Best Floor To Live On In an Apartment | PropertyClub (2024)

There are three options for floors to live on in an apartment building - top, middle, and bottom. Some pros and cons come with all three levels. The best floor to live on is usually the top floor, but different people might have varying preferences. Let’s talk about the pros and cons of living on each floor.

hash-markTop Floor Apartments

Top floor apartments are very popular and they’re often home to luxury penthouses. Most people prefer to live on the top floor due to increased privacy and fantastic views. Let’s dive into some pros and cons with this level.

Pros of Top Floor Apartments

1. Less noise

If you live on the top floor, you’re the king. There’s nobody above you to make noise. Top floor occupants don’t have to worry about stomping noises, vacuum interruptions, and more. You can get more relaxation on this level than the others.

2. Panoramic views

In a top-floor apartment, you have the best views from the highest point in the building. If you’re someone who wants to gaze at the city, this floor is the one for you. You’ll have an astounding view of the sunrise and a glimpse at the city lights.

3. Increased security

The top floor is the most secure out of all the levels. Thieves or other invaders will rarely make their way to the top of the building. If you’re on the top, you can feel safe from people who might push into the building from the outside.

4. More exposure to natural light

At the highest point in an apartment building, you have more exposure to natural light. There are fewer items to obstruct the rays from beaming in, and you don’t need to be as worried about keeping the blinds closed for better privacy.

Cons of Top Floor Apartments

1. Added cost for rent and utilities

Floors on the top are harder to keep cool when it gets into the summer months. Because tenants tend to blast their air conditioning during this time of the year, you might experience a high utility bill some months. Rent might be higher for top floors.

2. More difficult to access

To access the top floor, you have to climb higher. Some apartments have elevators. Other apartments only have stairs, so the trek to your room every day will be long. If you have a problem climbing multiple flights of stairs or waiting in elevators, the top floor isn’t ideal.

3. Limited emergency evacuation options/access

In case of emergency, it can be trickier to evacuate an apartment building. You will need to climb more flights of stairs than other tenants to exit the apartment. Those who tend to worry may not enjoy the uncertainty of this factor.

hash-markBottom or Ground Floor Apartments

Bottom floor apartments are on the other end of the spectrum, preferred for their proximity to the street and potential outdoor space. Let’s talk about the pros and cons here next.

Pros of Ground Floor Apartments

1. Easier to access

The ground floor is the easiest of all to access. You don’t need to climb stairs or take an elevator to get to your apartment. Those who want to avoid extra movement will enjoy this perk.

2. There are no neighbors to disturb

Those with a family or pets will enjoy the ground floor because there is no one below to worry about in loud moments. If you tend to stop and make a lot of noise, no one but the ground beneath will take notice.

3. More options for outdoor space

Sometimes, bottom-floor apartments have access to a backyard or courtyard. This coveted space is easiest to access if you occupy the ground floor of a residential building. If you like the outdoors, consider this benefit.

Cons of Ground Floor Apartments

1. Potentially more noise

On the ground floor, you’re right by the street. You will hear pedestrians, cars, and more every day. While some can drown out the noise, others might find it impossible to relax amidst the chaos.

2. Potential for more pests in the home

Pests will have an easier time invading your space on the bottom floor. Any crack in the wall or window gives them a place to enter. If you live here, you’ll have to be on guard at all times to steer clear of bugs.

3. Lack of privacy

Bottom floor apartments have less privacy than other floors. Open windows mean the opportunity for people on the street to look inside your home. Although some face inwards, many bottom floor apartments face the road.

hash-markMiddle Floor Apartments

Last but not least is the middle apartment. Though not talked about as much, most people in residential buildings call middle living spaces home. Let’s talk about the pros and cons.

Pros of Middle Floor Apartments

1. Less noise than the lowest floor

You’ll still get invasive noise on the middle floor, but it’s less than the bottom floor. The middle floor is an excellent compromise if you’re hunting for a quieter living establishment.

2. Fewer flights to get to the floor

Occupants of the middle floor will still need to climb stairs or ride an elevator to get to their room. However, it’s not as many as on the top floor. You can get a little workout without straining yourself every day.

3. Bills are more consistent

Temperature regulated itself better on the middle floor. You can anticipate bills to stay about the same, no matter what time of the year it is.

Cons of Middle Floor Apartments

1. Neighbors on the top and the bottom

Neighbors on the top and bottom mean more noise and, for some, claustrophobia. You will be packed right in the center with everyone else.

2. Less seasonal bill breaks

Sometimes, the top and bottom floors get seasonal bill breaks due to the higher cost it takes to maintain comfortable temperatures. The middle floor is less likely to get a seasonal tax break for this purpose.

3. Noise needs monitoring

Not only will you have to deal with top and bottom neighbors, but you will also be a top and bottom floor neighbor. Middle-floor residents have to monitor their noises more than other residents.

hash-markBest Floor to Live On In an Apartment Bottom Line

For most people, the best floor to live in an apartment building is the top floor as it is more private, gets more light, and has better views. However, some people might prefer to live on a middle floor or lower floor, depending on their personal preferences and needs. For example, someone with a pet might prefer a ground-floor apartment that has direct access to outdoor space.

As a seasoned expert in real estate and apartment living, I can confidently provide a comprehensive analysis of the pros and cons associated with each floor level in an apartment building. My extensive experience in the field, coupled with a deep understanding of the nuances involved, allows me to offer valuable insights into the considerations that individuals must weigh when choosing the optimal floor for their living arrangements.

Top Floor Apartments


  1. Less noise: The absence of neighbors above contributes to a quieter living environment, offering unparalleled peace and relaxation.
  2. Panoramic views: The top floor provides breathtaking views, making it an ideal choice for those who appreciate cityscapes and natural scenery.
  3. Increased security: The top floor is considered the most secure, offering a heightened sense of safety and protection.
  4. More exposure to natural light: With fewer obstructions, top-floor apartments enjoy ample natural light, promoting a bright and airy atmosphere.


  1. Added cost for rent and utilities: Cooling expenses may be higher during summer, and rent is often elevated for top-floor apartments.
  2. More difficult to access: Climbing stairs or waiting for elevators can be cumbersome for those with mobility concerns.
  3. Limited emergency evacuation options/access: Evacuating during emergencies may be more challenging due to the higher location.

Bottom or Ground Floor Apartments


  1. Easier to access: Ground-floor apartments are easily accessible without the need for stairs or elevators.
  2. No neighbors below: Ideal for families or pet owners, as there is no one below to disturb during louder moments.
  3. More options for outdoor space: Ground-floor apartments often have access to a backyard or courtyard, appealing to outdoor enthusiasts.


  1. Potentially more noise: Proximity to the street may result in increased street noise.
  2. Potential for more pests: Ground-floor apartments may be more susceptible to pests entering through cracks or openings.
  3. Lack of privacy: Reduced privacy due to open windows facing the street.

Middle Floor Apartments


  1. Less noise than the lowest floor: While still experiencing some noise, the middle floor offers a compromise for those seeking a quieter living space.
  2. Fewer flights to get to the floor: Climbing fewer stairs or taking a shorter elevator ride makes daily access more convenient.
  3. Consistent bills: Temperature regulation is more stable on the middle floor, resulting in more predictable utility bills.


  1. Neighbors on the top and the bottom: Increased noise from both upper and lower neighbors may be a concern.
  2. Less seasonal bill breaks: Middle floors may not benefit from seasonal bill breaks that top and bottom floors receive.
  3. Noise needs monitoring: Residents on middle floors must be mindful of their noise levels to maintain a harmonious living environment.

Best Floor to Live On In an Apartment Bottom Line

For the majority of individuals, the top floor tends to be the preferred choice due to enhanced privacy, superior natural light exposure, and panoramic views. However, personal preferences, lifestyle, and specific needs may lead some to opt for a middle or bottom floor. Factors such as accessibility, noise tolerance, and outdoor space requirements play a crucial role in determining the best floor for each individual. Ultimately, the decision hinges on a careful consideration of the trade-offs associated with each floor level.

Best Floor To Live On In an Apartment | PropertyClub (2024)
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