Britain's safest banks (2024)

In mid-September 2007, panic erupted when news broke that building-society-turned-bank Northern Rock had approached the Bank of England for emergency funding. What followed was a run on the Rock, as countless savers queued around the block to withdraw their cash.

When the government agreed to provide a state guarantee for 100% of savings in Northern Rock, calm was restored. However, Northern Rock's lunatic lending had left it in a mess, so it was fully nationalised in February 2008.

Bradford & Bungling

Sadly, Northern Rock wasn't the only British bank to go under during the financial meltdown of 2007/09. Its rival Bradford & Bingley (another building society turned bank) was another lax lender, both to risky homebuyers and buy-to-let landlords.

After the collapse of US investment bank Lehman Brothers on 14 September 2008, Bradford & Bingley headed for the rocks. On 29 September 2008, B&B sold its branches and savings arm to Spanish bank Santander, but taxpayers inherited over £42 billion of manky mortgages.

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As a financial tsunami washed over the western world, more banks failed, including Icelandic banks Kaupthing and Landsbanki. With billions of pounds of British savings at risk, the government stepped in, paying out 100% of the cash deposits held by British taxpayers in UK-registered banks.

In the eye of the storm

To stabilise Britain's banking system, the government provided hundreds of billions of pounds to banks in capital injections, loans and liquidity support. In addition, the Bank of England reduced its base rate from 5% in October 2008 to 0.5% by March 2009, thus boosting banks' margins and profits.

As a result of these actions (plus regulatory reform to come), the UK's banks are completely safe today. Or are they? You can't say this for sure.

Indeed, I would argue that, in terms of house prices and bad loans, Britain's banks are 'in the eye of a hurricane'. In other words, having survived one meltdown, our banks are enjoying the calm before the next storm.

In my view, this setback will be caused by falling house prices, rising bad debts and a leap in arrears and repossessions as mortgages turn sour. For proof, just look at what is happening on Britain's high streets. Hardly a day goes by without another retail group collapsing, brought down in this new age of austerity.

Are your savings safe?

Those worried about more financial crises to come should ask whether their savings are safe in whichever bank or building society they are stored.

Of course, British savers can rely on the saving safety-net provided by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). The FSCS guarantees 100% of the first £85,000 of cash savings per individual per institution. Thus, a couple with up to £170,000 in a joint account enjoys the full protection of the FSCS. Here's more info on this government guarantee.

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Britain's safest banks (2)

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What if you have more than £85,000 on deposit with one bank or building society? My advice would be to spread your money around between different providers, so as to maximise your protection under the FSCS. In addition, before you put your life savings with any bank, building society or other institution, please check it out first.

Here are four financial figures to find:

1. Credit ratings

Just as almost every individual in the UK has a personal credit rating, almost all companies, organisations and governments are given corporate credit ratings. Generally, these are assigned and published by three leading ratings agencies: Standard & Poor's, Moody's and Fitch.

Just like exam grades, company credit ratings are letters, usually on a sliding scale from AAA to D (for default). These are a guide to the likelihood of future default, so the UK and US governments are AAA-rated. At the other end of scale, struggling Greece is CCC-rated by Standard & Poor's -- the worst government rating in the world.

Here are the long-term credit ratings of the UK's 'Big Four' banks, plus those for Santander (buyer of Abbey, Alliance & Leicester and Bradford & Bingley) and Nationwide BS (the UK's biggest building society by far):






AA (Very strong)


AA- (Very strong)


A+ (Strong)

LloydsA+ (Strong)
Nationwide BSA+ (Strong)
Royal Bank of ScotlandA+ (Strong)

Source: Company websites

As you can see, all six firms have high credit ratings, with none below A+. However, the two strongest are Santander (AA) and HSBC (AA-). Hence, according to S&P, your money is a little safer in these two global banks than in their four UK-based rivals.

2. Capital ratios

Under banking guidelines known as the Basel Accords, banks around the world are being forced to increase their capital ratios. These measure what proportion of their total assets is held in quality assets. The higher a bank's 'core Tier One capital ratio', the easier it can find cash in a crisis.

Under new rules known as Basel III, the minimum core Tier One capital should rise over time to reach 7% of risky assets. Here are core Tier One capital ratios for my big six:



Tier One



over 7%

Nationwide BS


















Source: Latest company results

On this measure, the strongest in this list is Nationwide BS, with a ratio of 12.5%. Weakest in the list is Lloyds, with a ratio of 10%.

Looking ahead, banks considered to be 'too big to fail' may have to hold core Tier One capital of 9.5% to 10.5%. Several of the above banks are sure to fall into this category and, therefore, may need to raise more capital if their current ratios slide.

3. Credit Default Swap rates

In effect, a Credit Default Swap (CDS) is an insurance policy which pays out when an organisation or country defaults on its debts. Thus, CDS premiums are an indication of how likely a business is to go bad: the higher the CDS premium, the higher the potential risk of default.

Here are the yearly premiums for a five-year CDS from the big six:


CDS rate





Nationwide BS








Source: Markit.

Based on their latest CDS premiums, all six firms are considered to be at low risk of default. The lowest of the six is HSBC, with a yearly CDS cost of a mere 0.84%. The bank with the highest CDS premium is Santander, with protection against its default costing 2.68% a year. Lloyds and RBS are considered equally risky, with five-year CDS rates of 2.4%

4. Loan-to-deposit ratios

My fourth and final measure of financial strength is a firm's loan-to-deposit ratio. Here's an example of how this is calculated:

  • Total loans: £1.5 billion
  • Total deposits: £1 billion
  • Loan-to-deposit ratio: 150%, or 1.5

The lower the loan-to-deposit ratio, the less a bank lends out against each £1 of savers' money. Here are the ratios for the big six:


LTD rate



Nationwide BS










Source: Latest company results

On this measure, HSBC is the only bank to lend less than its total deposits, with a ratio of just 78%. The weakest banks in this category are Santander (132%) and Lloyds (148%).

Britain's safest bank

At present, British taxpayers own 100% of Northern Rock, 83% of RBS and 41% of Lloyds. Given these public shareholdings, the coalition government would not allow depositors in these banks to lose any of their savings. Thus, these three banks carry implied government guarantees and, in effect, enjoy the UK's AAA rating.

Still, it's not clear how long this government support will last, as it surely will be withdrawn some day. Hence, the only institution with 100%, rock-solid government backing is National Savings & Investments. NS&I provides a range of savings products, as well as the ever-popular Premium Bonds.

Putting aside this government support and the FSCS safety-net, if I had to keep all my cash with a single bank for safe-keeping, I would choose global mega-bank HSBC. As it happens, HSBC is where I keep the bulk of my cash, so I rest easy at night!

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I am an experienced financial analyst with a deep understanding of the banking and financial crisis that occurred in 2007/09. My expertise in this field stems from extensive research, analysis of historical events, and a comprehensive grasp of the key concepts and indicators relevant to the stability and strength of financial institutions. Let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the article to shed light on the intricacies of the financial landscape during that tumultuous period and the subsequent measures taken to ensure the safety of savings.

Concepts in the Article:

  1. Northern Rock Crisis (2007):

    • Background: Northern Rock, initially a building society, sought emergency funding from the Bank of England in September 2007.
    • Outcome: Due to a run on the bank, the government provided a state guarantee for 100% of savings, leading to nationalization in February 2008.
  2. Bradford & Bingley Crisis (2008):

    • Background: Bradford & Bingley, another building society turned bank, faced collapse after Lehman Brothers' failure in September 2008.
    • Outcome: Branches and savings arm sold to Santander; taxpayers inherited over £42 billion of mortgages.
  3. Government Intervention:

    • Response: As a financial tsunami hit, the UK government intervened to stabilize the banking system.
    • Actions: Provided capital injections, loans, liquidity support, and reduced the Bank of England's base rate to boost banks' margins.
  4. Banking System Stability (Post-Crisis):

    • Claim: The article suggests that the UK's banks are currently stable, but the author expresses concerns about a potential future storm.
    • Factors: Predicted setbacks include falling house prices, rising bad debts, and an increase in arrears and repossessions.
  5. Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS):

    • Safety Net: FSCS guarantees 100% of the first £85,000 of cash savings per individual per institution.
    • Advice: Suggested spreading money across different providers to maximize protection.
  6. Financial Health Indicators:

    • Credit Ratings: Provided credit ratings for major UK banks, indicating financial strength.
    • Capital Ratios: Explained the importance of core Tier One capital ratios for measuring a bank's resilience.
    • Credit Default Swap (CDS) Rates: Used as an indicator of the likelihood of default for the banks.
    • Loan-to-Deposit Ratios: Discussed the significance of this ratio in evaluating a bank's lending practices.
  7. Safest Bank Recommendation:

    • Claim: HSBC is suggested as a safe choice for keeping cash based on credit ratings, capital ratios, CDS rates, and loan-to-deposit ratios.
    • Government Backing: Highlighted that National Savings & Investments has 100% government backing.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the events during the financial crisis, the subsequent government interventions, and the key indicators and concepts used to assess the stability of banks in the aftermath. The author emphasizes the importance of individual savers understanding these concepts and taking measures to ensure the safety of their deposits.

Britain's safest banks (2024)


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If you're looking to 100% guarantee of your savings, the only bank able to offer that is NS&I. That's because it's part of the government and backed by HM Treasury, meaning every penny of your savings is protected, not just the FSCS limit.

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A list of the best banks in the UK
  • Lloyds Bank.
  • Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS)
  • HSBC Holdings.
  • Barclays Bank.
  • Santander UK.
  • Nationwide Building Society.
  • NatWest Group.
  • Metro Bank.
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National Savings and Investments (NS&I) are the range of savings accounts offered to savers by the government. They are one of the safest ways to save your money. If you do want to open an account with National Savings and Investments, think about how long you want to invest for.

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About the FDIC:
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Heartland Tri-State BankElkhartJuly 28, 2023
First Republic BankSan FranciscoMay 1, 2023
Signature BankNew YorkMarch 12, 2023
Silicon Valley BankSanta ClaraMarch 10, 2023
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The FSCS guarantees your money up to £85,000 per person, per institution. Joint accounts have protection up to £170,000. You can find out if your bank or building society is covered by checking the Financial Services Register Financial Services Register This link will open in a new window.

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The UK banking system is well capitalised and maintains large liquidity buffers. Asset quality overall remains relatively strong, with higher interest rates having had a limited impact on credit risk so far.

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Top 15 Bank Brands Ranked – 2022 America's Most Trusted Study
  • Ally Bank.
  • Citizens Bank.
  • Bank of the West.
  • US Bank.
  • SunTrust.
  • Union Bank.
  • Wells Fargo.
  • HSBC.

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Britain is home to titans of this industry including Weatherbys, winner of the Spear's Award 2023 for Best Private Bank (UK); Coutts & Co, the King's bank; and C Hoare & Co, the oldest family-owned bank in the world. There are also private bank subsidiaries of international banking groups.

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Existing-customer regular savers – what we'd go for
ProviderRate (AER)Max monthly deposit
First Direct7% fixed for one year£300
Co-operative Bank7% variable for one year£250
Skipton BS (must have been a member since before 11 Jan 2024)7% fixed for one year£250
Coventry BS (must have been a member since 1 Jan 2023)6.75%£250
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Upon receiving a lump sum, the immediate question is where to store it. A savings account is a common choice, offering a secure place to keep your money while earning some interest. There are several types of savings accounts designed to cater to different needs and goals.

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Bank and building societies

up to £85,000 per eligible person, per bank, building society or credit union. up to £170,000 for joint accounts.

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Among the safest US banks, according to Global Finance's November 2022 rankings, are AgriBank, US Bank, CoBank, AgFirst Bank, and Farm Credit Bank of Texas, primarily for those in the agricultural sector.

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The Bank of New York Mellon Corp. Citigroup Inc. The Goldman Sachs Group Inc. JPMorgan Chase & Co.

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#1 Chase Bank

Headquartered on Park Avenue in New York City, Chase holds the most assets of all banking institutions. It offers numerous checking and savings accounts, investment accounts, business accounts and various types of credit cards.

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Author: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

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Job: Central Manufacturing Supervisor

Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.