Boost your Blog Income by Adding this One Simple Page to your Blog | From Mom's Desk (2024)

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The purpose of your blog is to inform your readers about your topic. You can also recommend products and services that will make the topic easier for them. In turn, you can earn money when your readers purchase the resources you suggest to them!

One great way to do this is by creating a “Resources” page. This will be where all of the tools, products, and services you recommend will be listed. You can see how I created my Resources Page here.

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Why you Need a Resources Page

Having a single page dedicated to your favorite niche tools, courses, and products is a great way to help your readers. They come to your blog for advice and recommendations, so make them easy to find!A simple list that tells your readers what to buy, and why they should buy it, is a great way to assist them in their hobbies, interests, or tasks.

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Also, having a resources page helps you make money with affiliate products. When you recommend your favorite items to your readers, make sure you are using your affiliate links so that you earn a commission. That way, it’s a win-win for everyone.

What to Include in your Resources Page

Any product or service that you find helpful in your nicheshould be included in your resources page. Be sure to include anything that will make your readers’ lives easier too. Just make sure it’s related to the topics you blog about.

Let’s look at my resources page for an example. Since I talk about blogging and making money online, I recommend products and services that will make it easier to do these two things. My list includes my favorite domain name registrar, web hosting service, and social media tools.

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If you are doing a beauty blog, you can recommend brushes, palettes, mirrors, and make up tools. For a fitness blog, list the equipment, workout DVDs, clothing, and other gear you recommend. Food blogs can mention cookware, kitchen appliances, cookbooks, and more.

You should only include products that you have personally tried. If you wouldn’t recommend something to a family member or friend, don’t include it on your resources page. Doing so can make your readers start to distrust you, or question whether or not you provide the best information in your niche.

How to Build a Helpful Resources Page

To create a resource page that your followers find helpful, start by collecting your links. If possible, use your affiliate links so you make money with your recommendations. As long as you are recommending quality tools and services that will benefit your readers, there’s no reason you shouldn’t earn a commission!

Once you have the list, create the page. Be sure to include it in the navigation menu, just like you would with your About and Contact pages. This way, it’s easy for your readers to find.

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For each resource, list the name and link it to the product’s website or order page. Include a small paragraph on why you recommend the product. If you have a blog post, how-to tutorial, or review you have written on the product, be sure to link to that on your resource page. You need to give your readers all the info you can in one place so they can decide whether or not to purchase.

Add the logo or product image for each resource in your list. Link the images to the product website or order page, using your affiliate link when possible.

Additional Tips for Boosting your Income with a Resources Page

  • Never add something to your resources page that you haven’t personally researched or tried.
  • Review your resources page once a month. Add any new products you enjoy using, and remove any that no longer work.
  • Make sureyour links still work correctly and take the reader where they need to go in order to learn more. Check the links once a month as well.
  • Only add products and services that are related to the topics you blog about. You may have a great frying pan at home, but if you blog about sports, do not add it to your resources page. However, if you blog about cooking, food, or recipes, be sure to include it!
  • Disclose your affiliate relationship with a product. A simple mention at the top of your list will be good. At the top of mine, I have “This page contains affiliate links. If you purchase, I will get a few bucks. Thanks!”

Making More $$with Affiliate Marketing

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Your resources page is all about making money with your affiliate links. If you would like to earn more from affiliate marketing, I recommend you check out Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing by MichelleSchroeder-Gardner. Michelle blogs at Making Sense of Cents, and regularly earns $50,000+ each month through affiliate marketing. You will definitely learn a thing or two…or 10!

I already had a resources page on my blog prior to taking Michelle’s course, but I revamped it with her suggestions and it looks much better now!

Does your blog have a resources page?

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Boost your Blog Income by Adding this One Simple Page to your Blog | From Mom's Desk (2024)
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Author: Errol Quitzon

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Author information

Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.