Billions of Wildcards - character, vehicle, scenery, building, creature, scifi, fantasy, magic (all you want) - AIEasyPic (2024)

Lunar New Year and Valentine Update 2.31

Baroque Clothing Update 2.3

Major refactoring in version 2, check the version notes and updated overview below. There are some changes in the structure of the wildcard file.

Magical Beings Update: Check the Version 2.1 notes for more information.

Magic Update: Check the Version 2.2 notes for more information.

Baroque Update: Check out the Version 2.3 notes for more information (Model male/female Miya)

Follow me, if you don't want to miss any new stuff I'm creating.

Don't forget to leave a ❤️ if you like it or to get notifications for future updates.

⭐ reviews are appreciated, too. Let me see what you created with this tool. Enjoy the possibilites of this model.

Buy me coffee, if you want to support me:

Big thanks to @OneViolentGentleman for letting me add his Vogonic gibberish to this set.


Unleash the full power:

Activate: Dynamic Prompts->Advanced Options->Unlink seed from prompt

Usageis pretty much the same as for "regular" wildcards.

You need the SD Dynamic Prompt Extension. Put the filesdirectlyinto the wildcard folder:


They show up as a menu on the left in the Wildcard Manager tab.

The YAML-file is structured and indented (that's how they work). Just with alittledifference. You have to add the category layers in the wildcard.


__Bo/Machines/random__ # uses real machines, in the prompt__Bo/Machines/random-machine__ # creates a fictive machine

Wildcard character *

A cool thing you can do, too, is using a wildcard"*"in the wildcards. So you could use the normal chararcter wildcards in the same prompt and get chars and other stuff from all my sets:

__Bo/Chars/char*/*male/*__ # you get all possible Character creations__properties/patterns/*__ # you can use every pattern__properties/materials*/*__ # you can use every material for your creation__properties/colors/*__ # you can use every color

However, those are just examples. It's up to you to got real wild!

I made easy to use wildcards for all my sets. Those are located at the top of my wildcards under the category Bo.

There are a lot more possibilities with the huge set. Have fun exploring it. Have a look what more is in there. You'll find a full list below. You can use each subcategory separately.

You are welcome

Leave a star review, if you like it. so other can find those awesome cards more easily.

I plan to add more themes as extensions in the future. SDXL is coming, and wildcards are limitless.

If you want to support me, feel free tobuy me a coffee. ;)

Have fun experimenting with it.


Bo: audio: album-cover: random: books: random: chars: char-cyberpunk: div: female: boconstructions: classic: scenery: male: boconstructions: classic: scenery: random: char-magical: div: female: boconstructions: classic: modern: scenery: male: boconstructions: classic: modern: scenery: profession-magic: properties-magical: random: char-regular: div: female: bocloths: boconstructions: modern: male: bocloths: boconstructions: modern: random: char-scifi: div: female: boconstructions: classic: scenery: male: boconstructions: classic: scenery: random: class-profession-itemslots: class-profession-regular: class-profession-weapon: haircolor: random: christmas: random: clothings: random-accesoires: cyberpunk: magical: nsfw: regular: scifi: random-attire-female: random-attire-male: random-combination: random-dress-properties: cyberpunk: nsfw: regular: scifi: random-extras: random-fullbody: random-lowerbody: random-upperbody: constructions: buildings: cyberpunk: fictional: magical: regular: scifi: interior-design: interior-design-fictional: lighting-indoor: lighting-outdoor: materials-indoor: materials-outdoor: random: random-building: random-cyberpunk: random-fictional: random-magical: random-regular: random-room: random-scifi: rooms: cyberpunk: fictional: magical: regular: scifi: cosmic: random: creative: random-atmosphere: random-elements: random-scapes: myprompt: creatures: animalfusion: dragons: {0.2::__creatures/dragons/wing-count__ __creatures/dragons/wing-types__ wings,|} dragons-simple: magical-beings: - __characters/magical-beings/*/name__, __characters/magical-beings/*/characteristics__ random: {__creatures/nmbrlegs__ __creatures/nmbrarms__,|} __creatures/appendages__, __creatures/skin-fur-types__, {__properties/colors/*__,|__properties/patterns/unusual__,|} habitats: random: halloween: # __bo/halloween/random*__ random-anything: __halloween/food-treats__ __halloween/decorations__ __halloween/grimaces__ __halloween/lighting__ random-location: __halloween/places-sceneries__, __halloween/atmosphere__, __halloween/decorations__, random-ppl: random-pumpkin: jewelry: # __bo/jewelry/random__ random: - __jewelry/types__, __bo/jewelry/random-properties__ random-properties: __jewelry/hardness__, __jewelry/durability__, __jewelry/treatments__, __jewelry/setting__, __jewelry/origin__, random-properties-reduced: __jewelry/treatments__, __jewelry/rarity__, __jewelry/style__, __jewelry/age__, __jewelry/symbolism__ machines: # __bo/machines/random*__ random: random-machine: {2-6$$__machines/parts/*__}, plants: random-plant: __plants/leaf-margin__,|} {__properties/colors/*__ __plants/inflorescence__ __plants/flower__ flower, {__properties/patterns/plants__,|__properties/patterns/mushrooms__,}|} random-shroom: __properties/colors/*__ __properties/size/*__ __properties/shape/mushrooms__ {__properties/patterns/plants__,|__properties/patterns/mushrooms__,|} {__mushrooms/bioluminescence__,|} {__properties/colors/*__ __mushrooms/gill__,|} {__properties/colors/*__ __mushrooms/stipe-base__,|} {__mushrooms/poisonous-properties__,|__mushrooms/medicinal-properties__,|} } psycho: # __bo/pyscho/random__ random: - >- scenes: # __bo/scenes/random*__ random: random-city: random-landscape: school: random-mix: scifi: random: styles: random-ambient-effect: random-animation-style: random-anything: __styles/art-styles__, __styles/creative-concepts__, #__bo/styles/random-camera-settings__" random-artstyle: - __styles/art-styles__ random-camera-settings: - >- __styles/camera/aperture-settings__, __styles/camera/iso-settings__, __styles/camera/exposure-settings__, __styles/camera/composition-techniques__, __styles/camera/metering__ random-creative-concept: - __styles/creative-concepts__ random-depiction-styles: - __styles/depiction-styles/*__ random-graphic-engines: random-image-styles: random-image-techniques: - __styles/image-techniques/*__ random-punk-styles: random-quality-prompts: random-rendering: - __styles/rendering-techniques/*__ random-resolution: vehicles: random: {__vehicles/Customization__,|} __properties/materials-vehicles/*__, __properties/Visual/Appearance__, {__properties/paint/vehicle__,|} {__properties/Textures/vehicles__,|} random-notype: random-scifi:atmosphere: abstract: - artificial artistic: - diverse body-functional: - nurturing caves: - dark celestial: - aurora colorful: - lustrous cozy: - homely cultural: - customs dark: - nocturnal decaying: - collapsing - rancid delusion: desert: - stark beauty deteriorating: - crumbling dining: - outdoor dining dissolve: dragon: - prismatic dramatic: - striking - flamboyant duality: elements: - nature - void elemental: emotional: - reflective engineering: - prototyping ethereal: - transcendent fanatic: - fixated festive: - celebratory - energetic fire: forest: - nature's cathedral futuristic: - cybernetic ghostly: - shrouded gloomy: - forlorn halo: hospital: - recovery intense: - glaring light: - glowing lightless: liquid: - vaporizing mechanical: - machinized magical: - otherworldly majestic: - noble melancholic: - wistful metropolitan: - diverse communities minimalist: - subtle mountain: - snow-capped peaks mysterious: - secretive mystical: - ethereal natural: - invigorating nostalgic: - fond oceanic: - endless horizons organic: - harmonious physical: - ozone layer - climate change poorly-lit: productive: - resourceful reading: - engaging recreational: - lively robotic: - efficient romantic: - tender rural: - natural surroundings rustic: - rustic serene: - mellow shopping: - upscale sinister: - cacophonous - nocturnal split: surreal: - surrealistic synthetic: - generated teaching: - inclusive time: - contemporary toxic: - petrochemical uncomfortable: - constrained urban: - dynamic vr: - vr technology - augmented reality whimsical: winding: - circuitous work: - collaboration - teamworkastronomy: celestial-anything: celestial-bodies: - planet - solar system relations: - astral - extraterrestrial - interplanetary spacecrafts: - celestial navigation - spaceshipaudio: albumcover: background: - image designelements: - borders - symbols mainimage: style: titletext: genre: blues: - electric blues classical: - classical country: - country pop electronic: - drum and bass folk: hip-hop/rap: jazz: - dixieland - fusion metal: - doom metal pop: - synth-pop - electropop rock: world: melody: melody: - leitmotif - phrase - transposition music: additional: - interlude classic: - rondo modern: - sampling - remix sci-fi/fantasy: - glissando - leitmotif notation: accidentals: articulation: - marcato clefs: dynamics: - decrescendo note names: rests: - half rest symbols: - fermata - repeat sign time signatures: notes: note: - turn - grace note - multiphonic sound: additional: - noise classic: - staccato modern: - sampler - equalization sci-fi/fantasy: - doppler effect - teleportation soundsbooks: book-accessories: - dust jacket protectors book-covers: - leatherbound book-sizes: bookbinding-styles: - japanese stab binding fictional-types: - tomes of forbidden knowledge genres: - children's literature grimoires: - "The Picatrix" illustration: - collage ornaments-platings: places-books: - bibliotheca - library - study room - university library printing-techniques: typography: - line spacingbrain-psychology: concepts-phenomena: neural-circuit-patterns: - oscillatory network - small-world network practices-fields: terms: - mental illness - mindfulness - neurologycharacters: beings: cthulu-mythos: - nyogtha - dark young of shub-niggurath cyberpunk: doctor-who: - the wire elder scrolls races: - imperials - hist (argonian sentient trees) halo species: hitchhikersguide: - trillian humanoid: - blood elf marvel: - deviant mass-effect: monster-hunter: - congalala monster-hunter-friendly: - bomb beetle scifi: - aquatic intelligence- graceful being with iridescent, webbed appendages and glistening scales - starry seraphim- winged being with luminous, starry wings and celestial halos. stargate: startrek: - jem'hadar starwars: - tarro starwars-droids: - r2-series astromech droid warhammer: - tomb kings skeleton - ogre kingdoms irongut classes: caster: - spellblade melee: - monk range: - demon hunter support: - medic tank: - juggernaut - templar itemslots: accessories: - shield - choker clothing: - headgear - crown magical-beings: abaddon: characteristics: name: prompt: alraune: characteristics: name: prompt: amazon: characteristics: prompt: angel: characteristics: name: prompt: aswang: characteristics: name: prompt: baal: characteristics: name: prompt: banshee: characteristics: name: prompt: basilisk: characteristics: name: prompt: belial: characteristics: name: prompt: bigfoot: characteristics: name: prompt: brownie: characteristics: name: prompt: centaur: characteristics: name: prompt: changeling: characteristics: name: prompt: chimera: characteristics: name: prompt: christmas_elf: characteristics: name: prompt: chupacabra: characteristics: name: prompt: co*ckatrice: characteristics: name: prompt: cyclope: characteristics: prompt: dark-elf: characteristics: name: prompt: death: characteristics: name: prompt: dementor: characteristics: name: prompt: demon: characteristics: name: prompt: devil: characteristics: name: prompt: diablo: characteristics: name: prompt: djinn: characteristics: name: prompt: doppelganger: characteristics: name: prompt: dragonborn: characteristics: name: prompt: dragon-human-form: characteristics: name: prompt: draugr: characteristics: name: prompt: dryad: characteristics: name: prompt: dullahan: characteristics: name: prompt: dwarf: characteristics: name: prompt: elf: characteristics: name: prompt: enenra: characteristics: name: prompt: erlking: characteristics: name: prompt: easter-bunny: characteristics: name: prompt: fairy: characteristics: name: prompt: fenghuang: characteristics: name: prompt: firebird: characteristics: name: prompt: gargoyle: characteristics: name: prompt: ghoul: characteristics: name: prompt: giant: characteristics: name: prompt: gnome: characteristics: name: prompt: goblin: characteristics: name: prompt: gorgon: characteristics: name: prompt: harpy: characteristics: name: prompt: heinzelmaennchen: characteristics: name: prompt: hippogriff: characteristics: name: prompt: hobgoblin: characteristics: name: prompt: house-elf: characteristics: name: prompt: huldra: characteristics: name: prompt: ifrit: characteristics: name: prompt: imp: characteristics: name: prompt: incubus: characteristics: name: prompt: jabberwocky: characteristics: name: prompt: jinn: characteristics: name: prompt: jotun: characteristics: name: prompt: kappa: characteristics: name: prompt: kelpie: characteristics: name: prompt: kitsune-fox-form: characteristics: name: prompt: kitsune-human-form: characteristics: name: prompt: leprechaun: characteristics: name: prompt: lich: characteristics: name: prompt: lilith: characteristics: name: prompt: manananggal: characteristics: name: prompt: mandrake: characteristics: name: prompt: manticore: characteristics: name: prompt: marid: characteristics: name: prompt: mausebaer: characteristics: name: prompt: medusa: characteristics: name: prompt: mephisto: characteristics: name: prompt: mermaid: characteristics: name: prompt: merman: characteristics: name: prompt: minotaur: characteristics: name: prompt: minotaurin: characteristics: name: prompt: mothman: characteristics: name: prompt: mummy: characteristics: name: prompt: naga: characteristics: name: prompt: nessie: characteristics: name: prompt: nymph: characteristics: name: prompt: ogre: characteristics: name: prompt: oni: characteristics: name: prompt: orc: characteristics: name: prompt: pegasus: characteristics: name: prompt: phoenix: characteristics: name: prompt: pixie: characteristics: name: prompt: poltergeist: characteristics: name: prompt: roc: characteristics: name: prompt: sasquatch: characteristics: name: prompt: satyr: characteristics: name: prompt: selkie: characteristics: name: prompt: semi-ghost: characteristics: name: prompt: shellycoat: characteristics: name: prompt: siren: characteristics: name: prompt: space-wolf: characteristics: name: prompt: sphinx: characteristics: name: prompt: spriggan: characteristics: name: prompt: strigoi: characteristics: name: prompt: succubus: characteristics: name: prompt: sylph: characteristics: prompt: thunderbird: characteristics: name: prompt: tikbalang: characteristics: name: prompt: tomte: characteristics: name: prompt: tree-ent: characteristics: name: prompt: troll: characteristics: name: prompt: unicorn: characteristics: name: prompt: valkyrie: characteristics: name: prompt: vampire: characteristics: name: prompt: wendigo: characteristics: name: prompt: werewolf: characteristics: name: prompt: wild-hunt: characteristics: name: prompt: will-o-the-wisp: characteristics: name: prompt: wisp: characteristics: name: prompt: wolpertinger: characteristics: name: prompt: wraith: characteristics: name: prompt: yeti: characteristics: name: prompt: yuki-onna: characteristics: name: prompt: professions: cyberpunk: artists: - ai-generated art specialist corporate: - corporate negotiator cybernetic-enhancement: - neural interface developer designers: - augmented reality fashion model engineers: - mecha mechanic information-brokers: - corporate espionage agent investigators: - cyber threat analyst medics: - underground surgeon mercenaries: - cyber ninja - urban merc outlaws: - cyber pirates - tech disruptor fiction: adventurer: - adventurer barbarian: - barbarian bard: - bard craftsman: - alchemist druid: engineer: fantasy: - paladin - sorcerer - warlock healer: - apothecary knight: - cavalier mercenary: - mercenary monk: - zen master necromancer: - soul binder noble: - king pirate: - pirate ranger: - beastmaster scholar: thief: historical: - farrier - gladiator - royal falconer - shipwright magical: caster: - sorcerer crafter: - alchemist dark: - necromancer - warlock illusion: knowledge: light: - high priest nature: technomancy: modern: - nurse - nurse practitioner - programmer - teacher scifi: archaeology: - temporal archaeologist commerce: - xenobiologist consultant communication: entertainment: - virtual reality game designer exploration: - planetary geologist - exoplanetary geologist law-and-order: - time-travel law enforcement officer medicine: military: technology: - aerospace engineer - artificial intelligence specialist - cybersecurity analyst terraforming: weapons: classic: - bow and arrow fantasy: - dwarven war axe modern: - submachine gun primal: - flint dagger sci-fi: - plasma rifle - railgunchemistry: elements: - nobelium gems: - turquoise minerals: - fluorite - biotitechristmas: artstyles: - christmas tree art atmosphere: - cozy and comforting characters: - max (the grinch's dog) - heat miser - father time christmas-carol: characters: scenes: - ghostly apparitions decorations: - sleigh bells food: - sugar plums lightings: - minimalist lighting scapes: - twinkling lights and ornaments on christmas trees scenes: - decorating the christmas tree with ornaments and lights traditions: - participating in a secret santa gift exchange - attending a christmas eve church service - lighting hanukkah candles (for those celebrating hanukkah) - having a festive holiday mealclothings: cyberpunk: female: footwear: - plasma-mesh ballet flats full-body: - holo-lace wide-leg jumpsuit headwear: - quantum peplum turban lower-body: - augmented reality capris upper-body: - cyber-denim flare skirt - nano-weave capri pants - cyber-silk trousers female-attire: male: footwear: - hyper-ventilated running boots full-body: - quantum peplum bodysuit headwear: - microchip beanie lower-body: - hyper-ventilated running tights upper-body: - techno-sheer mesh shirt - quantum-vinyl leather jacket - holo-mesh polo male-attire: unisex: accesoires: - microchip keychain backwear: - microchip sling bag facewear: - microchip respirator neckwear: - microchip pendant - electromagnetic tie - ar hologram collar magical: female: footwear: - elven pointed shoes full-body: - sorceress robe headwear: - elven tiara lower-body: - elven leggings upper-body: - mystical tunics - sorceress capes - sorceress capes female-attire: male: footwear: - elven pointed boots full-body: - elven attire headwear: - elven circlet lower-body: - elven breeches upper-body: - elven mantle - druidic surcoat - enchanter's cloak male-attire: unisex: accesoires: - elven leaf brooch backwear: - spellweaver cape facewear: - elven enchantment eyewear neckwear: - rune-engraved ribbon - rune-engraved torc - rune-etched collar nsfw: female: footwear: - embellished booties full-body: - high-low hem dress headwear: - rhinestone hairpin lower-body: - sundress underwear-lower: - cotton bikini underwear-upper: - panties upper-body: - cold-shoulder blouse - fishnet camisole - striped bralette female-attire: male: footwear: - embellished booties full-body: - one-shoulder jumpsuit headwear: - flower crown lower-body: - khaki shorts upper-body: - sleeveless hoodie - mesh polo shirt - sleeveless silk button-up male-attire: unisex: accesoires: - silk wrap backwear: - backless co*cktail dress facewear: - embellished face appliqués neckwear: - chunky pearl necklace - multi-strand beaded necklace - crystal choker regular: female: footwear: - kitten heels headwear: - headscarf lower-body: - skort (skirt with built-in shorts) upper-body: - tank top - tunic sweater - turtleneck female-attire: male: footwear: - driving shoes headwear: - pharaoh's headdress lower-body: - sweatpants upper-body: - thermal henley shirt - v-neck sweater - western denim shirt male-attire: unisex: accesoires: - suspenders backwear: - pelican case (protective case) facewear: - prosthetic mask neckwear: - necklace with a charm or birthstone - necktie - pendant scifi: female: footwear: - holo-chiffon pumps full-body: - quantum-stitch evening dress headwear: - holo-chiffon wide brim hat lower-body: - holo-chiffon maxi skirt upper-body: - quantum-stitch sweater - bioluminescent sleeveless tunic - robotic off-shoulder blouse female-attire: male: footwear: - holo-chiffon sneakers full-body: - holographic formal tuxedo headwear: - holographic baseball cap lower-body: - holographic joggers upper-body: - holographic performance shirt - carbon-fiber sports jacket - robotic trench coat male-attire: unisex: accesoires: - microchip keychain backwear: - microchip sling bag facewear: - microchip respirator neckwear: - microchip medallion - electromagnetic tie - solar-powered neck ringcomponents: bearings-bushings: - solid bushing control-automation: electrical-connectors: - terminal block electronic: - led (light-emitting diode) fasteners: - pin - toggle bolt fluid-handling: - nozzle hydraulic: mechanical: - cam - bushing motors-actuators: - linear actuator optical: - mirror pneumatic: - frl unit (filter-regulator-lubricator) power-transmission: screws-fasteners: - wood screw - square nut seals-gaskets: - teflon tape springs-coils: - belleville washer structural: - angle iron - i-beam - channel thermal:constructions: features: big: - unique sculptures or installations in public spaces huge: - architectural lighting for nighttime illumination large: - unique roofs (e.g., geodesic domes) medium: - rooftop bars or restaurants mega: - immersive interactive façades (e.g., led screens) small: - unique façade finishes (e.g., wood cladding, stucco) tiny: - lofts or mezzanines interior-design: appliances: - oven/stove - fan bathroom-essentials: - shower curtain bedding-linens: - mattress cleaning-supplies: - mop and bucket decor: electronics: furniture: - sofa - nightstand kitchenware: - pots and pans - cooking utensils (spatula, ladle, etc.) lighting: storage-organization: interior-design-fictional: ancient relics: - weathered map furniture: - wardrobe magical artifacts: - potion vials mystical creatures: - dragon egg technology: - computer terminal tools and gadgets: - compass - spyglass treasures: - valuable artwork light-sources-indoor: artificial: - chandeliers biological: - bio-luminescent mushrooms - jellyfish gene insertion fire: natural: light-sources-outdoor: artificial: - incandescent outdoor lamps biological: - bioluminescent jellyfish fire type: - oil lamps - campfires - bonfires natural: - fireflies rooms: cyberpunk: ai-and-robotics: - sentient robot design studio cybernetics-and-augmentation: - virtual reality neural training chamber cyberpunk-street-scene: - holographic graffiti art gallery cyberspace-and-virtual worlds: - futuristic mmo gaming universe darknet-and-underground: - underground vr gaming arena living-spaces: - cluttered hacker's hideout medbay-and-cybernetics-lab: - cyberware repair and maintenance center recreational: - holodeck-style simulation room security-and-surveillance: - intrusion detection system hub - ai-driven threat analysis chamber workspaces: - cybernetic office space - ai-driven r&d lab fictional: adventure-spaces: - treasure room fantasy-spaces: - dragon's lair futuristic-spaces: - high-tech control center haunted-spaces: - haunted attic magical-spaces: - enchanted room mystical-spaces: - oracle's chamber - sacred temple sci-fi-spaces: steampunk-spaces: - steampunk workshop magical: artifacts-and-relics: - enchanted totem shrine celestial-observatories: - starship landing pad and dock chambers-of-prophecy: - time-scrolls archives feywild-gardens: - celestial moonlit garden guardians-and-companions: - enchanted familiar's lair healing-and-potions: - dragon's breath healing chamber living-spaces: - elven treehome haven recreational: - unicorn riding adventure park security-and-surveillance: - phoenix flame defense station transportation-and-portals: - celestial starship docking bay - enchanted portal gateways workspaces: - sorcerer's alchemy lab - enchanting spellcasting room regular: commercial-spaces: - bar/lounge area common-spaces: community-spaces: educational-spaces: - classroom entertainment-leisure-spaces: - family room healthcare-spaces: - waiting room living-spaces: - children's room/nursery outdoor-spaces: - roof deck public-spaces: - reception/lobby recreational-spaces: service-spaces: - mudroom - walk-in closet transit-spaces: utility-spaces: work-spaces: scifi: alien-encounters: - interspecies cultural exchange zone astrobiology-and-xenobiology: - alien wildlife observation deck exoplanetary-exploration: - exotic climate simulation chamber interstellar-travel: - wormhole navigation control room living-spaces: - holodeck virtual reality chamber medbay-and-bioengineering-lab: - alien biotechnology research lab recreational: - anti-gravity sports arena security-and-surveillance: - quantum encryption chamber space-colony-and-habitat: - zero-gravity recreation and exercise area - astronaut training and simulation hub - extraterrestrial defense perimeter control workspaces: - zero-gravity manufacturing facility types: cyberpunk: arcade-and-entertainment-complexes: - cyberpunk amusem*nt park corporate-megatowers: - zenithcorp skyspire cyberpunk-factories-and-assembly-plants: - quantum-powered manufacturing facility cyberpunk-nightclubs: - augmented reality dj den cyberpunk-residential-complexes: - augmented reality luxury penthouses cyberpunk-street-hangouts: - augmented reality graffiti zone cyberspace-data-towers: - ai data processing center high-tech-medical-facilities: - biohacking and gene editing facility mega-marketplaces-and-bazaars: - ai-driven market square - holomarket plaza underground-cyber-bunkers: - resistance hideout - neon underground club fictional: commercial: - high-tech corporate headquarters educational: - wizarding school of magic governmental: - utopian capitol building industrial: - steampunk factory complex - robotic production plant recreational: residential: - cozy cottage magical: celestial-libraries-of-knowledge: - celestial library of astronomical lore enchanted-schools-of-magic: - celestial college of arcanum fairy-tale-castles-and-palaces: - fairy queen's emerald palace magical-taverns-and-inns: - ethereal goblet and mead hall - celestial hearthstone tavern witch-covens-and-magical-circles: - ethereal seance and divination room - celestial starlit sabbat grounds regular: commercial-buildings: - shopping centers - warehouses educational-buildings: - libraries government-buildings: - fire stations healthcare-buildings: - nursing homes industrial-buildings: recreational-buildings: - gyms and fitness centers religious-buildings: - churches residential-buildings: - single-family homes special purpose-buildings: - exhibition halls transportation-buildings: scifi: advanced-extraterrestrial-labs: - time-travel experimentation chamber ai-controlled-planetary-defense: - quantum-based force field nexus extraterrestrial-artifact-museums: - timeless extraterrestrial archaeology museum extraterrestrial-diplomacy-and-relations: - galactic alliance mediation chamber futuristic-cybernetic-cities: - cybernetic skyscraper cluster high-tech-cyber-casinos: - time-distorted card game parlor interstellar-research-and-exploration: - time distortion research lab interstellar-transportation-hubs: - extraterrestrial hyperloop terminal spaceship-bridges-and-command-centers: - celestial cruiser control deck - quantum-class flagship command center time-travelling-research-facilities:creatures: appendages: being-types: body-shapes: - blob-like descriptors: - plasmic - pulsating - visceral dragons: body-cover: body-shape: - arboreal features: - crest head-types: - elongated leg-types: - bird-like leg-length: tail-types: - finned wing-count: wing-types: - leathery - segmented ear-types: - webbed ears horns: look-feel: - edgy - rustic - whimsical mouth-jaw: nmbrarms: - single-armed nmbrlegs: nmbrtails: size: skin-fur-types: - smooth skin species: amphibians: - cane toad aquatic animals: birds: - jay - sparrow draconic: - Sirrush draconic-mh: - Plesioth fantastic: - leviathan fantasy: hantu: - hantu barong - hantu ular insects: mammals: - chimpanzee - sealion microorganisms: moers: - anagatogs mythological: - ijiraq - isonade reptiles: - tuatara sci-fi: - mapinguari tails: traits: - scaled wings:habitats: biomes: housing: metaphoric: - plateau of wisdom - canyon of decision - bazaar of possibilities - fortress of insight - passage of perception - zen garden of vision places: cave: civil: craft: - studio - candle maker's studio - blacksmith's forge crater: desert: dreamscapes: energy: - reactor film: forest: hellish: - tartarean horizon: - view lovecraft: - yuggoth learn-study: - philosophy forum magnificent: military: mindscapes: moers: - crat mountain: overlooking: - bastion paradise: portal: - connection prison: realm: relaxing: religion: - king's landing - winterfell rooms: ruling: - castle - throne room sanctuary: - peaceful place space-constructions: - lunar base space-scapes: - starfield - celestial_body - wormhole surrounding: - scene swamp: toxic: - contamination trading places: - square underground: water: - coastland - seabed - submerged - undercurrent - undersurface waterbodies: - brook - tributary types: wonderland: - cheshire cat's grinhalloween: artstyles: - macabre - retro halloween - grimdark - lovecraftian atmosphere: - ominous - skeletal - supernatural - whimsical costumes: - fairy - pirate - princess decorations: - eyeballs food-treats: - candy corn cheesecake fruits: - raspberry - horned melon grimaces: lighting: - haunting lanterns places-sceneries: - haunted hotel pumpkin-carving: expressions: styles: - animal techniques: symbols-icons: - coffins traditions: - bonfires vegetables: - avocadojewelry: age: brilliance: - radiant carat: - 4.00 carat - 5.00 carat - 30.00 carat clarities: - very slightly included (vs2) - numerous inclusions cut: - cushion cut - mixed cut durability: facets: fire: - spectral - vivacious - twinkling - enchanting hardness: - scratch-resistant - inflexible luster: - submetallic - lustrous - glistening - glistened origin: - estate rarity: setting: - prong setting - bezel setting - pave setting - illusion setting - baroque setting - art deco setting - tapered setting - bypass setting - traditional setting style: - art nouveau - classic - renaissance - romantic - high fashion - custom - organic - geometric - tribal - fantasy - timeless symbolism: - protection and luck - nature and animals - talisman and amulets transparency: - translucent - clear - glossy - sparkling - gleamy treatments: - treatment process - irradiation - diffusion types: - pendant - crown - belly button ring - ear cuff - headband - nose chain - mourning jewelry - friendship braceletlighting: ambient: ambient-and-low-key: artificial: artificial-lighting: atmospheric: - stormy background-lighting: color-effects: constructions-indoor: - under-cabinet lighting constructions-outdoor: - in-ground well lights constructions-specialized: cyberpunk: - urban neon signs - neon-lit skyscrapers dramatic: dramatic-effects: firelight: futuristic: magical: natural: nsfw: - ethereal lighting, soft and otherworldly light, ideal for fantasy and romantic elements others: outdoor-lighting: - backlighting portrait-lighting: reflection-refraction: scifi: - futuristic cityscape special-effects: - lens flare studio-lighting: underwater: unique-lighting: - light through foliagemachines: parts: cables-wires: components: - power inputs - valves details-embellishments: embellishments: - metallic accents - winged embellishments ergonomics: lables-markings: lighting-elements: mechanic-parts: - gears - linkages - escapement mechanisms modularitity: ports: - sim card slots - sd card slots - ventilation holes safety: user-interface: - switches - lcds (liquid crystal displays) - trackpads wheels-legs: types: agricultural-machines: communication-machines: complex-machines: - 3d printer - supercomputer construction-machines: - crane entertainment-machines: fictional-machines: household-machines: industrial-machines: large-machines: manufacturing-machines: mechanical-machines: medical-machines: medium-machines: - plotter musical-machines: office-machines: science-laboratory-machines: - microscope - spectrometer small-machines: types-synonyms:magical: elemental: magic: - >- ({6-10$${-3$$__words/magical/adjectives__}| {-2$$__properties/colors/*__} magic2: profession-magic-use: caster: - __magical/types/elemental__ crafter: dark: illusion: knowledge: light: nature: technomancy: types: air: dark: - summoning volent entities divination: dream: earth: elemental: fire: gravity: ice: illusion: light: - light magic lightning: metal: nature: shadow: tech: time: - time travel transmutation: water:matter: movement1: - brownian motion movement2: state: - colloidsmushrooms: annulus: - flaky annulus bioluminescence: - bioluminescence bruising: gill: - forked gills - gills with paratrama growth-form: - gregarious - epiphytic habitat: - swamp - alpine - geothermal - estuary hymenium: - lamellate hymenium latex: - cloudy medicinal-properties: - beneficial effects mycorrhizal-association: - mycorrhizal network pileus: - decurved margin pileus - undulating margin pileus - cap margin bumpy pileus - cap surface grooved pileus poisonous-properties: - harmful extracts - poisonous compounds pores: ring: stipe-base: - marginate base - constricted base - eccentrobase - caudate base - slightly bulbous and tapered base - flexuous to flattened base - flattened to bulbous base - gradually tapering to a saccate base - gradually tapering and rhizomorphic base - gradually tapering to a cup-shaped base - gradually tapering to an acute base types: - polypores - coral fungi veil: volva: - persistent volva - flaky volva - fibrous volvaperson: cyberpunk: equipment: - robotic drones - haptic feedback gauntlets - haptic feedback tactical gloves - graphene bulletproof trenchcoat - carbon-fiber tactical armor female: male: poses: - tense crouch, character crouches low with arms tensed, prepared for a sudden action wings: - reactive smart wings - thermal-regulating insulated wings magical: female: male: poses: - sorcerer's gesture, one hand held aloft, magic emanating from fingertips - transcendent trance, eyes closed, entering a state of higher consciousness - analyzing the patterns in a spell matrix, discerning its workings - transcribing ancient runes onto sacred surfaces, charging them with magic wings: - butterfly wings nsfw: poses: - kneeling pose, kneeling with an alluring gaze, evoking a sense of vulnerability and passion - playing with hair, running fingers through hair with a seductive look, creating an intimate and captivating pose - wearing lingerie, wearing lingerie with a confident and alluring pose, exuding sensuality and charm regular: ages: - late twenties beard: - hipster beard - horseshoe beard - horseshoe mustache body-feature: - delicate hands bodyshapes: - graceful cheek: - plump cheeks chin: ears: - pointed ears ethnics: - pacific islander expressions: - anger - skepticism eyecolor: face-shape: facial-features: female: {__person/regular/body-feature__,|} female_simple: forehead: haircolor: - black haircolor-unconv: - lavender haircuts-female: - tousled waves - undercut haircuts-male: jaw: - square jaw makeup: male: __bo/chars/haircolor__ __person/regular/haircuts-male__ hair, male_simple: noses: poses: scifi: equipment: - nanobot swarm - neural interface helmet - sonic disruptor - time dilation device female: {0.1::__person/scifi/wings__|} male: poses: wings:phenomena: astronomy: abstract: natural: - supernova cyberpunk: abstract: - consciousness merge - code synchronicity natural: - glitchy sandstorms magical: abstract: - self-fulfilling prophecy natural: - st. elmo's fire math: abstract: - circle packing - hilbert curve scifi: abstract: natural:plants: flower: - cup-shaped - corolla - calyx foliage-arrangement: - basal - decussate fruit: - achene - samara growth-habit: - pendulous - prostrate inflorescence: - liguliflorous inflorescence - corymbose cyme leaf: - variegated - mottled leaf-arrangement: leaf-margin: leaf-venation: seed: - non-albuminous seeds sepal-configuration: stem: - rhizome types: - shrub - flowerproperties: colors: chemical: - pyrrole orange common: fashion: gems: gill: - orange mushrooms: natural: plants: - gold - ebony special: - emerald spore-print: - salmon spore print stipe: - gradient fabrics: cyberpunk: - levitating carbon alloy regular: - voile - felt - eyelet scifi: - holo-chiffon chiffon - robotic fabric scifi-organic: - neural fiber fabric fit: materials-art: substances: - ink tools: - oil paint - projector (for projection art) - interactive sensor (for interactive art) materials-books: materials: - zamonium (a fictional element) materials-construction: basic: cyberpunk: - carbon nanotube reinforced concrete - graphene-infused polymer sheets fictional: - starstone bricks - moonlight glass - phoenix ember roofing - celestium reinforced foundations flooring: - carpet insulation: - expanded polystyrene roofing: - rubber roofing scifi: - self-assembling nanobots stones: - diorite stone materials-jewelry: metal-type: - white gold - resin materials-magic: ingredients: - bronze - living wood materials-moers: materials: materials-nsfw: fabrics: - mesh - faux leather - marabou feathers materials-vehicles: materials: - glass-steel paint: vehicle: - chrome plating - custom artwork - candy apple red - rustic patina - chrome accents patterns: 2dshapes: - pentagon 3dshapes: - icosahedron animal-print: - cheetah print clothing: - scallop clothing-cyberpunk: - neon circuit pattern - holographic haze texture - cyberpunk neon texture - techno circuit print - neon laser grid pattern - tron neon print - holographic overlay texture - cyberpunk hieroglyph pattern - retro futurism print - neon pulse pattern - virtual matrix print clothing-scifi: - circuitry texture - liquid metal texture - chrono displacement print - energy crystal pattern lines: machines: - zigzag mushrooms: plants: - brittle tapestry: - inlay weave unusual: - geometric pattern shape: bud: jewelry: - square leaf: mushrooms: - cup-shaped petal: plants: - spiraled stem: - lateral size: mushrooms: plants: structure: root: - contractile - haustorial textures: abstract: - etched bark: - peeling fabric: - fluffy fabric textures: hard textures: irregular textures: - smeared machines: - embossed - wrinkled metal: - corked mushrooms: - spongy - fibrous - veined natural: - spongy natural textures: - porous other: - sanded - slanted - speckled - frosted paper: - ridged patterned: - corrugated - tiled plants: - stiff porous: rough: - rough - grainy - gravelly - rugged shiny textures: - iridescent smooth: - velvet - polished soft textures: - woolly stem: - smooth texture - prickly texture - ribbed texture stone: textured: vehicles: - ribbed texture - embossed patterns - reflective gloss wavy: visual: appearance: - flashingscenes: cyberpunk: artificial intelligence uprising: corporate mega-corporations: cybernetic augmentation: cyberpunk noir detective: post-apocalyptic cyberworld: - scavengers searching for valuable cyberware and tech relics - rusty and decaying cyber-enhancements scattered throughout the wasteland tech noir nightclub: - a sultry nightclub with neon-lit dance floors - cybernetic performers showcasing jaw-dropping acrobatics techno-militarized zone: underground resistance: - high-speed chase through dimly lit underground tunnels - cyberpunks spreading subversive messages through the dark web urban-dystopia: - street vendors selling tech gadgets and cyberware virtual reality matrix: - virtual reality hacking battles with stunning visual effects features-architecture: - terrace - turret - parapet - keystone - foyer - belfry - french window - mullion window - corbel - roof vent features-cave: - column - cave ribbon - stalagnate - speleology - cave passage - sump features-fictional: - flight - virtual reality - dystopia - sorcerer's tower - interdimensional portal features-mountain: - alpine flower features-nature: - mountain - bird in flight - animal track - play of light and shadow features-nautic: - jellyfish - undertow - coral polyp - saltwater features-sky: - nightfall - astral plane - planetary alignment - twinkling stars - solar wind features-swamp: - mire - mud suction - amphibian - hidden pools features-urban: - bus stop - gallery regular: dark: - a dimly lit basem*nt, with flickering lights and mysterious sounds - a stormy night with thunder and lightning, casting an eerie glow on a desolate landscape - a dark, foreboding cave, with stalactites and echoes that seem to whisper gates-magical: - a gate constructed from ancient stones imbued with ancient spells, granting access to forgotten realms - a gate guarded by towering statues that come to life, testing the worthiness of those who seek passage heaven: - floating islands or clouds where souls peacefully reside, enjoying eternal bliss - a gentle breeze carrying a sense of peace and whispers of divine guidance - a heavenly banquet, where souls gather to share in a feast of abundance and joy hell: - endless, desolate landscapes of scorched earth and crumbling ruins - a never-ending storm of thunder, lightning, and torrential rain, perpetuating a sense of chaos - a suffocating atmosphere of despair, where the weight of guilt and remorse is palpable light: - a sunlit park, filled with children playing and families having picnics - a charming bakery, with mouth-watering pastries and the sound of friendly chatter nature: sky-space: underground: - an underground subway station, bustling with commuters and the rumble of passing trains underwater: scifi: ai-dominance: - holographic simulations and virtual ai interactions - humans relying on ai for decision-making and governance ai-integration: - cybernetic augmentations enhancing human abilities alien-planet-exploration: cyberpunk-streets: futuristic-cityscape: - futuristic cityscape,automated robots and androids among the crowds galactic-space-battles: - galactic space battles, advanced energy shields and kinetic weaponry interstellar-travel: - stargates and wormholes for faster-than-light travel - spacefarers in suspended animation during long journeys post-apocalyptic-wasteland: - post apocalyptic wasteland, desolate landscapes with ruins of once-thriving cities space-station-interiors: - space station interiors, artificial gravity chambers and magnetic walkways - space station interiors, space garden or hydroponic farm for sustenance settings: landscapes: urbanbuiltenvironments:scifi: atmosphere: biopunk: cyberpunk: extraterrestrial: - cosmic aberration futuristic: holographic: nanomaterials: space-age: time-warping: computer: errors: - input/output errorstyles: ambient-effects: animations: - rotoscoping art-styles: - dadaism - street photography camera: aperture-settings: camera: composition-techniques: exposure-settings: focus: iso-settings: metering: shooting-modes: shutter-speed: - shutter speed 1/2 sec - shutter speed 1 sec white-balance: clothing: back-designs: - lace-up back closure: collar: design: - tie-dye - distressed details dress-accents: dress-length: - asymmetrical hemline embellishments: fit-length: functional-features: legs-fit: neckline: pockets: - front pockets skirt: sleeve: special-features: unique-features: waistband-closure: - waistband waistlines: wash: color-settings: - complementary colors - color scheme - color psychology creative-concepts: - inventive - imaginative depiction-styles: 2d-styles: - minimalist 3d-styles: - x-ray view digital-modern-styles: historical: - expressionism art graphic-engines: - heroengine engine image-styles: - atmospheric - dynamic - geometric image-techniques: digital: other: photographic: - chromogenic prints - long exposure photography traditional: - grisaille punk-styles: - retrofuturism quality: blur: details: - unmatched - phenomenal - astounding sharp: - entire scene in focus styles: - unrivaled opus rendering-techniques: advanced-rendering: ambient-effects: - anisotropic filtering artistic-rendering: lighting-techniques: - real-time shadows - procedural sky mapping-techniques: optimization-techniques: particles-and-effects: post-processing-techniques: ray-tracing: shading-techniques: resolutions: styleelementstext: - epigram types of views:styles-architectural: african: architectural: asian: european: indigenous: middle-eastern: north-american: south- american:subjects-school: art: - Residential Design - Commercial Design biology: - development - light microscope chemistry: - quantitative analysis - instrumental analysis economy: history: - mesopotamia language: - corpus linguistics math: physical-education: - High School PE physics: - bernoulli's principle - plasma physics politics: religion: - Native American Spirituality social-studies:subtypes: cyberpunk: - steampunk-cyberpunk fusion scifi:vehicles: accessories: customization: - speaker upgrade - carbon fiber accessories - engine cover - air suspension exterior-features: lights: size: types: airborne-vehicles: - autoheli bicycles: cars: fictional-concept: fictional-underwater-vehicles: flying-car-like-vehicles: - pal-v liberty sport heavy-vehicles: motorcycles: public transport: space: special-purpose: train: - electric locomotive underground-vehicles: underwater-vehicles: windows: - reflective glasswords: brain-psychology: brain-cognitive-characteristics: mind-mental-states: psychological-states-emotions: - content constructors: cyberpunk: adjectives: substantives: verbs: magical: adjectives: substantives: verbs: nsfw: adjectives: substantives: verbs: onomatopoeia: scifi: adjectives: substantives: verbs: shape-tracing: surface-swap: vogonic-guide: adjectives: adjectives-cons: nouns: planets: verbs: verbs-gerund: verbs2:
Billions of Wildcards - character, vehicle, scenery, building, creature, scifi, fantasy, magic (all you want) - AIEasyPic (2024)
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Name: Otha Schamberger

Birthday: 1999-08-15

Address: Suite 490 606 Hammes Ferry, Carterhaven, IL 62290

Phone: +8557035444877

Job: Forward IT Agent

Hobby: Fishing, Flying, Jewelry making, Digital arts, Sand art, Parkour, tabletop games

Introduction: My name is Otha Schamberger, I am a vast, good, healthy, cheerful, energetic, gorgeous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.