Bridgewater again builds European shorts with €4bn bet on market plunge (2024)


Bridgewater again builds European shorts with €4bn bet on market plunge

Bridgewater at the end of August held short positions of at least 0.5% in 13 stocks in the Euro Stoxx 50 index


Jeremy Chan

Friday, 2 September 2022 at 14:04

Bridgewater again builds European shorts with €4bn bet on market plunge (1)

Bridgewater Associates has once again made big bets on European stock declinesasthe hedge fund discloses huge short positions in European stocks.

On 31 August, Bridgewater disclosed that it held short positions in 13 companies that each made up at least 0.5% of their shares, according to research firm Breakout Point. The stock are all members of the Euro Stoxx 50 index. These short positions include French energy firm TotalEnergies, financial services firm Allianz, and pharmaceutical giant Bayer.

Bridgewater again builds European shorts with €4bn bet on market plunge (2024)
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