Best Floor to Live On In an Apartment Building (2024)

Harini Balasubramanian October 30 2023

Best Floor to Live On In an Apartment Building (1)


Homebuyers look at various factors before finalising on a housing project. This ranges from amenities offered, type of flooring to the location and accessibility to essential infrastructure. However, for many, selecting the right floor becomes quite perplexing and every choice made, comes with its own pros and cons. Thus, getting sound knowledge on the same, allows you to make an informed decision for you and your family.

MakaaniQ lists out the pros and cons of living on the top floor versus the bottom floor:

Pros of upper floors

Exclusivity: Residing on top floors also allows you to enjoy exclusive and uninterrupted views of the city's skyline. You also experience minimum noise from street traffic outside the building.

Health benefits: Higher floors are great sources of natural sunlight and fresh air. You can shun the elevator and take the stairs for health benefits.

Extra security and privacy: Unlike lower floors, you are less likely to be bothered by pests, bugs and the noise of people walking past your door. It makes you less worried about casual break-ins.

Cons of upper floors

Reliance on lifts: If the building is not properly equipped with lifts, then upper floors can be unfavourable for families with disabled or elderly people. It could be stressful for them, particularly, during emergencies like earthquakes. While climbing stairs is healthy, you may have a tough time in case of non-operational lifts. Moreover, carrying heavy furniture all the way to the upper floor via stairs, can be tiring.

Premium pricing: Housing projects have premium pricing for the upper floors. So, you might have to spend more for purchasing an apartment that promises beautiful views.

Higher electricity bills: Increased exposure to sunlight makes the house warmer and uncomfortable during summers, making you more dependent on air-conditioners. Drawing water using motor pumps, can also increase your electricity bills.

Pros of lower floors

Convenient while moving: One of the major perks of residing in a lower floor, is the convenience it offers while shifting your house. You do not have to haul furniture, luggage or groceries through multiple flights of stairs.

Easy accessibility: Lower apartments are positioned close to the entrances and exits of the building. It allows you to quickly get in and out of your apartment, giving better access to parks, the swimming pool and clubhouse. Bottom floors are convenient for those who own pets as it becomes easier to take them out instead of walking all the way downstairs.

Cooler during summers: Lower floor units do not get as much sunlight as the upper floors since they are also flanked by tall buildings on their sides. Thus, a ground floor becomes relatively cooler during summers and can help you cut down on AC consumption and utility bills.

Cons of lower floors

Security concerns: Lower floors are prone to pest and burglary attacks. This calls for extra precautions to safeguard your apartment.

Lack of privacy: You do not have the freedom to leave the windows open to let in the sunshine. If the apartment is overlooking a busy street, the dwellers must have to deal with high noise levels of traffic.

Lack of sunlight: Lower floor apartments are unsuitable to live in during winters as they lack sunlight and leads to higher heating costs. With little access to natural light during the day time, you end up relying on lamps and other forms of lighting.

Last Updated: Mon Oct 30 2023





Ground Floor

Best Floor to Live On In an Apartment Building (2024)
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