Better for Young Investors: ETFs or Mutual Funds? (2024)

ETFs vs. Mutual Funds for Young Investors: An Overview

Which is better for young investors, ETFs or mutual funds? That depends on a number of factors. Some of those include how much a young investor has to invest, how actively involved they want to be with their investments, whether they know how markets function, and their understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

Young investors must also identify their investment goals and learn about exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and mutual funds to pinpoint whether one or the other could be the right investment for their specific needs.

Here's some background. These investment funds pool investor deposits and then purchase a wide variety of individual stocks, bonds, or other assets. They then sell shares of the funds to investors.

Both types of funds offer instant diversification and professional management of fund assets. They both involve less risk (and greater convenience) compared with investing in individual securities. Moreover, the great variety of ETFs and mutual funds can offer varying degrees of risk and return to suit different investor goals. Mutual funds are still the more popular, by far. But ETFs are catching up.

Read on to learn which type of fund may be better for you, as a young investor.

Key Takeaways

  • Most mutual funds are actively managed while most ETFs are passive investments that track a particular index.
  • ETFs can be more tax-efficient than actively managed funds due to lower turnover and fewer capital gains.
  • ETFs are bought and sold on an exchange at different prices throughout the day while mutual funds can be bought or sold only once a day at one price.
  • Many online brokers now offer commission-free ETFs, regardless of the size of the account; mutual funds may require a minimum initial investment.
  • It is generally cheaper to buy mutual funds directly through a fund family than through a broker.


While mutual funds have been around since the 1920s, ETFs are the newer kid on the investing block. They started trading in 1993 and have grown in popularity since then. You can buy ETFs through virtually any online broker, whereas mutual funds aren’t always available through brokers. ETFs don't require a minimum initial investment because they trade as individual shares. You can buy a single share, if you choose to.

ETFs can be either actively or passively managed. However, the majority are passive investments that track a major index instead of trying to beat the market. As such, they can be appropriate for investors with a long-term buy-and-hold investment strategy who prefer passive over active management.

The average expense ratios of index equity ETFs declined to 0.16% in 2021, compared to 0.34% in 2009. Generally, these ETF fees are lower than those charged by actively managed mutual funds.

For some investors, the very design of a passive ETF is a negative. Brent D. Dickerson, certified financial planner (CFP) and founder of Trinity Wealth Management, says, "The drawback to an ETF is that it will do what the index it is tracking does. So, for example, if you invest in an ETF that tracks the,if it loses 40% of its value, then so will the ETF."

"With a mutual fund, the manager is not typically invested in the exact same assets as the index . . . and so, there is a possibility of doing better than the ETF. The same holds true for up markets. If the index increases 40% so will the ETF. Actively managed mutual funds may see outperformance of the index, but this is never something that can be duplicated time and time again over long periods of time."

Young investors should decide how actively they'll buy and sell ETFs. That's because active trading may lead to an increase in their overall fees and can decrease their returns.

Mutual Funds

While not as hip as ETFs, mutual funds also can be a great investment option. They may not be available through all brokerages, but you can purchase them directly from the fund family. Most fund families make it easy to invest money at set intervals, which is a great feature for young investors trying to establish a consistent investing pattern. It's also an opportunity to take advantage of dollar-cost averaging.

"They can go to a low-cost fund company like Vanguard and set up an automatic investment program where perhaps $100 is pulled from their checking account every two weeks and invested in a Roth IRA. They can set this up with a few minutes of work and then simply let the investment program happen,” says Jason Lina, Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), CFP, andlead advisor with Resource Planning Group.

Mutual funds are still more expensive than ETFs, but there is a reason for that. They include 12b-1 fees,which essentially are compensation for advisors' efforts to sell a given fund.

Mutual funds can be either actively or passively managed. Most are actively managed. For investors who seek an investment that attempts to outperform the market, an actively managed fund may be the way to go.

Actively managed mutual funds can be attractive to those targeting inefficient markets (e.g., emerging markets). In such circ*mstances, active managers try to take advantage of price inefficiencies to boost returns.

Bear in mind that active management can result in added costs and an annual performance that falls short of the overall market. An actively managed fund is also typically less tax-efficient due to the capital gains generated as a manager buys and sells securities to try to outperform the market.

Many, but not all, mutual funds require minimum amounts to open an account. You may see a range of $100 to $3,000.

Quick Reference Comparison

All investors, whether they're just starting out or highly experienced should be sure to read fund materials carefully for all pertinent details about a potential investment and to compare one to another. In the meantime, here's a summary of ETF and mutual fund basics that highlights their similarities and differences.

ETFsMutual Funds
Passive or Active ManagementBoth are available, but primarily passiveBoth are available, but primarily active
StructureFunds that purchase and manage portfolios of securitiesFunds that purchase and manage portfolios of securities
Professionally managedYesYes
DiversificationBroad exposure to variety of assets/asset classesBroad exposure to variety of assets/asset classes
LiquidityGenerally, highly liquid due to availability on exchanges but some ETFs can be thinly tradedGenerally, highly liquid but can take several days to receive proceeds from sales
How to TradeBuy and sell shares at different prices on an exchange any time during open hoursBuy and sell once a day at end of day, at one price
Minimum Required InvestmentLimited to cost of shares and how many are boughtVaries, e.g., from $0 to $500 to $3,000
CostsMay include operating expense ratio, broker's trade commissions, bid/ask spreadMay include operating expense ratio, loads, 12b-1 fee
Expense RatioUsually lower than actively managed fundsUsually higher than passively managed funds
PricingDetermined by marketNet asset value (NAV)
Tax EfficiencyUsually tax efficient due to less turnover and fewer capital gainsNot as tax efficient due to more turnover and greater capital gains
Automatic InvestingNot availableYes, for investments and withdrawals

How to Decide on an ETF or a Mutual Fund

Which investment to buy depends on your financial needs, investment goals, tolerance for risk, and investment style. Carefully consider those factors, as well as the highlights below, to determine whether an ETF or a mutual fund is right for you.

Consider an ETF

  • If passive management fits your investment style and you can accept whatever return the index offers
  • If you want lower operating expense ratios
  • If you plan to trade shares actively and prefer the access and price movements an exchange provides
  • If tax efficiency is a priority

Consider a Mutual Fund

  • If you seek to outperform the market with active management
  • If the potential for higher returns outweighs the higher fees
  • If you want to invest the same dollar amount automatically at regular intervals
  • If your target market is inefficient and may benefit from active managers seeking to capitalize on that characteristic

Consider Both

Owning both types of funds may be a smart strategy, too, as each can offer protection and opportunity.

For example, if you own a passively-managed ETF, also buying an actively-managed mutual fund may offer you some upside potential beyond that of the index being tracked. If you own an actively-managed mutual fund, also buying a passively-managed ETF may protect against the downside risk and volatility associated with an actively-managed mutual fund.

Are Mutual Funds Good for Young Investors?

Yes. For young investors with a long-term, buy-and-hold investment strategy, mutual funds can be a smart place to put their money. They have been around for many years and have stood the test of time as investments. They offer immediate diversification, professional management, and passive or actively managed fund choices. You don't have to buy individual stocks, bonds, or other assets yourself. Plus, they're affordable, with a range of required minimum amounts from $0 on up.

Are ETFs Good for First-Time Investors?

ETFs can be a great choice for first-time investors, no matter what your age is. ETFs are funds that pool investor money and then use it buy a variety of individual securities (so you don't have to). They are professionally managed and trade throughout the day on exchanges. They don't require a minimum investment because they trade as shares. The majority of ETFs are passively managed funds that simply track an index. For instance, the SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY) tracks the S&P 500 Index.

What Are Two Disadvantages of ETFs

One possible disadvantage is that a passively-managed ETFs is designed to track an index. That means it typically will not outperform it. If your goal is to beat the market, then an ETF may not meet your needs. Another disadvantage is the potential for low trading volume. This results in wider bid-ask spreads. In turn, that can mean that you may not be able to buy or sell shares at the price you expect. It's a good idea to check on trading volume before you decide to buy a particular ETF. Wide bid-ask spreads can also represent a hidden cost that you may not realize exists.

The Bottom Line

For young investors, ETFs and mutual funds offer tremendous investment opportunities. Which of the two is the best choice depends on an individual investor's financial goals, investing style, their overall investment strategy for reaching their goals, acceptable costs, and more.

Young investors shouldn't feel limited to selecting one or the other type of fund. They can invest in both if they're targeting different markets, or to invest passively as well as actively. No matter which type you choose, be sure to read a particular fund's prospectus to learn all about it.

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  1. Investment Company Institute. "Trends in the Expenses and Fees of Funds, 2021."

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Better for Young Investors: ETFs or Mutual Funds? (2024)


Better for Young Investors: ETFs or Mutual Funds? ›

ETFs can be more tax-efficient

What Is Tax Efficiency? Tax efficiency is when an individual or business pays the least amount of taxes required by law. A financial decision is said to be tax-efficient if the tax outcome is lower than an alternative financial structure that achieves the same end. › terms › tax-efficiency
than actively managed funds due to lower turnover and fewer capital gains. ETFs are bought and sold on an exchange at different prices throughout the day while mutual funds can be bought or sold only once a day at one price.

Are ETFs good for young investors? ›

ETFs For Young Investors: The Bottom Line

ETFs are a good choice for young investors because most have low fees, no minimum investment requirement, and the convenience of trading throughout the day.

Why would an investor choose an ETF over a mutual fund? ›

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) take the benefits of mutual fund investing to the next level. ETFs can offer lower operating costs than traditional open-end funds, flexible trading, greater transparency, and better tax efficiency in taxable accounts.

Where should young investors invest? ›

Investing for Young Adults: Best Investments to Make [2023]
  • Debt Elimination.
  • Best Retirement Investment Accounts for Young Adults.
  • Health Savings Account (HSA)
  • Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)
  • Mutual Funds. ...
  • Real Estate. ...
  • High-Yield Savings Account.
  • Money Market Accounts.
May 17, 2023

What are 3 disadvantages to owning an ETF over a mutual fund? ›

So it's important for any investor to understand the downside of ETFs.
  • Disadvantages of ETFs. ETF trading comes with some drawbacks, which include the following:
  • Trading fees. ...
  • Operating expenses. ...
  • Low trading volume. ...
  • Tracking errors. ...
  • Potentially less diversification. ...
  • Hidden risks. ...
  • Lack of liquidity.

Should a young person invest in mutual funds? ›

For young investors with a long-term, buy-and-hold investment strategy, mutual funds can be a smart place to put their money. They have been around for many years and have stood the test of time as investments. They offer immediate diversification, professional management, and passive or actively managed fund choices.

How many ETFs should I own as a beginner? ›

How Many ETFs Should a Beginner Own? The investor's goals, risk tolerance, and investing strategy, among other variables, all influence the response to this question. The majority of individual investors should, however, seek to hold 5 to 10 ETFs that are diverse in terms of asset classes, regions, and other factors.

Should I switch my mutual funds to ETFs? ›

If you're paying fees for a fund with a high expense ratio or finding yourself paying too much in taxes each year because of undesired capital gains distributions, switching to ETFs is likely the right choice for you.

Why are mutual funds safer than ETFs? ›

Are mutual funds safer than ETFs? In terms of safety, neither the mutual fund nor the ETF is safer than the other due to its structure. Safety is determined by what the fund itself owns. Stocks are usually riskier than bonds, and corporate bonds come with somewhat more risk than U.S. government bonds.

What are the disadvantages of ETFs compared to mutual funds? ›

Cons of ETFs

Compared to mutual funds where investments are dollar-based, most ETFs do not offer fractional shares, meaning you must invest in whole shares no matter how much they cost. Passive management.

What is the best investment strategy for young people? ›

Money market funds, savings accounts, and short-term CDs can all provide safety and liquidity for your idle cash. The amount you keep in these investments will depend on your personal financial situation, but most experts recommend keeping enough to cover at least three to six months of living expenses.

What is the best investment for a 20 year old? ›

Stocks. For your long-term goals, stocks are considered one of the best investment options. You can buy stocks through ETFs or mutual funds, but you can also pick individual companies to invest in. You'll want to thoroughly research any stock before investing and be sure to diversify your holdings.

How do you invest aggressively in early 20s? ›

One strategy for investing in your 20s is to invest a higher allocation of your long-term investments in stocks and less in bonds, slowly moving into more bond funds the closer you get to retirement. This big picture decision is called asset allocation. But asset allocation is only part of the picture.

Why not to invest in ETFs? ›

Market risk

The single biggest risk in ETFs is market risk. Like a mutual fund or a closed-end fund, ETFs are only an investment vehicle—a wrapper for their underlying investment. So if you buy an S&P 500 ETF and the S&P 500 goes down 50%, nothing about how cheap, tax efficient, or transparent an ETF is will help you.

How long should you hold an ETF? ›

Holding period:

If you hold ETF shares for one year or less, then gain is short-term capital gain. If you hold ETF shares for more than one year, then gain is long-term capital gain.

Why are ETFs so much cheaper than mutual funds? ›

Instead of using a portfolio manager, most ETFs are passively managed, which means securities are traded only as needed. As a result, fees tend to be lower. ETFs trade like stocks, and shares can be bought and sold continually throughout the trading day (not so for mutual funds).

What age should you start a mutual fund? ›

Anyone under the age of 18 (minor) can invest in Mutual Funds, with the help of parents/legal guardians until the age of 18. The minor must be the sole account holder represented by the parent/guardian. Joint holding is not allowed in a minor's Mutual Fund folio.

What is the best age to invest in mutual funds? ›

There is no minimum age when one can start investing. The moment one starts earning and saving, one can start investing in Mutual Funds. In fact, even kids can open their investment accounts with Mutual Funds out of the money they receive once in a while in form of gifts during their birthdays or festivals.

What should a 23 year old invest in? ›

The Best Investments For Young Adults
  • Invest in the S&P 500 Index Funds.
  • Invest in Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs)
  • Invest Using Robo Advisors.
  • Buy Fractional Shares of a Stock or ETF.
  • Buy a Home.
  • Open a Retirement Plan — Any Retirement Plan.
  • Pay Off Your Debt.
  • Improve Your Skills.

Should I put all of my money into 1 ETF? ›

Holding too many ETFs in your portfolio introduces inefficiencies that in the long term will have a detrimental impact on the risk/reward profile of your portfolio. For most personal investors, an optimal number of ETFs to hold would be 5 to 10 across asset classes, geographies, and other characteristics.

What are the top 5 ETFs to buy? ›

Best-performing large-cap ETFs
SymbolFund name5-year return
SMHVanEck Semiconductor ETF23.12%
XSDSPDR S&P Semiconductor ETF22.64%
TANInvesco Solar ETF22.30%
SOXXiShares Semiconductor ETF21.74%
1 more row
Jun 1, 2023

Is it smart to only invest in ETFs? ›

If you're looking for an easy solution to investing, ETFs can be an excellent choice. ETFs typically offer a diversified allocation to whatever you're investing in (stocks, bonds or both). You want to beat most investors, even the pros, with little effort.

Do ETFs guarantee a higher return than mutual funds? ›

While actively managed funds may outperform ETFs in the short term, long-term results tell a different story. Between the higher expense ratios and the unlikelihood of beating the market over and over again, actively managed mutual funds often realize lower returns compared to ETFs over the long term.

Are ETF or mutual funds better for taxes? ›

In a nutshell, ETFs have fewer "taxable events" than mutual funds—which can make them more tax efficient. Find out why. ETFs can be more tax efficient compared to traditional mutual funds.

Do you pay taxes on ETF if you don't sell? ›

Just as with individual securities, when you sell shares of a mutual fund or ETF (exchange-traded fund) for a profit, you'll owe taxes on that "realized gain." But you may also owe taxes if the fund realizes a gain by selling a security for more than the original purchase price—even if you haven't sold any shares.

What is the most profitable ETF? ›

100 Highest 5 Year ETF Returns
SymbolName5-Year Return
VUGVanguard Growth ETF13.80%
XLGInvesco S&P 500® Top 50 ETF13.72%
MOATVanEck Morningstar Wide Moat ETF13.59%
QTECFirst Trust NASDAQ-100 Technology Sector Index Fund13.41%
93 more rows

Which is better VTI or VOO? ›

VTI vs VOO: The Verdict

If you like the name-brand recognition of the S&P 500 and want to stick to large-caps, then VOO might be the better option. If you don't mind some mid and small-cap exposure, then VTI could be a good pick. Investors can potentially also use both as tax-loss harvesting pairs.

Which is the best month to invest in mutual funds? ›

Some say it is best to invest during the start of the month, while some say it's best to schedule your SIPs towards the end of the month. Usually, at the end of the month, the markets are volatile due to F&O settlements. While some argue mid-month is best.

Which is riskier ETF or mutual fund? ›

In general, ETFs can be more risky than mutual funds because they are traded on stock exchanges. Their value can fluctuate throughout the day in response to market conditions. This means that if the market takes a dip, the value of your ETF could drop quickly, and you could experience significant losses.

What is the main disadvantage of mutual funds? ›

Mutual Funds: An Overview

Disadvantages include high expense ratios and sales charges, management abuses, tax inefficiency, and poor trade execution.

What's the best ETF to buy right now? ›

7 Best ETFs to Buy Now
ETFYTD performance as of June 2
Ark Innovation ETF (ARKK)33.2%
Global X MSCI Greece ETF (GREK)28.8%
Pimco Enhanced Short Maturity Active ETF (MINT)2.5%
iShares Gold Trust (IAU)6.8%
3 more rows
Jun 5, 2023

What is the best way for an 18 year old to start investing? ›

With adult supervision, you can open a custodial account, where the adult manages the investments on your behalf until you reach the age of majority, at which point you can take over official ownership. Alternatively, you can open a joint account where you and an adult legally share ownership of the assets.

What is the biggest advantage for investors in their 20s? ›

One reason why investing in your 20s is so important is that you're looking at a very long term, which allows you to capitalize on all that growth. Bonds can be generally lower-risk, lower-return investments that can counter the risk of stocks.

What kind of portfolio would a financial advisor recommend to a young investor? ›

A well-diversified portfolio should contain a mix of assets and securities, including stocks, bonds, real estate, commodities, and other alternative investments.

Where should I invest 20k right now? ›

What's the best way to invest 20K?
  • Growing your emergency fund with a high-yield savings account.
  • Paying off debt.
  • Padding your retirement account.
  • Investing with a robo-advisor.
  • Investing in a traditional brokerage account.
  • Investing in real estate.
  • Loaning money using a peer-to-peer lender.

Is 25 too late to start investing? ›

No matter how old or young you are, it is never too late to start investing in the stock market. Investing now will allow you to take advantage of compounding returns sooner rather than later. This can make all the difference when it comes down to long-term financial goals such as retirement.

How to invest in your 20s to be wealthy in your 30s? ›

Let us try to discuss some of them.
  1. Put an end to your procrastination. The youth's mistake is to believe that there is always enough time to do everything. ...
  2. Recognise that magic does not exist. ...
  3. Think of yourself as an investment. ...
  4. Make a financial plan. ...
  5. Reduce your debt. ...
  6. Take chances. ...
  7. Diversify.
Jul 23, 2022

Where should I be financially at 25? ›

Alice Rowen Hall, director of Rowen Homes, suggests that “individuals should aim to save at least 20% of their annual income by age 25.” For example, if someone is earning $60,000 per year, they should aim to have $12,000 saved by the age of 25.

How can I build my wealth in my 20s? ›

How to Grow Wealth as a Young Adult
  1. Start a Budget. Starting a budget is the foundation for creating wealth. ...
  2. Eliminate Debt. Many young adults carry debt with them, usually originating from school loans, car loans, or credit card purchases. ...
  3. Create a Plan. ...
  4. Start Investing Early. ...
  5. Consult a Financial Advisor. ...
  6. Closing.
Dec 22, 2022

Is 27 too late to start investing? ›

No matter your age, there is never a wrong time to start investing. Let's take a look at three hypothetical examples below. For these examples, everyone invests $57.69/week with a 7% growth rate and has an annual salary of $30,000. Ashley started contributing early at 21 but stops at age 35.

What is the downside of owning an ETF? ›

The single biggest risk in ETFs is market risk. Like a mutual fund or a closed-end fund, ETFs are only an investment vehicle—a wrapper for their underlying investment. So if you buy an S&P 500 ETF and the S&P 500 goes down 50%, nothing about how cheap, tax efficient, or transparent an ETF is will help you.

What is the best ETF for young children? ›

15 Stocks and ETFs for Kids
  • Alphabet GOOG.
  • Bath & Body Works BBWI.
  • Comcast CMCSA.
  • DoorDash DASH.
  • Hanesbrands HBI.
  • Hasbro HAS.
  • iShares Core S&P 500 ETF IVV.
  • Mattel MAT.
Nov 29, 2022

What is the best thing to invest in when your young? ›

This means that you should consider putting as much of your savings as possible in some form of equities, such as common stocks and stock mutual funds⁠. You might also consider real estate, either in the form of a personal residence or a mutual fund that invests in real estate holdings, called a REIT.

Are ETFs more risky than stocks? ›

Because of their wide array of holdings, ETFs provide the benefits of diversification, including lower risk and less volatility, which often makes a fund safer to own than an individual stock.

Should long-term investors avoid ETFs? ›

ETFs are very safe and are an excellent option for long-term investments. According to experts, ETFs are not that volatile and show a slight change in their prices compared to stocks and indices because they are diversified and pooled investments of many investors.

Are ETFs safer than mutual funds? ›

Are mutual funds safer than ETFs? In terms of safety, neither the mutual fund nor the ETF is safer than the other due to its structure. Safety is determined by what the fund itself owns. Stocks are usually riskier than bonds, and corporate bonds come with somewhat more risk than U.S. government bonds.

Are ETFs less risky than mutual funds? ›

In general, ETFs can be more risky than mutual funds because they are traded on stock exchanges. Their value can fluctuate throughout the day in response to market conditions. This means that if the market takes a dip, the value of your ETF could drop quickly, and you could experience significant losses.

Which mutual fund is good for minors? ›

Best mutual funds for children
FundAUM (Rs. in cr.)Expense Ratio
Axis Children's Gift Fund-Compulsory Lock in685.251.06
ICICI Pru Child Care Fund-Gift Plan844.271.69
SBI Magnum Children's Benefit Fund-Savings Plan90.350.86
LIC MF Children's Gift Fund12.541.86
2 more rows
Mar 15, 2023

What is the most risky ETF? ›

7 risky leveraged ETFs to watch:
  • ProShares UltraPro QQQ (TQQQ)
  • ProShares Ultra QQQ (QLD)
  • Direxion Daily S&P 500 Bull 3x Shares (SPXL)
  • Direxion Daily S&P 500 Bull 2x Shares (SPUU)
  • Amplify BlackSwan Growth & Treasury Core ETF (SWAN)
  • WisdomTree U.S. Efficient Core Fund (NTSX)
Jul 7, 2022

Which Vanguard ETF is best for kids? ›

But what investments were parents buying for their youngsters? Well, those investing on behalf of their kids in 2022 turned to the Vanguard Australian Shares Index ETF (ASX: VAS). That's according to data from trading and superannuation platform Superhero.

Where to invest in your early 20s? ›

Nevertheless, there are two simple ways investors in their 20s can start making investments early in life. The first of these is enrolling in the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) to start saving for retirement as soon as one starts earning. The other is to start a Systematic Investment Plan (SIP) in a Mutual Fund.

Is 24 too late to start investing? ›

No matter how old you are, the best time to start investing was a while ago. But it's never too late to do something. Just make sure the decisions you make are the right ones for your age—your investment approach should age with you.

Are ETFs safe if the stock market crashes? ›

Investors looking to weather a recession can use exchange-traded funds (ETFs) as one way to reduce risk through diversification. ETFs that specialize in consumer staples and non-cyclicals outperformed the broader market during the Great Recession and are likely to persevere in future downturns.

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Name: Delena Feil

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Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.