Buying Vietnamese Dong : is it a good investment ? (2024)

Many people living in Vietnam usually assume that it’s always the best move to stick to the savings plan by putting all their savings in the bank. It’s been known to be the most effective way for many people, especially those who are retired, to receive a passive income from the interest.

Noticeably, saving plans are a good example in Vietnam that most people would choose to trust to earn a bit more money on their accounts. In front of Vietnamese banks, we can read return of 7 to 8% on savings plans if you decide to store your money there. Is it true that many people are living on the returns from savings plan in Vietnam ? Was Vietnam a great place to consider to park your money, and how is it now ?

💡 In this guide on buying Vietnam Dong currency, I will explain what led me to study this topic and the lessons learned from my personal experience. Five or six years ago, I went to many banking institutions to learn more about Vietnam’s very high interest savings plans. And what I discovered shocked me 😲.

I will explain what is behind investing in Vietnam Dong currency:

  • Is it relevant to choose savings plans in Vietnam with 7% or 8% interest? And if the answer is no …
  • What I advise and how I invest in Vietnam;

The FIRE movement

There’s a thing called the FIRE movement which stands for “Financial Independence, Retire Early”. People who look forward to applying FIRE to their lifestyle tend to retire somewhere around their 30 to 40. That might seem impossible but in fact, some people have pulled it off and live their life without working full-time since they’re only 35 or so. However, it’s not an enjoyable and fancy lifestyle like many have misunderstood. The concept of FIRE is to cut the living expenses to the lowest possible and make as much money as possible by raising their income by any means necessary.

Buying Vietnamese Dong : is it a good investment ? (1)

Many have tried this lifestyle by calculating the budget that they’re going to need for their retirement plan. However, those who made an extensive investment that created profits might be able to deal with this kind of plan. Those who only work a 9 – 5 job seem to have zero chances of keeping up with the FIRE movement. Not to mention, the expenses vary daily which is hard to manage. If things don’t go your way, you might end up in a very bad situation.

The potential of Vietnamese monetary policy

The monetary policy of Vietnam has opened a way for the country to reduce the inflation rate as well as encourage dong investment.

Thanks to the new policy issued in 2016, The inflation rate has been reduced by 5% and the GDP grew to 6% – 7%. As a result, the currency of the country remains stable and it enhances the value of dong investment which helps stimulate the growth of the economy.

Buying Vietnamese Dong : is it a good investment ? (2)

The State Bank also carried out enhanced monitoring to make sure that the national monetary system of the country is secure. They also wanted to avoid bad debts while the number of loans still increased. The loan ratio is expected to be below 3%.

Also, the money supply increased tremendously by 13,55% compared to previous years. This was good news for dong investment because it helped stabilize the foreign exchange rate and ensure inflation is at an acceptable level.

The new regulations have opened the door for many foreign investors to invest in Vietnam. Right now, all the adjustments in the monetary policy are quite in favour of foreign investment. Therefore, there’s no better time than right now to start pulling off dong investment to bet on the growth of the Vietnamese economy for the next upcoming years.

Saving plans and term deposits in Vietnam

Opening a savings account is by far, not a bad idea if you look forward to getting into dong investment. Before getting deeper into the details of what backs you should trust, I just want to point out that having your money in a savings account will put you in a passive position. Therefore, make sure you have a good plan on how long you want to leave the money dead in one place and how you should separate it from one to another. In my case, I usually put most of my savings on a 1-month term deposit and another minority saving on a 6-month term deposit to earn a little more interest. By doing this, I’ll be able to withdraw the money for an emergency.

For now, let’s get to the top 3 banks that I think are the decent choices to open a savings account.


Agribank has the highest interest rate compared to other banks in Vietnam, with a 0,1% rate of non-term deposits which is still kinda relevant since it’s almost double what other banks offer. Also, by leaving your money dead in their term deposit account, you get a 3,1% interest rate that is a lot higher than other well-known banks in the country. Also, Agribank is quite popular so you find it almost anywhere where you live.


Vietcombank offers almost exactly the non-term deposit as Agribank with a 0,1% interest rate. However, Vietcombank is known to be extremely foreigner-friendly because it is more like a publicly-traded company than a government institution.

Buying Vietnamese Dong : is it a good investment ? (3)

The bank offers a 5,5% interest rate on annual deposits, which is as high as that of Agribank.


I wouldn’t choose BIDV over the other 2 as the interest rate at Vietcombank and Agribank is still a lot higher. However, BIDV provides great services with many savings accounts available to your concern. Therefore, it’s something that you can take a look at and see if there’s anything it can offer you in the long run.

The downside of banks in Vietnam

Even though putting your money in the back for the annual interest seems like a safe move, there’s a risk behind it that is hard to avoid.

The interest rate seems to fluctuate unpredictably and what you get back from putting your money in the bank is always low. Instead of receiving 14%/year the money that you send in, now it’s only between 5% – 7% at best.

Also, banks in Vietnam show more flaws compared to those in Western countries. Therefore, there are still weaknesses that are unavoidable when using banks in this country.

Q&A – Vietnamese Dong : Vietnam currency : answers to the main questions ?

💸 What is the currency in Vietnam?

The currency in Vietnam is Vietnamese Dong (VND). The denominations of Vietnamese Dong include: 1,000 VND, 2,000 VND, 5,000 VND, 10,000 VND, 20,000 VND, 50,000 VND, 100,000 VND, 200,000 VND, 500,000 VND. The 1,000 VND, 2,000 VND, and 5,000 VND are still made in cotton while the others started to apply polymer in 2003.

🧐 Where can I change my money to VND?

There are places that you can exchange your money:

  1. Banks: Most banks in Vietnam have currency exchange services. There are Vietcombank, Vietinbank, Agribank, Eximbank, etc that you can freely choose as they are all high quality banks in Vietnam. There’s a commission rate of 0.5% – 2% when using the services.
  2. Hotels: Big hotels also have services for foreigners to exchange currency. Small hotels may charge you a service fee.
  3. Airports: There are stalls at the airports for currency exchange services. However, the exchange rate is not that good for foreigners. I’d suggest exchanging for a small amount to cover your taxi expenses. After that, you can use exchange services in town for a better exchange rate.
  4. Gold and jewelry shops: Gold and jewelry shops are known to have the best exchange rate compared to banks, airports, and hotels.

It’s recommended that you ask for advice from those who have been to Vietnam before for better preferences.

❗ Why is the value of VND so low?

It’s because Vietnam has only been a part of the global market for 30 years since the 1980s. Vietnamese currency stands third in the top 10 of the weakest currency in the world in 2021 according to

This low currency trait of VND creates an opportunity for those who may consider living a stable life with only average income. For example, in America, most people will struggle if they make less than 500$ a month. It’s the opposite in Vietnam. With 500$/month you will be able to live a pretty decent life. The food and the rent in Vietnam are pretty cheap.

✅ What are the options for the Vietnamese government to uplift VND value?

It’s been recommended by experts that the value in VND will increase if the government accepts more international trades which also include importing instead of just exporting like they’ve been doing. Also, loosening the controls and regulations of the country is another way. The Vietnamese government should encourage more interactions with the rest of the world in order to stimulate the growth of the economy.

Also, if Vietnam welcomes more foreign investors/businessmen to come into the country to open more hotels and restaurant chains, the country will likely change its currency value really fast. Moreover, Vietnam can become one of the strongest players in the global market.

🔍 What is the inflation rate of Vietnam at the moment?

According to, The inflation rate of Vietnamese decreased to 2.06% in end of 2021 because of the decline in electricity prices. Prices grew slowly for constructing and housing materials, transport, and clothes. Education continued to fall.

Therefore, there have been some alternatives that are quite popular lately. Instead of leaving their money in one place doing almost nothing, people are now spending it to invest in different projects so that the profits are guaranteed and much higher compared to original saving plans. I’ll introduce to you the 3 most common alternate dong investments that you might consider to enhance the value of your assets.

Real estate

Real estate in Vietnam has been known to be one of the booming sectors. Even though Covid has lasted for 2 years, the positive stats of 2020 and the first quarter of 2021, along with the adjusted regulation from the government, have proved that 2021 will be an awesome year for the growth of the Vietnamese economy and the real estate market in this country.

Buying Vietnamese Dong : is it a good investment ? (4)

Although Vietnam has suffered as severely as other countries, the economy and the real estate market still achieved some impressive accomplishments. Vietnam remained its stable economy and reached a possible growth. Vietnam with New Zealand and China were the only countries that went through positive growth throughout 2020.

Moreover, the real estate market in Ho Chi Minh has also shown new waves. Years before, only the urban areas in Saigon were the main focus for real estate. However, like other cities such as Long An, Binh Duong, Dong Nai, … have been catching up with the flow, the real estate market has expanded to other parts of the country to diversify its ecosystem. The cities listed are known to have the outstanding infrastructure and all the facilities needed for different services. They have progressed tremendously in terms of sufficiency for the life of millions of citizens. Also, as the demand for people to move back to these small cities to settle in, the requirement for rented houses began to boom quickly. More jobs are available to enrich the economy of the city. Opportunities are now waiting for people living in other cities and foreign investors to come and invest in the well-being of the town.

Even though Covid is a big threat to the stability of real estate in Vietnam, at the same time it opens up an opportunity for many businesses to be aware of the situation and adjust their business strategy. As stated by many experts, those with a solid background, a diverse list of products, and whether it’s customer-focused, will take advantage of the race.

It’s been proven to be a good place to put your money in. Since the potential of the market is huge, it’s not hard to find someone with the need to rent a small office or lease a piece of land. If you’re a foreigner, investing in a condominium is a good way as the restrictions on condominium investment for foreigners are foreigner-friendly. However, as a local, you can easily find land, buy it, and lease it. Especially during Covid-19, no other way is better than having a property for rent which creates a passive income to get through the day. This is a good way to pull off your dong investment plan.

Buying shares of a Vietnamese company

Buying shares is also another profitable solution if you want to carry out your dong investments plan. It’s been popular because it offers long-term profit to the shareholders. It can be around 6% – 7% of the profit that the company has made in that year. Therefore, you may win big time if that company has a good year in terms of its performance against other competitors.

Buying Vietnamese Dong : is it a good investment ? (5)

The liquidity is also high. For those who are not sure what liquidity is: It defines the capability of assets to be monetized. It’s been known that the market and GAP in the stock market are the places people usually carry out their sell-and-buy activities because shares are used to cut the time of liquidity. It guarantees liquidity much higher than any other form of investment.

Investing in a company’s shares can also be flexible for the investors. It offers tons of benefits for investors from those who only invest a small amount of money to those who put in a lot of money. The flexibility is best seen in the capital and the way that the investment is carried out. This reduces the risk for those who want to buy shares and join in the derivative stock to invest big-time money.

You can start the process of buying shares through your smartphone. There’s no need to go to the stock exchange like it used to be. Dong investment has never been so much easier.

Opening a business

As a foreigner, you can also open a business in Vietnam and all transactions are done in Vietnam Dong. Since the demands for different services have grown tremendously due to the growth of the population and the expectation of people to enhance their life, the country welcomes different business ideas either made by locals or foreign entrepreneurs.

Buying Vietnamese Dong : is it a good investment ? (6)

Therefore, there’s a lot of things you can do just by having little money that you made in your home country. You can easily live a happy life here in Vietnam because the living expenses are still really low compared to other countries in Asia and other developed countries.

Dong investment is still proving its potential to be a profitable investment. Therefore, it’s now time for those who want to come to the country to make a difference in their financial state.

Buying Vietnamese Dong : is it a good investment ? (2024)


Buying Vietnamese Dong : is it a good investment ? ›

Producers and traders now benefit from a low interest rate on their loans and an increasing deposit rate. Investing in Vietnamese dong is therefore proving to be a real opportunity for foreign investors, who must nevertheless keep an eye on inflation of the dong.

Is it worth investing in Vietnamese dong? ›

Vietnamese currency stands third in the top 10 of the weakest currency in the world in 2021 according to This low currency trait of VND creates an opportunity for those who may consider living a stable life with only average income.

Will the Vietnamese dong go up in value? ›

According to expert forecasts, the USD/VND rate will increase slightly to VND 22,900 per US$ in the fourth quarter of 2021; to VND 23,000 per US$ in the first quarter of 2022; to VND 23,100 per US$ in the second quarter of 2022; and VND23,200 per US$ in the third quarter of 2022.

How much is 1 Vietnamese dong to 1 usd? ›

1 VND = 0.000043 USD May 27, 2023 15:27 UTC

The currency converter below is easy to use and the currency rates are updated frequently.

Is it better to use dong or USD in Vietnam? ›

Vietnamese Dong or US Dollar, which is the best currency to use in Vietnam? Most payments are made with Vietnamese Dong, but US dollars can be directly used for some hotels, restaurants, tours, or other services. You may see the prices for food, drinks, and souvenirs in Ho Chi Minh City's airport are all in US dollars.

How much is $100 US in Vietnam? ›

2348250.00000 VND

What can you get in Vietnam for $100? ›

In Vietnam, USD $100 Can Get You:
  • 15-18 nights in a budget hotel, or 5-8 nights in a three-star accommodation in Hanoi.
  • 15-20 mid-priced restaurant meals.
  • 1 one-way trip from Hanoi to Da Nang via Livitrans luxury train.
Jun 26, 2019

How much Vietnamese dong is considered rich? ›

This begs the question….. rich by Vietnam standards or US standards? Average wage is around 5,000,000 vnd/month (US$215/month). High skilled workers around 10,000,000 vnd/month (US$430/month).

Is 1 million dong a lot in Vietnam? ›

For visitors to Vietnam, this often leads to the surprise that they're “instant millionaires” upon converting foreign currency into đồng. While that's technically true, having a million đồng does not make you wealthy. At the time of this writing, for example, 1 million đồng is worth about $43 U.S. dollars.

Is 500000 dong a lot of money in Vietnam? ›

Par value of 500,000 VND

The current converted value is equivalent to about 21.4 USD. This is a banknote easily confused with much lower denominations: 20,000 VND. So, if you are still not good at using Vietnamese currency, you should spend some extra attention when using two par value of 20,000 VND and 500,000 VND.

How strong is the US dollar in Vietnam? ›

1 USD = 23,480 VND May 28, 2023 20:18 UTC

Check the currency rates against all the world currencies here. The currency converter below is easy to use and the currency rates are updated frequently. This is very much needed given the extreme volatility in global currencies lately. Sending money abroad is as easy as ever.

Is the US dollar good in Vietnam? ›

Due to the historical involvement of the United States in Vietnam and the country's dependence on tourism, it is fair to ask, “Will my US dollars work in Vietnam?” In short, the answer is yes. In the major cities of Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, US dollars are widely accepted.

Why is Vietnam currency so cheap? ›

The dong has been devalued five times since 2014 with the aim of boosting exports and ensuring currency stability to control high inflation. The value of the currency is influenced by Vietnam's trade flows, foreign currency reserves, economic growth, interest rates and inflation, as well as US monetary policy.

How many US dollars can I carry to Vietnam? ›

How much cash can I carry into Vietnam? Currently, there is no legal limit on the amount of cash you can bring to Vietnam (either for Vietnamese Dong or any other foreign currency).

How much USD should i bring to Vietnam? ›

For a more comfortable backpacker experience in Vietnam, it's best to budget around $50 per day. This way, you'll have more money to spend on things like food, drinks, activities and hotel rooms. For a comfortable mid-range experience in Vietnam, it's best to budget $60 to $100 per day for your entire costs.

How much money do I need for 2 weeks in Vietnam? ›

It depends on what kind of travelling you like to do; you will spend from just 600,000VND (~30 USD) for local style to over 1,400,000VND (~70USD) for luxury travel for 2 of you. It means that you should take 8,400,000VND (~420USD) to 19,600,000VND (~980USD) for spending during 2 weeks in Vietnam for food and drinks.

How much us dollars to retire in Vietnam? ›

Many expats live comfortably in Vietnam on less than $1200 per month. Regardless if your tastes are modest or luxury, your living costs are less than what you would spend in a MCOL city in the US.

How much is a house in Vietnam? ›

In Vietnam, a 50m2 downtown house costs at least around $500,000, sometimes even higher. However, the average income of Vietnamese is just over $3,000 a year. Thus, it will take us more than 160 years-worth of income to purchase a house.

Do you tip in Vietnam? ›

Tipping isn't mandatory or customary in Vietnam, but it is always appreciated. If you're happy with the services provided by waiters, drivers and other service workers, leaving a small tip is a good way to show your appreciation.

How much cash do I need for a week in Vietnam? ›

Luxury budget (for 1 person)Medium Budget (for 1 person)
Total (for 1 day)approximately $310 and upapproximately $95 and up
Total (for 1 week)approximately $2100 and up (including going on tour everyday and one souvenir item)approximately $630 and up (including going on tour everyday and one souvenir item)
5 more rows

What is the best currency to bring to Vietnam? ›

In short, when traveling to Vietnam, you should carry cash and VISA cards, this's the best choice. Vietnam Dong and USD are preferred to use in Vietnam. And, it is very easy to change USD into Dong at the banks in Vietnam.

How much is a car in Vietnam? ›

The price range for hatchbacks is 120,000 – 500,000, mid-size sedans range from 600,000 – 12,00,000 and luxury sedans range from 14,00,000 – 45,00,000.

How many millionaires are there in Vietnam? ›

Countries by number and percentage of millionaires
Country or subnational areaNumber of millionairesShare of global millionaires (%)
Czech Republic *68,0000.1
Chile *66,0000.1
Colombia *39,0000.1
43 more rows

How much cash can I bring into Vietnam? ›

According to the State Bank of Vietnam (SBV), foreigners are allowed to bring into/out of Vietnam of up to USD 5,000 or equivalent. Specific paperwork and approval are required before you are allowed to bring in currency beyond this amount into the country.

What is the average monthly income in Vietnam? ›

The average salary in Vietnam is 17.2 million Vietnamese Dong (VND) per month or 733 USD/month (according to the exchange rates in May 2023) — which is significantly lower than the average salaries in countries like the USA or UK.

How long would $10,000 last in Vietnam? ›

By most estimates, the average cost of living in Vietnam is around $530.00 per month. So if you do the math, you could live for about a year and half on 10 grand, depending on what you personally define as a “cost of living.”

How much is a co*ke in Vietnam? ›

Vietnam - Coca-Cola - price, September 2022
Vietnam - Coca-Cola - price, September 2022

What is a millionaire in Vietnam? ›

According to the report, there are about 19,500 USD millionaires in Vietnam (those with assets of at least 1 million USD). By 2025, that number is expected to increase by nearly 25%, to 25,000.

What can you buy with 20 000 Dong in Vietnam? ›

Overall, Vietnam is still very affordable and there are plenty of things you can get for 20,000 dong or about a buck:
  • 1 day of bicycle rental.
  • 2 Vietnamese coffees with sweet condensed milk.
  • 15 minutes of air time on a Mobifone sim card.
  • 1 bowl of pho bo.
  • 1 small load of laundry.
  • 250 grams of candied ginger.
Nov 24, 2010

Can I use my credit card in Vietnam? ›

While cash is used for small purchases and street vendors in Vietnam, most establishments accept payments from major credit card providers such as Visa. Hotels, tour operators, boutiques, restaurants, grocery stores, and spas all generally accept international debit and credit cards.

How much does a dollar buy in Vietnam? ›

At the time of writing this, one Vietnamese Dong equals 0.000044 U.S. dollar. This means that 1$ equals about 22805 ₫.

How much is a Big Mac in Vietnam? ›

Enjoy more audio and podcasts on iOS or Android. Indeed, the Big Mac's birthplace is one of the priciest places to buy it, according to our comparison of over 70 countries around the world (see chart). In Vietnam, for example, the burger costs 69,000 dong.

How much does it cost to live comfortably in Vietnam? ›

A family of four estimated monthly costs are 1,714.9$ (40,266,010.1₫) without rent. A single person estimated monthly costs are 483.8$ (11,358,843.6₫) without rent. Cost of living in Vietnam is, on average, 51.7% lower than in United States. Rent in Vietnam is, on average, 76.0% lower than in United States.

Should you take cash to Vietnam? ›

Credit cards are widely accepted but, in rural areas particularly, you should carry cash as a back-up. It may be difficult to cash travellers' cheques.

What can a Vietnamese dong buy? ›

  • And there are many more things you can buy for $1 in Vietnam:
  • A cup of coffee.
  • 1 cup of fruit smoothie or sugarcane juice.
  • 1 A loaf of Vietnamese Baguette.
  • A Conical Hat (Non la)
  • Some Vietnamese Stamps.

Can I withdraw USD in Vietnam? ›

– only Vietnamese Dong. According to Vietnamese law, ATMs are only allowed to issue Vietnamese Dong (VND). Whether your account is originally in Vietnamese Dong, Euro, Dollar, Yen, Australian Dollar or other currencies, you can only withdraw Vietnamese Dong banknotes.

How much is $50 in US in Vietnam? ›

Are you overpaying your bank?
Conversion rates US Dollar / Vietnamese Dong
50 USD1174125.00000 VND
100 USD2348250.00000 VND
250 USD5870625.00000 VND
500 USD11741250.00000 VND
8 more rows

How much is $20 US in Vietnam? ›

Are you overpaying your bank?
Conversion rates US Dollar / Vietnamese Dong
1 USD23482.50000 VND
5 USD117412.50000 VND
10 USD234825.00000 VND
20 USD469650.00000 VND
8 more rows

What is the strongest currency in the world? ›

1. Kuwaiti dinar. Known as the strongest currency in the world, the Kuwaiti dinar or KWD was introduced in 1960 and was initially equivalent to one pound sterling. Kuwait is a small country that is nestled between Iraq and Saudi Arabia whose wealth has been driven largely by its large global exports of oil.

What can you not bring into Vietnam? ›

Items that you cannot bring into Vietnam include weapons, munitions, explosives and inflammables, firecracker of all kinds, opium and drugs, toxic chemicals, and cultural materials unsuitable to Vietnamese society (p*rnographic seditious publications, films and photos), harmful child toys.

How much cash can you carry legally in the United States? ›

YOU ARE ALLOWED TO CARRY AS MUCH CASH AS YOU WANT OUT OF AND INTO THE UNITED STATES. To summarize up front: no, you are not restricted to traveling with sums of $10,000 or less. In fact, you could travel with a checked bag stuffed to the brim with cash — as long as you declare the amount beforehand.

How many dollars can a US citizen carry to USA? ›

You may bring large sums of money with you in the form of cash, money order, or traveler's checks. There is no maximum limit, however, any amount exceeding $10,000 USD must be declared upon arrival on both the Form 6059B and FinCEN 105. All forms must be filled in completely and truthfully.

How much usd would i need to live for a month in Vietnam? ›

Cost of Living in Vietnam: $700 to $1,400 per month

How much does it cost to live in Vietnam? $700 on the low end of the range, up to $1,400 for mid-range expats. This averages living costs across many months—you may spend more getting set up, but many expats average $1,000 per month.

How much money do I need for 3 weeks in Vietnam? ›

Three Weeks

This route cuts down on travel costs as the only expense there would be renting a motorbike, which is quite easy to do in Hanoi Old Quarter or Pham Ngu Lao in Ho Chi Minh. You shouldn't spend more than $4-$6 per day. Three weeks could be done as cheaply as $800, but more realistically aim for $1,500.

How much do you tip in Vietnam? ›

Tipping is not part of the culture in Vietnam, and you are not required to tip anywhere. There will be a service charge for more upscale restaurants. People more accustomed to receiving tips are tour guides and in Western style hotels.

Where is better Thailand or Vietnam? ›

We Recommend Vietnam if You:

Want to experience a big contrast in culture: Due to the influence of Chinese culture, French colonization, and the Vietnam War, Vietnam has a mixed culture and complex history. Seek a more affordable price: Vietnam is economical, definitely cheaper than Thailand.

How much is a meal in Vietnam? ›

Two people can enjoy a full local-style meal of rice or noodles, meat, vegetables, and a couple of draft beers for less than $5. For comparison, ordering one deluxe hamburger, fries, and a bottle of imported beer at a Western-style restaurant will cost between $8 and $11.

How long is a good time to spend in Vietnam? ›

Planning Your Trip to Vietnam

Travelers with limited time can rejoice that Vietnam is small enough to experience the highlights in just a few days. That said, the ideal timeframe is about 10 days, as it takes at least this long to immerse yourself in Vietnam's rich culture.

Is 1 million Vietnamese dong a lot? ›

While that's technically true, having a million đồng does not make you wealthy. At the time of this writing, for example, 1 million đồng is worth about $43 U.S. dollars. That is roughly the amount that a tourist would spend per day vacationing in Hanoi.

How much is $50 000 in Vietnam dong? ›

How much is $50,000.00 – the fifty thousand 💵 us dollars is worth ₫1,174,000,000.00 (VND) today or 🇻🇳 one billion one hundred seventy-four million dongs as of 13:00PM UTC.

How much money is considered rich in Vietnam? ›

The average wealth of people in the top 5% of the richest population in 2021 is 316,658 USD (equivalent to 7.8 billion VND), top 10% richest is 181,132 USD (equivalent to 4.1 billion VND). Meanwhile, the average wealth of the poorest 50% of the population is only 3,429 USD (nearly 78 million VND).

How much USD to bring to Vietnam? ›

Basing on Vietnam customs regulation, foreign currency (including cash, coin and travelers' cheques) in excess of US$7,000 must be declared at customs upon arrival with supported appropriate documentation.

How much money do you need for 2 weeks in Vietnam? ›

It depends on what kind of travelling you like to do; you will spend from just 600,000VND (~30 USD) for local style to over 1,400,000VND (~70USD) for luxury travel for 2 of you. It means that you should take 8,400,000VND (~420USD) to 19,600,000VND (~980USD) for spending during 2 weeks in Vietnam for food and drinks.

How much cash should I have in Vietnam? ›

Lawfully and legally speaking, under the provisions of Article 2 of Circular 15/2011/TT-NHNN: If you bring over $5,000 US Dollars, other foreign currencies of the same value (or 15,000,000 Vietnamese Dong, you're going to have to declare it at customs when you get here.

Should you tip in Vietnam? ›

Tipping isn't mandatory or customary in Vietnam, but it is always appreciated. If you're happy with the services provided by waiters, drivers and other service workers, leaving a small tip is a good way to show your appreciation.

How much is $100000 Vietnam money in American money? ›

100000 Vietnamese Dong is 4.301346 US Dollar.

So, you've converted 100000 Vietnamese Dong to 4.301346 US Dollar.

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Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.