Body Armor Disposal: How to Care for Your Kevlar® Vest (2024)

If you’re part of a military or police agency, then your day to day may involve wearing a Kevlar® vest. We rely on this highly versatile, high-strength material to provide protection from ballistics. However, even impressive Kevlar has a service life, and it should be cared for properly to ensure that the material strength isn’t compromised. Today, we’re going to take a look at what Kevlar is, and how it should be taken care of to ensure that it remains strong throughout its service life.

Understanding the Material

To better understand how to care for your Kevlar vest, let’s first take a look at how Kevlar is made, and what it’s made of. Kevlar is a plastic, created from hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen. This plastic is created by combining chemicals, and the raw material created (which is a liquid), can then be pulled through a “spinner” which creates a fibrous material. The spinner also orients the chemical compound into “rods” which are strong along the length of the rod. These rods are adhered to each other perpendicular to each other by shared hydrogen bonds. Thus, Kevlar is strong along both axes, making its tensile strength extremely strong, especially for the weight and flexibility of the material. In fact, Kevlar is about five times as strong as steel (at least in tensile strength), pound for pound, and it’s far more flexible.

Tips to Keep Your Kevlar Intact

Now that you have a basic understanding of what Kevlar is made of, we can dig into a few tips to keep your material from wearing down to the point that it is no longer an effective form of protection. Follow the tips below to extend the life of your Kevlar vest.

Be Mindful of the Manufacturer’s Service Life

Kevlar vests and ballistics materials are rated to last for a certain amount of time. After so many years, the integrity of the Kevlar may be compromised, which means that it might not have the stopping power it was designed to have — a bullet is more likely to break through old, out-of-service Kevlar than newly manufactured Kevlar, though it still may appear to have integrity. Take a look at the manufacturer’s recommendation for the service life for your Kevlar. Many vests and ballistics materials have a service life of five years. Do not use Kevlar after its service life is up, and dispose of Kevlar appropriately.

Follow NIJ Standards

If you’re part of a military or police agency, take note that The National Institute of Justice (NIJ) has provided a publication, Guide to Body Armor, which lays out standards surrounding body armor procurement, use, and disposal for law enforcement and military applications. In their guide, they describe their standards for the disposal of body armor:

“When body armor is no longer serviceable, the agency must dispose of it in a responsible manner that should also prevent illicit use. If armor is disposed of in a landfill, unauthorized parties may obtain the armors; also, materials may not be biodegradable. Many materials used in manufacturing body armor are either fire retardant or inherently fireproof, so they cannot be incinerated. Certain material suppliers have ongoing recycling programs for out-of-service armor. Some body armor companies offer a “take-back” disposal. The agency should contact its armor supplier/manufacturer to see if quotes are provided for such services. You may also contact the NIJ CTP regarding possibly donating the armor for research purposes. […] When an agency disposes of unserviceable armors, it should require and obtain a record of disposition from the organization used to dispose of the armor. At a minimum, the disposition should list the armor by serial number, disposal method and disposal date. This chain of custody document should be retained by both the agency and the disposing company as a formal record of disposition.”

Keep Your Kevlar Dry

The integrity of Kevlar may be compromised if the Kevlar gets wet. Avoid getting vests or other body armor wet, if possible. If you do come into contact with water, the material will be weaker until it dries out. And, if Kevlar is exposed to water often enough, the fibers of the material may eventually weaken and break down. It’s best to allow Kevlar to dry out if exposed to water (you can take soft armor out of its carrier to enable it to dry).

Take note, certain types of Kevlar are waterproof, making them ideal for exposure to wet environments. You may have a type of Kevlar that has been treated (such as laminated Kevlar), in which case, you won’t have to avoid water as mentioned above.

Do Not Clean Ballistics Kevlar

While you may be tempted to wash old vests and ballistics materials, be wary that washing Kevlar can damage it. Instead, only wash the carrier for the soft armor, instead of the armor itself. You can remove these panels, and disassemble the plates and straps in order to clean the carrier piece by piece. Your carrier may have an owner’s manual or a tag with cleaning instructions.

Keep Kevlar Out of Sunlight

Ultraviolet (UV) ray exposure can break down the fibers that comprise Kevlar, weakening the armor qualities of the material. Be sure to store your Kevlar soft armor away from sunlight (a closet is fine), and use a carrier material that helps to block some UV rays while you’re wearing the protective material.

Store Materials Properly

While Kevlar is flexible, it isn’t as flexible and resilient as most articles of clothing that we wear. Be mindful that Kevlar can hold a shape more easily if it is folded, which means that soft armor should be stored in order to avoid creases or folds that can change the shape of the armor. Follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer of your body armor to ensure that you don’t accidentally change the shape of the soft armor. You could end up with unnecessary gaps in your body armor if the Kevlar is misshapen.

Dispose of Vests That Have Been Damaged or Shot

Once soft body armor has been shot, it shouldn’t be used as a protective material again. Bullets may or may not penetrate Kevlar, depending on the circ*mstances, but regardless, they will leave the material damaged. The surface of the Kevlar will be compromised, leaving the wearer more exposed to danger, should another ballistic strike the surface.

In addition, Kevlar that has been exposed to a puncture, stabbing, or any other strong forces should not be reused as a protective material.

What to Do With Expired Kevlar

As mentioned, the NIJ has put forth standards for Kevlar ballistic material disposal, outline how to safely dispose of body armor that has expired or is no longer safe for use. Here at Fiber Brokers International, we specialize in the destruction and recycling of body armor, including Kevlar vests and ballistics materials. We provide all necessary documentation as you ship your ballistics materials, and we’ll provide a certificate of destruction, proving that your materials are no longer in service. From there, you can be sure that your body armor will never be used again (at least as body armor), so it cannot end up in the hands of criminals. Destroyed body armor materials are then recycled to make a variety of products, which means that your Kevlar won’t end up in a landfill. If you’re curious about our Kevlar destruction and recycling services, or if you’d like to get started, don’t hesitate to reach out to us — we’re here to help!


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Body Armor Disposal: How to Care for Your Kevlar® Vest (2024)


Does Kevlar body armor go bad? ›

In general, Kevlar and aramid body armor have a lifespan of five years before you need to replace them.

Can Kevlar vests be recycled? ›

Yes, you can recycle Kevlar® gloves and Kevlar® sleeves and the most economical and sustainable option is laundering and reuse of your Kevlar® PPE.

Can you wash a Kevlar vest? ›

Inserts of the body armor are not designed to be machine washed or dry cleaned. Further, they are not to be subjected to starch, chlorine bleach, or even color-safe bleach. They are to be hand washed using a soft cloth, mild laundry detergent, and cold water.

What is the lifespan of a Kevlar vest? ›

Most safety products, including bulletproof vests and plates, might degrade after a particular time frame. Body armor specifically has about 5 to 10 years of expiration period from the time it was made.

Does Kevlar rot? ›

Kevlar® does not melt and will not begin decomposing until it reaches 800° Fahrenheit or greater. * Kevlar® , Nomex® and Teflon® are registered trademarks of Dupont Co. Decomposition: Begins to decompose at about 800° Fahrenheit, in air by oxidation.

How often should you replace Kevlar? ›

Whether or not you wear these safety products daily, they will eventually degrade. Believe it or not, body armor is manufactured with an expiration date, which is usually around 5 years after a vest is produced.

How many years is body armor good for? ›

If you care for your vest properly, it can absolutely protect you for more than 5 years, but all body armor companies will recommend 5 years as the replacement timeline for soft armor as this is the industry standard.

Does body armor go bad if not refrigerated after opening? ›

No, body armor drink typically does not need to be refrigerated and will not go bad if not refrigerated. Body armor drinks are fortified with vitamins and minerals, and they contain sugar as a preservative which helps the drink remain fresh and stable at room temperature.

Does Kevlar break down in sunlight? ›

The ultraviolet component of sunlight degrades and decomposes Kevlar, a problem known as UV degradation, and so it is rarely used outdoors without protection against sunlight.

Can civilians own Kevlar vests? ›

It is legal in all 50 states for law abiding civilians to purchase body armor. You have the right to protect yourself and your family from harm. As a citizen of the United States you have the legal right to purchase and wear body armor for personal or professional use.

Does Kevlar burn or melt? ›

Heat resistance

Kevlar® is inherently flame resistant—protecting against thermal hazards up to 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Additionally, Kevlar® fibers won't melt, drip or support combustion.

Can Kevlar go in the washing machine? ›

It is important to note that apparel made of 100% Kevlar® brand fibers can be laundered or dry cleaned without issue.

Can Kevlar go in the dryer? ›

Kevlar jeans are the easiest to look after

Just like with a textile riding suit, you need to remove the armor pads from your jeans and make sure all the zips are done up. Other than that, however, you can happily throw your Kevlar in the washing machine, use a short cycle with cold water, then tumble dry.

Why is body armor only good for 5 years? ›

There are several reasons why body armor expires, such as weather or light, but what it comes down to is the chemical compounds that make up the armor. And those chemicals tend to break down over time.

Why are Kevlar vests illegal? ›

The rationale for prohibiting many felons from possessing body armor or bulletproof vests is similar to that of prohibiting felons from possessing firearms. These laws aim to protect public and officer safety by keeping "weapons" away from those who've shown they're capable of committing a crime.

Can a Kevlar vest stop a 9mm? ›

44 Magnum and . 45 ACP will travel at slower speeds, which allows the body armor to stop them. However, . 357 SIG and 9mm guns travel at a quicker speed and can't stop them as easily.

What grade of Kevlar is used for bulletproof vests? ›

200 GSM Kevlar. The 200 GSM Kevlar tests were performed with samples of 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 layers. Since 200 GSM Kevlar is commonly used for bulletproof vests, it was decided to perform tests with 15 layers. The results of the penetration into the ballistic gel are shown in Fig.

What is the negative impact of Kevlar? ›

CHRONIC EFFECTS: Processing KEVLAR® or machining materials containing KEVLAR® may create fiber dust in the air small enough to be breather into the lungs. Based on animal tests, breathing this dust at very high concentration repeatedly over long periods of time may cause lung injury (fibrosis).

Why is Kevlar bad? ›

It's worth noting that Kevlar also has its drawbacks. In particular, although it has very high tensile (pulling) strength, it has very poor compressive strength (resistance to squashing or squeezing).

What happens when Kevlar gets wet? ›

DON'T Get Your Armor Soaking Wet

But Laserna warns that it's best to avoid submerging the insert just in case the seal has been broken. Submerging tightly woven fabric like Kevlar in water will loosen the material, causing it to degrade and break down.

Is there anything better than Kevlar? ›

Twaron is an extremely popular alternative to Kevlar. This product is tough, light, and resistant to harmful chemicals and high temperatures. It is often chosen for its ability to make ordinary products unbelievably durable. Twaron, generally, has the same chemical structure as Kevlar.

Is Kevlar the best body armor? ›

Kevlar is an ideal body armor material, since its fibers are incredibly difficult to break (again, thanks to its tensile strength). The linked chain fibers of Kevlar absorb high-velocity impacts, instead of enabling a ballistic to penetrate the material.

What is the oldest body armor? ›

The oldest known Western armor is the Dendra panoply, dating from the Mycenaean Era around 1400 BC. Mail, also referred to as chainmail, is made of interlocking iron rings, which may be riveted or welded shut. It is believed to have been invented by Celtic people in Europe about 500 BC.

How long does body armor last unopened? ›

A: BODYARMOR Sports Drink and BODYARMOR LYTE's best-by date is 1 year from the date of production. The production date can be found on the bottom of the bottle with a 5 digit code. First 2 digits are the last two … see more. The production date can be found on the bottom of the bottle with a 5 digit code.

Why does body armor degrade? ›

Bulletproof vests and body armor are made from ballistic fibers that degrade over time. Compounds within the unit naturally break down. So it's important to take precautionary measures by checking your vest. Rain, humidity and freezing temperatures can also play a role in wearing down your gear.

Can you drink old body armor? ›

Yes, BODYARMOR drinks do expire. All BODYARMOR products have a “Best By” date on the package which indicates when their peak flavor and freshness is expected. After that date has passed, the drink may still be safe to consume, but its flavor and nutritional content may start to diminish.

How long can a body armor sit out? ›

How long can BODYARMOR sit out after opening? After opening, BODYARMOR can sit out at room temperature for up to seven days. However, it is important to keep it in a cool, dry place and away from direct sunlight.

Can anything penetrate Kevlar? ›

223-caliber/5.56mm weapons. Even from a short barrel, these calibers can defeat Kevlar easily.

Can Kevlar be died? ›

Kevlar® is sometimes thought of as being impossible to dye, but that's not exactly accurate as Spun Kevlar® can be dyed, it is multifilament Kevlar® that cannot be dyed. If you want to be 100% sure that your Kevlar® is dye-able, and tensile properties are not critical, be sure to use the spun type.

What is the difference between Kevlar 29 and Kevlar 49? ›

Kevlar 49 fabrics need to become a rigid, composite part in order to maximize their physical properties. This eliminates usage in a dry application such as clothing or soft body armor. Kevlar 29 fabrics are made of tough yarns that are built for ballistic protection.

Why do cops hold their vests? ›

The vest hang: A natural transition from the pit tuck, the vest hang is clasping the top of the vest near their collarbones to keep arms from hitting the equipment on the duty belt. The crossed arms: This can look intimidating, but cops use this stance solely for comfort. It's also a great way to warm up on a cold day.

What states is body armor illegal? ›

New York State is the only state restricting citizens' constitutional right to purchase body armor. According to the overreaching New York State Penal Law Section 270.21, "Unlawful purchase of body armor is a class A misdemeanor for a first offense and a class E felony for any subsequent offense."

Can a AR 15 penetrate a Kevlar vest? ›

Most bulletproof vests are what we call “soft armor”, usually based on Kevlar. These are what we typically see police officers and the like wear. A rifle round will go through these vests like it's not even there.

Do bullets bounce off Kevlar? ›

The fibers are strong in this form and can absorb and disperse impacts and force. This means that if someone is shot while wearing a Kevlar® bulletproof vest, the Kevlar® absorbs the impact of the bullet and disperses the impact across the panel.

Can Kevlar stop a knife? ›

Kevlar is a synthetic fiber commonly used in body armor manufacturing due to its strength and durability. It can provide great protection against knife threats as the tightly woven fibers are difficult to puncture and can deflect slashing attacks as well.

How thick does Kevlar have to be to stop? ›

A bullet-resistant panel just 1/4-inch thick can stop at least three 9mm bullets fired dead on from just a few feet away. Need to stop a larger bullet? Just laminate together more layers of Kevlar® and resin during the production process, or layer up finished panels during installation.

Does Kevlar react with water? ›

Kevlar can resist attacks from many different chemicals, though long exposure to strong acids or bases will degrade it over time. Kevlar remains virtually unchanged after exposure to hot water for more than 200 days and its properties are virtually unaffected by moisture.

What can Kevlar not stop? ›

But here are some things you MIGHT not know… It's not 100 percent effective at stopping bullets from a handgun. Kevlar jackets are also not so effective with bullets fired from Assault rifles because they are traveling three times the speed of sound, way faster than those from a handgun.

Is Kevlar electricity proof? ›

Tubes and Sheets made of Kevlar

The special properties of tubes and sheets made with Kevlar are that they have good resistance to corrosion, do not melt, do not conduct electricity and are also very resistant to knocks.

What can destroy Kevlar? ›

Ultraviolet (UV) ray exposure can break down the fibers that comprise Kevlar, weakening the armor qualities of the material. Be sure to store your Kevlar soft armor away from sunlight (a closet is fine), and use a carrier material that helps to block some UV rays while you're wearing the protective material.

How do you dry Kevlar? ›

Use a short cycle with all buttons and/or zips fastened. Keep KEVLAR® on the inside. Tumble dry warm. Line dry in shade.

How many sheets of Kevlar does it take to stop a bullet? ›

While soft body armor has its benefits, it takes 20 to 50 layers of Kevlar to stop a bullet, and is typically used to stop lower caliber rounds [1].

Do Kevlar vests go bad? ›

In general, Kevlar and aramid body armor have a lifespan of five years before you need to replace them.

What level body armor do police wear? ›

What level body armor do police wear? Most patrol officers choose to wear level IIIA soft armor vests for their everyday wear while on duty. But this is often supplemented with level III and IV 5 x 8 or 7 x 9 hard plates that can come in small form factors for inclusion with everyday duty wear.

What is the world's best body armor? ›

Level IV armor is the highest rating of body armor currently available, and it will stop armor-piercing rifle threats. It can withstand up to 30-06 M2ap steel core armor-piercing rounds with a mass of 166 grains and a velocity of 2880 ft/s.

Does Kevlar degrade in sunlight? ›

Very thin Kevlar® 29 fabric, if directly exposed to very high intensity sunlight for an extended period, will lose about half the tensile strength within a few days. In thicker elements, such as a half-inch diameter rope, the outer layer protects most of the rope and strength loss is minimized.

Does body armor actually expire? ›

The short answer is yes, body armor expires. Expiration is due to the fibers in the vests breaking down over time. Just like your regular clothes, simply wearing your armor causes fibers to break down and that's completely normal.

What breaks Kevlar? ›

Both heat and Ultra Violet (UV) light seriously degrade the material. Kevlar is basically a nylon and the ballistic aramid alternatives (cheaper but heaver) are also nylons.

At what temperature does Kevlar decompose? ›

Kevlar 49 fiber shows higher degradation temperature as a copolymer of para-aramid, and its initial degradation temperature is 548.1℃ in air.

Does Kevlar absorb water? ›

On the other hand, Kevlar tends to absorb up to 3.5% of its own weight in water, thus reducing its effectiveness in wet or humid conditions.

What temperature is Kevlar stable? ›

Kevlar® is inherently flame resistant—protecting against thermal hazards up to 800 degrees Fahrenheit. Additionally, Kevlar® fibers won't melt, drip or support combustion.

Is Kevlar moisture resistant? ›

This is how it is woven into body armor and bulletproof vests. An important thing to note about Kevlar is that it is not waterproof and can not be placed in direct sunlight.

What is the life of Kevlar? ›

When Do Kevlar Vests Expire? Most Kevlar vests are rated for a service life of 5 years. Afterwards, the material's strength may be compromised, rendering a vest inadequate for protection.

Is Kevlar better than armor? ›

Despite being a lightweight material, Kevlar is five to six times stronger than steel. If you need comfortable, flexible armor that can provide everyday protection against ballistic, physical, stab and slash hazards, Kevlar can deliver. Since Kevlar is a synthetic fiber, it's also cut-resistant.

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