Business practices in Brazil - (2024)

It is important to get to know each other before negotiations start. It is therefore common to begin the meeting with small talk.

If making a presentation, it is advised to keep it short (30 minutes or less). You should expect to be interrupted often with questions, as Brazilian meetings can be energetic and boisterous. Presentations require you to be confident, eloquent, and prepared to explain in detail. If a follow-up meeting is required, make sure to program it face to face or over the phone.

As for behaviour, it is recommended to establish eye contact. Do not be offended if the other party takes a phone call during your meeting; it is not viewed as a sign of disrespect. Expect negotiations to be carried out in Portuguese. It is ideal to let the counterparty bring up business affairs. Remember interruptions are a sign of interest on the subject in Brazilian culture. If using humour, make sure it is done in a light and friendly way.

While dining or meeting, whoever invited normally pays, but the other party is expected to offer to pay.

Business practices in Brazil - (2024)


What are the business practices in Brazil? ›

Brazilians tend to take their time in negotiating a deal. The decision-making process may be slow-paced as Brazilians feel the need to know whom they are doing business with before they can work together. Enthusiasm for beginning new projects does not always follow through to a commitment in seeing the end results.

What are some practices that are specific to Brazil? ›

Men shake hands when greeting one another, while maintaining steady eye contact. Women generally kiss each other, starting with the left and alternating cheeks. Hugging and backslapping are common greetings among Brazilian friends. If a woman wishes to shake hands with a man, she should extend her hand first.

What are the business expectations in Brazil? ›

Openness and friendliness are expected in most of the business dealings. Brazilians also value patience and being in control. Brazil has a vertical hierarchical business structure, meaning final decisions will likely be made by the highest-ranking member of the counterparty. This may lead to longer wait periods.

What type of business do you recommend for an investor in Brazil? ›

Those interested in investing and doing business in Brazil should keep a close eye on the following sectors: Oil exploration/extraction. Agricultural production. Automotive manufacturing.

What is the main business in Brazil? ›

Important Brazilian domestic industries include agriculture, mining, services and manufacturing.

What is the most common business in Brazil? ›

Limited Liability Company or 'Limitada' (Ltda.)

LLCs or 'Limitada' is probably the most common type of company in Brazil because of their flexibility and security.

What is important in Brazilian culture? ›

Brazilian families tend to be tight-knit, warm, and loving. They generally enjoy each other's company and prefer spending time together than privately. In Brazilian culture, men are usually allowed more freedom than women. Brazilian girls have less freedom than girls from most European and North American countries.

What are 3 important traditions in Brazil? ›

Brazilian family traditions

Along with football, samba, festivals and capoeira, the other most representative element of the Brazilian society is its family traditions. In fact, family is of utmost importance in Brazil, to the point that grown up children don't leave their parents' house until they get married.

What are 3 traditions about Brazil? ›

  • 1 – Brazilians take several showers a day.
  • 2 – The number of kisses varies from place to place.
  • 3 – Brazilians eat pizza with a knife and fork.
Jul 19, 2022

Why doing business in Brazil is good? ›

Brazil is geographically large and naturally diverse, providing an ideal climate for agricultural production and business ventures. Traditionally, agriculture has been a staple national sector, and despite the effects of the Global Financial Crisis, Brazil continued with strong agricultural output.

What is the biggest problem with Brazil's economy? ›

Brazil's economic growth has been slow. In 2021, the country had the lowest GDP growth among the BRICS countries, at 4.6%. This compared with 8.9% for India and 8.1% for China over the same period (World Bank, 2022). The OECD forecasts Brazil's economic growth will be just 2.8% in 2022 and 1.2% in 2023 (OECD, 2022).

What are Brazil's basic needs? ›

Brazil's big cities and its citizens are seeking to satisfy basic needs such as potable water, reliable electricity, transport, and internet access. Brazil's big cities and its citizens are seeking to satisfy basic needs such as potable water, reliable electricity, transport, and internet access.

What are the risks of doing business in Brazil? ›

Here's what to consider before making the leap to do business in Brazil.
  • Developing nation. ...
  • Bureaucracy. ...
  • Corruption. ...
  • Financial. ...
  • Taxes. ...
  • Corporate transparency. ...
  • Infrastructure. ...
  • Technology.
Mar 19, 2018

Who is the biggest trader with Brazil? ›

Main trade partners of Brazil in 2021, by value of exports and imports (in millions U.S. dollars)
United States31,145.2139,385.25
6 more rows
Oct 7, 2022

Is Brazil a high risk country for business? ›

In terms of the overall business environment, The Heritage Foundation's Index of Economic Freedom survey 2021 ranks Brazil 146 out of 184 economies, recognized as a “Mostly Unfree” country. Monetary freedom is relatively good, but its fiscal health is among the world's worst.

What is the biggest source of income in Brazil? ›

  • The services sector is the largest sector in Brazil contributing almost 65% to its gross domestic product. ...
  • The service sector is the biggest employer for the country's workforce. ...
  • The financial sector is by far the most important of the services industry in Brazil.

Which city in Brazil is best for business? ›

According to the Entrepreneurial Cities Index (ICE), produced by the National School of Public Administration (ENAP), São Paulo is considered the best city for entrepreneurship in Brazil.

What is the business between Brazil and USA? ›

In 2022, bilateral trade in goods between the U.S. and Brazil, as measured by MDIC, reached a new record of US$ 88.7 billion, exceeding the previous record from 2021 by 26%.

What does Brazil trade the most? ›

Brazil mainly exports iron ores (15.9%), soya beans (13.8%), petroleum oils (10.9%), cane or beet sugar (3.3%), and oil cake (2.6%); while its main imports are petroleum oils (5.9%), parts and accessories for tractors and motor vehicles (3.3%), human and animal blood prepared for therapeutic, prophylactic or diagnostic ...

What American companies are in Brazil? ›

Exxon Mobil is the oldest continually operated oil and gas company in Brazil, in business for over a hundred years. Chevron is also there, taking advantage of the booming oil and gas sector. Automotive is also a big winner for US companies; both General Motors and Ford have stable market shares in Brazil.

What is Brazil famously known for? ›

Brazil is famous for its stunning beaches, rainforests, and diverse cities. It is known as the country of football with world-renowned footballers such as Pelé and Neymar born there.

What are two important facts about Brazil? ›

Top 10 Facts about Brazil
  • Brazil is the largest country in South America. ...
  • Brazil has 4 time zones. ...
  • The Capital City is Brasilia. ...
  • Around 60% of the Amazon Rainforest is in Brazil. ...
  • In Brazil people speak Portuguese. ...
  • Brazil is home to the 2nd longest river in the world. ...
  • The Brazilian flag has 27 stars on it.
Nov 5, 2021

What are Brazil's beliefs? ›

Religious Practice: The religion of the majority of Brazilians is Roman Catholic. Brazil has the largest Catholic population in the world. Afro-Brazilian religions, such as Candomble and Umbanda are widespread.

What is unique about Brazil's culture? ›

The culture of Brazil is primarily of Western extraction, being derived from Portuguese culture, as well as the cultural mixing that occurred between the Indigenous peoples, Portuguese colonizers and Africans primarily during the brazilian colonial period.

What are common values in Brazil? ›

In Brazil, personal values are important. In their relationships and families, people appreciate honesty, respect, trust and patience. Warmth and compassion are valued among families, along with respect for all family members, including children.

What is the most popular tradition in Brazil? ›

1. Carnival- The Most Vibrant Festival. Carnival is certainly one of the largest, oldest and most popular Brazil festivals, celebrated primarily in Rio-de-Generio. Carnival is also celebrated in other Brazilian cities like Salvador and Recife.

What are Brazil's strengths? ›

  • Varied mineral resources and agricultural harvests.
  • Large population (estimated at 212.6 million)
  • Well-diversified industry.
  • Strong foreign exchange reserves.
  • Net creditor in foreign currency.

Is it hard to start a business in Brazil? ›

Starting a business in Brazil can be a challenging yet very rewarding venture. Brazil has the largest economy in Latin America. It has the 9th largest economy, making it an attractive venture for entrepreneurs and investors worldwide.

What is the weakness of Brazil? ›

Weaknesses: A high crime rate and warnings to travelers

Crime is all over the country, but certain regions like São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, and Brasilia are hot spots. In most cases, travelers are victims of petty crimes like pickpocketing and purse snatching.

What challenges does Brazil face? ›

Brazil Faces the Challenge of Resuming Growth without Backtracking on its Social Achievements
  • Problems in infrastructure (especially in ports, roads and logistics);
  • A complex tax system;
  • Excessive regulation, among other problems in the business environment that result in low levels of public and private investment, and.

Why is Brazil important to the United States? ›

With the largest military in Latin America (the second largest, after the US, in the Americas), with a shared belief in democracy, and as a fellow member of the United Nations, Brazil helps to bolster United States defense and further the project of international diplomacy.

How do Brazilians show respect? ›

Brazilians will often greet with a kiss or a hug, and both men and women will frequently touch you when speaking, either patting your shoulder or placing their hand on your hand or arm to make a point.

What is Brazil's quality of life? ›

When asked to rate their general satisfaction with life on a scale from 0 to 10, Brazilians gave it a 6.1 grade on average, lower than the OECD average of 6.7. For more information on estimates and years of reference, see FAQ section and BLI database.

Why is Brazil income so low? ›

Factors contributing to Brazil's income disparity

The lack of access to technology, formal education and skills training have resulted in fewer employment opportunities, and hence contribute to lower revenues of people living in rural areas.

What is a major concern in Brazil? ›

There are several environmental problems on the planet. Problems such as atmospheric pollution, water pollution, fires and deforestation are increasingly frequent and affect the quality of life of humans and also other species. Brazil, like any country in the world, faces threats to the environment.

What is the safest form of business? ›

A corporation carries the least amount of personal liability since the law holds that it is its own entity. This means creditors and customers can sue the corporation, but they can't gain access to any personal assets of the officers or shareholders.

What are Brazil's trade barriers? ›

Complicated Tax System: Without a free trade agreement, Brazil imposes high taxes and tariffs on imported goods and services coming from the U.S. and other markets. Brazil applies federal and state taxes and charges to imports that can effectively double the cost of imported products in Brazil.

Where do rich people live in Brazil? ›

São Paulo is a city of standouts, where the native mega-wealthy class has the limelight versus a milieu of absolute poverty. With no less than 1500 bank branches & 70 extravagant shopping centers, the prosperous side of this metropolis lives to spend.

Who is the richest woman in Brazil? ›

Dirce Navarro de Camargo's discreet ownership of one of Brazil's oldest industrial empires makes her the richest woman in the country.

Who is the richest trade? ›

Top 10 Richest Stock Market Investors In The World 2023
  • Warren Buffet. ...
  • Ken Griffin. ...
  • Jim Simons. ...
  • Ray Dalio. ...
  • Carl Icahn. ...
  • Steve Cohen. ...
  • Paul Tudor Jones. ...
  • George Soros.

Why not invest in Brazil? ›

One of the primary risks of investing in Brazil is its political instability; it has a volatile political history that remains persistent even today. Opportunities to invest in Brazil include U.S.-listed ETFs, American depository receipts (ADRs), and securities listed on Brazil's own stock exchange.

Is Brazil a safe country to invest in? ›

Brazil is widely considered one of the best places to invest in the world. It offers political and economic stability, strong infrastructure, booming tourism and an incredibly diverse market.

Is Brazil in financial trouble? ›

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) saw the Brazilian economy slowing from an annual GDP growth rate of 2.8% in 2022 to 1.2% in 2023, before recovering to 1.4% in 2024.

What is Brazilian communication style in business? ›

As with many Latin countries, communication tends to be predominantly oral rather than through the written word. Brazilians tend to put the spoken before the written word. When sending something in a written format it is usually a good idea to follow it up with a phone call or a visit.

What are the 3 important economic activities in Brazil? ›

The economy of Brazil. Brazil is one of the world giants of mining, agriculture, and manufacturing, and it has a strong and rapidly growing service sector.

What is Brazil communication practices? ›

Communication Style: Brazilians can be very expressive and emotive in their communication. At times, they may interrupt others when speaking when overcome by their passion or interest in the conversation topic. Moreover, Brazilians are often not afraid to speak their mind and express what is in their heart.

What are common business practices in Colombia? ›

Business Culture
  • It is important to arrive on time. ...
  • Address people with their appropriate titles and wait for the other party to initiate a transition to first-name basis.
  • It is common to exchange business cards in first meetings.
  • Allow some time for small talk to precede any serious discussion of business.

What are three key characteristics of Brazilian culture? ›

Brazilian families tend to be tight-knit, warm, and loving. They generally enjoy each other's company and prefer spending time together than privately. In Brazilian culture, men are usually allowed more freedom than women. Brazilian girls have less freedom than girls from most European and North American countries.

How do you show respect in Brazilian culture? ›

Small gifts such as a chocolate bar are often given as a symbolic gesture of appreciation towards someone who does a favour. If invited into a Brazilian home, bringing flowers or a small gift for the hostess is a good gesture of appreciation. A gift for the hostess' children will also be greatly appreciated.

What is the business card etiquette in Brazil? ›

Business cards should be handed out during introductions at the start of a meeting. If possible, your card should have Portuguese on one side and English or your native language on the other. The Portuguese side should be face-up when you exchange cards.

Why is Brazil good for business? ›

Brazil is geographically large and naturally diverse, providing an ideal climate for agricultural production and business ventures. Traditionally, agriculture has been a staple national sector, and despite the effects of the Global Financial Crisis, Brazil continued with strong agricultural output.

What is Brazil's economy style? ›

The economy is a middle income developing mixed economy. In 2022, according to International Monetary Fund (IMF), Brazil has the 10th largest gross domestic product (GDP) in the world and has the 8th largest purchasing power parity in the world. $2.081 trillion (nominal; 2023 est.) $4.020 trillion (PPP; 2023 est.)

What type of economy is Brazil? ›

Brazil is the largest country in both South and Latin America and is home to the world's eighth largest economy by nominal GDP and purchasing power parity. The Brazilian economy is characterized by a mixed economy that relies on import substitution to achieve economic growth.

What is business practices in international business? ›

International business basically means commercial transactions that involve two or more countries. These transactions can occur between private entities as well as government agencies. The only prerequisite of such transactions is that they should involve multiple nations.

What are common global business practices? ›

Here are there international business practices divided into categories namely exporting, trade organizations, commercial policies, foreign investment and taxation. Exporting is broken down into agents & distributors, import restrictions, import duties and documentation.

What is the most common international business activity? ›

Import and export

This is often because imports and exports are the most basic and largest international business activity and the easiest way for a company to enter the market with low capital expenditure when deciding to expand abroad. This is the first choice.

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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.