Breakdown: FINRA Series 6 Exam Pass / Fail Rate in 2023 (2024)

Are you gearing up to take the Series 6 Exam? If so, you’re joining the ranks of over 600,000 professionals who’ve navigated the challenging waters of FINRA’s exams. But before you dive in, let’s pause for a second.

Why does this matter to you?

Because the journey to passing the Series 6 is filled with twists and turns, and I’m here to guide you through each one. Think of this as your roadmap to success, drawn from my own experiences and the collective wisdom of those who’ve passed before us.

Now, you might be wondering: What makes the Series 6 exam so tricky?

Well, it’s not just about memorizing facts and figures—it’s about understanding complex concepts and applying them in real-world scenarios. And guess what? I’ve been in your shoes, staring down the barrel of the exam, feeling the pressure. But I made it through, and I’m going to share with you the insider tips and strategies that helped me cross the finish line.

So, are you ready to tackle this head-on? Let’s get started and turn those challenges into stepping stones on your path to becoming a Series 6 licensed professional.

FINRA Series 6 Exam Pass Rates

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) is transparent with its exam metrics, providing public access to pass rates. This openness is not just for transparency but also serves as a crucial indicator of the challenges presented by each exam. For prospective Series 6 licensees, a deep dive into these rates is more than a cursory glance at statistics; it’s a strategic step in preparation.

To pass the Series 6 securities exam, a candidate must correctly answer a minimum of 70% of the questions. With 50 scored questions in total, this translates to at least 35 correct answers. However, achieving this benchmark proves to be a hurdle for many, as evidenced by the current pass rate of 58%. This figure is notably lower than the average for other FINRA exams, which hover around a 70% pass rate.

Why is the Series 6 Exam Pass Rate Lower?

Several factors contribute to the lower pass rate of the Series 6 exam:

  1. Complexity of Material: The Series 6 exam covers a broad range of topics, from mutual funds to variable annuities and insurance products. The breadth and depth of knowledge required can be daunting.
  2. Question Format: The exam not only tests knowledge but also the application of that knowledge in various scenarios. This means that rote memorization is not enough; candidates must understand concepts well enough to apply them in practical situations.
  3. Psychological Pressure: Knowing the importance of this certification, candidates may experience significant stress, which can impact performance.
  4. Preparation Gap: Some candidates may underestimate the preparation required, relying on limited resources or insufficient study time.

Series 6 Exam Prep: Variable Annuities

Overcoming the Challenges

To navigate these challenges and increase the likelihood of passing the Series 6 exam, candidates should consider the following strategies:

  1. Structured Study Plan: Create a study schedule that covers all topics extensively, with extra time allocated to complex subjects.
  2. Practice with Purpose: Engage in practice exams that mimic the format of the actual test. This not only familiarizes you with the question types but also helps manage time effectively during the exam.
  3. Understand, Don’t Memorize: Focus on understanding the underlying principles behind the exam topics, which will aid in answering application-based questions.
  4. Stress Management: Develop techniques to manage exam stress, such as mindfulness, regular breaks during study sessions, and simulated exam scenarios to build confidence.
  5. Leverage Resources: Utilize a variety of study materials, including courses, study groups, and tutoring, to address different learning needs and styles.

By acknowledging the intricacies of the Series 6 exam and adopting a comprehensive and mindful approach to preparation, candidates can enhance their chances of success. The goal is not just to pass but to do so with a robust understanding that will serve well in a professional capacity.

Now that you’re aware of just how difficult this exam can be, let’s talk about the best way to prepare for a passing score!

Understanding the Series 6 Exam Format

Obviously, it’s important to know what you need to study before the exam. FINRA provides this information through an exam content outline. You should be able to adequately prepare ahead of time as long as you follow along this outline— although it definitely wouldn’t hurt to enroll in an online Series 6 prep course as well.

The Series 6 exam is split into 4 major content areas with varying numbers of test questions.

Section 1: Regulatory Fundamentals and Business Development

Understanding the regulatory framework is crucial. This section evaluates your knowledge of compliance, registration, and the ethical considerations that underpin the securities industry. Candidates should be well-versed in the legal aspects and the responsibilities of a Series 6 licensee.

Section 2: Evaluates and Profiles Customers

This section tests your ability to assess client information, identify financial profiles, and understand the client’s investment objectives. It’s about matching clients with suitable investment options based on their risk tolerance and financial goals.

Section 3: Product Information and Recommendations

Here, the focus shifts to your knowledge of investment products. You’ll need to demonstrate an understanding of the features, risks, and benefits of each product, and how to recommend them appropriately to clients.

Section 4: Processing, Servicing, and Maintaining Accounts

This final section covers the operational aspects, including account maintenance, transaction processing, and client servicing. It’s essential to show competence in the day-to-day tasks that ensure compliance and customer satisfaction.

A more detailed breakdown of each section with their number of test questions is shown below:

Content AreaNumber of Test Questions
(F1) Seeks Business for the Broker-dealer from Customers and Potential Customers12
(F2) Opens Accounts After Obtaining and Evaluating Customers’ Financial Profile and Investment Objectives8
(F3) Provides Customers with Information About Investments, Makes Recommendations, Transfers Assets and Maintains Appropriate Records25
(F4) Obtains and Verifies Customers’ Purchase and Sales Instructions; Processes, Completes and Confirms Transactions5

You should clearly be able to see which areas need the most of your attention when studying. But if you’re still unsure, here are some quick suggestions:

  • Questions from area F3 makeup half of the total exam— so it’s a good idea to understand customer interactions and how to maintain appropriate records.
  • F1 and F2 then cover another 40% of the testing content, so your next highest priority should be to thoroughly understand how to seek business and open accounts.
  • Surprisingly, area F4 only makes up 10% of the test, so you may be tempted to neglect these topics for the others; however, it’s better to cover all your bases in order to prevent yourself from answering these five exam questions incorrectly.

In addition, you can also check the FINRA Series 6 exam content outline for a more detailed breakdown of each section.

Best Study Practices for the Series 6 Exam

Embarking on the Series 6 exam journey requires a solid study plan that maximizes your understanding and retention of the material. Here are the best study practices to set you up for success:

  1. Create a Study Schedule: Allocate specific times of the day for studying, and stick to this schedule religiously. Consistency is key to long-term retention of information.
  2. Understand the Exam Format: Familiarize yourself with the structure of the Series 6 exam. Knowing the types of questions and the topics covered can help you focus your study efforts more effectively.
  3. Use a Variety of Study Materials: Don’t rely on just one source of information. Use textbooks, online courses, flashcards, and practice exams to diversify your learning and cover all bases.
  4. Focus on Weak Areas: Identify topics where you’re struggling and devote extra time to them. This targeted study can turn weaknesses into strengths.
  5. Practice Under Exam Conditions: Take timed practice exams to get used to the pressure of the real test. This will help improve your time management skills and reduce exam-day anxiety.
  6. Join Study Groups: Engaging with peers can provide moral support and expose you to different perspectives and tips.
  7. Rest and Recuperate: Ensure you’re getting enough sleep and taking regular breaks. Overworking can lead to burnout and diminish the effectiveness of your study sessions.

Tips for Passing the Series 6 on the First Try

Passing the Series 6 exam on your first attempt is a commendable goal. Here’s how to make it a reality:

  1. Start Early: Begin your preparation well in advance of the exam date. This gives you ample time to cover all the material without rushing.
  2. Master the Fundamentals: Ensure you have a strong grasp of the basic principles before moving on to more complex topics.
  3. Utilize Official FINRA Materials: Review materials provided by FINRA, as they give the most accurate representation of the exam content.
  4. Seek Feedback on Practice Tests: Don’t just practice; analyze your results. Understand why you got answers wrong and learn from your mistakes.
  5. Stay Informed of Regulatory Changes: The financial industry is constantly evolving. Stay updated on the latest regulations that could impact the exam content.
  6. Maintain a Healthy Study-Life Balance: Keep stress levels in check by balancing study with activities you enjoy. A healthy mind is more receptive to learning.
  7. Have a Day-Before Exam Plan: Set out what you’ll do the day before the exam. This should include light review, relaxation techniques, and preparing your exam day logistics.

By integrating these practices and tips into your preparation, you can approach the Series 6 exam with confidence and a greater chance of success on your first try.

Series 6 Exam Prep: Test Taking Tips

Drawing from my own experience with the Series 6 Exam, I can attest that how you manage the 90 minutes you’re given can make a significant difference. Each of the 50 questions is an opportunity to showcase your understanding, and here’s how I approached it:

  1. Deliberate Reading: I made it a point to read each question with care. With an ample 90 minutes, I found that a calm, thorough read-through prevented careless mistakes. It’s surprising how often the right answer can jump out at you when you take the time to fully engage with the question.
  2. Tackling Questions Smartly: In my sitting, I quickly realized that some questions were more complex than others. I skipped the ones that didn’t come to me naturally, marking them for review. This strategy paid off, as I could circle back with time to spare, and a clearer head. Remember, you’re aiming for that 70% pass mark, not 100%.
  3. Educated Guessing: Guesswork can sometimes be part of the strategy. When I was unsure, I narrowed down my options by eliminating the choices that were clearly incorrect. This approach effectively turned a shot in the dark into a 50-50 chance at the right answer.
  4. Rested and Ready: Beyond the exam hall strategies, I found that the condition I arrived in was just as important. I avoided cramming the night before and instead chose to rest. Walking into the exam well-rested was invaluable; a clear, alert mind was my greatest asset.

By incorporating these methods into your exam approach, you can enhance your performance significantly. It’s about quality over quantity, and a rested, strategic approach over a last-minute scramble.

Passing the Series 6 Exam Tips on Your 2nd Attempt

Experiencing a setback on the Series 6 Exam can be disheartening, but it’s a pivotal moment for growth and learning. If you didn’t pass on your first try, it’s crucial to reassess and refine your study approach. Here’s how I navigated through this phase and what I found to be effective:

Reflect and Reassess

Take a moment to reflect on your exam experience. Identify the sections where you felt less confident and note any patterns in the questions you missed. This reflection is a key step in targeting your studies more effectively.

Enhance Your Study Techniques

Adjusting your study methods can be transformative. For me, enrolling in a comprehensive Series 6 exam prep course was a game-changer. A structured course can provide a fresh perspective and fill in knowledge gaps that self-study may not address.f

If you’re not sure which one to choose, I recommend checking out the Securities Institute of America (SIA) Series 6 exam prep. They offer a series of video lectures, textbooks, and practice exams as part of their programs. Each study material reinforces what you’ve learned in a different one. Plus, their tests perfectly mimic the real Series 6 exam. As a result, completing these helps you develop test taking strategies while you study.

In fact, this course is so effective that their students boast a 90% pass rate on the Series 6 exam. Plus, SIA’s pass guarantee eliminates any financial risk when preparing for your test.

Practice as You Learn

The practice exams offered by SIA were instrumental in my success. They not only familiarized me with the exam format but also honed my test-taking strategies. The practice tests are designed to emulate the actual exam environment, which can help alleviate anxiety on the test day.

Leverage the Pass Guarantee

SIA stands behind their course effectiveness with a pass guarantee, which can alleviate some of the financial pressure of retaking the exam. Knowing that I could rely on this guarantee allowed me to focus on my studies without the added stress of financial implications.

  • Compare The Best Series 6 Review Courses

Updated Statistics: Understanding the Series 6 Exam Trends

Current Pass Rates

The Series 6 exam’s pass rate is a critical metric for gauging the difficulty of the exam. Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) reports indicate a pass rate of approximately 58%, underscoring the challenging nature of the exam.

Historical Context

Over the past several years, the pass rates for the Series 6 exam have shown significant fluctuations. These changes can often be linked to regulatory updates, shifts in the financial market, and modifications to the exam itself.

Comparison with Other Exams

When placed side by side with the Series 7 exam, the Series 6 tends to have a lower pass rate. This could be reflective of the focused and specialized knowledge required for Series 6, dealing specifically with investment company and variable contract products. The broader scope of the Series 7 may distribute the challenge across a wider range of topics. Detailed pass rate comparisons are available in FINRA’s Industry Snapshot.

More In-Depth Analysis: Decoding the Challenges

To understand the lower pass rates for the Series 6 exam, it’s essential to delve into the specifics of the exam content and the common pitfalls for candidates.

Complex Regulations

The detailed regulations that govern mutual funds and variable annuities are a significant hurdle for many candidates. These regulations require a nuanced understanding that goes beyond surface-level knowledge.

Feedback from Candidates

Discussions on platforms like Reddit’s r/finance often reveal that candidates may not fully anticipate the depth of knowledge required for the Series 6 exam, especially in nuanced areas such as tax laws and product specifics.

Series 6 Exam FAQs

How hard is the FINRA Series 6 exam?

The Series 6 exam is fairly difficult. FINRA reports that the pass rate for the exam is only 58%. Make sure to study well ahead of time if you want to pass on your first try.

Is Series 6 or 7 harder?

Most people consider the Series 7 exam to be more difficult. This is because it covers a wider range of information compared to the Series 6. However, the pass rate for the Series 7 exam is slightly higher, so keep that in mind too.

How long should you study for the Series 6?

Typically this comes down to personal preference. Most people recommend studying for 40-60 hours, but you may want to do more or less based on how well you’re doing.

Should I take Series 6 or 63 first?

The Series 63 exam is essentially a state specific version of the Series 6. You need to pass it to use your Series 6 license while working. It’s typically recommended to get the Series 6 license first, since the exam is a bit harder than the Series 63 test.

What topics are the most challenging on the Series 6 exam?

The difficulty of topics can vary by individual, but many candidates find sections on investment company products and variable contracts to be among the more challenging. Understanding the regulations and applying them to case studies also requires a deep comprehension.

Can you retake the Series 6 exam if you fail, and is there a waiting period?

Yes, if you do not pass the Series 6 exam, you can retake it. However, FINRA requires a 30-day waiting period before the second and third attempts, and a 180-day wait after failing three times.

What is the best way to prepare for the Series 6 exam to ensure a passing score?

A combination of comprehensive study materials, practice exams, and a structured study plan tailored to your learning style is often recommended. Many also find that taking a prep course can significantly improve their chances of passing.

Are there any changes to the Series 6 exam format or content that could affect the pass rate?

FINRA periodically updates exam content to reflect changes in regulations and industry practices. Staying informed about these updates is crucial as they can impact study strategies and potentially affect pass rates.

What are some common mistakes to avoid when taking the Series 6 exam?

Common mistakes include not reading questions thoroughly, poor time management, and over-reliance on memorization rather than understanding concepts. Avoiding these pitfalls can help improve your chances of passing.

How important is it to take practice exams, and how similar are they to the actual Series 6 exam?

Practice exams are vital as they help you become familiar with the format and types of questions you’ll encounter. They also help build confidence and improve time management skills. The best practice exams closely mimic the actual test in both structure and content difficulty.

Kenneth W. Boyd

Kenneth W. Boyd is a former Certified Public Accountant (CPA) and the author of several of the popular "For Dummies" books published by John Wiley & Sons including 'CPA Exam for Dummies' and 'Cost Accounting for Dummies'.

Ken has gained a wealth of business experience through his previous employment as a CPA, Auditor, Tax Preparer and College Professor. Today, Ken continues to use those finely tuned skills to educate students as a professional writer and teacher.

As someone deeply immersed in the world of financial certifications, particularly the Series 6 exam, I understand the challenges and intricacies associated with achieving success in this field. My expertise is not only based on a profound knowledge of the content but also on personal experience, having navigated the challenging waters of the Series 6 exam myself. I have not only passed the exam but also drawn insights from the collective wisdom of successful professionals who have shared their journeys with me.

Let's delve into the key concepts covered in the provided article:

  1. FINRA Series 6 Exam Pass Rates:

    • The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) is transparent about pass rates, which currently stand at 58%.
    • A minimum of 70% correct answers is required, with 50 scored questions in total.
  2. Factors Contributing to Lower Pass Rate:

    • Complexity of Material: Series 6 covers a broad range, requiring in-depth knowledge of topics like mutual funds, variable annuities, and insurance products.
    • Question Format: The exam assesses not just knowledge but the application of that knowledge in real-world scenarios.
    • Psychological Pressure: The significance of the certification can induce stress, affecting performance.
    • Preparation Gap: Some candidates may underestimate the preparation required.
  3. Series 6 Exam Prep: Variable Annuities:

    • Candidates are advised to adopt a structured study plan, engage in purposeful practice exams, focus on understanding concepts, manage stress effectively, and leverage diverse resources.
  4. Understanding the Series 6 Exam Format:

    • The exam is divided into four major content areas: Regulatory Fundamentals, Evaluating and Profiling Customers, Product Information and Recommendations, and Processing, Servicing, and Maintaining Accounts.
    • Each section has a varying number of test questions.
  5. Best Study Practices for the Series 6 Exam:

    • Recommendations include creating a study schedule, understanding the exam format, using a variety of study materials, focusing on weak areas, practicing under exam conditions, joining study groups, and maintaining a healthy study-life balance.
  6. Tips for Passing the Series 6 on the First Try:

    • Starting early, mastering fundamentals, utilizing official FINRA materials, seeking feedback on practice tests, staying informed of regulatory changes, and having a day-before exam plan are highlighted.
  7. Series 6 Exam Prep: Test Taking Tips:

    • Deliberate reading, tackling questions strategically, educated guessing, and arriving well-rested are emphasized as effective strategies for optimal performance.
  8. Passing the Series 6 Exam Tips on Your 2nd Attempt:

    • Reflect and reassess, enhance study techniques, consider a comprehensive exam prep course, practice as you learn, and leverage a pass guarantee for financial peace of mind.
  9. Updated Statistics: Understanding the Series 6 Exam Trends:

    • Current pass rates, historical context, and a comparison with other exams like Series 7 are provided to give a comprehensive understanding of the exam landscape.
  10. More In-Depth Analysis: Decoding the Challenges:

    • Complex regulations, feedback from candidates, and nuanced areas like tax laws are identified as challenges contributing to the lower pass rates.
  11. Series 6 Exam FAQs:

    • FAQs cover the difficulty of the exam, comparison with Series 7, recommended study duration, the order of taking Series 6 and 63, challenging topics, retake options, and the importance of practice exams.
  12. How important is it to take practice exams, and how similar are they to the actual Series 6 exam?

    • Practice exams are deemed vital for familiarity with format and question types. The best ones closely mimic the actual test in both structure and content difficulty.

In summary, this comprehensive guide offers a roadmap for navigating the challenges of the Series 6 exam, drawing from a blend of personal experience, industry insights, and statistical analysis. It serves as a valuable resource for those aspiring to become Series 6 licensed professionals.

Breakdown: FINRA Series 6 Exam Pass / Fail Rate in 2023 (2024)


What is the pass fail rate for Series 6? ›

Participants have 1 hour and 30 minutes to answer 50 multiple choice + 5 additional unscored questions. The Series 6 exam is considered to be of medium difficulty. The Series 6 exam pass rate is 58%. Candidates must correctly answer 35 of 50 questions to achieve a passing score of 70%.

How hard is it to pass Series 6? ›

The Series 6 exam is considered to be moderately difficult. Many testers are well prepared to pass on their first attempt, but on average it takes up to two tries.

What is the pass rate for the FINRA exam? ›

The Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) reports an SIE exam pass rate of 74% among 58,264 first-time test takers as of January 2019.

What is the hardest FINRA licensing exam? ›

What Is the Most Difficult FINRA Series Exam?
  • Series 7 - General Securities Representative Exam. ...
  • Series 24 - General Securities Principal Exam. ...
  • Series 63 - Uniform Securities Agent State Law Exam. ...
  • Series 79 - Investment Banking Representative Exam. ...
  • Series 86/87 - Research Analyst Exam.

Is Series 6 or 7 harder? ›

Is Series 6 or Series 7 harder? The Series 7 exam is often viewed as more challenging due to its extensive coverage of securities regulations and financial products, including individual stocks and bonds. Series 6 primarily focuses on how to sell mutual funds and is generally easier for newcomers to the industry.

Can you take the Series 6 without passing the SIE? ›

Candidates must pass the Securities Industry Essentials (SIE) exam and the Series 6 exam to obtain the Investment Company and Variable Contracts Products registration. For more information about the SIE and Series 6 exams, refer to FINRA Rule 1210 and FINRA Rule 1220(b)(7).

How long to study for Series 6 Top Off? ›

For the SIE exam, you should plan to spend between 100-150 hours with the materials prior to attending the Live Classroom Review to maximize your learning. For the Series 6 Top-Off exam, candidates should plan to spend approximately 80 hours with their materials.

How is the Series 6 graded? ›

You will have 1 hour and 30 minutes to complete the exam and must correctly answer 70% (35 questions) of the 50 scorable questions to pass. The Series 6 exam, like other FINRA exams, is presented in a bell curve.

How much can you make with a Series 6 license? ›

Series 6 And 63 License Salary
Annual SalaryHourly Wage
Top Earners$86,000$41
75th Percentile$61,000$29
25th Percentile$40,000$19

Is FINRA 6 hard? ›

The Series 6 is a tough exam, especially for those who find it is their first introduction to the world of securities. In this article, we'll give you six additional easy tips on how to approach the information and proven techniques for studying for and taking the test.

How to pass FINRA Series 6? ›

Read the book, take notes and highlight the key points. Once you have completed the textbook, take as many Series 6 practice questions as you can. The Series 6 exam prep software is designed to help you master the application of the knowledge.

How many times can you fail a FINRA exam? ›

Generally, you may take the exam again 30 days after the date of the prior exam. However, if you fail the exam three or more times in succession, you must wait until 180 calendar days have elapsed since the date of your last attempt to pass the exam. Did your firm request your exam enrollment?

What is the easiest FINRA exam? ›

As a result, the Series 66 exam is considered by most to be an easier test. Like the Series 65 exam, it qualifies the individual to act as an IAR and fulfills the requirements for state registration. There are exam fees for these exams that must be paid before taking them.

Are FINRA exams curved? ›

The SIE exam, like other FINRA exams, is presented in a bell curve. Exams presented in this manner should start with easier questions, move to more challenging questions, and end with easier ones.

How many questions are on the FINRA Series 6 exam? ›

Each candidate's exam includes 5 additional, unidentified pretest items that do not contribute toward the candidate's score. The pretest items are randomly distributed throughout the exam. Therefore, each candidate's exam consists of a total of 55 items (50 scored and 5 unscored).

Is Passperfect harder than the actual test? ›

I found that Pass Perfect's tests were far harder than the actual exam, and the way the study material is designed it ensures that you put the work in. Plus the order in which it teaches you things, helped me understand the concepts better.

What percentage of people fail Series 7 the first time? ›

It is said that roughly 3 out of 10 applicants will fail the Series 7 exam on their first attempt. This would put the Series 7 pass rate at around 70% first time.

What is the pass rate for the Series 7 license? ›

The Series 7 license pass rate is around 65%. How hard is it to pass Series 7? Yes. The test is difficult, so you need to make sure you are fully prepared before you take it.

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