Broiler Management (2024)

Broiler Management

It is a bird of about 8 weeks of age of either sex (straight-run chicks) with an average body weight of 1.5 to 2.0 kg with a flexible breast bone cartilage, pliable and tender meat.

Housing systems
Broilers can be housed on deep-litter, slatted or wire floor or cages. However, cage, slat and wire floor rearing of broilers are not as popular as litter floor rearing, due to problems like breast blisters, leg weakness and higher initial investment.

Rearing systems
The systems of rearing refer to either single batch at a time (all-in all-out system) or multiple batches of brooding and rearing of broilers.

All-in all-out system
Under all-in all-out system, the farm will have only one batch of broilers, belonging to the same hatch at any time. Sufficient chicks will be purchased to accommodate the entire farm capacity, reared and marketed in a single lot.
This system is more hygienic, lesser sub-clinical infections and horizontal spreading of diseases and thereby lesser mortality rate, better growth rate and improved feed efficiency. However, this system is not suitable for large scale farming and needs higher fixed and working capital per bird.

Multiple batch system
The multiple batch system consists of rearing of more than one batch of chicks at any time, with a batch interval of 1 to 4 weeks. Here, the farmer is buying day-old chicks and selling grown up broilers at weekly, fortnightly, once in three weeks or at monthly intervals. The chicks are reared for five to six weeks of age, or until they attain the desired body weight and sold for table.
The ideal system for India at present is having 5 to 6 batches of broilers at any time, with weekly interval between batches and “direct retail marketing”. Here, the birds will be marketed daily, from 40 to 54 days of age, based on their body weight, i.e. heavier birds will be sold earlier; giving a chance for weaker birds to have a compensatory growth.

Floor space, feeder space and waterer space
The floor space requirement of broilers varies depending on their body weight at the time of marketing, housing systems, marketing age and ambient temperature. The feeder and waterer space also varies depending on the environmental temperature and health condition of the birds. The following is the approximate floor, feeder and waterer space requirement for broilers.


Floor space/ bird

Feeder space/ bird

Waterer space / bird

Up to 18 days

450 cm2
(0.5 sq.ft.)

3 cm

1.5 cm

From 19 days to 42 days

1000 cm2 (1.1 sq.ft.)

6-7 cm

3 cm

Brooding and rearing of broilers
It is similar to that for egg-type chicks.

Cage rearing of broilers
Broilers can also be reared on cages. Broiler cages are similar to that of grower cages. To prevent the breast blisters, the bottom of the cage may be coated with some plastic materials. The floor space requirement in cages is 50% of the floor space needed in deep-litter. The relative advantages and disadvantages of cage rearing of broilers are,


  • Higher density of rearing possible
  • Easy to catch the birds at market time and hence reduces bruising
  • No expenditure on litter
  • No incidences of coccidiosis
  • Reduced cannibalism
  • Cleaning and disinfection easier
  • Better growth and feed efficiency


  • Higher incidences of breast-blisters which increases carcass condemnations
  • Higher incidences of crooked keel
  • Wing bones will be more brittle which will be a disadvantage for the processor also.
  • Birds are not having access to the unidentified growth factors in deep-litter system.
  • Cleaning faecal-trays is not labour friendly.
  • High initial investment on cages.
  • Birds will be uncomfortable especially during summer

Generally, three types of feed are offered to broilers from day-old to marketing.
0-2 Weeks – Broiler Pre-starter mash / crumble
3-4 Weeks – Broiler Starter mash
5-6 Weeks – Broiler Finisher mash

In open sided broiler houses, the most commonly recommended lighting programme is 24 hours light during brooding period, followed by 23 hours light and one hour darkness per day, until marketing. This one hour darkness is to train the birds to acclimatize for darkness, in case of power failure, which may cause panic and trampling.

Vaccination schedule




Route of administration


First day

Marek’s (at hatchery)

S/C at neck


5-7th day


I/O or I/N


14th day

IBD Vaccine

I/O or I/N


21st day

RDV La Sota

Drinking water


28th day

IBD Vaccine (Booster)

Drinking water

Sex-separate rearing of broilers
The growth rate, floor space and the nutrient requirements of male and female broilers are not the same. Since the males grow faster than females, males need higher floor space and nutrients than female broilers. Due to these reasons, male and female broiler chicks are reared separately, in many countries, from day-old to disposal. Here, day-old broiler chicks are sexed by “feather sexing method” rather than by “vent-sexing”, as in the case of egg-type chicks. The sexed broiler chicks are brood and reared separately until marketing. Separate diets are provided for males and females. Male broilers require more protein, whereas the females require less energy and less protein.


  • More uniform body weight of flocks can be produced by separate rearing of sexes.
  • Specialized market requirement can be met. The females can be reared, dressed and sold as whole chicken; whereas the male carcasses will be exclusively used for deboning and various cut-up parts.
  • More accurate feeding to meet out the specific requirement of each sex will be possible. This will lead to better growth rate and feed efficiency.
  • Due to flock uniformity, the automatic processing equipments can be adjusted more accurately for greater processing efficiency and minimum condemnations.
  • Minimise the incidence of cannibalism and peck order, due to more flock uniformity.


  • Increased costs of sexing.
  • Larger breeding flocks are necessary to meet the demand for male and female broiler chicks. In turn, hatcheries may require that their customers always purchase equal number of male and female chicks.

Measures of performance efficiency in broilers
1. Livability

Livability %


Number of birds sold x 100
Number of birds at the beginning

Normal value is 97 to 98%
2. Feed Efficiency or Feed conversion ratio



Total quantity of feed consumed per bird in Kg
Mean body weight gain in Kg

A value of 1.8 or lesser at 6 weeks of age is preferable.

3. Broiler Performance Efficiency Factor (BPEF)



Live weight in kg x 100
Feed efficiency

Higher the value better will be the index. A value of 100 or more is desirable.

4. Broiler Farm Economy Index (BFEI)



Average live weight (kg) x per cent livability
Feed efficiency x growing period (days)

A BFEI value of 2.0 and above indicates better management of the farm and optimal performance of the birds; whereas a value less than 1.3 indicates poor performance of the flock.

Squab broilers
Very small broilers, weighing around 0.9 kg weight at around 28 days of age is called squab broilers. These are raised straight-run, processed, eviscerated and sold as fresh or frozen whole carcass.


Preparation of Poultry for Show

1) Selection of birds

  • Select only healthy birds. This is important for two reasons:
  • It increases the chances of winning the price since healthy birds will have good physical condition and bright appearance.
  • It reduces the chances of spreading diseases to other birds present in the show.

2) Training birds
The birds to be presented for show should confirm to the standard description for its breed and variety.
Select the bird early. At least one week before the show, place each show bird in a cage similar to the one used during poultry show. Handle each two to three times a day in a manner similar to that used during judging so that the birds get trained and do not get excited during the show. Do not expose the red coloured birds to direct sunlight for several hours because it will fade the plumage colour.

3) Washing the birds
When the plumage is soiled and dirty, it does not look good in show cages. The birds are washed with detergent solution (avoid the detergents which makes the feather brittle). If external parasites are present, birds may de dipped in 0.25 to 0.50 % Sevin solution.
A bird can be washed for 15 to 20 seconds and the bird should be placed in a drying cage and it gets dried in 20 to 30 minutes. The birds should be dried slowly for best results.

4) After washing

  • A small piece of cloth is moistened with baby oil or vitamin E enriched oil and rubbed over the comb, wattles, beak and shank of the bird.
  • A mixture of equal parts of alcohol, glycerine and olive oil makes an excellent cleaning and polishing solution for shank, feet, comb and wattles.
  • Check the nails and beak and see if any trimming is needed.
  • Tooth pick is used to clean the bird’s nostrils.

5) Transporting the birds
Transport the birds in a clean cage with straw or wood shavings as bedding material. Do not provide water since it will spill and spoil the bedding material. If the birds are to be transported to a long distance, water should be provided at intervals during transport.

6) Care of birds during show
Make sure that the birds are provided with plenty of feed and water during the show.

7) Care of birds after the show
After the show, the birds should be quarantined and should not be mixed with other birds in the farm immediately because it may transmit some diseases which has been acquired during the show from other birds. After 14 days of quarantine, they can be mixed with other farm birds.


Broiler Management (2024)


What are broilers management? ›

Therefore, to raise broilers in Winter and Spring, it is very important to master the following broiler feeding and management links. Daily hygiene management mainly includes disinfection, feed, drinking water, bedding, sports ground cleaning, ventilation, temperature control, and chicken manure cleaning.

How do you handle broilers? ›

Birds should be caught carefully, and held by both shanks, or by the breast with both hands to minimize distress, damage and injury, e.g. bruising or hip and wing dislocations. Clear guidelines on bird handling must be in place and the catching process should be monitored and reviewed regularly.

How do you manage brooding in a broiler? ›

Brooding Management in Poultry is done in the first 14 days period of the broiler poultry life – which is the most sensitive period because the bird is changing from an immature system to a mature system. For a better and profitable poultry production we can't ignore Good Brooding Management practice.

How long do broiler chickens take to mature? ›

Broilers are hybrid chickens bred for fast growth and finish. Typically raised to about 5 pounds, meat production-specific birds are usually processed right at 8 weeks of age. Birds slaughtered between 9 and 12 weeks of age can dress out from 7- 10 lbs. and are called roasters.

How often should I feed my broilers? ›

Feeding guide for your broilers

Each chick will eat 1 kg in 21 days. Days 21 – 35: Finisher Mash. Each chicken will eat 2 kg in 14 days. Days 35 – 42: Finisher Mash.

How much money does a broiler house make? ›

It is much harder to estimate an overall average gross revenue per square foot for broiler farms because of the varying pay rates. A broad range of $2.75 to $3.25 per square foot would likely cover most situations.

Why is it called a broiler? ›

Why Are They Called Broiler Chickens? The name “broiler chicken” originally comes from a preparation and cooking method in which young birds of 5 to 6 weeks old are split open and broiled.

Do broilers feel pain? ›

Chickens are bright, inquisitive animals, who not only feel physical pain but experience the fear of impending pain, too. Unsurprisingly for social animals, they also feel empathy for the birds around them who are suffering.

What are the problems with broilers? ›

Animal welfare has become a global concern in the poultry industry. The broiler that has been bred for rapid growth, improved feed efficiency, and digestibility has resulted in welfare problems such as leg health, contact dermatitis, and heat stress [1].

How do you prevent death from broilers? ›

  1. Buy chicks only from trusted suppliers. ...
  2. Inspect the health status. ...
  3. Provide the flock with adequate brooding temperature. ...
  4. Protect your flock from cold weather. ...
  5. Keep drinkers and feeders clean. ...
  6. Minimize the risk of suffocating the chicks to death. ...
  7. Prevent your farm from infections and diseases.
Sep 15, 2020

How long do broilers live? ›

Chickens can live for six or more years under natural conditions. However those used in intensive farming will commonly be slaughtered before they reach six weeks old. Free-range broilers will usually be slaughtered at 8 weeks old and organic broilers at around 12 weeks old.

How long do you keep broilers in a brooder? ›

The period from hatching until the chickens no longer require supplementary heat is called the 'brooding period' and usually lasts for 3–6 weeks, depending on seasonal temperatures and the type of housing. Chickens need supplementary heat when they hatch, because they are unable to maintain their body temperatures.

Why is brooding bad? ›

Brooding can lead to increased levels of anxiety and depression, as it reinforces and perpetuates negative thoughts and emotions. It can also lead to a decrease in self-esteem, as it often involves rumination about one's own flaws and shortcomings.

What are the stages of a broiler? ›

First, they are broken into only three periods: starter (0 to 3 weeks), grower (3 to 6 weeks), and finisher (6 to 8 weeks), but the in- dustry sometimes grows male broilers (co*ckerels) to 9 or 10 weeks of age. This poses a problem for nutritionists trying to formulate diets for periods beyond 8 weeks of age.

What is the management of broilers and layers? ›

Broilers do not require much space and lighting. Layers need enough space and lighting. They need protein rich food and sufficient fat food as broilers have fast growth rates. Layers need less protein and fats in their food as compared to broilers.

What is the management of a poultry farm? ›

Daily monitoring of temperature, humidity and ventilation inside the barn as well as outside temperature is recommended. Monitoring transition times can help with understanding what is happening in the barn (e.g., from day to night, when birds are placed, during half-house brooding, feed changes, etc.).

What is the temperature management in broilers? ›

The optimum temperature range (thermo-neutral zone) to enhance broiler performance and health are 33-32°C for the 1st, 32-28°C for the 2nd, 28-26°C for the 3rd, 26-24°C for the 4th, 18-24°C for the 5th and 18-24°C for 6th weeks of age (Cassuce et al., 2013) .

What does a poultry manager do? ›

The main priority of poultry hatchery managers is to oversee the operational responsibilities of the hatchery to ensure performance is at the highest possible level. This includes the management of personnel, eggs and equipment.

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