Business Intelligence (BI) and Business Analytics (BA) Trends (2024)

by Varun Anant

/ October 17, 2017

Knowledge is Power. This statement holds true now, more than ever, thanks to the wealth of data that is generated on a daily basis. An IBM Report titled ‘10 Key Marketing Trends for 2017’ states that 2.5 quintillion bytes of data is generated every day, 90% of which was created in the past 2 years alone. And it’s data that businesses are constantly trying to tap into, in order to understand their users better and drive revenue growth. Hence, the rush to invest in data and data analytics in recent times. IDC’s (International Data Corporation) ‘Worldwide Semiannual Big Data and Analytics Spending Guide’ reports that worldwide revenues for big data and business analytics is estimated to grow from $130.1 billion in 2016 to more than $203 billion in 2020.

Business Intelligence (BI) and Business Analytics (BA) Trends (1)

But, what good is data, if you can’t make sense of it. Only 1% of data is actually analyzed. That means insights are drawn from only 1% of data, business decisions are taken based on only 1% of data. Additionally, poor or bad quality data can cost a company 20-35% of their operating revenue.

This is where Business Intelligence (BI) and Business Analytics (BA) come to the rescue. Effectively implemented, they can radically boost a company’s sales, by ensuring that relevant actionable insights are drawn through proper analysis of the data collected. Gartner defines Business Intelligence as ‘An umbrella term that includes the applications, infrastructure and tools, and best practices that enable access to and analysis of information to improve and optimize decisions and performance.’ And it definesBusiness Analytics as follows, ‘Business analytics is comprised of solutions used to build analysis models and simulations to create scenarios, understand realities and predict future states.’

While, often used interchangeably, BI and BA have certain important differences. BI looks at the past and present data, to tell you what happened and is currently happening. By analyzing the past, and showing you the present in detail, it helps you create a model for reactive response. It aids you in deciding what works and what doesn’t, so that, going forward you can incorporate the processes that work, while eliminating those that don’t. BA, on the other hand forecasts future outcomes, using sophisticated statistical analysis, data mining, and predictive modeling. With BA, you can anticipate the future and prepare for it, by developing a model for proactive and preemptive response. Both aspects are necessary for a business to function successfully, as real-time data allows you to respond to ongoing problems in the best possible manner, while foreseeing the future allows you to prevent issues before they arise.

BI and BA successful use case

Companies the world over are successfully using BI and BA to not just make themselves more efficient, responsive, and proactive, but also to improve customer experience, which should be the ultimate goal of any company that wants to thrive in the current customer-centric era.

Macy’s – Using analytics software installed into the company’s database, the offline and online platforms of this international department store can analyze gigantic amounts of data on a daily basis. And the data analyzed includes social media platforms, particularly twitter, apart from regular store transactions. This has helped the retailer understand customers’ buying behavior, such that it can tailor promotions and products to better cater to their needs. The result: improved margins, increase in store sales by 10%, and simplification of operations across departments. The beauty of BI and BA is that they allow you to apply data in unique ways. For instance, Macy’s is able to forecast in-store sales based on specific weather patterns, while also altering the prices of products based on if they are deemed ‘’hot or not”.

5 Key Trends driving BI and BA

BI and BA are propelled by a host of technologies. Some of the main tech trends supporting the rapid rise of BI and BA are as follows:

1. Self-service BI:
Self-service BI characterized by self-service machine data analytics, self-service data discovery and explorations, and analytics on the cloud is a result of business units driving IT requirements, and BI systems and BA tools being used by business units without the interference of the IT department. Self-service BI being more interactive and user-friendly can be easily used by the non-tech business users to make relevant, actionable, and timely decisions. Additionally, the opening up of BI beyond the IT department, makes the business more agile. Self-service BI being on the rise, more companies are investing in BI systems that can be housed on the cloud and are capable of multiple functions like storage, integration, analysis, and visual representation of data, as opposed to multiple different tools.

2. Analytics :
Analytics is at the core of BI and BA. Predictive and Prescriptive Analytics are the two major categories that dominate the BI field. Predictive Analytics, as the name suggests, looks to forecast the future, by extracting and analyzing information from the past and present. Spotting trends, opportunities, and potential problems is the chief aim of predictive analytics. Two methods of Predictive Analytics currently popular are Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) and Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average (ARIMA). Prescriptive Analytics is concerned with analyzing data to determining the right steps that should be taken to achieve a particular goal. It tries to comprehend the effect of future decisions, so that any precarious moves can be adjusted even before they are made. Machine learning, graph analysis, simulation, heuristics, complex event processing are some of the techniques that form Prescriptive Analysis.

3. Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Cognitive Computing :
AI has been ranked No. 1 in Gartner’s 2017 Strategic Technology Trends report.AI, ML, and Cognitive Computing are fast becoming main-stream. Companies are embracing text analytics, language processing, speech recognition, virtual agents, automation, machine language and deep learning platforms in a bid to collect, store, integrate, analyze, and respond to data faster. As data volumes and complexity increases, algorithms created to process them get smarter along the way, through their self-learning capabilities. Billions of rows of data can be processed in seconds. This means real-time relevant data is available to companies, giving them insightful information right when they need it.

4. Cloud :
The benefits that the Cloud offers continue to enhance its role in modern day business. As a number of cloud based services for data management, processing, computing, and analytics are being churned out, the reliance on in-house systems is decreasing. Cloud provides the kind of affordable accessibility that makes it attractive to small and medium businesses as well, thereby increasing the reach of BI and BA. Additionally, in this era of mobility andIoT, Cloud allows for anytime/anywhere flexible access to data, which is no longer a luxury, but a necessity, if a business wishes to serve its clients satisfactorily.

5. Data Governance and Security :
Gartner analyst Merv Adrian advises, “Well-managed data is mandatory before you move to advanced analytics. Build controls for your Big Data & Advanced Analytics Pipeline (BAAP).” As self-service BI is on the rise, there is a stronger need for governance and security measures. A mechanism has to be put in place that permits the freedom to explore and interpret data, at the same time ensuring data is not misused, and there are no breaches. Bimodal IT offers solutions that set standards for how data should be used, and provides controls to keep data access in check, thus, enabling governance and ensuring security. That being said, data governance measures shouldn’t restrict a business’s ability to be agile. The right balance between governance and agility should be struck.

Looking Ahead
BI and BA are slated to become mainstream aspects of any and every business that wants to stay competitive. Irrespective of the scale of implementation in a business, they have established themselves as vital tools for sustainable business growth.



Business Intelligence (BI) and Business Analytics (BA) Trends (2024)


Business Intelligence (BI) and Business Analytics (BA) Trends? ›

The key similarity between business intelligence and business analytics is that they're both about using data to make decisions. The difference is that BI focuses on the how, while BA focuses on the what. Business Intelligence and Analytics need to be tailored to the specific needs of your business.

What is the difference between business analytics BA and business intelligence BI? ›

Purpose: BI uses historical data to determine what happened within an organization, while BA uses this data to determine why those things happened in an attempt to make predictions. In other words, BI provides descriptive analysis of data and BA provides predictive analysis.

What is the future of business intelligence and business analytics? ›

The future of business intelligence (BI) is inextricably linked to the future of data. As the amount of data companies create and consume grows exponentially, the speed and ease with which you can access and rely upon that data is going to be more important than ever before.

Which is better business intelligence analyst or business analyst? ›

Business analytics focuses on identifying operational insights. Business analytics focuses on the overall function and day-to-day operation of the business. A business analyst would deal less with the technical aspects of analysis and more with the practical applications of data insights.

What type of business analytics looks at trends? ›

Predictive analytics: This uses descriptive and diagnostic discoveries to distinguish patterns and anticipate future trends. Prescriptive analytics: This recommends favourable outcomes and proposes different courses of action.

Who earns more business analyst or business intelligence? ›

From a practical, particularly career point of view, we can also understand the difference by analyzing business analyst vs business intelligence salary. While the difference between the two job roles is not much, the average salary of a business intelligence analyst is slightly higher than that of a business analyst.

Is business intelligence a good career path? ›

BI involves using data mining, reporting, and querying techniques to identify key business metrics and KPIs that can help companies make informed decisions. A career path in BI can be a lucrative and rewarding choice for those with interest in data analysis and problem-solving.

Is business intelligence in high demand? ›

Business Intelligence is an exciting field that is having a profound effect on the way that we do business. The integration of technical and business disciplines puts it on the cutting edge of companies' digital transformation, making it one of the most in-demand jobs all over the world.

Will business analytics be replaced by AI? ›

With mass amounts of data being produced for and by businesses these days, Artificial Intelligence is already helping Business Analysts more efficiently and accurately draw valuable insights out of mountains of data and deliver solutions to companies to help them reach their goals.

What is the career path of business intelligence analyst? ›

Business intelligence analysts can get their careers started in analytical roles like data analyst. They can go on to become business intelligence consultants, business intelligence architects, managers, or other senior positions.

Which business analyst has highest salary? ›

Highest Paying Business Analyst Jobs
  • Business Systems Analyst ($93,000 average salary). ...
  • Business Intelligence Analyst ($87,000 average salary). ...
  • Business Process Consultant ($110,000 average salary). ...
  • Business Development Director ($195,000 average salary).

Is business intelligence a stressful job? ›

Yes, being a business analyst is a stressful job.

This is because their role is involved with looking at huge amounts of data, synthesizing it, and using that information to help their company make decisions. This can be stressful as a wrong analysis can have massive repercussions.

Which degree is best for business intelligence? ›

A bachelor's in business intelligence prepares learners for analyst positions. The degree combines management, marketing, technology, and data analytics. On the other hand, a bachelor's in business administration focuses on general business administration, finance, international business, and information technology.

What are the four 4 types of business analytics? ›

These four types of analytics all work together and can be used together to help improve business performance.
  • Descriptive Analytics. Descriptive analytics can show “what happened” and is the foundation of data insights. ...
  • Diagnostic Analytics. ...
  • Predictive Analytics. ...
  • Prescriptive Analytics.

What are the business analyst trends in 2023? ›

Overall, the trends in 2023 will continue to emphasize the importance of analytics, data, technology, automation, cyber security and collaboration in driving business success.

What are the 4 types of business analytics? ›

Analytics is a broad term covering four different pillars in the modern analytics model: descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive. Each plays a role in how your business can better understand what your data reveals and how you can use those insights to drive business objectives.

Can I make 6 figures as data analyst? ›

A low six-figure salary is really the limit of most data analytics roles, though. To earn more, you'll need to transition into a more senior position, such as a data scientist or finance manager. If you're starting out now this might be a while off, but it's nice to know where the journey might take you!

What is the biggest difference between business intelligence and business analytics? ›

The main difference between Business Intelligence and Business Analytics is that Business Intelligence is focused on descriptive analysis, while Business Analytics is focused on predictive analysis. Business Intelligence is used to analyze historical data to predict future trends.

Does business analyst do coding? ›

While the ability to program is helpful for a career in analytics, being able to write code isn't necessarily required to work as an analytics professional.

How much does a business intelligence analyst make at Google? ›

Business Intelligence Analyst salary in Google ranges between ₹ 14.0 Lakhs to ₹ 16.0 Lakhs per year. This is an estimate based on salaries received from employees of Google.

Does business intelligence need math? ›

Business intelligence analysts need strong math, analytical, and writing skills. Take courses in math, business, government, English, and communications. Knowledge of various database software programs is required so be sure to also take computer and computer science classes.

Is MBA in business intelligence worth IT? ›

Small and large companies alike need qualified business intelligence professionals to interpret big data using analytics methodology. Modern hiring managers are always looking for candidates with excellent leadership and analytics skills. A business intelligence MBA delivers both.

Is business intelligence a stem field? ›

Yes, business analytics is a STEM degree. Business analytics degrees are highly technical. A degree in business analytics can include courses like descriptive analytics, data mining, and discrete mathematics.

What is the average salary of a business intelligence analyst in the US? ›

Average Data + Analytics salaries in US
Job TitleAverage SalarySalary Range
Business Analyst$83,678Min: $39K Max: $250K
Data Analyst$84,580Min: $44K Max: $210K
Business Intelligence Analyst$87,751Min: $38K Max: $160K
Junior Data Scientist$88,237Min: $51K Max: $140K
18 more rows

Why pursue a career in business intelligence? ›

Wide Range of Career Opportunities

BI consultants are essential for decision making on all levels within companies and are highly valued by senior stakeholders. With the insights they derive from data, BI professionals reveal strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats could help shape the future of businesses.

Is business analytics the future? ›

Business analytics innovations create new challenges on their journey to maturity. But they qualify as trends only if enterprises can address them and land a neat profit. The future of business analytics will see the cloud persisting as a market mover and shaker, thanks to new technology.

Will robots take my job business analyst? ›

Management Consultant / Business Analyst – 7% – As with many analytical jobs, there is a change that Management Consultants / Business Analysts will be replaced by robots. However, the level of human interaction that these roles require might prevent robots replacing human jobs in this field for the time being.

Will CEOs be replaced by AI? ›

However, it is unlikely that AI will entirely replace human CEOs in the foreseeable future, as the human element of decision-making is still vital for many aspects of business management.

What type of personality does a business intelligence analyst have? ›

Intelligence analysts are investigative and enterprising

Intelligence analysts tend to be predominantly investigative individuals, which means that they are quite inquisitive and curious people that often like to spend time alone with their thoughts.

Can a business analyst make 6 figures? ›

High earning potential: Business analysts typically make between $50k-$100k depending on their level of experience and the industry they specialize in. A senior-level BA can easily earn over $100k per year.

Who gets paid more financial analyst or business analyst? ›

The average salaries for business analysts and finance analysts can differ based on the company they work for, their location and their professional experience. Typically, a business analyst makes an average of $82,147 per year . In contrast, the average annual salary for a finance analyst is $71,418 per year .

What is the next position after business analyst? ›

Eventually, business analysts progress into supervisory and management positions, using data analytics to guide company decisions. A business analyst may even become an executive or member of a company's C-suite, strategizing a company's path forward.

What does a business intelligence analyst do day to day? ›

A typical day for a business intelligence analyst includes collecting data, analyzing it and then sharing the information with the right audience. These components can break down into more detailed tasks, all of which allow you to positively impact a company's overall performance.

Is business intelligence easier than data science? ›

In general, business intelligence focuses on analyzing past events, while data science aims to predict future trends. Data science requires a more technical skill set compared to business intelligence.

What is the average age of a business intelligence analyst? ›

43 years old

What are the three major types of business intelligence? ›

These are predictive analytics, descriptive analytics, and prescriptive analytics.

Is business intelligence a good career for the future? ›

Business intelligence analysis is a good career to pursue, and it offers many job roles and opportunities. These professionals are in demand in various industries and tend to earn above-average salaries. It is a good career path if you have an interest in data analytics and project management.

What is the highest degree for business? ›

As the highest degree in business, a doctorate prepares graduates for research, academic, and leadership positions. At the doctoral level, a student can earn a Ph. D. in business administration or a doctorate in business administration (DBA).

Is business intelligence same as business analytics? ›

The focus on the occurrence of events is the primary distinction between business intelligence vs business analytics. While BI concentrates on current and past events recorded in the data, BA focuses mostly on what is more likely to happen in the future.

What is the difference between business data analyst and business intelligence analyst? ›

A business intelligence analyst finds business-focused insights through data, unlike a data analyst who exclusively uses analytics to find solutions to problems.

What is the difference between business analytics and data analytics and business intelligence? ›

Following is the difference between Business Intelligence and Business Analytics are as follows: Business Intelligence uses past and current data whereas Business Analytics uses past data to extract insights and run the business operations that drive the customer needs and increase productivity.

What does BA stand for business analytics? ›

Business analytics (BA) is a set of disciplines and technologies for solving business problems using data analysis, statistical models and other quantitative methods. It involves an iterative, methodical exploration of an organization's data, with an emphasis on statistical analysis, to drive decision-making.

Who earns more data analyst or business analyst? ›

data analyst, which is better? The average data analyst's salary could go up to $72,250 per year. It also depends on the company, job role, and geographical location matters. A data business analyst's salary is typically higher, averaging $78,500/year.

What is an example of business intelligence? ›

Businesses use the best practices coming under business intelligence to mine their data and extract the information essential to make significant business decisions. For example, a retail store generates data regularly related to purchases.

What does business intelligence fall under? ›

Business intelligence includes data analytics and business analytics but uses them only as parts of the whole process. BI helps users draw conclusions from data analysis.

Which field is better business analyst or data analyst? ›

Data analysts tend to work more closely with the data itself, while business analysts tend to be more involved in addressing business needs and recommending solutions. Both are highly sought-after roles that are typically well-compensated.

Is business analyst an IT job? ›

IT business analysts are knowledgeable in both business and information technology. Liaising between IT and the executive branch, enhancing the quality of IT services, and understanding business needs are among their major roles.

How would you compare business intelligence with data analytics? ›

Business intelligence (BI) describes past occurrences using historical data. By extension, the exploration of historical data can be a crucial tool for making future business decisions. Conversely, data analytics uses elements of data science to predict future scenarios.

What is the 2 difference between business intelligence and data? ›

Business intelligence addresses ongoing operations, helping businesses and departments meet organizational goals. Data analytics can help companies that want to transform the way they do business. Both disciplines can benefit from a little data preparation.

What do business intelligence analysts do? ›

Business intelligence analysts help a company put the data it already collects to use in order to increase the company's efficiency and maximize profits. They comb through large amounts of data by querying databases effectively, and then produce reports and identify trends to generate actionable business insights.

What is another name for business intelligence? ›

Business intelligence and business analytics are sometimes used interchangeably, but there are alternate definitions.

Does business analytics require coding? ›

A Business Analyst is not required to have programming skills but knowing about it could make the difference in work. However, some technical skills are more helpful for business analysts.

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