fund to require at least $100,000 or even as much as $1 million to participate.

Does ShapeShift report to IRS? ›

ShapeShift: ShapeShift is a digital asset exchange that allows users to trade cryptocurrencies without having to create an account. Transactions on ShapeShift are anonymous, and therefore do not need to be reported to the IRS.

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  • The government coming after you. No matter what government it is, they would want to kill you, use you as a weapon, interrogate you, experiment on you, or some combination of the above.
  • Weak sense of identity. ...
  • Friends getting jealous, uncomfortable, or angry. ...
  • Being distrusted. ...
  • Any limitations of your powers.
Nov 23, 2018

Who Cannot invest in a hedge fund? ›

To invest in hedge funds as an individual, you must be an institutional investor, like a pension fund, or an accredited investor. Accredited investors have a net worth of at least $1 million, not including the value of their primary residence, or annual individual incomes over $200,000 ($300,000 if you're married).

Why can t you pursue PE investing yourself? ›

Investing in PE requires specialized skills, knowledge, and experience that are not readily available within the organization. Furthermore, PE investing is highly regulated, which means that investors need to have a deep understanding of the regulatory landscape in order to stay compliant.

Which hedge fund has the highest return? ›

Its sources include meetings with firm executives, audited and management reports, and other sources, it says. Billionaire Ken Griffin's Citadel remained in pole position in 2023, with $74 billion in gains since its creation in 1990.

How much do crypto hedge fund traders make? ›

$66,000 is the 25th percentile. Salaries below this are outliers. $123,500 is the 75th percentile. Salaries above this are outliers.

How do crypto hedge funds make money? ›

Crypto hedge funds generate revenue through an annual management fee, typically ranging from 1% to 4% of the invested amount. In addition, investors may also be obligated to pay a percentage of earned profits as performance fees to the managing team.

Are hedge funds illegal in the US? ›

Hedge funds are subject to the same trading reporting and record-keeping requirements as other investors in publicly traded securities. They are also subject to a number of additional restrictions and regulations, including a limit on the number and type of investors that each fund may have.

What is the 2 20 rule for hedge funds? ›

The 2 and 20 is a hedge fund compensation structure consisting of a management fee and a performance fee. 2% represents a management fee which is applied to the total assets under management. A 20% performance fee is charged on the profits that the hedge fund generates, beyond a specified minimum threshold.

How do I start a small hedge fund? ›

How to legally start a hedge fund
  1. Define your strategy. The first thing you need to do is define your investment strategy as clearly as possible. ...
  2. Incorporate. ...
  3. Complete the proper registrations. ...
  4. Write your investment agreement. ...
  5. Get your team together. ...
  6. Market yourself. ...
  7. Launch.

Can you just start a hedge fund? ›

In order to start a hedge fund in the United States, two business entities typically need to be formed. The first entity is created for the hedge fund itself and the second entity is created for the hedge fund's investment manager.

How does ShapeShift crypto work? ›

ShapeShift offers fully decentralized trading. This means you trade with other users and there's no centralized intermediary controlling your keys, unlike with central exchanges. Additionally, we don't add any commissions. Start Trading on our web app.

Is ShapeShift still in business? ›

It operated—an online platform through which until early 2021 customers could buy and sell certain crypto assets. On July 14, 2021, ShapeShift announced that it was dissolving its corporate entity. ShapeShift does not currently have any revenue or full-time employees.

Is ShapeShift Fox a good investment? ›

Will ShapeShift FOX be a wise investment in 2024? After evaluating various quantitative technical indicators, ShapeShift FOX appears to have a neutral forecast for 2024. Always consider both fundamental and technical analysis before investing in any cryptocurrency.

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