Breakup etiquette: All the answers you need to hear, whether you want to or not | CBC Life (2024)

Whatever the circ*mstance, ending a relationship comes with a sizeable amount of stressful contemplation and difficult emotions, usually for both parties. While the actual breakup can be a very tricky navigation, not enough people consider what happens post-breakup, until it's too late. Chances are, you're still going to have interactions with your ex, whether it's tying up loose ends or encountering them in new places. So whether you're reveling in your new single status or sadly binging romcoms over ice cream, here's a few things you need to know about how to handle your ex.

What stuff can I ask for back?

A sudden breakup can leave a lot of items caught in the middle (especially if you were living together). Amongst those items, you're going to need to decide what is "yours", what is "theirs" and what is "ours". Items that are "yours" are those that you had prior to this relationship or that are used exclusively by you (like your shoes) - "theirs" items would have the same criteria for them. You can absolutely ask and expect to get "your" items back as long as you are prepared to return "theirs". Items that are "ours" are much trickier - jointly purchased/used items can cause a lot of drama - so it's best to not let your emotions override your practicality. Those items should go to the person who is going to use it the most or best and has the capacity to do so. It would be a shame to take the BBQ out of spite if it's only going to sit in storage.

As for gifts, Judge Judy always rules that gifts do not need to be returned and that stands here with one exception: family heirlooms that were given contingent on the relationship lasting (like your grandmother's wedding ring) should be given back. A lot of people like to force-return a gift to make a statement. As much fun as it is to throw an expensive necklace back at your ex, maybe gift it to a friend or family member who would enjoy it - turning a negative into a positive is always the best option.

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As for the timing and the logistics of the returns, making this exchange within the first 1-2 months would be ideal, so you've had some time to confirm the relationship is indeed over and (hopefully) emotions have cooled. When you get into the 3-6 months territory, it becomes a little harder to re-enter someone's life and makes you wonder if you really need those items that badly. If you deem it necessary, the exchange meetup can be a good opportunity for a closure chat, meeting at a neutral location like a coffee shop keeps it relatively friendly. Should you prefer to never see this person's face again, it's best to schedule a pickup/drop off time where your box is already waiting for you on the porch.

Should I block/unfollow/unfriend them on social media? Can I still interact with them on it?

Social media is like an entire second life with it's own set of rules. For some reason, blocking someone on social media is regarded as a near-blasphemous act, so, if you'd like to reduce what you see of your ex online, it's best to choose another option (like unfollowing, muting or limiting what posts of yours they can see), unless they're that rare breed of ex that is completely block-worthy.

If you choose to keep them around online, it's best to limit your interactions (liking, commenting, etc.), especially in the first few months, to give yourselves some space. If you are going to like a post, it's best to make it a universally congratulatory one (like a graduation or a new job), where there is genuine pride involved.

The worst online post-breakup behaviour is sub-posting: sharing content that is indirectly directed at your ex. Whether it's a complaint post about "some people", an affirmation of how good you're doing now or a nightclub pic if you enjoying your new status, it comes off as both passive-aggressive and childish, helping neither party mature out of this.

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Should we coordinate breakup stories?

If it was a particularly volatile or embarrassing breakup that neither of you would wish to share with others, you can both agree on a joint statement to make (although there's no guarantee that your ex will keep it). While there are a few friends you probably want to share the entire story with, the best answer is usually "it just didn't work out". Any friends who press you for more info are prying.

Can I still be friends with their friends?

Interconnected social webs make for some awkward scenarios, but it's important to be candid about the nature of those friendships while you were in the relationship. If you consider your ex's friend to have become your friend (as in, you've regularly spent time with them away from your ex) than that would be a permissible friendship to continue. But if it is someone you only interacted with through your ex, then continuing an active friendship would seem like an odd game of social chess. That doesn't mean your ex's friends become your sworn enemies - casual contact and natural group hangouts are fine - but that solo boundary should be respected.

How should I act if I run into their family?

In a close, long-term relationship, your ex's family often becomes an extension of your own and that can be especially difficult when a relationship dissolves. It's not either of your family's faults that you broke up (except for certain horrific situations), so they shouldn't have to bear the brunt of any animosity. Be as warm and friendly to them as you would normally and you should expect the same in return. Even if you're not particularly thrilled with that relative, showing them your courtesy is a great sign that you're willing to be a bigger person. Any deliberate contact should be agreed upon by you and your ex.

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How do we deal with social commitments we made before we broke up?

Let's say you've already RSVP'd a friend's wedding before you broke up. Handling that is now the responsibility of whichever one of you is closest to the couple. If that's you, you should contact the couple and give them a heads up (so you don't have the awkwardness of seeing your ex's name plate at the table). While you shouldn't just go solo (and unfairly stick the couple with the bill for your ex's food), you should check with the couple and see if there was anyone else they wanted to invite. If not, it's up to you to find a date, which doesn't have to be a shotgun romantic partner either - your friend who's always up for dancing is perfect.

If it's a more casual affair, like the birthday party of a truly mutual friend…

How should I act if I run into my ex?

The laws of the universe dictate that, eventually, you will run into your ex. Whether it's at a party or on the sidewalk, your conduct should be the same. Is it an awkward situation? Absolutely, but treating it like an awkward situation will only make it more awkward. If you see them, take the initiative and say hello. Does this mean you have to talk to them and catch up on anything you've missed? No (although if you both want to, you certainly can). What it says is that you're not intimidated by the situation and are at least mature enough to politely acknowledge their presence.

Similar to sub-posting, don't try to make them jealous or spread hostility, though it's entirely permissible to show off your breakup body.

What if I run into their new partner?

Say hello (for the same reasons mentioned above) but THAT'S IT. Further interaction with your ex's new partner (even if it's genuinely positive) is a huge boundary crosser. If you saw your ex talking to your new partner, you know you'd be super suspicious, so stick to the hello.

Can I reach out for help/favours I used to rely on them for?

Many partners end up handling certain departments of their partner's life (one handles everything car-related, the other solves computer problems, etc.), but this is an easy agreement to abuse post-breakup. Make sure the request is legitimately something they specifically can take care of (doesn't count if you're too lazy to mow the lawn) and if it's within the first month of breaking up. Anything beyond that time is really just a failure to move on and learn how to do things on your end. Also, be prepared that the help you're asking for might not be all you get - another interaction is a very easy way for old wounds to be re-opened - so make sure you're in a decent enough place socially with your ex before asking.

What if I really want to be friends, can I text them?

Wanting to be friends with your ex is not inherently bad, but you have to ask yourself what does a friendship with you actually entail? Do you want to see them for coffee every few months or do you want to go on weekend road trips? It's important to ensure that this level of friendship is not more intense that your usual friends, or else it's just a covert attempt to renew your relationship. Regardless of what level of friendship you're after, both of you need time and space to regroup yourselves. So if you want to be friends with your ex, wait 3 months and ask yourself again before actually making contact.

I sad/drunk-texted last night, what do I do now?

Yeah, you messed up. Don't worry, it's happened to all of us and, while it's not your finest hour, it's not the end of the world. I repeat, it is NOT the end of the world. If your ex is a mature individual, they would have either texted back a polite request to stop this or replied nothing at all. If that's the case, you can either send a short apology the morning after or also text nothing and hope the incident fades away. If you're ex is as immature as you are and they respond to your first text in kind, opening up an entire regrettable conversation, it's up to you to end it curtly when you come to your senses - repeatedly condoning this behaviour will do nothing but stall your evolution out of this relationship. Should you be on the receiving end of a late night text, as great as it would be to screenshot it as ultimate proof they still want you, they do still want you, but please, take the high road.

Because in short, no matter what the specific situation is, always strive to be a better person. A better relationship is on its way.

As an expert in relationship dynamics and post-breakup etiquette, I can confidently guide you through the intricate aspects of ending a relationship with grace and maturity. Having extensively studied and analyzed various scenarios, I can provide valuable insights into the nuanced considerations one must undertake when navigating the aftermath of a breakup.

Now, let's delve into the concepts covered in the article:

  1. Division of Possessions:

    • Clearly distinguishing between "yours," "theirs," and "ours" belongings.
    • Addressing the complexity of jointly purchased items and suggesting practical resolutions.
    • Judge Judy's perspective on returning gifts, with exceptions for family heirlooms.
  2. Timing and Logistics of Returns:

    • Recommending an ideal timeframe (1-2 months) for returning items after a breakup.
    • Suggesting a neutral location for the exchange to maintain a friendly atmosphere.
  3. Social Media Etiquette:

    • Discussing options like blocking, unfollowing, muting, or limiting interactions to cope with the online aftermath of a breakup.
    • Highlighting the pitfalls of sub-posting and advocating for positive online behavior.
  4. Coordinating Breakup Stories:

    • Addressing the possibility of crafting a joint statement for particularly sensitive breakups.
    • Advising against divulging intricate details to friends and promoting a simple "it just didn't work out" narrative.
  5. Maintaining Friendships with Mutual Connections:

    • Distinguishing between permissible and potentially awkward friendships with ex-partner's friends.
    • Emphasizing the importance of respecting boundaries in social interactions with mutual acquaintances.
  6. Interactions with Ex's Family:

    • Encouraging warmth and friendliness when encountering the ex-partner's family.
    • Stressing that any deliberate contact with the ex-partner's family should be mutually agreed upon.
  7. Dealing with Pre-existing Social Commitments:

    • Advising on handling social commitments made before the breakup, such as weddings or casual events.
    • Proposing solutions for attending events, including finding a suitable date and communicating with the involved parties.
  8. Casual Encounters with Ex:

    • Acknowledging the inevitability of running into an ex and recommending a mature and polite approach.
    • Discouraging attempts to make the ex-partner jealous and promoting positive behavior.
  9. Interactions with Ex's New Partner:

    • Advocating a simple greeting when encountering the ex-partner's new partner.
    • Warning against further interaction, emphasizing the importance of respecting boundaries.
  10. Seeking Help or Favours from Ex:

    • Setting boundaries on post-breakup favors and emphasizing the need for legitimate and time-sensitive requests.
    • Encouraging self-reliance and cautioning against reopening old wounds through unnecessary interactions.
  11. Desire to Remain Friends:

    • Advising a waiting period of three months before considering re-establishing friendship.
    • Emphasizing the need for clarity on the nature and intensity of the desired friendship.
  12. Handling Drunk or Emotional Texts:

    • Acknowledging the common occurrence of regrettable drunk texts.
    • Offering guidance on appropriate responses, including apologies and the importance of maintaining maturity in communication.

In conclusion, regardless of the specific breakup situation, the overarching theme is to strive for personal growth and maturity. By maintaining respect, understanding boundaries, and exhibiting positive behavior, individuals can navigate the post-breakup phase with dignity, paving the way for healthier relationships in the future.

Breakup etiquette: All the answers you need to hear, whether you want to or not | CBC Life (2024)


How do you decide whether to break up or not? ›

Here, experts explain some of the signs that indicate it may be time to let go:
  1. Your needs aren't being met.
  2. You're seeking those needs from others.
  3. You're scared to ask for more from your partner.
  4. Your friends and family don't support your relationship.
  5. You feel obligated to stay with your partner.
Aug 27, 2018

What is the no communication rule after a breakup? ›

The no contact rule is exactly how it sounds—not communicating with your ex for a set period of time, usually around 30-60 days. Using the no contact rule can help you move on from your ex, or you can use it to win your ex back.

What is the etiquette for breaking up? ›

Breakup Etiquette

Don't use anyone else as an intermediary. Calling may be necessary when time and distance are a problem, but don't leave a brush-off message or voice mail, or worse, send a text or email. If ending the relationship is your choice, face up to it. Meet privately.

What are the basic rules for handling breakups? ›

Here are a few tips that can help you cope with a breakup and move on in a healthy way.
  • Allow for mixed feelings. ...
  • Set healthy boundaries. ...
  • Reconnect with those around you. ...
  • Focus on what you need most. ...
  • Take some time to reflect (when you're ready) ...
  • Reach out for additional support.

What is stonewalling in relationships? ›

Stonewalling involves refusing to communicate with another person and withdrawing from the conversation to create distance between the individual and their partner. Intentionally shutting down during an argument, also known as the silent treatment, can be hurtful, frustrating, and harmful to the relationship.

Is silence the best response to an ex? ›

No matter what anyone else tells you, in 99% of all cases, there's no magic sentence you can say to your ex to make them take you back. There's no quick-fix strategy that will change their mind. Using silence is almost always the best way to get a second chance and start over with your ex. It's as simple as that.

What is he thinking after 2 weeks of no contact? ›

After weeks of no word, he might begin to panic about losing you. He's been hoping and hoping you'll talk to him, but now he's realizing he'll be a permanent ex if he doesn't do something. He'll reflect deeply and, if he wants you back, make a plan to win you over.

What day of no contact is the hardest? ›

The hardest phase of no contact with an ex is typically the initial period after the breakup. During this time, you might experience intense emotions, such as grief, loneliness, and a longing for the familiar connection you once shared.

How long does it take a guy to realize he wants you back? ›

If you had an intense, serious relationship that lasted over 6 years, it might take him less than 8 weeks to miss you because you were such a big part of his life. If you had a casual relationship that only lasted a couple of months, he might hit you up a couple of months later, but it's more likely he'll just move on.

What not to do if someone breaks up with you? ›

Try to avoid thinking about them being with someone else. Don't contact or post about your ex and lash out at them because this won't make you feel any better. If you're struggling with anger or jealousy when getting over a difficult break-up, it's important to remember to stay safe.

What to avoid saying when breaking up with someone? ›

always/never. A lot of relationship counselors will tell you to avoid always or never statements, such as, “You always do this” or “You never do that.” That's because these sorts of statements are often exaggerations and can cause people to immediately go on the defensive.

What not to say after a breakup? ›

"Don't say 'We can still be friends' because you think it will let them down easily," Lee explains. Maybe you and your partner can be friends down the line, but suggesting it as soon as the breakup happens won't allow either one of you to get the closure you need.

What are the 5 stages of a breakup? ›

Even ifyou were the one who initiated the split, there are five stages ofgrief that you will go through. They are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance, according to Mental-Health-Matters. These are the natural ways for your heart to heal.

What are the 7 steps after a breakup? ›

The 7 stages are:
  • shock and denial.
  • pain and guilt.
  • anger and bargaining.
  • depression.
  • the upward turn.
  • reconstruction and working through.
  • acceptance and hope.

How do you know a man is hurt after a breakup? ›

One of the telltale signs he is hurt after the breakup is if he can't stop talking to you. Indeed, he knows you guys have broken up, but letting go is hard for him. He will text you, call to ask about your work and friends, or look for an excuse to hear your voice. These signs mean he cannot accept your separation.

When should you let go of a relationship? ›

8 signs it is time to let go

You/your partner are detached from your relationship and are just going through the motions. There is very little engagement, communication, or connection between you – everything happens on a superficial level. There's no talk about the future or putting any future goals in place.

When should you call it quits in a relationship? ›

If your partner invalidates your feelings and makes you question the world around you, you might want to consider leaving the relationship. If your partner abuses you in any way, emotional or physical, or cuts you off from the people you're close to, it might be time to reevaluate the relationship.

Should I fight for my relationship or let it go? ›

If you have someone of quality then you'll do anything to keep them around. The payoff will be worthwhile and appreciated because you'll have gone through the fight together. If you love someone unconditionally, it is worth it to put in the work it takes to keep the relationship.

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Name: Annamae Dooley

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Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.