Can body armor drink go bad if not refrigerated? (2024)

Body Armor is a popular sports drink marketed as a healthier alternative to traditional sports drinks like Gatorade or Powerade. It contains coconut water, vitamins, electrolytes, and other ingredients designed to hydrate and replenish the body. Like any food or beverage, though, Body Armor drinks can spoil if not stored properly. So can Body Armor drinks go bad if they are not refrigerated? Let’s take a closer look.

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Can Unopened Body Armor Drinks Go Bad?

Unopened, commercially packaged Body Armor drinks will typically last for 9-12 months past the printed expiration date if stored in a cool, dry place away from heat and sunlight. The expiration date is usually printed on the side or bottom of the bottle or can.

As long as the bottle or can remains unopened and properly sealed, bacteria cannot get inside to the drink itself. So an unopened Body Armor drink will stay safe to consume for a while after the expiration date as long as it has been stored correctly.

However, over time, the nutrients, vitamins, flavor, and overall quality of the drink will slowly degrade. An expired drink may taste flatter or slightly off compared to a fresh bottle. Although not guaranteed to make you sick, an unopened but expired Body Armor drink is best to avoid drinking.

Does Refrigeration Extend the Shelf Life?

Yes, refrigerating unopened Body Armor drinks can help extend their shelf life past the expiration date. The cool temperature of the refrigerator slows down the degradation process. An unopened bottle stored in the fridge may stay good for up to 1-2 years past its printed date.

Refrigeration is most helpful if the drink has been kept in a warm environment up until being chilled. Storing it in a cooler place to begin with, like a pantry, increases the time it can safely last at room temperature. But the fridge will always keep it fresher for longer.

How Long Does Opened Body Armor Last When Refrigerated?

Once opened, Body Armor only lasts 1-2 weeks in the refrigerator before going bad. The introduction of oxygen starts the countdown towards spoilage. Signs that an opened, refrigerated Body Armor drink has gone bad include:

– Changes in appearance: The liquid becomes cloudy or discolored instead of clear. Particles, flakes, or slime may appear. The color fades.

– Changes in texture: It feels thicker, stickier, or takes on a jelly-like consistency.

– Changes in smell: A sour, rotten, or off odor develops.

– Changes in taste: The flavor is off, with a bitter, sour, or rancid taste. It may burn or sting your throat when swallowed.

– Carbonation is lost: The drink loses its fizzy quality and goes flat.

If you notice any of the above signs, do not drink the Body Armor and discard it. The nutrients have broken down and bacteria may be present. For best quality, drink refrigerated Body Armor within 5-7 days of opening. Never leave it sitting out at room temperature.

Does Body Armor Go Bad Unrefrigerated When Opened?

Yes, opened Body Armor will go bad much quicker if left unrefrigerated. The manufacturer recommends consuming or discarding opened bottles within 2 days. Without refrigeration, bacteria and mold can multiply rapidly.

The exact timeline depends on storage conditions. If left in a hot environment, opened Body Armor can go bad in under 24 hours. At room temperature around 70°F, it may last up to 3 days before excessive spoilage. But refrigeration is really best once the bottle is open.

Do not drink Body Armor that has been left unrefrigerated after opening for more than 2 days. Check for the previously mentioned signs of spoilage. When in doubt, throw it out.

Does Body Armor Need to Be Refrigerated Before Opening?

No, Body Armor drinks do not need to be refrigerated before opening. Commercially packaged, unopened bottles are designed to remain shelf-stable at room temperature. Refrigeration can extend the shelf life, but is not required.

The key is storing them properly away from direct light, heat sources, temperature fluctuations, and high humidity. Ideal conditions are a dry pantry or cupboard around 50-70°F.

Avoid leaving Body Armor in hot places like a garage, car, or outside in the sun. The heat can accelerate nutrient breakdown even before opening. Check expiration dates and store unopened bottles up to one year. Then refrigerate promptly when opened.

Signs Your Unopened Body Armor Has Gone Bad

Although rare if stored correctly, even unopened Body Armor can go bad before the expiration date in some cases. Here are signs that an unopened, shelf-stable Body Armor drink may have already spoiled:

– Bulging or leaking container: If the bottle or can swells up or leaks liquid, do not consume it. This indicates built up gas and microbial growth.

– Changes in consistency: Shaking the bottle reveals thickening or separation. The liquid inside turns cloudy, chunky, gel-like, or flaky.

– Odor: A sour, rotten, or unpleasant smell comes from the container when opened. This scent should not be present.

– Mold: Visible mold spots or fuzz on the lid or seal indicates spoilage. Spores have contaminated the drink.

– Bottle rusting: Rust spots or corroded metal on the lid mean the drink has been exposed to moisture and bacteria.

– Expiration date: If the best by date has long since passed, the drink is likely expired. Still inspect it closely and do not consume drinks more than 1-2 years past this date.

When in doubt, remember it is better to be safe than sorry. If your Body Armor shows any odd characteristics, err on the side of caution and throw it away.

Tips to Tell When Unrefrigerated Body Armor Goes Bad

Here are some tips for identifying when an unrefrigerated, opened Body Armor drink has spoiled and needs to be discarded:

– Trust your senses – Check for changes in appearance, texture, and smell or odor. Cloudiness, clumping, stickiness, or foul smells indicate spoilage.

– Watch for leaks – Spills, oozing liquid, or leaks around the bottle cap are a sign gases and bacteria have built up inside.

– Mind the timeline – Opened Body Armor should not be left unrefrigerated for more than 48 hours before discarding.

– Check for carbonation – Flat or lost carbonation means microbes have been at work breaking down components.

– When doubt, toss it out – If there is any questionable change from a fresh drink, do not take risks and get rid of it.

The bottom line is proper refrigeration and avoiding prolonged exposure to heat and air limit how quickly opened Body Armor will deteriorate. If changes arise or you are uncertain, it is safest to discard and open a fresh bottle.

Does Freezing Body Armor Extend Its Shelf Life?

Freezing is not recommended for extending the shelf life of Body Armor drinks. The high water content means large ice crystals will form during freezing, damaging the cell structure of the liquid. This can degrade the flavor and nutritional value.

Thawing will also cause separation of ingredients. The drink may take on a curdled, lumpy, watery, or coagulated texture that is unappetizing.

Additionally, frozen drinks are prone to exploding. As the liquid expands during freezing, it can burst through a glass bottle or split a can. The container may rupture, making a big mess.

For longest shelf life of unopened Body Armor, refrigerator storage between 35-40°F is better than freezing. And consume opened bottles within 5-7 days. Freezing can damage the drink, so it is best avoided.

Can You Microwave Body Armor to Reheat?

It is not recommended to microwave Body Armor drinks to reheat them. The high heat can breakdown nutrients and alter flavors. Things may start separating or curdling.

Additionally, microwaving in a sealed container runs the risk of exploding or leaking. The rapid boiling and steam buildup can pop off lids.

For best results, chill Body Armor in the refrigerator and consume within a week of opening. Do not freeze or microwave bottles. If warming is desired, heat a glass mug of it slowly on the stove or in a coffee maker. Just avoid high heats that will damage the drink’s integrity.

Does Body Armor Need to Be Refrigerated After Opening?

Yes, Body Armor should always be refrigerated after opening. The introduction of oxygen starts a countdown to spoilage at room temperature.

To limit microbial growth and preserve nutrients, store opened bottles in the fridge. Ideal storage temperature is 34–40°F.

Drink refrigerated Body Armor within 1 week for best quality. Discard any bottles that have been left unrefrigerated for more than 48 hours after opening.

Proper chilling inhibits bacteria and mold growth that can cause quicker spoilage. Refrigerate or consume opened Body Armor drinks right away. Never leave them sitting out.

Can You Refreeze Thawed Body Armor?

Once thawed, previously frozen Body Armor should not be refrozen. The initial freezing process likely damaged the cell structure, nutrient content, flavor, and texture.

Refreezing will compound this breakdown of quality. The drink is also more prone to bacterial growth during temperature fluctuations.

Instead, thaw frozen Body Armor in the refrigerator overnight until completely liquid. Then consume within 5-7 days for best quality. Avoid refreezing thawed drinks.

Does Body Armor Need to Be Refrigerated Before Opening?

No, unopened Body Armor drinks do not need to be refrigerated before opening. Commercially packaged bottles are formulated for shelf stability at room temperature.

Store unopened Body Armor in a cool, dry place out of direct sunlight and away from heat sources. Ideal storage temperatures are 50–70°F, such as in a pantry or cupboard.

Avoid unrefrigerated storage in hot spots like near appliances, in the garage, or outdoors. Check expiration dates and consume within 9-12 months. Then refrigerate promptly after opening.

How to Store Unopened Body Armor

Follow these tips for properly storing unopened Body Armor drinks:

– Check the best by date and do not purchase bottles past this timeframe.

– Inspect packaging to ensure it is intact, not leaking, bulging, or damaged.

– Store at room temperature of 50-70°F in a dark, dry place like a pantry or cupboard.

– Keep away from heat, moisture, and direct sunlight which can accelerate spoilage.

– Avoid storage in hot spots like near appliances, in garages, or outdoors.

– Keep the cap sealed tight until ready to open.

– Refrigerate after opening and consume within 1 week.

– Do not freeze unopened bottles as this can damage flavors and cause leakage.

Proper storage before opening helps unopened Body Armor retain its nutritional value and taste while waiting to be consumed. Then promptly refrigerate the drink once it has been opened.

Should You Refrigerate Body Armor Overnight?

It’s not necessary to refrigerate unopened bottles of Body Armor overnight since they are formulated to be shelf-stable. However, brief refrigeration can still be beneficial.

Cooler temperatures help slow down vitamin and nutrient degradation. Chilling overnight can also enhance the flavor profile and make the drink more refreshing.

When traveling or sending kids to school/practice, packing a bottle from the fridge into a lunchbox or cooler can help keep it chilled for hours. The pre-cooling gives it more time out of refrigeration.

Once opened, Body Armor should always be refrigerated and consumed within 1 week. But an occasional overnight chill of an unopened bottle is certainly not harmful. Just leave plenty of time for it to return to room temperature before opening to avoid messy explosions.


In summary, unopened Body Armor drinks can typically last 9-12 months past the printed expiration date if stored properly in a cool, dry place. Refrigeration can extend this up to 1-2 years. Once opened, Body Armor only lasts about 1-2 weeks refrigerated before spoiling. Leaving an opened bottle unrefrigerated for more than 2 days is not recommended.

Signs that Body Armor has gone bad include changes in smell, taste, appearance, carbonation, and texture. Do not consume Body Armor drinks exhibiting signs of spoilage. For best quality, refrigerate promptly after opening and finish within one week. While not required initially, refrigerating unopened bottles overnight can help enhance flavor and nutrition. Follow proper storage and refrigeration guidelines, and discard any bottles showing signs of deterioration for optimal safety and enjoyment.

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Can body armor drink go bad if not refrigerated? (2024)


Can body armor drink go bad if not refrigerated? ›

Unopened BodyArmor drinks have a stable shelf life. You can store them without worries until the “best by” date. Once opened, if not refrigerated, the drink should be consumed within a day to prevent spoilage or bacterial growth.

How long is BODYARMOR good for out of the fridge? ›

We recommend consuming BODYARMOR within 24 hours of opening.

What happens if you don't refrigerate a drink after opening? ›

If you leave it out, it will lose all the characteristics and flavor of soda which will probably cause you to throw it out due to poor taste. It will not make you sick (as long as left out only for a few days) but you will most likely not be interested in finishing the drink.

How do you know if BODYARMOR drink is expired? ›

BODYARMOR sports drink in base and LYTE flavors as well as EDGE all have a production date code printed on them and from that date you can infer the best by date. If you see a number like 20300 then “20” signifies 2020, and “300” signifies Oct. 27th.

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Filtered Water, Pure Cane Sugar, Coconut Water Concentrate, Citric Acid, Dipotassium Phosphate (Electrolyte), Vegetable Juice Concentrate (Color), Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C), Magnesium Oxide (Electrolyte), Calcium D-Pantothenate (Vitamin B5), Niacinamide (Vitamin B3), Natural Fruit Punch Flavor with Other Natural ...

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The Body Armor bottle says to refrigerate after opening. The Body Armor bottle says to refrigerate after opening.

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All body armor should be stored in a cool dry place with as little direct sunlight exposure as possible. When storing the armor, you should consider how the place it is in and what is around it could affect it. If possible, store your armor flat or on a hanger specifically meant for armor.

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Storage Instructions

Once opened, refrigerate and use within 48 hours.

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Under normal conditions, Gatorade maintains fresh flavor approximately 3-5 days in a refrigerator if tightly capped and refrigerated within 24 hours of opening. Gatorade should be kept refrigerated or chilled (40 to 60 degrees F.) after opening.

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Why do drinks say refrigerate after opening? - Quora. An unopened drink is sealed with no bacteria or viruses in the liquid. As soon it is opened, various “germs" can get in. And, if you drink from the container, more gets in from contact with your mouth.

Why does body armor go bad? ›

Moisture, heat and flexing can affect the panels and, in turn, affect the body armor's lifespan. A person's weight will also affect the lifespan of bulletproof vests. If a person loses a significant amount of weight, it can place stress on the ballistic panels.

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The shelf lives of Armor All® protectant products are at least five years from date of manufacture.” Products may last longer than our shelf life.

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It's easily preventable, but advised that with enough wear and tear, you should replace your armor after several years of daily use. Armor manufacturers build our products to the 5 years of simulated daily wear standard, and this is what you should think about when deciding whether to replace your armor.

What are the worms in BODYARMOR? ›

Dragon silk is a material created by Kraig Biocraft Laboratories of Ann Arbor, Michigan from genetically modified silkworms to create body armor. Dragon silk combines the elasticity and strength of spider silk.

Is there a recall on BODYARMOR drink? ›

BODYARMOR Sports Nutrition is voluntarily recalling a limited quantity of BODYARMOR SportWater in the packages noted below with the Manufacture side Code “UNX” due to potential food safety concerns in one of our manufacturing sites on products that may have shipped to stores.

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BodyArmor is differentiating itself by its ingredients — or lack thereof — compared to Gatorade, since it isn't made with artificial sweeteners, flavors or dyes compared to its competitors.

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It's easily preventable, but advised that with enough wear and tear, you should replace your armor after several years of daily use. Armor manufacturers build our products to the 5 years of simulated daily wear standard, and this is what you should think about when deciding whether to replace your armor.

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The average lifespan of a bullet proof vest is between five and ten years. Over time, the ballistic materials used in the ballistic panel will show some degradation, decreasing it's performance. Some ballistic materials, such as Aramids, degradate more quickly than others.

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While there are many misconceptions around the topic, your life can depend on knowing the signs of expired armor. Body armor, and many other kinds of defense gear, are manufactured with an expiration date. Typically, between five to ten years depending on the manufacturer's warranty.

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