Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (2024)

Table of Contents
You want to work and travel? Pack your bags! Today I'll tell you how to make money while traveling! Here is one of the most extensive lists of the best travel jobs in the world! Workand travel willhelp you to understand different cultures. Being far away from homewill give you a new perspective on how thingswork on the other side of the planet. How tomake money while traveling the world? 01 |Teach English Abroad 02 |Work in Hostels and Hotels "Don't pick a jobwithgreat vacation time.Pickone thatdoesn't need escaping from." 03 |Scuba Diving Instructor 04 |Cruise Ship Jobs 05 |Agricultural and Farming Jobs "When you leave your comfort zones, you begin to realize what is beautiful about life." 06 |Flight Attendant 07 |Fruit Picking 08 |Personal Grocery Shopper 09|Au Pair "Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life." –Confucius– 10|SurfInstructor 11 |Bartender or Waiter 12 |Massage Therapist "Not all those who wander are lost." –J. R. R. Tolkien– 13 |Yoga Teacher 14 |Chef 15|Local /Tour Guide 16|Street Performer or Musician 17|Crew on a yacht or sailboat 18|Hair Stylist 19|Model 20|DJ 21 |House Sitter, Pet Sitter and Caretaker 22 |Make Jewelry and sell it 23 |Traveling Nurse "The goal isn't more money.The goal is living life on your terms." –Chris Brogan– 24|(Travel) Photographer 25 |Rent your room - Or help others to make money with theirspaces "You can go to work.Or you can be the boss." 26|Graphic & Web Designer 27|Website Developer / Programmer 28 |Translator 29|Social Media Manager "One morning I woke up and I realized this wasn't a vacation anymore. This was my life." 30|Writer & Editor 31 |SEO Expert 32 |Virtual Assistant 33|Blogger 34 |Video Editor / Sell your videos 35|Website and App Tester "Adventure might hurt you, but monotony will kill you." 36 |Write an eBook 37 |Sell your photos 38 |Social Media Influencer / Creator 39 |Paid Surveys 40|Create an Online Course 41 |Vlogger / Youtuber 42 |Sell your Art 43|Sell T-Shirts online 44|Voice Overs 45 |Affiliate Marketing 46 |Consulting, Coaching andTutoring "Leave home. Distance and difference are the secret tonic of creativity. When we get home, home is still the same. But something in our mind has changed,and that changes everything.." –Jonah Lehrer– 47|Dropshipping 48|Create and sell an app "If chasing a dream was easy,everyone would do it and the traffic would be miserable. The roads are empty my friend. DRIVE." –Jon Acuff– 49|Finance Professional 50|Transcriptionist Happy travels and sayYESto new adventures! More Blog Postsabout theWork & Travel

You want to work and travel? Pack your bags! Today I'll tell you how to make money while traveling! Here is one of the most extensive lists of the best travel jobs in the world!

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (1)

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (2)

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (3)

Some links below are affiliate links. At no additional to you, I will earn acommission if you make a purchase.

I have to make a confession. This blog post has been a draft for over a year now. I wanted to publish this article for so long, but I always thought I can do better. Originally this was meant to be called '20 ways to make money while traveling', however I felt, 20 isn't enough. I wanted to turn this article into a massive, valuableresource foreveryone, who is looking for ways to make moneywhile traveling the world.

The reason why I wrote this postis, because I owe it to myreaders. People ask me all the time how to make money while traveling?Or can you get paid for traveling? The good news is, YES you can!

My best advice: Find jobs that involve traveling, in fact there are many travel careers out there, with plenty of jobs that pay you to travel. Finding jobs that allow you to travel the world will not only fill your pockets, it will also be beneficial for your personal self development.

Workand travel willhelp you to understand different cultures. Being far away from homewill give you a new perspective on how thingswork on the other side of the planet.

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (4)

But first, let me tell you a bit about me.Back in January 2010I returned to Germanyafter a 14 months trip around the world. It took me only a couple days until I knew that there was no way I'd go back to the cubicleand work again from 9-5. If you travel long enough, your priorities will change.

Fast forward, I've been living abroad for more thanten years now. I was able to finance my lifestyle with different travel jobs on the road.While I was traveling, I met so many other people who were doing exactly the same: living an independentlifestyle and pursuing their dream of travelingforever. They had creative ways to make money while traveling. These people became friends, they gave me a ton of inspiration and helped me to writethis article for you.

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (5)

How tomake money

while traveling the world?

My dear reader, stranger, friend,I'm thrilled you're reading this right now! This blog post is for you. I want to help you to find jobs that allow you to travel!I want to give you plenty of inspiration and ideas on how to make money traveling.

One piece of advice upfront: Create a list with all your skills, talents, interests, hobbies, every kind of knowledge you have. Then go through this list and checkwhatthings you can combine with travel, and how you could possibly turn this into a business. Needless to say, it's easier to make money with something that you truly love to do.

Ready to get inspired? I hope the following 50 travel job ideas will give you some new perspective! I divided all jobs in 2 sections:

  • Work Abroad (from no. 01 -25)
  • Work Online / Remote (from no. 26 - 50)
    (location independent)

Let's get started! Here are 50 jobs with lots of travel!

Not everyone is comfortable to travel and work remotely on an online business.If you still need the safety of having a"real" job, but you're craving for a life in a different country, then working abroad in a full-time employment position might be the best for you.Sometimes these full-time employment jobs include benefits such asvisas, paid flights and often accommodation.A fewof the jobs below are freelancegigs.

Here are my top tips for careers that involve traveling...

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (6)

01 |Teach English Abroad

If you're not a fluent English speaker, skip to the next one. Teaching English abroad is one of the most common ways to earn money and dig into a completely different culture. There are job opportunities almost everywhere, many companies will pay your flights and apartment. South Korea and Japan are well paid countries for English teachers.

Websites tofind English teacher jobs:

02 |Work in Hostels and Hotels

Many hostels, hotels and resorts are looking for staff, either for short time (during high season) or long-term. Jobs vary from reception staff, house keeping, driver for airport pick-ups, etc. Some of these jobs are paid, others are on a voluntary basis. Work in exchange for a free bed and food is quite common. Not ideal if you want to earn money, but at least a way tosave money for travel.

Websites to find hospitality jobs

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (7)

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (8)

"Don't pick a jobwithgreat vacation time.Pickone thatdoesn't need escaping from."

03 |Scuba Diving Instructor

If you love diving, you should consider to get a scubacertification!There are incredible places in the world for scuba diving, like Mexico, Maldives, Honduras, Philippines, Hawaii, Egypt and many more where you could apply for scuba diving jobs! Give travelers diving lessons and enjoy a laid-back life by the sea, including free dives. Not too bad, huh?

Websites to find scuba diving jobs

04 |Cruise Ship Jobs

One of the better jobs for people who like to travel: Work on a ship. A cruise ship is like a massive floating hotel in the sea, with all kinds of entertaining facilities. There are plenty of different jobs on a cruise ship: bartender, shop staff, receptionist, chef, casino staff, DJ, hair stylist, massage therapist, nurseand many more.The list of possible cruise line jobsis endless. Salaries vary between $800-$8000 per month.

Working on a cruise ship is one of the most popular jobs that allow you to travel.Food and lodging is provided, you have no expenses during that time. Plus, you get paid to travel to some of the most beautiful places on earth.

Websites and resources to find cruise ship jobs

05 |Agricultural and Farming Jobs

If you love working outdoors, care for the environment and don't mind getting your hands a little bit dirty, look foragricultural jobs.It's also a great way to escape the big cities and live in rural areas, far off the tourist tracks.

Websites to find agricultural and farming jobs

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (9)

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (10)

"When you leave your comfort zones, you begin to realize what is beautiful about life."

06 |Flight Attendant

How to make money traveling? Airline jobs likecabin crew is oneof thejobs that involve travel,you literally get paid to travel!Plus it comeswith generousperks, like90%discounted flights, cheaper faresfor family members and great hotel discounts.

You don't need a doctor's degree to get thejob, but it helps to speak at least another language. Dress up in business attire when going to a job interview and make sure to know the key facts aboutthe airline you're applying at.

Websites to find flight attendantjobs

07 |Fruit Picking

Picking vegetables, fruitsandflowersis a popular travel job among backpackers. It's mostly a seasonal job andoften very well paid. If you can imagine to pick grapes in Italy, mangoesin Australia and kiwis in New Zealand, you should apply for this job before the harvest season begins.

Websites to findfruit picking jobs

08 |Personal Grocery Shopper

Be a hero to busy people or elderly folks who have no time to get their groceries done. Get paid for shopping for others, at your ownschedule.You can offer your services locally on Craigslist,alternatively lookat local groups on Facebook.

Websites to sign up as a grocery shopper

09|Au Pair

Au Pair positionsareusually offered towomen, andit's agreat travel job if you love kids! Working as an Au Pair is a wayto get a taste of living in a foreign country. What is an Au Pair doing? Mostly helping a family with their housework and taking care of the children. Au pairs usually live with the host family, they receive free accommodation, meals and often a payment on top.

Websites to find Au Pair jobs

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (11)

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (12)

"Choose a job you love and you will never have to work a day in your life."



Similar as a scuba dive instructor, the job of a surf instructor comes with a great location near the sea. It's not very well paid, but definitelyone of the more funtravel jobs! If you have a passion for surfing and the skills to teach people how to ride waves,go for it!

Websites to find surf instructor jobs

11 |Bartender or Waiter

Finding a bartending job is actually quite easy, if you stick to touristy areas during high season. Rather than applying online, just show up at bars and cafés and ask if they are hiring. Your chances are even better if there is a new bar opening.Arrive before the peak season starts and you might be able to score a job for the entire season.

Websites to find bartending jobs

12 |Massage Therapist

Are you a certified massage therapist? If not you can easily obtain a massage certificate while you travel. Fellow blogger friendKach did a comprehensive training in Rishikesh (India) and paid around US$200 to become an Ayurveda massage therapist. She later on offered massage therapy to clients while traveling in Peru. Alternatively you could reach out to spas and resorts in order to geta job for a season.

Websites and resources to find massage therapist jobs

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (13)

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (14)

"Not all those who wander are lost."

J. R. R. Tolkien

13 |Yoga Teacher

You have been doing yoga forsome timeand it became an important part of your life? Why not teach yoga and inspire others to do so? Yoga is morepopular than ever and studios are all around the world. You could teach at a yogaretreat (so many of themin Bali!) or just apply for a yoga teacher job at a resort.

Websites and resources to find yoga teacher jobs

14 |Chef

You love to prepare dishes? How about cooking your way around the world? There is a high demand of season workers in resorts,restaurants, cruise ships and more. You can use the resources below to find chef travel jobs, or you just visit nearby resorts and restaurants while you travel and ask for job openings.

Websites to find chef jobs

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (15)

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (16)

15|Local /Tour Guide

How to travel and make money? Work as a tour guide! I worked a couple of times as a tour guide and it's one of those fun jobs with lots of travel! This is a great example of ajob where you get paid to travel and share your favorite places.

You can apply as a (freelance) guide at travel agencies that sell tours to travelers. Specially during high season there is always a higher demand for travel guides. Sometimes they require a licence, however I was able to geta few travel guide jobs without having a licence. If you show your passion for travel and have a great knowledge about the history of the region, it shouldn't be too hard to find a tour guide job.

Tip: A much better and more effective way is to advertise yourself online as an independent local tour guide. Offer your own tours in a place you love and know very well. This can be your home or a place you have lived for a while. If you're passionate about your city, sign up as a guide, it's one of theeasy ways to make money.You don't have to be an expert, just share the passion and show travelers what and why you love the city you're living in.

Websites where you canregister yourself as a tourguide and find travel guide jobs

16|Street Performer or Musician

Not exactly a real travel job, but if you love getting attention and have the skills to impress people, this can be a fun way to makequick money! No matter if it's singing, playing guitar, juggling, break-dance or funny weird body performances – just try your luck and do whatever you can do best! At the right place, like a busy public square or in front of train stations, you can make good cash by entertaining people who pass by...

On a side note, this isn't legal everywhere, pleasecheck the local laws before you start performing!

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (17)

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (18)

17|Crew on a yacht or sailboat

How about asailing trip through the Caribbean, the Pacific or the Mediterranean sea?If you don't suffer from sea sickness (like me) you should consider working on a yacht or sailboat. There are websites for boat owners who are looking for crew membersto sail around the world with them (or wherever the wind takes them...)

Crew assignments are not always paid, but it's one of the jobs where you travel a lot. Working on a sailboat or yacht is definitely aunique experience, you'll get to explore some of the most remote places in the world.

Websitesto find jobs asa crew on a boat/yacht

18|Hair Stylist

I have actually met many travelers who worked as hair stylists before they hit the road. Once they travel, they carry their basic equipment with them and advertise their services in Facebook groups (search for expat pages in your destination.)You could also hang fliers in busy hostels or advertise your services on Craigslist.


If you look different than the rest of the country's citizens, consider yourself exotic. My ex boyfriend got approached in Tokyo for a model shoot, but also did a shoot in the Philippines (uhm yes, he's quite handsome, haha).

If you're confident and consideryourself good looking, search online for the nearest model agency in your location, go there and introduce yourself!

Helpful tips towant to find modeljobs


You have an excellent taste inmusic, and you know how tomake the crowd dance? Awesome– your next DJ gig shouldn't be too far away.Traveling to party destinationswill certainly help. Go and check out clubs, that just opened up. They might be looking for new DJs. Network with the club owners, introduce yourself and don't forget to leave your bestdemo mix.

Websitesto find DJ jobs

21 |House Sitter, Pet Sitter and Caretaker

I have done more than 60 house sits in the past, some of them were paid, some of them were in exchange for incredible accommodation. Some of the house sits lasted several weeks or even months, which in the end saved me a ton of money for accommodation.

What is house sitting actually? Basically you're taking care of someone else pets while they're away. There are literally thousands of house sitting opportunities worldwide! You can find anything from romantic farmhouses in Tuscany toluxury apartments inNew York,orfantastic beach villas inthe Caribbean. I linked some of my blog posts below where you can find more detailed info about how to become a house sitter.

Websites and resources to find house sitter jobs

  • Trusted Housesitters–Get 25% off with the code JUSTONEWAYTICKET
  • Rover–Get paid to play with dogs and cats
  • PetBacker–Become a pet sitter and make money
  • How to Become a House Sitter, Travel the World, and Never Pay for Accommodation
  • How to Avoid House Sitting Nightmares – 10 Questions to Ask Before Confirming a House Sit
  • House Sitting Checklist for Pet Sitters – 50 Important Questions to Ask the Pet Owner

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (19)Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (20)

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (21)Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (22)

22 |Make Jewelry and sell it

This is an option ifyou're skilled to create uniquejewelry such as leather bracelets, beaded necklaces, earrings and other crafts. One of my favorite necklaces is made of sea shells and turquoise stones. I bought it from a guy who was traveling the world for years, and selling his handmade creations in the islands of Thailand.

23 |Traveling Nurse

Working as a travel nurse can be a lucrative travel job. There is a huge demand, especially in Saudi Arabia. You need at least one year working experience in your area of specialty.It's a full-time job, and nurses earn around US$30-60/hour. Visas and housing will be provided. The job assignment usually lasts 13 weeks and can often be extended by mutual agreement.

Websites and resources to find ajob as a travel nurse

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (23)

"The goal isn't more money.The goal is living life on your terms."

Chris Brogan

24|(Travel) Photographer

A dream job for many of us: Travel the world and make money taking pictures. While there is a massive competition and many people are willing to work in exchange for freetrips, it's hard nowadays to make money as a travel photographer. But... if you're really good, give it a shot! Literally.

Make sure to build a professional portfolio on sites like Instagram or500px. I have friends who started out on Instagram and are now living their dream, having one of the best traveling jobs in the world. They offer their photography services to companies in the tourism and travel industry. If you have an outstanding portfolio, you might be able to get photo jobs in the travel industry, i.e with tourism boards, resorts, tour companies, etc.Additionally, you could offer workshops and photography toursand teach people your best techniques.

Websites and resources to find a (travel) photographer job

25 |Rent your room - Or help others to make money with theirspaces

... and take a commission of course. I have a friend who started renting out her room on AirBnb. She told her friends about it, and everyone was impressed how much extra money she made on the side.

Her friends were busy, they didn't have the time to do it like her.Guess what? My friend is now managing several apartments on AirBnb, including the ones of her friends and taking a commission for every booking. Not a bad deal.

Websites where you can advertise rooms, apartments or houses

  • AirBnb– World's biggest website withprivate accommodations
  • Homestay– List your roomsand offer travelers a a true home-stay experience

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (24)

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (25)

"You can go to work.Or you can be the boss."

Welcome to the second part of this article. This is all about how to make money online while traveling. The good news:it's actually not that difficult. I've been a freelancer for more than a decade, long time before I even started my travel blog.

Working as a freelancerhas been one of the best decisions inmy life.It's risky, yes. No clients, no money. But on the other side, you can start working right now, with zero investment upfront. Pretty awesome, huh?There are tons of ways to make money online. while traveling.

Oneof the best sites to find quality remote jobs is FlexJobs! Although the site cost a subscription fee (starting from US$7), the qualityof the listingsis unmatched. You'll be able to access professional job offers with flexible options to work from anywhere. If you're serious about working remotely, give it a try! Use the promo code NOMAD toget 30% off.

Last, but not least, a lot of the following jobs might require skills,please don't panic! Most of them can be learned easily! That's the beauty about working online, no one cares about degrees. I have taught myself plenty of skills throughout the past years that helped me to make money online while traveling.

One of the greatest resources to learn is Skillshare, a learningplatform withunlimited access to more than 20.000classes! A monthly subscription costless than $9, but you can try Skillshare for free for 2 months!

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (26)

26|Graphic & Web Designer

Before I became a blogger, I used to work as a freelance graphic and screen designer for many years. For methis was one of the best ways to make money online while traveling.

If you're creative, skilledin Photoshop, Illustrator etc.and you have a good eye for design and typography, then you should offer your services online. If you're new, but eager to learn, here is a great Graphic Design Basic Course for beginners.

Whether you're a professional designer or a self-taught illustrator, there are numerous job websitesfor any skill level.You could design websites, banners, info graphics, logos, business cards or just simple graphics for social media. The imagebeside is atypical visualfor Pinterest. Believe it or not, there is a huge demand for people who can create some pretty visuals for social media.

Websites to find remote graphic designer jobs

27|Website Developer / Programmer

You don't need to be a programmer to build a professional looking website. Thanks to platforms likeJimdo, Wix andWordpressit's nowadays super easy tocreatea website without having any programming skills. So why would someone hire you then, if it's that simple? Because it takes time – plusmany people don't know how easy it is.

Start with the hotels and hostels you're staying at. If they have a terriblewebsite, offer them to build a new page, either for money ortrade for a free stay for the time it takes you to build the site.

Alternatively, if you're a skilled programmer or web developer, look online for freelance jobs. There are plenty. Building websites isone of thebest ways to make money online. It's well paid and the demand is enormous.

Websites for finding website developer and programmer jobs

28 |Translator

If you can write and speak more than one language fluently, you couldlook for translating jobs. Spanish, Chinese, French and Japanese arevery popular right now. Even if you speak another language than the ones I just listed, check out the links below, you might find a translation job for the languages you speak.

Websites to find translator jobs

29|Social Media Manager

Social Media is heavily time consuming, and most companies do not have the time to keep up with it. It's pretty much a full-time job! I can second that. Even just as a blogger, I could spend the whole day just managing myFacebook, Instagram, and all the otheraccounts.

If you're a social media butterfly, work for companies and help them to run theirsocial media accounts.

Websites and resources to find social media jobs

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (27)

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (28)

"One morning I woke up and I realized this wasn't a vacation anymore. This was my life."

30|Writer & Editor

You're good at expressing yourself in words? You love to tell stories and have a great writing style? There are tons of opportunities to get a paid writing gig. It helps if you already have a blog where you published some of your stories. I got paid writing gigs through my blog, for BBC Travel and other magazines.

Alternatively, you could also work forcompanies and get paid for writing blog posts, newsletters, brochures, press releases, eBooks,copy writing, or justediting. There are plenty of freelance writing gigs, check out the resources below...

Websites to find writing and editing jobs

31 |SEO Expert

What is an SEO expert? Basically, you help companies and clients to rank better in Google search results. But how do you become an SEO expert? Good question.I provided some excellent resources below that will helpyou to learn the basic skills. After that, it's learning by doing and trying different techniques until you see results. Once you feel confident with your skills, it's time to hunt for an SEO freelance gig.

Websites and resourcesabout learning SEO and finding SEO jobs

32 |Virtual Assistant

Nowadays, plenty of busy digital nomads and online entrepreneurshire VA's (virtual assistants). A virtual assistantis managesdaily tasks, such as replying to emails, schedulingappointments, research, etc. If you think you can be the perfect virtual secretary,go for it!

Websites to find VAjobs

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (29)

Photo©Melanie Mecking | Das Lichtmädchen | Quote: B. B. King | Typography Design: M/E


How to make money blogging? Let's make one thing clear: Making money as a blogger takes time. A lot of time. Blogging is a full-time job, and in my case I didn't earn any money within the first sixmonths.

Nowadays I'm earningenough from thisblog, but it was a longway to get there. You need to be dedicated, be different than others, and on top you should write epic, useful and entertaining content.

The quick manual: Set up a blog with Jimdo (like I did – it's super easy because you don't need any knowledge of programming) and start writing about the things you're passionate about.In order to get plenty of traffic, you need to network with the top influential people in your niche and promote your articles on social media. More tips and resources below.

Don't give up, it takes time. Once your blog gains an audience, you can start monetizing your site with advertising, affiliates andbrand partnerships.

Websites and resources to make money blogging

  • Make Money Blogging – My guest post for Jimdo about the ways I make money
  • How Much Money I Earn From Travel Blogging – An income report of mine. It's a bit older, meanwhile my income increased, however I still use the same techniques :)
  • Free Guide To How To Start A Blog

34 |Video Editor / Sell your videos

Most people know how to use a camera and how torecordsome videos. But also most of them aren't able to put the footage into awell curatedvideo later. If you have some decent video editing skills, you can easily find some freelance jobs online. If you already created some awesome travel videos yourself, go ahead and sell your videos.

Websites and resources where you can sell your videos or find editing jobs

35|Website and App Tester

Make quick money by testing websites, apps, or interactive content. The payment is between $3-15 per test and takes usually from a couple minutes up to a half an hour. The longer the test, the more you get paid. All you need is a software to record your screen, a good microphone and the ability to speak fluent English.

Websiteswhere you can sign up as a tester

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (30)

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (31)

"Adventure might hurt you, but monotony will kill you."

36 |Write an eBook

You have extensive knowledge about something and you can provideuseful advice?Or you love writing stories to entertain people? You should consider writing an eBook. Needless to say, the demand forinfo material is huge, making money by selling a "how-to guide" is probably easier than selling a novel. Books that help people to achieve something are selling the best.

Making money with an eBook is easy, because it comes with low investment costs. Once written, it can provide a passive income for a period of time. You can literally start writing now, or even outsource the writingandthe research. What are you waiting for?

Websites and resources about writing and sellingan eBook

37 |Sell your photos

You have tons of pictures from your travels? Why not try to sell them? But forget the major stock image sites, theyonly pay cents for your photos. The websites below offera higherpayment, on some of them you can even set your own rates.

This is agreat read by the way, it's aboutto selling photos online:How I Made $1,602.50 With 500px In Just A Few Weeks.

Websiteswhere you can sell your photos

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (32)

38 |Social Media Influencer / Creator

A friend told me some years ago"if you spend all day on Facebook, you should get paid for it..."

Well, he was actually not that wrong.Occasionally, I'm making a couple hundred bucksa month, from promoting campaigns on my social media profiles.

Making money online through social media is certainly possible. Needless to say, you need a specific niche and thousands of engaged followers.

If this is still new to you, but you would love to be a Social Media Influencer, I recommend this course to get started:Social Media Marketing: Top Tips for Growing Your Followers & Going Viral.

The following websites connectscreatorswith brands, perfectfor you, if you're a social butterfly with plenty of followers!

Websites where you cansign up as a creator

39 |Paid Surveys

Can you make moneydoing surveys? Yes you can, but it's not necessarily a way to get rich, more like a plan to make some extra cash. There are plentyof survey websites, but only a few of them are trustworthy. Usea new email address if you plan on doing surveys, as you might get tons of spam emails afterwards.

Websites where you can make moneytaking surveys

40|Create an Online Course

You have some incredible skills and can teach people something useful? Become an instructor and create a video course, possibly on Udemyor Skillshare.

You can create an online courseliterally everywhere, you just need a laptop, a mic and a camera. Once it's set up, it can be a source of passive income, for a long long time.

Websites and resourceson how to create online courses

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (33)

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (34)

41 |Vlogger / Youtuber

You're a confident person, love recording yourself and have something interesting to say? Or you have a cute pet thatis so entertaining and you can't stop filming it? Or maybe you have incredible skills and love to create tutorial videos that help people?You should become a Vlogger!!

YouTubeis the biggest platform for Vloggers with over one billion users. Your videoscan be about anything, as long as your contentisunique and not boring. Make sure to offer something valuable to your followers to keep them coming back. Make them laugh, teach them something or inspire them.

Once you getpopular, you can monetize your videos with ads and earn about $1-10 per 1000 views.

My dear friend Anjastarted her YouTube channelin2015. She'steaching people how to learn German in a hilarious way.Fast forward, Anja has more than 500,000 subscribers and is by now making a living from her videos, through ads from Youtube.

Websites and resources to make money as a Youtuber

42 |Sell your Art

You're an artist or designer? You create beautiful things and want to make a living from it? Ever considered to sell your stuff online? There arehundreds of websiteswhere you can showcase your art and designs to a wider audience and sell it.

Websites and resources tosell your art online

43|Sell T-Shirts online

Why only sell art if you can print your artwork on T-Shirts? The cool thing about selling T-Shirts online is that it's a business that anyone can dowithout upfront investment. A good friend of mine is making over $5000 a month from selling his T-Shirts online. You don't need to be a designer, the best-selling designsare often just simple, funny or inspiring quotes.

Websites where you can sell your T-Shirt designs

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (35)

44|Voice Overs

You love performing and have an interesting and unique voice? Doing voice oversisa fun jobthat can be done anywhere. You could do voice overs for audio books, documentaries, online courses or training videos, oreven for bigger productions like TV, radio commercials, video games and more.

Websites and resources to findvoice over jobs

45 |Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is one of the most difficult ways to make money, but also one of the best. Once set up, it generates passive income over a while. You'll earn money online, while you sleep.

But what exactly is Affiliate Marketing? You promote someone's product and receive a commission, every time someone buys the product through your recommendation.Needless to say, you should only promote products you love. If you don't know the product,how can you convince someone else to buy it?

You don't have to be a blogger to do Affiliate Marketing,though it definitely helpsif you have aspecific niche and recommend relevant products toyour readers. If you don't own a blog, you can shareaffiliate links on social media (Facebook, Pinterest, Youtube), in emailnewsletters, etc.

I highly recommend this free Step by Step Guide by Neil Patelto learn about Affiliate Marketing. once you're familiar it's time to join affiliate network and find clients and products that you love and are willing to promote.

Websites where you can sign up as an affiliate partner

  • Affiliate Window – My favorite affiliate network with plenty of great brands to promote
  • Commission Junction –Affiliate network witha great varietyof quality advertisers
  • ShareASale– Another big affiliate network with a long list of partners
  • Skimlinks– The largest network of affiliate partners, simple implementation
  • Impact Radius–A newer affiliate network with premium brands on board
  • Amazon Associates–Promote literally all your favorite products on Amazon!
  • Airbnb Associates–Perfect if you're a big Airbnb lover and want to promote the places you stayed

46 |Consulting, Coaching andTutoring

Another great example of a travel job that can be done anywhere, and a great way to monetize yourexpertise. I'm pretty sure you have some awesome skills, that might be useful to someone else.

Before I started my blog, I taughtGermanon Skype to students from all over the world. How did I find clients? I just set up a free ad on Craigslist and offered my services.

Nowadays, there are plenty of sites where teachers and tutors can sign up and offer consulting and lessons to students. No matter if you teach English, algebra, singing, SEO, etc... Just sign up,set yourrate per hour and give lessons via Skype to your students.

Websiteswhere you can find consultingjobs or where you sign up as one:

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (36)

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (37)

"Leave home. Distance and difference are the secret tonic of creativity.

When we get home, home is still the same.

But something in our mind has changed,and that changes everything.."

Jonah Lehrer


Dropshipping can be a super lucrative way to make money online. Basically you'reselling products online as a middle man, without ever getting incontact with the goods. The positive thing is, you're not buying any amount of goods yourselfinstead you partner up with a company (often in China) and sell their products on your website.

Whenever someone orders aproduct from your online shop, you pass the order on to your supplier, who will ship directly to your customer. Your profit is the difference between your product price and the supplier's price.In order to make huge profits from this, you needto study the market extensively,find niche items with high profit margins, andpromote these products tothe right people.

Resourcesabout dropshipping

48|Create and sell an app

Ever thought of creating and selling an app? The timing couldn't be any better, everyone has a smart phone and people are buying apps more than ever! Needless to say, you need some tech skills and a good feel for the market. If you have a brilliant idea, do it!

Resources about creating apps

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (38)

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (39)

"If chasing a dream was easy,everyone would do it and the traffic would be miserable.

The roads are empty my friend. DRIVE."

Jon Acuff

49|Finance Professional

You have a background in business management, finance oraccounting? Do some freelancing! Youcould help others with their tax declarations andofferadvice for accounting issues.Most people hate dealing with this stuff, give them a helping hand in exchange for money.

Websitesto find accounting jobs


The job of a transcriptionist is one of the easier jobs youcan do with a laptop and a decent internet connection. Basically, you listen to audio files and simply convert the talk into a writtendocument. This can be recorded interviews, but alsorecordings inthe medical or legal field. If you type fast, you should consider this job!

Websitesto find transcriptionjobs

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (40)

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (41)

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (42)

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I hope you enjoyed this list and got loads of new ideas (and hopefully find jobs with lots of travel!). If you have more great travel jobsin mind, or know of other ways to make money while traveling, please leave them in the comments! I'd love to hear more ideas!

And if you end up living abroad, please send me a postcard!

Happy travels and sayYESto new adventures!

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (43)

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Thank you for reading.If you like this article, please share!♥

Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (44)

About the Author:

Sabrina Iovino started in 2012. She's half German, half Italian and has traveled to 70+ countries around the globe. She feels weird to write about herself in the third person, so she'll switch now. Let's restart:

Hi, I'm Sab! This is my blog and I write about the things I love. Mostly.

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Best Travel Jobs in 2021 – 50 Ways To Make Money While Traveling The World (2024)
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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Author information

Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.