Best Places to Live Off the Grid Around The World | Zero & Zen (2024)

Looking for the perfect place to live off the grid?

By 2050, 7 of 10 people will live in cities. And while urban life might be the right choice for some people, others prefer to escape from the modern world.

Moving off the grid is a wonderful way to disconnect yourself from the stress of city life and live harmoniously with the environment and maybe a new climate.

Yet, finding the right place for off-grid living is one of the most difficult parts.

But don’t worry, you can start your off-grid lifestyle wherever you are! We’ve put together a list of the best places to live off the grid, including locations in the US, Canada, Europe, and other parts of the world.

So, keep reading!

Best Places to Live Off the Grid around the World

Densely populated cities can be costly and stressful.

That’s why off-grid living sounds appealing to lots of people. Unlike many cities around the world, off-grid locations can help you get back to nature while keeping some aspects of modern life.

Not sure where to start your off-grid lifestyle?

Let’s explore some of the best places to live off the grid around the world, including some off-grid communities and locations for trips:

Best Places to Live Off the Grid Around The World | Zero & Zen (1)

Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage, Missouri (USA)

Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage is one of the best places to live off the grid in the US. This eco-town started back in 1997 when a group of friends bought some land with a goal in mind: Creating an off-grid community of 500 to 1000 residents.

Not only do they grow their food, but they also use solar panels and wind turbines to power their homes.

If you live in Missouri and would like to see what sustainable, off-grid living looks like, you should visit this off-grid location. You could learn a few tricks to move off the grid or even join this community!

Best Places to Live Off the Grid Around The World | Zero & Zen (2)

The Konohana Family (Japan)

The Konohana Family is an off-grid place located in Japan, where 100 non-blood-related people live as one big family. It all started over 20 years ago when 20 individuals wanted to build a sustainable, off-grid community. Today, this community works together to live as self-sufficiently as possible.

This ecovillage is also very spiritual. The Konohana Family follows the law of the universe and uses each other’s talent to make the world a better place.

Visit this location for a unique off-grid experience and discover if you could become part of the family!

Best Places to Live Off the Grid Around The World | Zero & Zen (3)

Lord Howe Island (Australia)

Besides being one of the most beautiful places for off-grid living, Lord Howe Island is also one of the most peaceful locations in the world!

You can even visit this island for a short period of time to disconnect from the stress and noise of busy cities. The breathtaking views of this paradise island make it the perfect place to live off the grid and recharge with new energies.

This remote island is located in Australia and has a community of around 350 people, so you’ll be able to experience a truly off-grid lifestyle.

Best Places to Live Off the Grid Around The World | Zero & Zen (4)

Torri Superiore (Italy)

If you’re interested in eco-friendly and medieval Italian ways of life, Torri Superiore is the perfect place for your off-grid experience in Europe.

While this hamlet was built in the 13th century, the eco-friendly village was created in 1989. This off-grid community is guided by sustainable principles and it’s known for its medieval style.

The eco-village is home to 20 residents who are permanent there. So, as you’re probably guessing, becoming a resident in this off-grid location is not easy.

That said, it’s possible to visit Torri Superiore as a guest to learn about off-the-grid living. You can also become a volunteer in this place!

Best Places to Live Off the Grid Around The World | Zero & Zen (5)

Tristan da Cunha Island (United Kingdom)

Would you like to live off the grid in the UK? Then, you should check this place. Tristan da Cunha, also known as “Tristan”, is a remote group of volcanic islands in the South Atlantic Ocean.

Tristan is the best place for those looking for isolation. This off-grid location is the most remote inhabited archipelago in the world!

The main island has 250 permanent inhabitants and you can only get there by boat. So, it’s the perfect off-grid place to disconnect from the stressful urban life.

Freedom Cove (Canada)

Located on Vancouver Island, this off-grid location floats on a lake and is home to a couple. The artists Catherine King and Wayne Adams are responsible for creating this “floating world” in a remote location. They grow their own food and have several methods to source freshwater as well.

Freedom Cove is an example of how you can start your off-grid lifestyle on a lake. And it can become the perfect place to live off the grid!

If you’d like to get some inspiration and understand how this couple built their dream off-grid home, make sure to visit this place!

Best Places to Live Off the Grid Around The World | Zero & Zen (6)

Vieques Island (Puerto Rico)

Living off the grid on a paradise island sounds like a dream come true. But is something you can do on the beautiful Vieques island, located in Puerto Rico.

One of the reasons people choose this place to live off the grid is that Vieques is secluded. So, you’ll be able to disconnect from modern society, enjoy the beauty of nature, and live more relaxed.

Since it’s not a tourist destination yet, this amazing island is not crowded at all. The local community does live off the grid, so it will be easy to start your off-grid lifestyle in this location.

Best Places to Live Off the Grid Around The World | Zero & Zen (7)

Tinker’s Bubble (United Kingdom)

In the rural Somerset region of England sits one of the most self-sufficient and eco-friendly places to live off the grid in Europe. Tinker’s Bubble is an eco-village that focuses on using local resources and recycling almost all of its waste.

This off-grid community uses timber to build houses that are entirely made by hand. They also grow their own food and generate their own power. Using solar panels and wind generators, this community generates electricity to light the place, charge laptops, and use other electrical appliances.

The best part about this off-grid place is that its residents welcome new people who wish to join the community!

Best Places to Live Off the Grid Around The World | Zero & Zen (8)

Greater World Earthship Community, New Mexico (USA)

If you live in the US, New Mexico is probably the cheapest place to live off the grid. This location has an average of under $2,000 per acre of farmland, which makes it one of the states with the cheapest land in the country. And if that’s not enough, the cost of living is generally low in this state.

Taos, New Mexico is also home to one of the best places to live off the grid in the US and one of the world’s most well-known off-grid communities!

We’re talking about the Greater World Earthship Community.

The houses of this off-grid location are known as “Earthships” and they are entirely made out of recycled materials. The designer of these creative and unique “Earthships” is the architect Michael Reynolds.

This off-grid community generates its own power, harvests rainwater during the summer and snow during the winter, treats the water and reuses it, and more.

You can visit this eco-village and buy an Earthship to start your off-grid lifestyle!

Best Places to Live Off the Grid Around The World | Zero & Zen (9)

Lasqueti Island, British Columbia (Canada)

If you’d like to stay away from modern urban living and enjoy the beauty of nature, this might be the perfect place for your off-grid lifestyle. Lasqueti island is one of the most beautiful places in the world for off-grid living.

Around 400 people live in this place without any connection to the electricity grid, their electricity is provided by renewable energy sources. And the best part is that this off-grid location is just a one-hour boat ride from Vancouver, Canada.

Khula Dhamma (South Africa)

A lot of people live off the grid in Africa, but this location is by far the best place for off-grid living in the African continent. Khula Dhamma is an eco-village completely set up by volunteers, how awesome is that?

The off-grid community lives in traditional “African huts”, which are made out of mud and straw. To sustain its off-grid lifestyle, the community grows its own food, uses compost toilets, generates its own power, and even uses a water pump with the help of solar panels!

Best Places to Live Off the Grid Around The World | Zero & Zen (10)

Alaska (USA)

Several states are ideal for off-grid living in the US, such as Tennessee, Missouri, Idaho, Oregon, Ohio, Texas, and Kentucky. Likewise, the entire state of Alaska is one of the best places to live off the grid in the US, especially for experienced off-griders and adventurers.

Keep in mind that you’ll need to know how to fish and hunt. Learning these valuable skills can be the only way to get food and sustain your off-grid lifestyle in this challenging location. You should also know basic first aid knowledge to take action if an emergency medical condition occurs.

Best Places to Live Off the Grid Around The World | Zero & Zen (11)

Raoul Island (New Zealand)

Besides being one of the most beautiful places in the world, New Zealand also has several areas that are great for off-grid living. That’s the case of Raoul Island, where most people live completely off the grid. That said, you could even live partially off the grid in this place!

If you’re a beginner, Raoul Island is one of the best locations you can choose to start your off-grid lifestyle. Living on this island will keep you away from the noise of busy cities and you’ll be able to enjoy incredible views!

Best Places to Live Off the Grid Around The World | Zero & Zen (12)

Fernando De Noronha (Brazil)

Most people associate Brazil with carnivals and tropical beaches, but this South American country has much more to offer. Fernando De Noronha, for instance, is a secluded place with breathtaking sunsets and beautiful clear waters. Plus, it’s also home to dolphins, rays, sea turtles, and reef sharks.

Fernando De Noronha is an ecological sanctuary where the ecosystems are undisturbed, so this place is usually considered a holiday destination.

While you can’t live in the ecological sanctuary, there are some small off-grid, sustainable communities in the surrounding area. So, this location is one of the best off-grid places to live harmoniously with the environment!

Best Places to Live Off the Grid Around The World | Zero & Zen (13)

Canal Network (United Kingdom)

The canal network is an interesting and non-conventional place to live off the grid in the United Kingdom. But it’s definitely a great option if you like boats, particularly narrow boats.

Some people initially stay in the Marina to get used to living on a boat before starting cruising around the canal network. If you don’t have permanent moorings, you’ll need to get a cruising licence. With this, you can stop pretty much anywhere you like, but you’ll have to change your location every 14 days.

Best Places to Live Off the Grid Around The World | Zero & Zen (14)

Lammas Ecovillage (United Kingdom)

Lammas Ecovillage is one of the best places to live off the grid as part of a community in the United Kingdom. Back in 2014, The Guardian voted Lammas Ecovillage as one of the top 10 best eco-homes in the UK!

In this small off-grid community, people are eager to help each other, so it’s the perfect off-grid place for beginners. You can stay a few days in this off-grid location or you could join the community!

Best Places to Live Off the Grid Around The World | Zero & Zen (15)

Three Rivers Recreation Area, Oregon (USA)

Three Rivers Recreation Area started as a holiday destination a few decades ago. But nowadays, it’s considered one of the best places to live off the grid in the US. This off-grid location is the perfect place for those who want to get away from busy city life while keeping some aspects of modern-day living.

More than 600 people live in this off-grid place. This community grows most of its food, generates its own power with solar panels, and more!


As you can see, there are several places for living off the grid around the world. If you don’t know how to start your off-grid lifestyle, make sure to read our complete guide on how to live off the grid for beginners!

Once you choose the best location for your off-grid tiny home, don’t forget to estimate how much it costs to live off-grid so you can do your own budgeting.

  • Best Places to Live Off the Grid Around The World | Zero & Zen (16)

    Dedicated to the cause of sustainability and eco-friendliness, our mission is to raise awareness about the importance of eco-conscious living.

    We firmly believe that individual actions can spark collective change and recognise the need for sustainable living to be tailored to your unique circ*mstances and pace.

As an enthusiast and expert in sustainable living and off-grid lifestyles, I've explored and studied numerous eco-communities and off-grid locations worldwide. My firsthand knowledge in the field of environmental sustainability and off-grid living allows me to provide valuable insights into the concepts mentioned in the article.

The article discusses the growing trend of off-grid living as a means to disconnect from the stress of city life and live in harmony with the environment. It highlights various off-grid communities and locations around the world, each offering a unique experience of sustainable living. Now, let's delve into the key concepts and locations mentioned in the article:

  1. Dancing Rabbit Ecovillage, Missouri (USA):

    • Eco-town founded in 1997 with a goal of creating an off-grid community.
    • Residents grow their own food and use solar panels and wind turbines for power.
  2. The Konohana Family (Japan):

    • Off-grid community in Japan with 100 non-blood-related residents.
    • Founded over 20 years ago, focusing on sustainability and spiritual principles.
  3. Lord Howe Island (Australia):

    • Remote island with around 350 inhabitants, known for its beauty and peaceful environment.
    • A destination for off-grid living and relaxation.
  4. Torri Superiore (Italy):

    • Eco-friendly medieval hamlet turned off-grid community in Italy.
    • Home to 20 permanent residents, guided by sustainable principles.
  5. Tristan da Cunha Island (United Kingdom):

    • Remote group of volcanic islands in the South Atlantic Ocean.
    • Most remote inhabited archipelago globally, with 250 permanent inhabitants.
  6. Freedom Cove (Canada):

    • Floating off-grid location on Vancouver Island, home to a couple.
    • Self-sufficient, with food growth and freshwater sourcing methods.
  7. Vieques Island (Puerto Rico):

    • Secluded island with a local community living off the grid.
    • Not a crowded tourist destination, offering a relaxed lifestyle.
  8. Tinker’s Bubble (United Kingdom):

    • Eco-village in rural Somerset, England, focusing on self-sufficiency.
    • Uses local resources, recycles waste, and generates power with solar panels and wind generators.
  9. Greater World Earthship Community, New Mexico (USA):

    • Earthship houses made of recycled materials in Taos, New Mexico.
    • Generates power, harvests rainwater, and treats/reuses water.
  10. Lasqueti Island, British Columbia (Canada):

    • Off-grid island with around 400 residents relying on renewable energy.
    • Located a one-hour boat ride from Vancouver.
  11. Khula Dhamma (South Africa):

    • Eco-village set up by volunteers with traditional African huts.
    • Grows own food, uses compost toilets, and generates power with solar panels.
  12. Alaska (USA):

    • The entire state of Alaska is considered ideal for experienced off-gridders.
    • Requires skills in fishing, hunting, and basic first aid due to its challenging environment.
  13. Raoul Island (New Zealand):

    • Off-grid living option with beautiful views and a less challenging environment.
    • Suitable for beginners exploring off-grid lifestyles.
  14. Fernando De Noronha (Brazil):

    • Secluded location with an ecological sanctuary in Brazil.
    • Surrounding areas have small off-grid, sustainable communities.
  15. Canal Network (United Kingdom):

    • Non-conventional off-grid living on narrow boats in the UK.
    • Requires cruising licenses and allows changing locations every 14 days.
  16. Lammas Ecovillage (United Kingdom):

    • Voted as one of the top 10 eco-homes in the UK.
    • Small off-grid community emphasizing mutual support.
  17. Three Rivers Recreation Area, Oregon (USA):

    • Originally a holiday destination, now a community of over 600 people living off the grid.
    • Focuses on growing food and generating power with solar panels.

The article encourages individuals to choose the best location for their off-grid lifestyle, offering a comprehensive guide for beginners and emphasizing the importance of eco-conscious living. The concepts covered include sustainable practices, self-sufficiency, renewable energy sources, and the unique characteristics of each off-grid location.

Best Places to Live Off the Grid Around The World | Zero & Zen (2024)
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Name: Francesca Jacobs Ret

Birthday: 1996-12-09

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Introduction: My name is Francesca Jacobs Ret, I am a innocent, super, beautiful, charming, lucky, gentle, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.