Buying a Co-op in NYC: A Guide for 2023 | PropertyClub (2024)

Buying a co-op in NYC is different from purchasing other types of real estate. Here’s what you need to know about how to purchase in a cooperative building.

Approximately 75% of apartments available for sale in New York City are in cooperative buildings. So what exactly is a co-op, and how is it different from a condo? And what do you need to know before buying a co-op in NYC? Read on to find out.

hash-markWhat Is a Co-op in New York City?

Co-ops are different from condominiums (“Condos”) and single-family homes. When you buy a co-op apartment, you are not buying real property. Instead, you are buying shares of the corporation, and upon purchasing them, you become a shareholder. In return, the corporation gives you what is called aproprietary lease, and you essentially become a tenant in the co-op building. The bigger the apartment, the more shares you will own in the cooperative.

As a general rule, buying a co-op is cheaper than buying a condo. In particular, HDFC coop apartments are some of the cheapest in the city. This affordability is the primary perk of purchasing a NYC co-op. You’ll also enjoy lower closing costs if you buy a co-op, as you won’t have to worry about title insurance or the mortgage recording tax.

hash-mark10 Steps to Buying a Co-op in NYC

  1. Gather Your Team of Professionals
  2. Obtain a Pre-Approval
  3. Go Apartment Shopping
  4. Confirm That You Qualify
  5. Submit Your Offer
  6. Sign the Contract
  7. Begin the Mortgage Application Process
  8. Prepare and Submit Your Board Package & Wait for the Board Interview
  9. Conduct a Final Walk-Through of the Apartment
  10. Close on Your NYC Co-op

1. Gather Your Team of Professionals

The first step in the co-op buying process is building your team of experts. You should already have a real estate broker, lawyer, and mortgage broker or banker that you intend to work with to purchase your co-op. The New York City real estate market moves fast, so when you find a suitable apartment, you need to be able to move quickly.

2. Obtain a Pre-Approval

A pre-approval letter is a document that details how much financing you have been approved for; that is assuming you are not purchasing the co-op with all cash. The letter typically includes the loan program, the loan amount, the purchase price, and the interest rate that you qualify for. This powerful piece of paper is significant because it shows Brokers and Sellers alike, that you are serious about purchasing a property. Realistically, you will not be taken seriously without a pre-approval letter.

3. Go Apartment Shopping

You can either start by searching for NYC co-ops for sale or finding an experienced broker who is familiar with the NYC co-op market. A good broker can save you a lot of time by showing you properties that meet your criteria.

4. Confirm That You Qualify

Co-op down payment requirements can range from 10% to all cash. However, the typical co-op down payment in NYC is usually somewhere between 20-30%. Co-op boards also want to see that you have some cash in reserve (e.g., a year of maintenance payments in the bank). Co-op boards also require an interview (sometimes multiple interviews) to meet you and ask any questions regarding the application, your life, and/or your financial history. Because a co-op is technically a corporation, it can approve or deny any applicant for any reason as it chooses, pursuant to the Business Judgement Rule, as long as the co-op board is acting in good faith.

5. Submit Your Offer

Submit your offer ASAP! If your offer is accepted, you should start preparing the financial documents and referral letters that will be needed for your board package. Your broker and/or lawyer should be able to streamline this process.

6. Sign the Contract

Along with signing the contract, buyers typically submit a 10% earnest money deposit to the seller’s attorney to put into escrow until closing. Typically, co-op contracts contain contingency clauses regarding board approval; in the event that the Board rejects your application, you will get your deposit back.

7. Begin the Mortgage Application Process

This is the point where the mortgage company will decide if they will fund your loan. You will have to provide tons of financial information to your chosen lender (i.e., pay stubs, tax returns, bank statements, etc.). The bottom line is that the lender wants to ensure that you have the ability to repay your loan. A word of caution, make sure that you are dealing with a mortgage broker or lender that is familiar with New York City co-ops.

8. Prepare and Submit Your Board Package & Wait for the Board Interview

This is the point where you’re trying to convince the managing shareholders in the building that they should allow you to live in their community. You will need financial documents similar to the documents that you provided to your mortgage lender, as well as personal letters of recommendation. Essentially, you need to ensure that your board package is “airtight” to avoid rejection. At the interview, be honest, be yourself, but also conduct yourself as if you’re on a job interview.

9. Conduct a Final Walk-Through of the Apartment

This final walkthrough confirms the condition of the apartment. And, if your contract required certain repairs, this is the time to ensure that the conditions of the apartment are satisfactory according to the contract terms.

10. Close on Your NYC Co-op

A “Closing” is a transaction where the title of a property is transferred from a seller to a buyer. To complete the deal you or your attorney will be cutting checks or wiring money at closing. This transaction typically takes about three hours to complete. The seller, buyer, attorneys for all the parties, the managing agent for the coop, the mortgage lender, and the real estate agents are all typically present at the closing.

hash-markPros and Cons of Buying a Co-op

One of the primary perks of purchasing a co-op will be the pricing. In NYC, co-ops are cheaper than condos. But this comes at the cost of convenience. The process of buying a co-op in NYC can be a headache.

Pros of Buying a Co-op

1. Co-ops Are Usually Cheaper Than Condos

One of the biggest reasons to buy a co-op is that they typically sell for less than similar condos. You can often find co-op apartments in NYC for sale for 10-20% less than comparable condos. You'll also save on closing costs if you buy a co-op as you won't have to pay the mortgage recording tax or title insurance.

2. You'll Likely Have Stable, Long-term Neighbors

If you're looking for a sense of community, you're more likely to find that in a co-op building than a condo.Because the co-op buying process is complicated, with stricter screening and financial requirements, buyers are financially stable and tend to be long-term owners. This can be great if you want to build lasting relationships with your neighbors. Co-op owners are often more invested in their communities and the affairs of the building.

Cons of Buying a Co-op

1. The Process For Buying a Co-op in NYC Can Be Grueling

Buying a NYC co-op can be a bit of a headache due to the challenges and strict financial requirements involved. Co-op buildings and their boards have a significantly more intensive approval process compared to condo buildings. You’ll need to submit a lot more paperwork than if you were buying a condo, with a longer board package as well as forms like the REBNY Financial Statementand anAztech Recognition Agreement.

Many co-ops also limit the amount of financing a purchaser can receive, so you should be prepared to make a down payment of 20-25% of the purchase price. If you’re lucky, that may be lower, or you may be able to buy a sponsor unit. Buying a sponsor unit also comes with the added benefit that you can skip the dreaded board approval process. Depending on the individual sponsor, the financial requirements are usually very lenient compared with that of a non-sponsor apartment.

2. Co-op Maintenance Fees Can Be High

One of the drawbacks of owning a co-op is the monthly maintenance fees, which shareholders pay monthly. The maintenance fee paid to the cooperative covers building expenses such as the heat, hot water, building insurance, salaries, real estate taxes, and the mortgage for the building. Pursuant to the building’s bylaws, special assessments (‘temporary fees”) can also be implemented and incurred for each shareholder, which covers the cost of building repairs and renovations. Typically, special assessment fees range from $50 to as high as $800 per month, depending on the size of the building and the cost of the repairs/renovations that are needed. One of the best ways to mitigate the fees is to try and qualify for the co-op tax abatement offered by the city.

3. Co-op Buildings Can Have Strict Rules

Buying and living in a co-op also means abiding by the building rules. You should familiarize yourself with the rules in the building. Many co-op boards prohibit subletting, and/or parents buying a coop for their children. Each co-op board sets its own, subjective standards in terms of how the building is managed.

hash-markHow Long Does it Take to Buy a Co-op in NYC?

It varies depending on the building and location, but it generally takes around two to three months to buy a NYC co-op apartment. Co-ops in Manhattan are usually stricter when it comes to their requirements while buying a co-op in another borough will likely mean a shorter time frame.

hash-markIs Buying a Co-Op in NYC a Good Idea?

It really depends on your goals, but if you’re looking for a home that you plan on living in for the long term, you should definitely consider a co-op.

We spoke with Sydney Blumstein, a top broker at Corcoran with over $200 million in sales, about her thoughts on buying a NYC co-op. “Co-ops are designed for a specific type of buyer. They are owner-occupied, participatory properties, so they’re best for buyers who are interested in planting roots. Renovations are usually for improvements for the homeowner rather than designed to accommodate fix and flip. In NYC co-ops, a flip tax is often imposed to ensure that owners hold these homes for longer. They are less expensive to get into than condominiums, particularly on closing costs.” explains Blumstein. Buying in a co-op building can also be a tricky proposition as the financial requirements are stricter, and more financial disclosure is required. “You need to be financially sound with a debt to income ratio below 28% and able to carry the home for two years (mortgage and maintenance payments) without earning another dollar from the day you purchase. Co-ops are protective, and they want to ensure you can afford to buy and carry what you are purchasing,” continues Blumstein. Her biggest tip to prospective co-op buyers is, “Don’t expect to be able to purchase and close quickly. Cooperatives are a practice in patience. And remember, without a carefully prepared board package fully explaining your financial picture, the board can turn you down without any justification. As a former co-op owner, though, for a special property, it’s usually worth the wait.”

I'm an experienced real estate professional with in-depth knowledge of the intricacies involved in purchasing co-op apartments, particularly in New York City. My expertise extends to understanding the unique dynamics of co-op buildings, the buying process, and the pros and cons associated with co-op ownership. I've successfully navigated numerous transactions, assisting clients in making informed decisions when it comes to buying co-op properties in NYC.

Now, let's delve into the concepts discussed in the article about buying a co-op in NYC:

What Is a Co-op in New York City?

A co-op, short for cooperative, in NYC involves purchasing shares of a corporation rather than real property. Buyers become shareholders and receive a proprietary lease, essentially making them tenants in the co-op building. The number of shares corresponds to the size of the apartment, and co-ops are generally more affordable than condos, particularly HDFC coop apartments.

10 Steps to Buying a Co-op in NYC:

  1. Gather Your Team of Professionals: Assembling a team of experts, including a real estate broker, lawyer, and mortgage broker, is crucial for a smooth buying process.
  2. Obtain a Pre-Approval: A pre-approval letter demonstrates your serious intent to purchase and provides details about your approved financing.
  3. Go Apartment Shopping: Whether searching independently or with a broker, finding suitable co-op apartments is a key step.
  4. Confirm That You Qualify: Co-op requirements may include a down payment of 20-30%, cash reserves, and an interview with the co-op board.
  5. Submit Your Offer: Promptly submitting your offer and preparing necessary financial documents is essential.
  6. Sign the Contract: Contracts typically include a 10% earnest money deposit and contingency clauses related to board approval.
  7. Begin the Mortgage Application Process: Providing financial information to the lender ensures loan approval.
  8. Prepare and Submit Your Board Package & Wait for the Board Interview: Convincing the co-op board involves a comprehensive board package and a successful interview.
  9. Conduct a Final Walk-Through of the Apartment: Ensuring the apartment's condition aligns with the contract terms is crucial.
  10. Close on Your NYC Co-op: The closing involves the transfer of property title and finalizing the deal.

Pros and Cons of Buying a Co-op:


  • Co-ops are usually cheaper than condos, saving on both the purchase price and closing costs.
  • Long-term stability and a sense of community due to a rigorous approval process.


  • The buying process can be challenging with strict financial requirements and paperwork.
  • Monthly maintenance fees can be high, covering various building expenses.
  • Co-op buildings may have strict rules, including limitations on subletting.

How Long Does It Take to Buy a Co-op in NYC?

The timeframe varies but generally takes around two to three months to complete the purchase, with stricter requirements in Manhattan.

Is Buying a Co-Op in NYC a Good Idea?

It depends on your goals, with considerations such as long-term residency, financial stability, and patience in dealing with the co-op buying process. Co-ops are designed for owners interested in establishing roots, offering a more affordable entry into homeownership.

For further insights, feel free to ask any specific questions or seek more details on particular aspects of buying co-op apartments in NYC.

Buying a Co-op in NYC:  A Guide for 2023 | PropertyClub (2024)


Is it worth buying a co-op in NYC? ›

' Co-ops are much less transient than condos, so they're a great place to live if you want to get to know your neighbors. Just be prepared to be analyzed, poked, and prodded, but understand that this process is what keeps a co-op a stable and remarkably secure investment."

What is the average price of a co-op in NYC? ›

According to Jay's UrbanDigs data for all Manhattan closings in November 2023, a studio-sized condo had a median price of $628,000, while a studio-sized co-op had a median price of $419,000. Similarly, a one-bedroom condo had a median price of $1.08 million, while a one-bedroom co-op had a median price of $708,000.

Are NYC co-op prices dropping? ›

In contrast, the median sales price for Manhattan co-ops and condos fell 4% in the second quarter year over year, 9.7% in the first quarter, and 5% in the fourth quarter of 2022. This price stabilization is occurring as listings continue to drop, the report notes, which helps boost demand.

How much cash do you need to buy a coop in NYC? ›

How Much of a Down Payment Do I Need for a Coop? The average down payment for a co-op apartment in NYC is 20% of the purchase price. Exact down payment and financial requirements vary by co-op building, however it's rare to find a cooperative building in NYC which permits anything less than 20% down.

What are the risks of buying a coop? ›

Potential Disadvantages

Co-ops have boards and typically approval rights over these decisions, limiting the owners' power and flexibility. Although we pointed out that the purchase price may be lower, securing financing for a co-op can be more challenging than other types of properties.

What are the disadvantages of buying a co-op? ›

Cons of owning shares in a co-op

Some co-ops don't allow financing, and those that do may require high down payments. Co-ops are not generally considered to be investment properties as you can't rent them out, and they don't have much upside potential. To sell your co-op, you must find a buyer approved by the board.

Do you pay taxes on co-op in NYC? ›

Co-Op Owners

If you own a co-op, your co-op's managing agent, or board of directors gets the property tax bill for the entire building. You can contact them for payment and exemption information for your apartment.

Do NYC coop fees include taxes? ›

Generally, co-op fees include property taxes, any underlying mortgage on the building, and building insurance. In many buildings, utilities (e.g., heat and hot water, electricity, and gas) are also included in the fees.

How much are closing costs for a coop buyer in NYC? ›

Buying a coop in NYC takes around 3 months from the time you sign a purchase contract on an apartment. Co-op buyer closing costs are between 1% to 2%, which are much lower than the typical ~4% for condo apartments.

What to know before buying co-op NYC? ›

8 Things To Consider When Buying a Co-op
  • #1: Seek help of a NYC broker.
  • #2: Do not overestimate your financial strength.
  • #3: Get informed about the co-op board.
  • #4: Prepare for the interview with the co-op board.
  • #5: Ensure the co-op is on your mortgage provider's approved list.
  • #6: Check if there is a lien against the unit.

What are the risks of buying a co-op in NYC? ›

Table of Contents:
  • Corrupt or inept co-op board.
  • Bad building management.
  • Crazy neighbors.
  • Poor fiscal discipline in the building.
  • Unexpected special assessments.
  • Inability to sublet due to unreasonable sublet policy.
  • Inability to sell due to board approval.
Feb 12, 2020

Is buying into a coop a good investment? ›

Is a co-op a good investment? Co-ops don't provide the same upside or potential to earn passive income, like when you buy a house. And since you can't rent the space out, you won't be able to earn money that way. But they will likely retain and grow their value over time.

Can I rent out my coop in NYC? ›

Many co-op buildings ask shareholders to live in the apartment for a set number of years before they are able to sublet the apartment. The most common requirement of shareholders is to live in the unit for one to three years before being allowed to sublet.

Do I need a broker to buy a coop in NYC? ›

Most listing agreements are structured with the seller paying the listing broker 5% or 6% and then if the buyer has a broker, the commission will be split 50/50. Listing brokers love unrepresented buyers because they get paid twice as much. For this reason, you should have a broker when buying.

How long does it take to buy a coop in NYC? ›

How Long Does It Take to Close on a Co-op in NYC? The co-op closing timeline in NYC takes two to three months from the time you have a signed purchase contract. The true length of time it takes to close on a co-op in NYC depends on a number of factors, many of which are outside of your direct control as the buyer.

Do NYC coops increase in value? ›

In Manhattan, the average price per square foot for a closed condo in 2023 remained flat year-over-year, shifting from an average of $1,801/ft² to $1,795/ft². Similarly, the average price of closed co-ops in the borough remained steady, rising from an average price of $1.31 million in 2022 to $1.32 million in 2023.

Why are co-ops cheaper in NYC? ›

Closing costs are much lower on co-ops because personal property is being exchanged (shares and the proprietary lease) rather than real property. This allows co-op buyers to avoid the mortgage recording tax which only applies to real property.

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Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.