Blog Income Report Oct-Dec (2024)

By / January 10, 2018

So, my December reflection post is a bit delayed. That, and my October and November reflection were both completely skipped over. Now it’s the middle of January… So I’m just going to turn this “monthly” income report into my last 3 months of blogging report.

The reason for my blogging break: My dog caught Valley Fever at the end of October. If you aren’t a resident of the Southwest, basically Valley Fever is caused by a fungus that lives in our soil. The fungi gets inhaled either through the dog sniffing around in the dirt or even from breathing in the air after a dust storm. After that, the fungus spreads from their lungs to their joints and sometimes their organs! It’s a pretty miserable and long-lasting illness for a dog (and I’m sure for humans as well), but that’s another post for another time! Bailey the beagle is slowly getting better 🙂

Between teaching full-time and taking care of my sick dog, I definitely did not have much time to blog. However, it was nice to know that I could take a few days off (or weeks…) from blogging and things will still be moving along. Snail pace is still progress!

I’ve been receiving kind messages and comments on how some of you have been inspired by these beginner blogging reports and how some of your were looking for October and November’s report. (sorry!) I am so So SO happy they have been helping anyone at all. I felt the same way about other bloggers’ beginning reports. They really give us a way to guide our own progress! Without further ado, here is my last 3 months of blogging report!

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Blog Income Report Oct-Dec (1)

My Previous Months Blogging Reports:

Second Month Blogging + Income Report

This post contains affiliate links. All advice and opinions on products are 100% my own. I only recommend products that I believe will benefit others.

Last 3 Months of Blogging + Income Report

Side Note: This monthly report’s purpose is to inform and inspire. As a new blogger, I love reading newbie blog reports! They allow me to assess my own blogging habits with a realistic comparison. As a teacher, I love me some data!

Total Income earned from Oct 1st – Dec 31st : $565.76

Survey Junkie Affiliate$103.50

Ads – $132.54

Amazon Affiliate

Bluehost Affiliate$65.00

Shopstyle Collective$33.90

My Achievement App Referral$10.50

Target Affiliate – $5.69

Total = $565.76 from October 1 – Dec 31st. Not bad at all! It averages out to be around $188 per month. As I stated earlier, I did not blog that much during these past 3 months, so I am pretty excited to see what happens in January when I get back into the routine!

Top 5 Viewed Pages:

  1. Songwriting– Almost 20k Pins! What?!
  2. Farmhouse Decor – Budget Friendly
  3. Farmhouse Christmas Decor – Budget Friendly
  4. Affiliate Markets that Accept Small Blogs
  5. How I made $130.74 at the gym.

January Goals:

Instead of setting specific goals I really just want to get in a routine! Hopefully, this routine will just promote more traffic and income along the way.

  • Get on a more reliable blogging schedule.
  • Reach over 20,000 views for the month.
  • More Wedding Posts
  • More Songwriting Posts

Top 5 Favorite Blogging Tools:

  1. Bluehost – I love having a web host that is so reliable. They made creating my blog super easy and affordable. Not only that, but they also PAY their users $65+ for referring other users. Basically, you could write a post on how you signed up/created a blog and if anyone uses your link to try bluehost, they will thank you for the referral with a commission payment. (blog post idea for you!)

pssst… as of January 2018, bluehost is having incredible 50% off deals!

Check out more on how I use bluehost to create a profitable blog –>How to Start a Blog and Make Money – 2018

2.Survey Junkie – Before I began blogging, I was an avid Survey Junkie user. I made well over $100 in a few months just by taking surveys. These surveys are free to take and they don’t even require that much time or brain power. Now, I am a Survey Junkie affiliate. They offer me commission for referring new members to their surveys. However, I still take their simple surveys for a little side income.

  1. – Game changer. Every graphic you see on my blog or on my Pinterest account is a Canva creation. I make all of my graphics by myself, but it’s so easy with! It’s free to use and they even have a phone app, but I prefer the desktop version.
  1. Amazon Associates – Not gonna lie, Amazon was slow at first for me. Then once October hit, the majority of my blogging income came in from Amazon Associates. They are free to use and make it so easy. Any item you are talking about in a blog (that can be found on Amazon) can earn you money via affiliate link! Everyone loves Amazon!

See more Affiliate Markets –>Affiliate Markets that Accept Small Blogs

  1. Pinterest – Pinterest was my #1 source of traffic BY FAR. Facebook Blogging groups were a dud, google searches were rare, but Pinterest never let me down.

See more on how I use Pinterest –>How to Use Pinterest Analytics to Boost Your Blog Traffic.

There we have it 🙂 My last 3 months blogging report.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions that you may have! For some reason my comment section closes itself after 4 comments. (Probably because I am using a free theme hehe) So, feel free to contact me via my contact page🙂

Blog Income Report Oct-Dec (2)


Blog Income Report Oct-Dec (2024)
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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.