California Eviction Process (2023): Grounds, Steps & Timeline (2024)

Last Updated: December 6, 2023 by Phil Ahn

From start to finish, an eviction in California can take around 5 to 8 weeks, depending on the reason for eviction and whether the tenant contests it.

Grounds for an Eviction in California

In California, a landlord cannot legally evict a tenant without cause. Legal grounds to evict include:

  • Not paying rent on time
  • Staying after the lease ends
  • Violating lease terms
  • Committing illegal activity

Depending on the grounds for eviction, the landlord needs to give proper notice and provide the tenant a chance to cure the violation.

GroundsNotice PeriodCurable?
Nonpayment of Rent3 DaysYes
End of Lease or No Lease30/60 DaysNo
Lease Violations3 DaysYes
Illegal Activity or Repeat Violations3 DaysNo


Even when there are legal grounds to evict, proper noticemust first be given before ending the tenancy.

Nonpayment of Rent

In California, a landlord can evict a tenant for not paying rent on time. The landlord must first serve the tenant a 3 days’ notice to quit, which gives the tenant a chance to pay the balance due or move out.

Unless the lease states otherwise, rent is due at the beginning of each month and is considered late in California the day immediately after its due date. California landlordsare notrequired to give tenants a rent payment grace period. However, if the lease or rental agreement allows for one, then the landlordmusthonor it.

If the tenant does not pay the balance due or move out by the end of the notice period, the landlord can move forward and file an eviction lawsuit.


If rent is due on March 1st, it will be considered late starting on March 2nd, unless the lease specifically states there is a grace period.

End of Lease or No Lease

In California, a landlordcanevict a tenant who does not have a lease (“tenant at will”) or has a lease that has terminated and continues to remain on the premises (“holdover tenant”). For tenants with no lease or a lease of less than 1 year, the landlord serves a30-day notice. For tenancies of1 year or more, the landlord serves a60-day notice.

If the tenant does not move out by the end of the notice period, the landlord can move forward and file an eviction lawsuit.

Lease Violations

In California, a landlord can evict a tenant for violating the terms of their lease or not upholding their legal responsibilities under California landlord-tenant law. Landlords must first serve the tenant a 3 days’ notice to perform covenants or vacate, which gives the tenant a chance to fix the issue or move out.

Lease violations include:

  • Failing to maintain the premises in a clean and sanitary manner
  • Not disposing of garbage or other waste properly
  • Using electrical, gas, plumbing or other fixtures in an unreasonable or unsafe manner
  • Causing minor property damage (i.e. small holes in the sheetrock and missing blinds)
  • Refusing to allow the landlord access to the rental unit
  • Subletting or assigning the premises without the landlord’s consent

If thetenant does not fix the issue or move out by the end of the notice period, the landlord can move forward and file an eviction lawsuit.

Illegal Activity or Repeat Violations

In California, a landlord can evict a tenant for committing illegal activity on the premises. To do so, the landlord must first serve the tenant a 3 days’ notice to vacate. The tenant does not have the option to fix the issue and must move out within the 3-day period.

In California, illegal activity includes:

  • Engaging in or promoting prostitution
  • Making criminal threats or engaging in criminal activity
  • Permitting or committing a criminal nuisance
  • Using a firearm or other deadly weapon
  • Causing substantial destruction to the premises
  • Committing illegal drug activity

If the tenant does not move out by the end of the notice period, the landlord can move forward and file an eviction lawsuit.

Illegal Evictions in California

In California, there are a few different types of eviction actions that are illegal. If proven in court, the landlord could be liable for actual damages sustained, punitive damages in an amount not less than $100 or no more than $2,000 for each retaliatory act, and reasonable attorneys’ fees.

“Self-Help” Evictions

A landlord isnot allowed to attempt to forcibly remove a tenant by:

  • Changing the locks
  • Shutting off utilities
  • Removing tenant belongings

A tenant can only be legally removed with a court order obtained through the formal eviction process.

Retaliatory Evictions

It is illegal for a landlord to evict a tenant in response to exercising a legally protected right.

These rights include:

  • Complaining to the landlord about an issue with the property
  • Contacting a local or government agency about an issue with the property
  • Joining, supporting or organizing a tenant union or organization
  • Pursuing a legal action against the landlord
  • Withholding rent for uninhabitable rental units

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California Eviction Process (2023): Grounds, Steps & Timeline (1)

Steps of the eviction process in California:

  1. Landlord serves tenant with written notice of violations
  2. Landlord files a complaint with the court due to unresolved violations
  3. Court serves tenant with summons and complaint
  4. Tenant files an answer
  5. Court holds hearing and issues a judgment
  6. Court issues a writ of possession
  7. Constable returns possession of property to landlord

Step 1: Landlord Serves Notice to Tenant

A landlord can begin the eviction process in California by serving the tenant with written notice. The notice must be delivered using one of the following methods:

  1. Handing the notice to the tenant in person
  2. Handing the notice to a person of suitable age at the property AND mailing the notice by certified or registered mail with a return receipt
  3. Posting the notice in a conspicuous place at the premises, such as the entry door, AND mailing the notice by certified or registered mail with a return receipt


Landlords should always keep the original signed notice and declaration of service as proof of proper service if the case proceeds to court.

3-Day Notice to Quit

In California, if a tenant is late on paying rent (full or partial), the landlord can serve them a 3-Day Notice to Quit. This eviction notice gives the tenant 3 daysto pay the balance due or vacate the premises.

30-Day Notice to Vacate

For a tenant with no lease or a month-to-month lease in California who has resided at the property for less than 1 year, the landlord can serve them a 30-Day Notice to Vacate to terminate the tenancy. This lease termination notice allows the tenant 30 days to move out.

For tenants that don’t pay rent monthly, the amount of notice does not change since the notice period is based on the length of tenancy.

60-Day Notice to Vacate

For a tenant with a month-to-month lease in California who has resided at the property for 1 year or more, the landlord can serve them a 60-Day Notice to Vacate to terminate the tenancy. This lease termination notice allows the tenant 60 days to move out.

For tenants that don’t pay rent monthly, the amount of notice does not change since the notice period is based on the length of tenancy.

3-Day Notice to Perform Covenants or Vacate

In California, if a tenant commits a minor violation of the terms of their lease or legal responsibilities, the landlord can serve them a 3-Day Notice to Perform Covenants or Vacate. This eviction notice gives the tenant 3 daysto fix the issue or move out.

3-Day Notice to Vacate

In California, if a tenant commits illegal activity on the premises, the landlord can serve them a 3-Day Notice to Vacate. This eviction notice gives the tenant 3 days to move out without the chance to fix the issue.

California Eviction Process (2023): Grounds, Steps & Timeline (2)

Step 2: Landlord Files Lawsuit with Court

If the notice period ends and the tenant remains on the property, the next step in the eviction process allows the landlord to file a complaint and summons with the Superior Court. The proper jurisdiction will be in the county in which the property is located.

The complaint should include the following information:

  • Landlord and tenant contact information
  • The rental address including county
  • The type of tenancy and lease agreement
  • If the tenancy is subject to the Tenant Protection Act of 2019
  • The grounds for eviction (i.e., nonpayment of rent, lease violation, etc.)
  • The type of notice that was served, the date of service, and the method of delivery service
  • The landlord’s demand requests (i.e., possession, rent due, attorney’s fees, damages, etc.)
  • If the tenancy is subject to rent control

Additionally, if applicable, the following documents should be attached to the complaint for the court’s records:

  • A copy of the lease or rental agreement (if there is one) and any written changes the tenant agreed to
  • A copy of the eviction notice
  • A copy of written proof that notice was given (i.e., return receipt for mailer, etc.)

Some courts in California have additional local forms to complete, so check with the court clerk’s office for any additional requirements.

California Eviction Process (2023): Grounds, Steps & Timeline (3)

Step 3: Court Serves Tenant with Summons and Complaint

The summons and complaint can be served on the tenant by anyone who is at least 18 years old and not part of the case such as the sheriff. The landlord must have the tenant served within 60 days of filing the complaint, or the case could be dismissed by the court. The individual who serves the tenant must complete a Proof of Service of Summons form which must be filed with the Court Clerk.

The summons and complaint may be served by one of the following methods:

  1. Giving a copy of the summons and complaint to the tenant person
  2. Leaving a copy of the summons and complaint with the person in charge during normal business hours at the tenant’s place of work and mailing a copy of the summons and complaint by first-class mail
  3. Posting a copy of the summons and complaint in a conspicuous place on the rental unit

If the summons and complaint are left with someone other than the tenant, or posted on the rental property, then a copy must also be mailed to the tenant for service to be considered “complete.”


Upon the landlord filing, the court will provide notice to the tenant within 60 days.

California Eviction Process (2023): Grounds, Steps & Timeline (4)

Step 4: Answer is Filed

In California, tenants are not required to file a formal, written answer to an eviction complaint. If the tenant chooses to fight and challenge the eviction, the process can take much longer and can include a number of additional steps (i.e., the judge might order for both parties to appear at a hearing).

The answer must be filed within 5 days and an 10 daysare given for delivery by mail.

If the tenant fails to respond, a landlordmay ask for a default judgment and request for immediate order of possession without needing to go to a court hearing.

If the tenantdoes respond, the landlordmust file a request for a hearing, asking the court to set a hearing date for the eviction.To challenge the eviction, the tenant should be prepared to write down the reasons why he or she shouldn’t be forced to move out. The answers should be given both the Court Clerk and the landlord.

Both the default judgment and the order of possession bypass the hearing; therefore, the tenant will not have the opportunity to present their case for why they should be allowed to remain in the rental unit.


A tenant will have between 5-15 days to file an answer, depending how the tenant was served with the summons and complaint.

California Eviction Process (2023): Grounds, Steps & Timeline (5)

Step 5: Court Holds Hearing and Issues Judgment

Once the landlord files a request for hearing, the eviction hearing will be scheduled within 20 days of the date the request was filed.

To prepare for the hearing the landlord and tenant should bring the following:

  • A copy of the lease agreement
  • A copy of the notice to quit or to pay
  • The complaint
  • Any evidence (i.e., photos of damage, receipts, billing statements, etc.) or witnesses to help prove the case in court

Regardless if the eviction was contested or not, if the judge rules in favor of the landlord, a writ of execution will be subsequently issued and the process will proceed.

In California, filing an appeal will not stop the eviction. The only way a tenant can stop an eviction is to request a stay of execution after receiving the writ of execution in accordance with Step 6 below.


The hearing will be scheduled for a date within 20 days of the date the request for hearing that was filed by the landlord.

California Eviction Process (2023): Grounds, Steps & Timeline (6)

Step 6: Writ of Execution Is Issued

The writ of execution is the tenant’s final notice to leave the premises and allows the tenant the opportunity to remove their belongings before the sheriff returns to the property to forcibly remove the tenant. The filing fee is around $40 to issue a writ of execution.


The landlord must request the writ of execution, but it can be issued the same day as the hearing.

California Eviction Process (2023): Grounds, Steps & Timeline (7)

Step 7: Possession of Property is Returned

Tenants have 5 daysto move out once they have been served with a copy of the writ of execution. If a tenant does not move out within that period, the sheriff will return and forcibly remove them.

It’s possible for tenants to request a stay of execution, which would delay the eviction for an additional 40 days. If granted by the court, this will only put off the eviction, not prevent it, and the tenant will still need to move out after the 40 days has ended.


The tenant has 5 days to move out of the rental unit after being served with the writ of execution. This process can be delayed by up to 40 additional days if a stay is requested.

California Eviction Process Timeline

In California, an eviction can be completed in 5 to 8 weeksbut can take longer depending on the reason for eviction, whether the eviction is contested, which days courts are (or aren’t) in session and other various possible delays.

Below are the parts of the California eviction process outside the control of landlords for cases that go uncontested.

StepEstimated Time
Initial Notice Period3-90 Calendar Days
Court Issuing/Serving Summons60 Business Days
Tenant Response Period5-15 Business Days
Court Ruling~20 Business Days
Court Serving Writ of Possession1-3 Business Days
Final Notice Period5-40 Calendar Days

Flowchart of California Eviction Process

California Eviction Process (2023): Grounds, Steps & Timeline (8)

California Eviction Court Fees

The average cost of an eviction in California for all filing, court, and service fees is $450. However, the cost varies heavily on the amount of the eviction claim. Eviction lawsuits can be filed in Superior Court where the dwelling unit is located.

Initial Court Filing$240+
Summons Service~$40+
Answer Filing$225+
Writ of Execution Issuance$25
Writ of Execution Enforcement~$145
Notice of Appeal (Optional)$225

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1 CA Code of Civ Proc §1161 (2019)

(2)…after default in the payment of rent…and three days’ notice, excluding Saturdays and Sundays and other judicial holidays, in writing, requiring its payment …or possession of the property, shall have been served upon him or her…

2 CA Civ Code §1946.1 (2019)

(b) An owner of a residential dwelling…shall give notice at least 60 days prior to the proposed date of termination. (c) Notwithstanding subdivision (b), an owner of a residential dwelling…shall give notice at least 30 days prior to the proposed date of termination if any tenant or resident has resided in the dwelling for less than one year.

3 CA Code of Civ Proc §1161 (2019)

(3)…after a neglect or failure to perform other conditions or covenants of the lease or agreement under which the property is held…and three days’ notice, excluding Saturdays and Sundays and other judicial holidays, in writing, requiring the performance of such conditions or covenants, or the possession of the property, shall have been served upon him or her…

4 CA Code of Civ Proc §1161b (2019)

(a)…a tenant or subtenant in possession of a rental housing unit under a month-to-month lease or periodic tenancy…shall be given 90 days’ written notice to quit…(b)…tenants or subtenants…under a fixed-term residential lease…shall survive foreclosure, except that the tenancy may be terminated upon 90 days’ written notice to quit…

5 CA Code of Civ Proc §1161 (2019)

4…committing waste…or maintaining, committing, or permitting the maintenance or commission of a nuisance…or using the premises for an unlawful purpose, thereby terminates the lease, and the landlord…shall upon service of three days’ notice to quit upon the person or persons in possession, be entitled to restitution of possession of the demised premises under this chapter.

6 CA Code of Civ Proc §1161 (2019)

4…a person who commits or maintains a public nuisance as described in Section 3482.8 of the Civil Code, or who commits an offense described in subdivision (c) of Section 3485 of the Civil Code, or subdivision (c) of Section 3486 of the Civil Code…shall be deemed to have committed a nuisance upon the premises.

7 CA Civ Code §3485 (2019)

c)…the illegal use, manufacture, causing to be manufactured, importation, possession, possession for sale, sale, furnishing, or giving away of any of the following:
(1) A firearm…(2)…ammunition…(3) Any assault weapon…(4) Any .50 BMG rifle…(5) Any tear gas weapon…

8 CA Civ Code §3486(2019)

(c)…the manufacture, cultivation, importation into the state, transportation, possession, possession for sale, sale, furnishing, administering, or giving away, or providing a place to use or fortification of a place involving, cocaine, phencyclidine, heroin, methamphetamine, or any other controlled substance…

9 CA Civ Code §3482.8 (2019)

Any building or property used for the purpose of willfully conducting dogfighting in violation of Section 597.5 of the Penal Code or co*ckfighting in violation of subdivision (b) of Section 597b of the Penal Code is a public nuisance.

10 CA Civ Code § 1942.5 (2019)

(h)Any lessor or agent of a lessor who violates this section shall be liable to the lessee in a civil action for all of the following:

(1)The actual damages sustained by the lessee.

(2)Punitive damages in an amount of not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more than two thousand dollars ($2,000) for each retaliatory act where the lessor or agent has been guilty of fraud, oppression, or malice with respect to that act.

(i)In any action brought for damages for retaliatory eviction, the court shall award reasonable attorney’s fees to the prevailing party if either party requests attorney’s fees upon the initiation of the action.

(j)The remedies provided by this section shall be in addition to any other remedies provided by statutory or decisional law.

11 CA Civ Code § 1942.5 (2021)

(a) If the lessor retaliates against the lessee because of the exercise by the lessee of his or her rights under this chapter or because of his complaint to an appropriate agency as to tenantability of a dwelling, and if the lessee of a dwelling is not in default as to the payment of his or her rent, the lessor may not recover possession of a dwelling in any action or proceeding, cause the lessee to quit involuntarily, increase the rent, or decrease any services within 180 days of any of the following:

(1) …has provided notice of a suspected bed bug infestation, or has made an oral complaint to the lessor…(2) …filed a written complaint, or an oral complaint which is registered or otherwise recorded in writing, with an appropriate agency, of which the lessor has notice, for the purpose of obtaining correction of a condition…(3) After the date of an inspection or issuance of a citation, resulting from a complaint described in paragraph (2) of which the lessor did not have notice.(4) After the filing of appropriate documents commencing a judicial or arbitration proceeding involving the issue of tenantability.(5)After entry of judgment or the signing of an arbitration award, if any, when in the judicial proceeding or arbitration the issue of tenantability is determined adversely to the lessor.

12 CA Code of Civ Proc §1167.1 (2019)

If proof of service of the summons has not been filed within 60 days of the complaint’s filing, the court may dismiss the action without prejudice.

13 CA Code of Civ Proc §415.10 (2019)

A summons may be served by personal delivery of a copy of the summons and of the complaint to the person to be served.

14 CA Code of Civ Proc §415.20 (2019)

b) If a copy…cannot…be personally delivered…a summons may be served by leaving a copy at the person’s…usual place of abode, usual place of business…in the presence of a competent member of the household or a person apparently in charge of his or her…place of business…and by mailing a copy of the summons and of the complaint by first-class mail…

15 CA Code of Civ Proc §415.45 (2019)

a) A summons…may be served by posting if…it appears to the satisfaction of the court…that the party to be served cannot with reasonable diligence be served in any manner specified in this article…(b) The court shall order…that a copy of the summons and of the complaint be forthwith mailed by certified mail to such party at his last known address.

16 CA Code of Civ Proc §1167 (2019)

(a)…the defendant’s response shall be filed within five days, excluding Saturdays and Sundays and other judicial holidays, after the complaint is served upon him or her.

17 CA Code of Civ Proc §415.20 (2019)

(b)…Service of a summons in this manner is deemed complete on the 10th day after the mailing.

18 CA Code of Civ Proc §1170.5 (2019)

(a) If the defendant appears pursuant to Section 1170, trial of the proceeding shall be held not later than the 20th day following the date that the request to set the time of the trial is made. Judgment shall be entered thereon and, if the plaintiff prevails, a writ of execution shall be issued immediately by the court upon the request of the plaintiff.

19 CA Code of Civ Proc §715.10 (2019)

2)…if the real property is not vacated within five days from the date of service of a copy of the writ on the occupant or…within five days from the date a copy of the writ is served on the judgment debtor, the levying officer will remove the occupants from the real property and place the judgment creditor in possession.

20 Los Angeles County Consumer of Business Affairs

For residential tenants and mobile home space renters who utilized the County’snon-payment of rent protectionsbetween July 1, 2022 and March 31, 2023:

  • Protected against eviction forNo-Fault evictions reasons, except for qualified Owner Move-in
  • Anti-harassment and retaliation protectionsduring the Resolution’s protection periods
  • StartingApril 1, 2023, landlords are required to serve tenants with a written 30-Day Notice prior to filing an eviction based on nonpayment of rent for rent accrued between July 1, 2022 and March 31, 2023.

What Should Tenants Do If They Are Unable to Pay Rent Through March 31, 2023?

If qualifying tenants are unable to pay rent, they must notify their landlord within seven (7) days of the rent being due, unless extenuating circ*mstances exist.

Who Qualifies for Nonpayment of Rent Protections?

Residential tenants and mobile home space renters with household incomes at or below 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI) are protected for nonpayment of rent due to a COVID-19 financial hardship for rent owed between July 1, 2022 and March 31, 2023.

In addition to the AMI threshold, residential tenants and mobile home space renters must have experienced a substantial loss of monthly household income of at least 10% and/or have increased unreimbursed monthly household costs of more than 7.5% in order to be protected against eviction for non-payment of rent between July 1, 2022 and March 31, 2023. Tenants who fulfill the requirements under the Resolution may have an affirmative defense to an Unlawful Detainer (eviction) action.

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21 Los Angeles County Consumer and Business Affairs

For residential tenants and mobile home space renters withunauthorized occupants or petsdue to COVID-19 who began residing in the unitbetween March 1, 2020 and January 20, 2023:

StartingApril 1, 2023, landlords are required to serve tenants with a written 30-Day Notice prior to filing an eviction based for the presence of unauthorized occupants or pets.

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Can a landlord evict you immediately in California?
Can a landlord evict you immediately in California?Yes, if a fixed term lease expires, you can be evicted immediately if you live in an area that is not rent-controlled. Otherwise, landlords must give tenants at least 3 days’ notice prior to moving forward with an eviction. Read more »
Can you evict a tenant without a lease in California?
Can you evict a tenant without a lease in California?Yes, you may evict a tenant without a lease in California; however, you may be required to follow the legal eviction procedures and go through the courts in order to remove the tenant. You may also need to provide written notice to the tenant prior to beginning the eviction process. Read more »
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Can you kick someone out of your house in California?You may be able to kick someone out of your house in California, but if that person paid you rent, or performed any services around the home in lieu of rent, you may be required to follow the legal eviction procedures for California, including providing written notice. Read more »
Can a landlord evict someone for no reason in California?
Can a landlord evict someone for no reason in California?A California landlord cannot evict tenants for no reason if the rental unit is in a rent-controlled city. If the rental unit is located anywhere else in California, then a landlord could evict someone without giving a reason if the lease has expired and the landlord doesn’t want to renew. Read more »

I'm an experienced expert in California rental laws and eviction processes, with an in-depth understanding of landlord-tenant relationships and legal requirements. My knowledge extends to the latest information available up to January 2022, and I can provide detailed insights into the complexities of the eviction procedures in California.

Let's delve into the key concepts and information presented in the article:

1. Grounds for Eviction in California

  • Nonpayment of Rent:
    • Notice Period: 3 Days
    • Curable: Yes
  • End of Lease or No Lease:
    • Notice Period: 30/60 Days
    • Curable: No
  • Lease Violations:
    • Notice Period: 3 Days
    • Curable: Yes
  • Illegal Activity or Repeat Violations:
    • Notice Period: 3 Days
    • Curable: No warning

2. Illegal Evictions in California

  • "Self-Help" Evictions: Landlords cannot forcibly remove tenants by changing locks, shutting off utilities, or removing belongings. Legal eviction processes must be followed.
  • Retaliatory Evictions: It's illegal for landlords to evict tenants in response to exercising legally protected rights, such as complaining about property issues or joining a tenant organization.

3. Steps of the Eviction Process in California

  1. Landlord Serves Notice to Tenant:
    • Notice types include 3-Day Notice to Quit, 30-Day Notice to Vacate, and 60-Day Notice to Vacate.
  2. Landlord Files Lawsuit with Court:
    • Complaint includes information about the parties, tenancy, grounds for eviction, and any applicable documents.
  3. Court Serves Tenant with Summons and Complaint:
    • Summons and complaint served within 60 days of filing; proof of service required.
  4. Tenant Files an Answer:
    • Tenant has 5-15 days to respond; failure to respond may lead to default judgment.
  5. Court Holds Hearing and Issues Judgment:
    • Hearing within 20 days of request; both parties present evidence.
  6. Writ of Execution Is Issued:
    • Final notice for tenant to leave premises; tenant has 5 days to move out.
  7. Possession of Property Is Returned:
    • If tenant doesn't move out, sheriff removes them; tenant can request a stay of execution.

4. California Eviction Process Timeline

  • The eviction process can take 5 to 8 weeks, with uncontested cases involving specific timelines for notices, court proceedings, and execution.

5. California Eviction Court Fees

  • Average cost: $450, including filing, court, and service fees, with variations based on the eviction claim amount.

6. Additional Information

  • COVID-19-related Protections: Information on protections against eviction for non-payment of rent due to a COVID-19 financial hardship.
  • Unauthorized Occupants or Pets: Landlords required to serve a written 30-Day Notice before filing eviction based on the presence of unauthorized occupants or pets.

7. Common Questions Addressed

  • Immediate Eviction: Explained circ*mstances where immediate eviction is possible.
  • Eviction without a Lease: Clarified the process for evicting a tenant without a lease.
  • Removing Someone from Your House: Provided information on potential eviction processes.
  • No-Reason Evictions: Addressed the legality of no-reason evictions in California.

In summary, my expertise allows me to break down the intricate details of the California eviction process, providing a comprehensive understanding of the legal requirements and protections for both landlords and tenants.

California Eviction Process (2023): Grounds, Steps & Timeline (2024)
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