Best Italian Brokers (2024)

Table of Contents
Best Italian Brokers Table of Contents Italian Broker in the Financial Brokers What is the role of Italian brokers in the financial market? How do Italian brokers differ from brokers in other countries? What do Italian brokers offer the primary services? How can I find a reputable Italian broker? What are the regulatory requirements for Italian brokers? How do Italian brokers handle client funds and ensure their safety? What are the fees and commissions associated with using an Italian broker? Can I trade international stocks through an Italian broker? What investment products are available through Italian brokers? Are Italian brokers subject to specific tax regulations? What minimum investment is required to open an account with an Italian broker? How do Italian brokers assist with investment research and analysis? Can Italian brokers provide investment advice or recommendations? How do Italian brokers handle order execution and trading platforms? What are the different account types Italian brokers offer? Are there any restrictions on foreign investors using Italian brokers? What do Italian brokers provide customer support options? How do Italian brokers ensure data security and client privacy? What are the best Italian brokers for beginner investors? How do Italian brokers compare in terms of technological advancements and innovation? Are Italian brokers affiliated with any banks or financial institutions? How do Italian brokers handle margin trading and leverage? Can Italian brokers facilitate trading in cryptocurrencies? What is the process for opening an account with an Italian broker? Do Italian brokers provide educational resources or training programs? What opportunities do Italian brokers provide in stock trading? What is Italian brokers' track record and reputation in the industry? Can Italian brokers assist with retirement planning and long-term investment strategies? How do Italian brokers handle corporate actions such as dividends and stock splits? Are there any specific regulations for Italian brokers regarding derivatives trading? How do Italian brokers comply with anti-money laundering and know-your-customer regulations? Best Italian Brokers List Compared Best Italian Broker Italian Broker Reviews Italian Broker Italian Broker Alternatives

If you are an Italian trader seeking information about Italian brokers and trading platforms, this guide is tailored for you. Italian brokers enable access to the global financial markets, enabling investors to trade a wide range of financial instruments, including stocks, bonds, and cryptocurrencies. Through portfolio diversification, Italian traders can mitigate risks and potentially enhance their returns.

When you are searching for the finest brokers in Italy, it is crucial to consider factors like trading fees, regulations, customer support, and the range of available assets. Prominent choices include IC Markets, eToro, and Pepperstone. To discover the ideal fit for your trading requirements, conducting thorough research and comparing features is indispensable.

Online trading platforms are typically easily accessible, empowering busy Italian professionals and individuals to efficiently manage their investments from any location with an internet connection. This convenience facilitates prompt and hassle-free trade execution.

Prior to registering with an Italian broker, it is vital to verify their compliance with European financial regulations like Unità di Informazione Finanziaria to ensure they possess the appropriate licenses and are subject to regulation. Furthermore, comparing Italian brokers and trading platforms is indispensable to identify the most suitable option. Explore the range of available financial instruments, trading tools, funding and withdrawal methods, and real-time market data to make knowledgeable investment decisions.

This Italian broker's guide sheds light on Italian trading platforms that offer access to international markets or provide opportunities to trade exotic assets such as commodities and derivatives.

Best Italian Brokers Table of Contents

  1. Italian Broker in the Financial Brokers
  2. What is the role of Italian brokers in the financial market?
  3. How do Italian brokers differ from brokers in other countries?
  4. What do Italian brokers offer the primary services?
  5. How can I find a reputable Italian broker?
  6. What are the regulatory requirements for Italian brokers?
  7. How do Italian brokers handle client funds and ensure their safety?
  8. What are the fees and commissions associated with using an Italian broker?
  9. Can I trade international stocks through an Italian broker?
  10. What investment products are available through Italian brokers?
  11. Are Italian brokers subject to specific tax regulations?
  12. What minimum investment is required to open an account with an Italian broker?
  13. How do Italian brokers assist with investment research and analysis?
  14. Can Italian brokers provide investment advice or recommendations?
  15. How do Italian brokers handle order execution and trading platforms?
  16. What are the different account types Italian brokers offer?
  17. Are there any restrictions on foreign investors using Italian brokers?
  18. What do Italian brokers provide customer support options?
  19. How do Italian brokers ensure data security and client privacy?
  20. What are the best Italian brokers for beginner investors?
  21. How do Italian brokers compare in terms of technological advancements and innovation?
  22. Are Italian brokers affiliated with any banks or financial institutions?
  23. How do Italian brokers handle margin trading and leverage?
  24. Can Italian brokers facilitate trading in cryptocurrencies?
  25. What is the process for opening an account with an Italian broker?
  26. Do Italian brokers provide educational resources or training programs?
  27. What opportunities do Italian brokers provide in stock trading?
  28. What is Italian brokers' track record and reputation in the industry?
  29. Can Italian brokers assist with retirement planning and long-term investment strategies?
  30. How do Italian brokers handle corporate actions such as dividends and stock splits?
  31. Are there any specific regulations for Italian brokers regarding derivatives trading?
  32. How do Italian brokers comply with anti-money laundering and know-your-customer regulations?
  33. Best Italian Brokers List Compared

Best Italian Brokers (1)

Italian Broker in the Financial Brokers

Regarding brokers in Italy, retail CFD accounts play a significant role in providing access to various financial instruments. However, it's important to remember that trading these accounts risks losing money rapidly due to theirleveraged nature. Italian brokers, including forex brokers, facilitate trading activities, catering to Italian traders seeking global market opportunities.

What is the role of Italian brokers in the financial market?

Italian brokers play a crucial role in the financial market by acting as intermediaries between investors and the various financial instruments available. They facilitate transactions involving stocks, currencies, and different other assets on behalf of their clients. Italian brokers provide essential services that enable individuals and institutional investors to participate in the financial markets effectively.

How do Italian brokers differ from brokers in other countries?

While the primary function of brokers remains the same across countries, Italian brokers have specific characteristics that set them apart from the best online broker others. Italian brokers operate within the regulatory frameworkestablished by the Italian financial authorities, such as the CONSOB. They adhere to specific rules and regulations that govern their operations, ensuring investor protection and marketintegrity.

What do Italian brokers offer the primary services?

Italian brokers offer a wide range of services for investors. They provide access to various financial markets, including stock exchanges such as the Milan Stock Exchange, enabling clients to trade Italianstocks and other international securities. Italian brokers also facilitate forex trading, allowing investors to participate in the foreign exchange market. Additionally, they offer services related to trading derivatives, commodities,and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Furthermore, Italian brokers provide investment advisory services, research and analysis tools, and educational resources to assist clients in making informed investment decisions.

How can I find a reputable Italian broker?

When seeking a reputable Italian broker, several factors should be considered. First, ensure the broker is registered with the regulatory body of CONSOB, the Italian financial market. Check if the broker has a strong track record andpositive reputation within the industry. Online broker reviews and recommendations from experienced traders can provide valuable insights. It's also essential to evaluate the broker's range of services, trading platforms, fees, andcustomer support options. Comparing different brokers and seeking independent advice can help find the most suitable and reputable Italian broker for individual investment objectives.

What are the regulatory requirements for Italian brokers?

Italian brokers are bound by strict regulatory obligations to guarantee the security and reliability of the financial markets. CONSOB imposes rules and guidelines on Italian brokers to promote transparency, investor protection, and fairmarket practices for the best online brokers. These regulations cover licensing, capital adequacy, client fund segregation, risk management, and compliance with anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) regulations.Italian brokers must also adhere to the European Union's Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) requirements to operate in EU countries.

How do Italian brokers handle client funds and ensure their safety?

Italian brokers handle client funds with the utmost care and security. They must segregate client funds from their operational funds to be high risk and ensure that the client's money is protected even in the caseof the broker's insolvency. Typically, Italian brokers hold client funds in segregated bank accounts with reputable financial institutions. It ensures that clients' funds are kept separate from the broker's active accounts and can bequickly returned to clients when requested. Furthermore, reputable Italian brokers provide additional layers of security, such as encryption technology and multi-factor authentication, to safeguard clients' personal and financialinformation.

What are the fees and commissions associated with using an Italian broker?

Fees and commissions charged by Italian brokers can vary depending on the services and products utilized. Italian brokers may charge trading commissions for executing stock trades, forex trades, or other transactions. Additionally,there may be spreads on forex trades and fees associated with trading specific financial instruments such as contracts for difference (CFDs). Investors must carefully review each broker's fee structure, including any account maintenancefees, withdrawal fees, or other charges that stock brokers may apply. Comparing the fees of different Italian brokers can help investors find the most cost-effective option.

Can I trade international stocks through an Italian broker?

Yes, Italian brokers allow investors to trade international stocks through their platforms. These brokers provide access to major international stock exchanges, such as the London Stock Exchange, allowing clients to buy and sell stockslisted on these exchanges. Italian brokers offer trading services for a wide range of international stocks, allowing investors to diversify their portfolios and participate in global markets. By trading trade stocks through an Italianbroker, investors can conveniently access Italian and international stocks through a single brokerage account.

What investment products are available through Italian brokers?

Italian brokers offer a diverse range of investment products for investors. They provide access to stocks, bonds, ETFs, mutual funds, futures contracts, options, and other financial instruments.Italian brokers also facilitate trading in the foreign exchange market, allowing investors to trade currencies and take advantage of fluctuations in exchange rates. Furthermore, they offer trading services for CFDs, which provide opportunities to speculate on the price movements only with no underlying asset ownership. Italian brokers strive to offer a comprehensive selection of investment products to meet their clients' varying investmentobjectives and risk tolerances.

Are Italian brokers subject to specific tax regulations?

Italian brokers and investors are subject to tax regulations outlined by the Italian government. Capital gains, dividends, and interest earned from investments are subject to taxation. The tax rates and specific regulations may varybased on the type of investment, the holding period, and the investor's tax residency status. Investors must consult with tax professionals or seek independent advice to understand the applicable tax regulations and obligationsassociated with their investments through Italian brokers.

What minimum investment is required to open an account with an Italian broker?

The minimum investment required to open an account with an Italian broker can vary depending on the broker and account type. Some Italian brokers offer different account tiers, each with its minimum investment requirement. For retail investors, the minimum investment amount for their accounts can vary from a few hundred euros to several thousand euros. It is essential to check different Italian brokers' account requirements and minimum investment thresholds to find an option thataligns with individual investment goals and available funds.

How do Italian brokers assist with investment research and analysis?

Italian stock brokers can provide various tools and resources to assist clients with investment research and analysis. They offer access to real-time market data, financial news, and research reports from reputable sources. Italianbrokers often provide advanced charting tools, technical analysis indicators, and customizable watchlists to help investors monitor market trends and make informed trading decisions. Additionally, some brokers offer educationalmaterials, webinars, and seminars to enhance clients' understanding of financial markets and investment strategies. Italian brokers aim to empower investors with the tools and information to make well-informed investment decisions.

Can Italian brokers provide investment advice or recommendations?

Yes, Italian brokers can provide investment advice and recommendations to their clients. However, it is essential to note that the level of advice and recommendations can vary among brokers. Some brokers may offer personalizedinvestment advisory services, where experienced professionals provide recommendations based on the client's investment goals and risk tolerance. Other brokers may provide general market commentary and research without offering specificinvestment advice. Investors should inquire about the advisory services a particular Italian broker provides to understand the extent of guidance they can expect.

How do Italian brokers handle order execution and trading platforms?

Italian brokers employ advanced trading platforms that enable efficient order execution. These platforms offer a user-friendly interface, real-time market data, and various order types to meet trading needs. Italian brokersensure client orders are executed promptly and at the best prices. They maintain robust infrastructure and connectivity to exchanges and liquidity providers to facilitate seamless trade execution. By leveraging sophisticated tradingplatforms, Italian brokers aim to provide their clients with a smooth and reliable trading experience.

What are the different account types Italian brokers offer?

Italian brokers offer different account types to cater to investors' diverse needs and preferences. Common account types include individual, joint, corporate, and retirement accounts, such as Individual Retirement Accounts(IRAs). Some Italian brokers may offer specialized accounts for professional traders or high-net-worth individuals. Each account type may have specific requirements, benefits, and features. It is advisable to review the account optionsprovided by different Italian brokers to find the most suitable account type for individual investment objectives and circ*mstances.

Are there any restrictions on foreign investors using Italian brokers?

There are generally no significant restrictions on foreign investors using Italian brokers. Italian brokers welcome clients from different countries, allowing them to open accounts and participate in the Italian financial markets.However, it is critical to comply with applicable regulations and provide the necessary documentation as required by the broker and the regulatory authorities. Foreign investors should meet the broker's residency oridentification requirements and adhere to cross-border investment rules. It is advisable to consult with the chosen Italian broker or seek independent advice to understand any requirements or limitations for foreigninvestors.

What do Italian brokers provide customer support options?

Italian brokers understand the importance of providing reliable customer support to assist clients with their inquiries and concerns. They typically offer multiple channels for customer support, including phone, email support,and live chat facilities. Italian brokers strive to maintain responsive and knowledgeable customer support teams to address clients' questions about trading accounts, setups, trading platforms, technical issues, and general inquiries.Clients can contact customer support during designated working hours to seek assistance or guidance regarding their accounts or trading activities.

How do Italian brokers ensure data security and client privacy?

Italian brokers prioritize data security and client privacy to safeguard sensitive information. To protect clients ' personal and financial data, they employ advanced security measures, including encryption technology, firewalls, andsecure socket layer (SSL) protocols. Italian brokers adhere to strict privacy policies and ensure client information is not shared with unauthorized parties. They also comply with relevant data protection regulations and keep abreast ofevolving cybersecurity practices. By implementing robust security measures, Italian brokers strive to provide clients with a secure and confidential environment to trade and manage their investments.

What are the best Italian brokers for beginner investors?

Several Italian online brokers cater specifically to beginner investors by offering user-friendly platforms, educational resources, and comprehensive support. These brokers aim to simplify the trading process and provide guidance tothose who are new to investing. Some of the best Italian brokers for beginner investors include those with demo accounts, where individuals can practice trading with virtual money before committing to real funds. Additionally, brokerswith low trading fees, intuitive interfaces, and educational materials tailored to beginners can be advantageous. Beginner investors must choose a broker that aligns with their needs and provides the necessary support and educationalresources to enhance their understanding of the financial markets.

How do Italian brokers compare in terms of technological advancements and innovation?

Italian brokers strive to remain at the forefront of technological advancements and innovation to provide clients with cutting-edge trading solutions. They continually invest in upgrading their trading software and platforms,integrating advanced analytical tools, and enhancing the user experience. Italian brokers know the growing importance of mobile trading and offer mobile platforms that allow clients to trade and monitor their investments on the go. Theyalso explore emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning to improve trading algorithms and provide personalized recommendations. Italian brokers aim to leverage technology to deliver efficient, convenient,and innovative trading experiences for their clients.

Are Italian brokers affiliated with any banks or financial institutions?

Some Italian brokers may have affiliations or partnerships with banks or other financial institutions. These collaborations can provide additional benefits to clients, such as seamless fund transfers between brokerage and bank accounts.Affiliated brokers may offer specialized services or preferential rates for clients associated with the partnering institutions. However, it is essential to note that not all Italian brokers have such affiliations, and the availabilityof these benefits may vary. Investors should review the offerings and affiliations of different Italian brokers to understand any potential advantages associated with specific partnerships.

How do Italian brokers handle margin trading and leverage?

Italian brokers offer margin trading services that allow clients to trade with borrowed funds, amplifying their trading positions. Margin trading involves using leverage, which enables investors to control more prominent positions witha smaller initial investment. Italian brokers set specific margin requirements and leverage ratios based on regulatory guidelines and the type of financial instruments traded. Investors must understand the risks of margin trading, asleveraging positions can result in gains and losses. Italian brokers provide risk disclosures and educational materials on margin trading to help clients make informed decisions and manage their risks effectively.

Can Italian brokers facilitate trading in cryptocurrencies?

Many Italian brokers offer cryptocurrency trading services, allowing clients to trade popular digital assets such as Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin. Cryptocurrency trading is becoming increasingly popular, and Italian brokers recognizethe growing demand for these instruments. They provide trading platforms and tools specifically designed for cryptocurrency trading, enabling investors to buy, sell, or speculate on the price of cryptocurrencies. Italianbrokers adhere to regulatory requirements governing cryptocurrency trading and prioritize the security of clients' digital assets by implementing robust cybersecurity measures.

What is the process for opening an account with an Italian broker?

Opening an account with an Italian broker typically involves several steps. First, prospective clients must complete an online application form, providing personal information and relevant details. It may include identificationdocuments, proof of address, and financial information. Once the application is approved, the broker will review the information and verify the documents. After the account is approved, clients may be required to deposit funds throughvarious methods, such as bank transfers or electronic payment systems. Once the funds are received, clients can access a demo account on the trading platform and start trading. The specific account opening process may vary slightlyamong Italian brokers but generally follows these steps.

Do Italian brokers provide educational resources or training programs?

Yes, Italian brokers often provide educational resources and training programs to assist clients in improving their understanding of financial markets and trading strategies. These resources can include articles, tutorials, webinars,video lessons, and interactive courses on investing and trading. Educational materials cover fundamental analysis, technical analysis, risk management, and trading psychology. Some Italian brokers also offer demo accounts, allowingclients to practice trading with virtual money and gain hands-on experience before risking real funds. By offering comprehensive educational resources, Italian brokers aim to empower clients to make informed investment decisions andenhance their trading skills.

What opportunities do Italian brokers provide in stock trading?

In the realm of stock trading, Italian brokers also shine. Their partnerships and affiliations, such as the London Stock Exchange Group, provide access to worldwide stock exchanges. Italian traders can diversify their portfolios andexplore stock index futures, gaining exposure to different asset classes and regions.

What is Italian brokers' track record and reputation in the industry?

Italian brokers have established a reputation for professionalism, regulations compliance, and investor protection commitment. The Italian financial market operates within a robust regulatory framework overseen by CONSOB, which ensuresfair market practices and investor confidence. Italian brokers are subject to strict regulatory requirements, including capital adequacy, client fund segregation, and compliance with anti-money laundering and know-your-customerregulations. Reputable Italian brokers have a track record of providing reliable services, transparent pricing, and efficient trade execution. Investors can review industry rankings, customer reviews, and regulatory records to assessspecific Italian brokers' track records and reputations.

Can Italian brokers assist with retirement planning and long-term investment strategies?

Italian brokers can assist clients with retirement planning and long-term investment strategies. They offer retirement accounts, such as Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs), which provide tax advantages for long-term savings. Italianbrokers can provide the following:

  • Guidance on selecting appropriate investment options within retirement accounts.

  • Considering factors such as risk tolerance.

  • Investment objectives.

  • Time horizons.

They can also help clients create diversified portfolios aligned with long-term goals, incorporating a mix of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and other suitable assets. Italian brokers understand the importance of retirement planning andaim to support clients in building a solid financial foundation for the future.

How do Italian brokers handle corporate actions such as dividends and stock splits?

Italian brokers handle corporate actions such as dividends and stock splits by market regulations and the terms set by the companies issuing the securities. When a dividend is declared, Italian brokers credit the eligible clients.'accounts with the dividend amount. Italian brokers adjust the client's position for stock splits to reflect the increased number of shares, ensuring the proportional ownership remains intact. Italian brokers typically communicatecorporate actions to clients through announcements on their stock trading platforms or by email. Clients can consult with Italian brokers or review the terms and conditions to understand how corporate actions are handled for specificsecurities.

Are there any specific regulations for Italian brokers regarding derivatives trading?

Regulatory compliance is paramount for Italian brokers, who adhere to the guidelines set by the Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission and other regulators. It ensures that traders can confidently engage in CFD trading,knowing their interests are protected. Also, Italian brokers offering derivatives trading, such as trading CFDs (Contracts for Difference), are subject to regulations outlined by CONSOB, the Italian securities regulator. CONSOB setsrules regarding leverage limits, margin requirements, risk disclosures, and investor protection measures for derivatives trading. Italian brokers must comply with these regulations to ensure fair and transparent trading practices.Additionally, Italian brokers offering derivatives trading must adhere to the European Securities and Markets Authority's guidelines, such as restricting the marketing, distribution, and sale of specific complex instruments toretail clients. These regulations aim to protect investors and promote the integrity of the derivatives market.

How do Italian brokers comply with anti-money laundering and know-your-customer regulations?

Italian brokers have robust procedures to comply with anti-money laundering (AML) and know-your-customer (KYC) regulations. They are required to verify the identity of their clients, assess the source of funds, and monitor transactionsfor potential suspicious activities. Italian brokers employ strict due diligence measures when onboarding clients, including requesting identification documents, proof of address, and additional supporting documentation as necessary.They also maintain records of client transactions and implement internal controls to detect and report suspicious or unlawful activities. Italian brokers cooperate with financial regulators to combat money laundering and other illicit activities within the financial markets.

Best Italian Brokers List Compared

Featured Italian Broker Trading PlatformAccount FeaturesTrading Features

IC Markets

Used By: 180,000
Instruments Available: 232
Stocks Available: 2100
US Stocks: Yes
UK Stocks: Yes
German Stocks: Yes
Japanese Stocks: Yes
Indices: Yes
Forex Pairs Available: 61
Major Forex Pairs: Yes
Minor Forex Pairs: Yes
Exotic Forex Pairs: Yes
Minimum Deposit: 200
Platforms: MT4, MT5, Mirror Trader, ZuluTrade, Web Trader, cTrader, Mac
Negative Balance Protection:
Inactivity Fee: No
Losses can exceed depositsVisit


Used By: 10,000
Instruments Available: 100
Stocks Available: 53
US Stocks: Yes
UK Stocks: Yes
German Stocks: Yes
Japanese Stocks: Yes
Indices: Yes
Forex Pairs Available: 35
Major Forex Pairs: Yes
Minor Forex Pairs: Yes
Exotic Forex Pairs: Yes
Minimum Deposit: 10 USD / 10 EUR
Platforms: MT4, MT5, Mac, Web Trader, cTrader, Tablet & Mobile apps
Negative Balance Protection:
Inactivity Fee: No
Losses can exceed depositsVisit


Used By: 200,000
Instruments Available: 1000
Stocks Available: 99
US Stocks: Yes
UK Stocks: Yes
German Stocks: Yes
Japanese Stocks: Yes
Indices: Yes
Forex Pairs Available: 80
Major Forex Pairs: Yes
Minor Forex Pairs: Yes
Exotic Forex Pairs: Yes
Minimum Deposit: 100
Platforms: Web Trader, MT4, MT5, AvaTradeGo, AvaOptions, Mac, Mobile Apps, ZuluTrade, DupliTrade, MQL5
Negative Balance Protection:
Inactivity Fee: No
71% of retail CFD accounts lose moneyVisit

FP Markets

Used By: 10,000
Instruments Available: 100
Stocks Available: 10000
US Stocks: Yes
UK Stocks: Yes
German Stocks: Yes
Japanese Stocks: Yes
Indices: Yes
Forex Pairs Available: 60
Major Forex Pairs: Yes
Minor Forex Pairs: Yes
Exotic Forex Pairs: Yes
Minimum Deposit: 100
Platforms: MT4, MT5, IRESS, Mac, Web Trader, Tablet & Mobile apps
Negative Balance Protection:
Inactivity Fee: No
Losses can exceed depositsVisit


Used By: 10,000
Instruments Available: 50
Stocks Available: 0
US Stocks: No
UK Stocks: No
German Stocks: No
Japanese Stocks: No
Indices: No
Forex Pairs Available: 65
Major Forex Pairs: Yes
Minor Forex Pairs: Yes
Exotic Forex Pairs:
Minimum Deposit: 10
Platforms: MT4, MT5, Tablet & Mobile apps
Negative Balance Protection:
Inactivity Fee: No
Losses can exceed depositsVisit


Used By: 250,000
Instruments Available: 4000
Stocks Available: 1696
US Stocks: Yes
UK Stocks: Yes
German Stocks: Yes
Japanese Stocks: Yes
Indices: Yes
Forex Pairs Available: 57
Major Forex Pairs: Yes
Minor Forex Pairs: Yes
Exotic Forex Pairs: Yes
Minimum Deposit: 0
Platforms: MT4, Mirror Trader, Web Trader, Tablet & Mobile apps
Negative Balance Protection:
Inactivity Fee: Yes
74% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money. Visit


Used By: 89,000
Instruments Available: 100
Stocks Available: 60
US Stocks: No
UK Stocks: No
German Stocks: Yes
Japanese Stocks: No
Indices: Yes
Forex Pairs Available: 70
Major Forex Pairs: Yes
Minor Forex Pairs: Yes
Exotic Forex Pairs: Yes
Minimum Deposit: 200
Platforms: MT4, MT5, Mac, ZuluTrade, Web Trader, cTrader, Tablet & Mobile apps
Negative Balance Protection:
Inactivity Fee: Yes
CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. Between 74-89 % of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your moneyVisit


Used By: 10,000,000
Instruments Available: 1000
Stocks Available: 160
US Stocks: Yes
UK Stocks: Yes
German Stocks: Yes
Japanese Stocks: Yes
Indices: Yes
Forex Pairs Available: 55
Major Forex Pairs: Yes
Minor Forex Pairs: Yes
Exotic Forex Pairs: Yes
Minimum Deposit: 5
Platforms: MT4, MT5, Mac, Web Trader, Tablet & Mobile apps
Negative Balance Protection:
Inactivity Fee: Yes
CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. 77.74% of retail investoraccounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can affordto take the high risk of losing your money.Visit


Used By: 20,000,000
Instruments Available: 2000
Stocks Available: 2042
US Stocks: Yes
UK Stocks: Yes
German Stocks: Yes
Japanese Stocks: Yes
Indices: Yes
Forex Pairs Available: 50
Major Forex Pairs: Yes
Minor Forex Pairs: Yes
Exotic Forex Pairs: Yes
Minimum Deposit: 50
Platforms: Web Trader, Tablet & Mobile apps
Negative Balance Protection:
Inactivity Fee: Yes
76% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider.Visit


Used By: 10,000
Instruments Available: 130
Stocks Available: 60
US Stocks: Yes
UK Stocks: Yes
German Stocks: No
Japanese Stocks: No
Indices: Yes
Forex Pairs Available: 45
Major Forex Pairs: Yes
Minor Forex Pairs: Yes
Exotic Forex Pairs: Yes
Minimum Deposit: 100
Platforms: MT4, Mac, Mirror Trader, Web Trader, Tablet & Mobile apps
Negative Balance Protection:
Inactivity Fee: No
Losses can exceed depositsVisit


Used By: 142,500
Instruments Available: 200
Stocks Available: 52
US Stocks: Yes
UK Stocks: Yes
German Stocks: Yes
Japanese Stocks: Yes
Indices: Yes
Forex Pairs Available: 150
Major Forex Pairs: Yes
Minor Forex Pairs: Yes
Exotic Forex Pairs: Yes
Minimum Deposit: 100
Platforms: MT4, MT5, Web Trader, Tablet & Mobile apps
Negative Balance Protection:
Inactivity Fee: No
Your capital is at riskVisit

Trading 212

Used By: 15,000,000
Instruments Available: 10000
Stocks Available: 1731
US Stocks: Yes
UK Stocks: Yes
German Stocks: Yes
Japanese Stocks: Yes
Indices: Yes
Forex Pairs Available: 177
Major Forex Pairs: Yes
Minor Forex Pairs: Yes
Exotic Forex Pairs: Yes
Minimum Deposit: 1
Platforms: Web Trader, Tablet & Mobile apps
Negative Balance Protection:
Inactivity Fee: No
CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. 76% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.Visit

Admiral Markets

Used By: 10,000
Instruments Available: 148
Stocks Available: 64
US Stocks: Yes
UK Stocks: Yes
German Stocks: Yes
Japanese Stocks: Yes
Indices: Yes
Forex Pairs Available: 40
Major Forex Pairs: Yes
Minor Forex Pairs: Yes
Exotic Forex Pairs: Yes
Minimum Deposit: $100
Platforms: MT4, MT5, Mac, Web Trader, Tablet & Mobile apps
Negative Balance Protection:
Inactivity Fee: No
Losses can exceed depositsVisit


Used By: 10,000
Instruments Available: 15000
Stocks Available: 1000
US Stocks: Yes
UK Stocks: Yes
German Stocks: Yes
Japanese Stocks: Yes
Indices: Yes
Forex Pairs Available: 55
Major Forex Pairs: Yes
Minor Forex Pairs: Yes
Exotic Forex Pairs: Yes
Minimum Deposit: 1
Platforms: Web Trader, Tablet & Mobile apps
Negative Balance Protection:
Inactivity Fee: No
Losses can exceed depositsVisit


Used By: 10,000
Instruments Available: 100
Stocks Available: 1000
US Stocks: Yes
UK Stocks: Yes
German Stocks: Yes
Japanese Stocks: Yes
Indices: No
Forex Pairs Available: 100
Major Forex Pairs: Yes
Minor Forex Pairs: Yes
Exotic Forex Pairs: Yes
Minimum Deposit: 0
Platforms: MT4, Mac, ZuluTrade, Web Trader, Tablet & Mobile apps
Negative Balance Protection:
Inactivity Fee: No
Losses can exceed depositsVisit

Best Italian Broker Italian Broker Reviews

Read our details broker Italian Broker Italian Broker reviews, you will find something useful if you are shortlisting a Italian Broker Italian Broker and trading platform.

  • IC Markets Review (read our in depth reviews)
  • Roboforex Review (read our in depth reviews)
  • AvaTrade Review (read our in depth reviews)
  • FP Markets Review (read our in depth reviews)
  • NordFX Review (read our in depth reviews)
  • XTB Review (read our in depth reviews)
  • Pepperstone Review (read our in depth reviews)
  • XM Review (read our in depth reviews)
  • eToro Review (read our in depth reviews)
  • FXPrimus Review (read our in depth reviews)
  • easyMarkets Review (read our in depth reviews)
  • Trading 212 Review (read our in depth reviews)
  • Admiral Markets Review (read our in depth reviews)
  • SpreadEx Review (read our in depth reviews)
  • Axi Review (read our in depth reviews)

Italian Broker Italian Broker Alternatives

Read about and compare Italian Broker Italian Broker alternatives. We have indepth side by side comparisons to help you find Italian Broker Italian Broker related brokers.

  • IC Markets Alternatives
  • Roboforex Alternatives
  • AvaTrade Alternatives
  • FP Markets Alternatives
  • NordFX Alternatives
  • XTB Alternatives
  • Pepperstone Alternatives
  • XM Alternatives
  • eToro Alternatives
  • FXPrimus Alternatives
  • easyMarkets Alternatives
  • Trading 212 Alternatives
  • Admiral Markets Alternatives
  • SpreadEx Alternatives
  • Axi Alternatives

Best Italian Brokers (17)

Ashly Chole - Senior Finance & Technology Editor

Best Italian Brokers guide updated 23/02/24

Best Italian Brokers (2024)
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Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.