Can A Dirty Filter Really Ruin My Washing Machine? (2024)

The washing machine filter is designed to capture all debris in your clothes like lint, animal hair, human hair, or small items like hairpins, etc. This debris can build up and cause problems if you don’t clean it regularly. Checking and washing this component should be a part of your regular washing machine service process.

Does a Clogged Filter Cause Damage?

Clogged filters will compromise the appliance’s efficiency significantly. Your clothes will smell musty, have detergent residue, lint residue, and will remain relatively unclean even after a wash. Inefficient appliances consume more energy, which means you will have higher electricity bills as well.

Can A Dirty Filter Really Ruin My Washing Machine? (1)

A clogged washing machine filter will also develop mold and mildew if it isn’t cleaned regularly. Spores will get into your clothes during the wash and cause allergic reactions if you’re not careful.

The machine will have a shorter lifespan without regular cleaning or maintenance. These appliances are built to last for around 7 to 13 years if they are maintained well. Call professionals for washer repair and get your appliance serviced regularly to maintain consistent performance.

Most manufacturers provide detailed instructions on how to use and maintain their appliances. You won’t need to replace machines often if you follow these instructions diligently. An experienced service professional will also recommend solutions to extend the appliance’s lifespan.

When Should You Check and Clean a Filter?

Experts recommend cleaning and inspecting this filter every three months to ensure it doesn’t clog. Some recommend doing it every month if your use drying sheets as they produce more debris than clothes. Check the filter if you notice problems like:

  • Slow Drainage – Your machine will be slow to drain if the filter is clogged. Most units will drain within 2-5 minutes based on the appliance’s capacity.
  • Strange Odors – Do the clothes smell musty instead of freshly washed? This can happen if the washing machine filter is too full.
  • Lint Residue – Check your machine if there’s too much lint residue on your clothes. That’s a sign that the filter isn’t doing its job.

Check the manufacturer’s manual for more detailed guidelines on when and how to clean a filter. Follow their instructions carefully to ensure you don’t damage the component during cleaning. Contact us if you need expert washing machine service. A trained technician will arrive at your home to examine the machine and provide repair solutions.

Can A Dirty Filter Really Ruin My Washing Machine? (2024)
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