Budgeting for people who hate budgets, 'set and forget' (2024)

​Hi Heather,

My name’s Barry and I hate budgeting…it’s not so much the budgeting but tracking all my spending; it kind of sucks the joy out of life. I can’t stand having to think through how my money will be spent and not being able to buy what I want just because it wasn’t budgeted for – am I doomed to always be broke because I don’t budget? Do you have any suggestions for me?


Barry you raise a very interesting question.

In fact, I had to think about whether I actually like budgeting myself or whether it’s just a habit I have got into over time.

My answer is that I don’t think anyone loves budgeting or having to watch every single penny but when people see the benefits of operating a budget they get into. When you know your income will last until the next pay day because you’ve planned well you’re less stressed out about your finances.

I have a certain friend who puts every single penny that he spends into a spreadsheet, well, it was a spreadsheet back in the day when he told me how he was managing his money, I hope he’s now found some reliable app for that purpose. When I saw his system of managing money I literally lost the will to live and that’s how I came up with what I call the “set and forget budget” or “loose budgeting” for my own money management.

I love the quote "A budget is telling your money where to go, instead of wondering where it went." It was first said by John Maxwell but Dave Ramsey popularised it.

Anyhow, rather than watch every single penny, the “loose budgeting method” involves creating spending buckets and allocating a fixed amount to each bucket with loose rules around how that money can be spent.

If you do it properly, this “set and forget” way of managing money means you will only need to make changes monthly if your income changes a lot from month to month or annually if you are on a stable and fixed income. You might do it a little more frequently at the outset as you’ll need to tweak the different buckets until they are just right.

But first, what is the point of the whole ‘set and forget’ budget?
The objective, once you’re done dividing your cash into different buckets is to figure out your financial lane so that you can stay in it!
You’ll know once done whether your finances can support a daily latte habit or a weekly shopping for clothes habit. You’ll know whether buying lunch every day when you work makes sense for you or not. Once you figure out what lifestyle your finances can support then you can start working building the habits that will help you reach your goals.

Step 1: figure out total income after taxes and deductions

Before you create the loose budget you need to figure out what you earn annually after tax, pension contributions and any other deductions such as student loan payments. Basically, figure what lands in your bank account.

If you are paid a fixed wage this is relatively easy to calculate using listentotaxman.com.

If you’re married and manage your income as a single unit, like my husband and I, you’ll need to add up the two incomes.

Step 2: decide what will be saved the allocate the other buckets

When you have total income deduct the total amount you want to dedicate to saving and the total to any other big expenses you want to commit to like school fees or buying a car.

Once you’ve done this you’ll know what total is left for household spending and you’re ready to create buckets.

You might need to tweak the savings amount if after doing this exercise you realise you’re over saving and haven’t left enough for household necessities or if you are under saving and could save more.

This is what my household’s buckets look like, keep in mind that each bucket is for monthly spending and I track it in Excel because it’s convenient and because with the loose budget you don’t need to track spending so much. My husband and I manage our total earnings as one pot after deducting a little bit of pocket money that we each keep for personal hobbies and such like:

Monthly Bills

1. Children’s saving

This will be a bucket for some and not for others (podcast episode 2).

2. Your savings

Once this is set you’ll set a standing order so that savings leave your account as soon as you are paid.

3. School expenses for yourself or children

If you pay any sort of fees it’s best to pay the fees to another current account as soon as you’re paid. For example, if you pay fees 3 times a year spread the cost of fees out across several months so fees don’t come as a shock every time.

4. Mortgage

This will be fixed based on your mortgage agreement. Our household rule is to keep mortgage payments low enough so that one person can pay them. So if you’re in a relationship, the loss of one job wouldn’t be devastating because payments are within the means of one earner.

I also like Dave Ramsey’s rule of keeping payments to within 25% of household income based on 15-year repayment plan BUT I think a 15-year mortgage is not affordable for many people because the ratio of house prices to income in the UK has gone a little crazy; what might might be a better target is getting mortgage free by age 50 or 55.

5. Council tax

This is fixed and unavoidable.

6. Water

Pretty fixed and unavoidable if you're not on a meter but if you have a meter you can make cuts. Budget for the maximum water bill you expect.

7.Gas & Electricity

Pretty fixed and unavoidable. Budget for the maximum energy bill you expect.

8. Homecare insurance

I always have homecare insurance so that unexpected heating and plumbing leaks and breakdowns are covered.

9. Life Insurance or mortgage insurance

If you have this it’ll be fixed.

10. Broadband

This is relatively fixed but you should shop around for a cheaper deal at least once a year.

11. TV licence

This is completely fixed.

12. Groceries

Groceries includes food and any basic toiletries and household cleaning products. Set your groceries budget high enough that you can buy treats from the supermarket – by treats I mean the type of high quality foods that will help you avoid spending on takeaways or restaurants meals. Things you really like. It doesn’t make sense not to buy the £10 salmon that will feed a family of 4 and then go out to a restaurant and spend £40 or £50 to eat the same thing. That’s the definition of false economy.

13. Ad hoc expenses

The ad hoc account is for annual expenses such car services, car tax, car insurance and MOTs. If you want to do any basic house improvements I would add that here and save up for the full cost. I also use this in case I "run out of money" before the end of the month, for example, because I bought too many things on Amazon which are not individually budget for.

This is all the non-negotiable hard-to-cut-back stuff added to the budget. Savings can obviously be amended but if you set a realistic savings goals to begin with, you shouldn’t need to change that.

14. Transport

This pot might have flexibility if you can choose between public transport and your own car.

15. Fuel

To the extent that you make lots of non-work or childcare-related trips, this is flexible.


This is the ultimate luxury and if you were strapped for cash would be an obvious thing you could cut out of your life.

17. Meals Out

Based on how much money is left after all the important stuff this might have to be zero in some months. Before we had kids my husband and I spent a lot on eating out now we have months when not a penny is spent in eateries including coffee shops.

18. Memberships and subscriptions to magazines, newspapers, Amazon prime, Audible, Netflix, sky or virgin TV, etc.

19. Charity

This is flexible in theory but in practice is hard to reduce.

​20.Other stuff ... Clothes? Make-up

Finally, once I have the total budget I add a cushion of £100 to £200 for unbudgeted expenses like a trip to B&Q for mould remover or household things like spoons all disappearing, you know - life happens!

This exercise would get tedious if you were trying to do it all the time but as a one-off it can be quite fun. I have found the money dashboard app helpful for getting an overview of what I spend in various areas. Maybe it can help you too.

Once you've done this exercise it will hopeful draw out where you can cut expenses and hopefully it might bring any bad spending habits to light.

Because the British tax year goes from April to April I usually pay closest attention to my budget just before the tax year and in November as I prepare for Christmas because that's when i am most likely to lose it with my spending.

​I hope this helps, Barry.

If you have any personal finance questions send them to[ME]– I will answer whatever piques my fancy via a blog post.

Budgeting for people who hate budgets, 'set and forget' (2024)


How do you budget for people who hate budgeting? ›

Here are four budgeting ideas for people who hate budgeting.
  1. Use a Budgeting App. ...
  2. Think Systems, Not Goals. ...
  3. Try the 50/30/20 Rule. ...
  4. Make Budgeting More Like a Game. ...
  5. Keep Experimenting With Budgets.
Jun 19, 2023

What is the 80 10 10 rule? ›

When following the 10-10-80 rule, you take your income and divide it into three parts: 10% goes into your savings, and the other 10% is given away, either as charitable donations or to help others. The remaining 80% is yours to live on, and you can spend it on bills, groceries, Netflix subscriptions, etc.

What is the 80 20 20 budget rule? ›

The rule requires that you divide after-tax income into two categories: savings and everything else. As long as 20% of your income is used to pay yourself first, you're free to spend the remaining 80% on needs and wants. That's it; no expense categories, no tracking your individual dollars.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

What is the #1 rule of budgeting? ›

The 50/30/20 budget rule states that you should spend up to 50% of your after-tax income on needs and obligations that you must have or must do. The remaining half should be split between savings and debt repayment (20%) and everything else that you might want (30%).

What can I do instead of budgeting? ›

Budget Alternatives for People Who Don't Want to Budget
  1. Zero-Based Budgeting. Let's begin with the strictest form of budgeting - zero-based budgeting. ...
  2. Pay Yourself First Budget or Reverse Budgeting. ...
  3. Envelope System Budgeting. ...
  4. The 50/30/20 Budget. ...
  5. The No Budget or Anti-Budget.

What is the 70 20 10 Rule money? ›

The 70-20-10 budget formula divides your after-tax income into three buckets: 70% for living expenses, 20% for savings and debt, and 10% for additional savings and donations. By allocating your available income into these three distinct categories, you can better manage your money on a daily basis.

What is the 30 day rule? ›

The premise of the 30-day savings rule is straightforward: When faced with the temptation of an impulse purchase, wait 30 days before committing to the buy. During this time, take the opportunity to evaluate the necessity and impact of the purchase on your overall financial goals.

What is the 10 savings rule? ›

The 10% rule of investing states that you must save 10% of your income in order to maintain a comfortable lifestyle during retirement. This strategy, of course, isn't meant for everyone as it doesn't account for age, needs, lifestyle, and location.

What is the 40 40 20 budget rule? ›

The 40/40/20 rule comes in during the saving phase of his wealth creation formula. Cardone says that from your gross income, 40% should be set aside for taxes, 40% should be saved, and you should live off of the remaining 20%.

What percentage of your income should go to expenses? ›

50% of your net income should go towards living expenses and essentials (Needs), 20% of your net income should go towards debt reduction and savings (Debt Reduction and Savings), and 30% of your net income should go towards discretionary spending (Wants).

What is the 50 30 20 rule of budgeting examples? ›

For example, if you earn ₹ 1 lakh, you can allocate ₹ 50,000 to your needs, ₹ 30,000 to your wants and ₹ 20,000 to your savings, every month.

What is the envelope method of budgeting? ›

The concept is simple: Take a few envelopes, write a specific expense category on each one — like groceries, rent or student loans — and then put the money you plan to spend on those things into the envelopes. Traditionally, people have used the envelope system on a monthly basis, using actual cash and envelopes.

How to budget $4,000 a month? ›

making $4,000 a month using the 75 10 15 method. 75% goes towards your needs, so use $3,000 towards housing bills, transport, and groceries. 10% goes towards want. So $400 to spend on dining out, entertainment, and hobbies.

What are the four walls? ›

Personal finance expert Dave Ramsey says if you're going through a tough financial period, you should budget for the “Four Walls” first above anything else. In a series of tweets, Ramsey suggested budgeting for food, utilities, shelter and transportation — in that specific order.

What are the three 3 common budgeting mistakes to avoid? ›

10 of The Most Common Budgeting Mistakes to Avoid
  • Financial Goals Aren't Clear. ...
  • Not Tracking Expenses. ...
  • Overspending. ...
  • Not Planning For Unexpected Expenses. ...
  • Not Adjusting Budgets As Circ*mstances Change. ...
  • Thinking That Budgeting Is Easy. ...
  • Underestimating Expenses. ...
  • Relying Too Much On Credit.
Feb 28, 2024

What are the 4 reasons people don t like to use budgets? ›

Here are 5 reasons why they don't.
  • Budgets suck and they're not fun to live with, so most people don't.
  • Budgets take a lot of time. You're too busy to create one and have much less time to stay on one.
  • Budgets are complicated. ...
  • Budgets lead to fights. ...
  • Budget don't last long-term.
May 22, 2019

Why is budgeting so difficult for people? ›

With a traditional budget, you'll usually have to set limits on how much you can spend for all of your expenses. That can be tough for the average person whose expenses vary on a monthly basis, depending on lifestyle factors like out-of-pocket doctor's appointments, travel, birthday gifts and more.

Why do people struggle with budgeting? ›

Common issue: Trying to account for each dollar – most budgets fail because people start by trying to categorize where every dollar goes, which leaves no room for error or spontaneity. Then once something comes up that isn't in the budget, it can break the whole plan, leading many people to give up.

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.