Best Business Insurance for Business Consultants in 2024 (Top 10 Companies) (2024)

Table of Contents
Company Facts Pros & Cons Company Facts Pros & Cons Company Facts Pros & Cons #1 – Travelers: Unmatched Flexibility Coverage and Competitive Rates Pros Cons Compare The Best Insurance Quotes In The Country #2 – Nationwide: Personalized Solutions and Generous Discounts Pros Cons #3 – Progressive: Seamless Online Experience and Reasonable Rates Pros Cons #4 – Hiscox: Tailored Solutions for Small Businesses and Decent Discounts Pros Cons Compare The Best Insurance Quotes In The Country #5 – Chubb: Specialized Coverage for High-Value Assets and Generous Discounts Pros Cons #6 – Liberty Mutual: Diverse Policy Options and Decent Discounts Pros Cons #7 – The Hartford: Tailored Coverage for Specialized Industries and Discount Options Pros Cons Compare The Best Insurance Quotes In The Country #8 – State Farm: Personalized Service and High Discounts Pros Cons #9 – Allstate: Comprehensive Coverage and Generous Discounts Pros Cons #10 – AIG: Global Presence and Decent Discounts Pros Cons Compare The Best Insurance Quotes In The Country Insuring Your Consulting Business: Key Considerations and Coverage Options Mitigating Risks for Consultants: The Crucial Need for Business Insurance Insuring Your Consulting Business: Key Types of Insurance Coverage Compare The Best Insurance Quotes In The Country Case Studies: Demonstrating the Crucial Role of Insurance for Business Consultants Case Study 1: Professional Indemnity Insurance Case Study 2: Cyber and Data Insurance Case Study 3: Public Liability Insurance Case Study 4: Business Property Insurance Wind-Up: Insurance Considerations for Business Consultants Frequently Asked Questions Compare The Best Insurance Quotes In The Country

Best Business Insurance for Business Consultants: Travelers

Best Business Insurance for Business Consultants in 2024 (Top 10 Companies) (1)1,731 reviews


Company Facts

Average Monthly Rate For Good Drivers


A.M. Best Rating

A++ (Superior)

Complaint Level


Pros & Cons

  • Various discounts offered, such as bundling policies for potential savings
  • Feature-rich mobile app for convenient access to policy information
  • Robust online account management capabilities
  • Efficient claim processing with positive customer feedback
  • Extensive coverage options for personal and business insurance
  • Some customer reviews mention increasing prices for no obvious reason, indicating that premium costs may not remain static for all policyholders.
  • The availability of discounts can vary, and eligibility criteria may apply. It’s recommended to check with Travelers Insurance directly or consult with an agent for personalized information.
  • While Travelers Insurance is prominent, the insurance industry is highly competitive, and individual preferences may vary. It’s essential to compare offerings from various insurers to find the best fit.

» Travelers Business Insurance Review

Best Business Insurance for Business Consultants in 2024 (Top 10 Companies) (2)1,731 reviews

Runner Up Best Business Insurance for Business Consultants: Nationwide

Best Business Insurance for Business Consultants in 2024 (Top 10 Companies) (3)3,019 reviews


Company Facts

Average Monthly Rate For Good Drivers


A.M. Best Rating


Complaint Level


Pros & Cons

  • Extensive range of insurance products and financial services
  • Longstanding reputation and a history dating back to 1925
  • Nationwide operates in all 50 states and the District of Columbia
  • Positive customer feedback on customer service, ease of use, and competitive rates
  • Multiple discounts available
  • Some customers have reported issues with billing, claims processing, or customer service
  • Individual experiences may vary, and not all customers may have positive feedback

Best Business Insurance for Business Consultants in 2024 (Top 10 Companies) (4)3,019 reviews

Third Best Business Insurance for Business Consultants: Progressive

Best Business Insurance for Business Consultants in 2024 (Top 10 Companies) (5)13,126 reviews


Company Facts

Average Monthly Rate For Good Drivers


A.M. Best Rating


Complaint Level


Pros & Cons

  • Competitive pricing
  • Easy online tools
  • Good customer service
  • Claims processing
  • Payment processing
  • Coverage options

» Progressive Business Insurance Review

Best Business Insurance for Business Consultants in 2024 (Top 10 Companies) (6)13,126 reviews

Discover the best business insurance companies for business consultants, such as Travelers, Nationwide, and Progressive. Uncover crucial insurance options, emphasizing a provider known for exceptional flexibility, competitive pricing, and tailored solutions, guaranteeing thorough coverage with cost-effectiveness.

Things To Remember

  • Travelers, Nationwide, and Progressive are the leading choices for business consultants.
  • Key insurance types like professional indemnity and cyber insurance to meet the unique needs.
  • Unmatched flexibility, competitive rates, and personalized solutions for comprehensive coverage while considering affordability.

Best Business Insurance for Business Consultants in 2024 (Top 10 Companies) (7)

Our Top 10 Best Companies : Best Business Insurance for Business Consultants

CompanyRankSee Pros/ConsMulti-Policy DiscountBusiness Experience DiscountBest For
Best Business Insurance for Business Consultants in 2024 (Top 10 Companies) (8)#1Travelers15%10%Flexibility Coverage
Best Business Insurance for Business Consultants in 2024 (Top 10 Companies) (9)#2Nationwide20%12%Customized Solutions
Best Business Insurance for Business Consultants in 2024 (Top 10 Companies) (10)#3Progressive10%8%Online Convenience
Best Business Insurance for Business Consultants in 2024 (Top 10 Companies) (11)#4Hiscox10%5%Small Businesses
Best Business Insurance for Business Consultants in 2024 (Top 10 Companies) (12)#5Chubb15%7%High-Value Assets
Best Business Insurance for Business Consultants in 2024 (Top 10 Companies) (13)#6Liberty Mutual12%7%Diverse Policy
Best Business Insurance for Business Consultants in 2024 (Top 10 Companies) (14)#7The Hartford10%6%Specialized Industries
Best Business Insurance for Business Consultants in 2024 (Top 10 Companies) (15)#8State Farm17%9%Personalized Service
Best Business Insurance for Business Consultants in 2024 (Top 10 Companies) (16)#9Allstate25%10%Comprehensive Coverage
Best Business Insurance for Business Consultants in 2024 (Top 10 Companies) (17)#10AIG12%8%Global Presence

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Running a consulting business comes with its own set of challenges and risks. As a professional consultant, it is important to protect yourself and your business from unexpected events. Insurance plays a crucial role in providing the peace of mind and financial security you need to navigate through potential pitfalls.

In this article, we will explore why business insurance is essential for consultants and discuss key types of insurance coverage that can safeguard your consulting business.

Table of Contents

#1 – Travelers: Unmatched Flexibility Coverage and Competitive Rates

Travelers stands out with unmatched flexibility, competitive rates, and a commitment to tailoring coverage for diverse profiles, making it the top choice for business insurance among consultants

Laura WalkerFormer Licensed Agent


  • Flexibility coverage: Tailors coverage to suit diverse consultant needs.
  • Competitive rates: Offers affordability with an average monthly rate of $107.17 for good drivers.
  • Positive ratings: Boasts an A+ rating from A.M. Best and a low complaint level.


  • Moderate multi-policy discount: A 15% multi-policy discount is competitive but not the highest.
  • Limited discounts: Offers fewer discounts compared to some competitors.

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#2 – Nationwide: Personalized Solutions and Generous Discounts


  • Customized solutions: Stands out for providing personalized solutions.
  • Generous discounts: Offers a substantial 20% multi-policy discount and a 12% business experience discount.
  • Low complaint level: Indicates positive customer experiences.


  • Slightly higher monthly rate: The average monthly rate of $114.67 is slightly higher than some competitors.
  • Limited policy options: May not provide as diverse policy options as some competitors.

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#3 – Progressive: Seamless Online Experience and Reasonable Rates


  • Online convenience: Excels in providing a seamless online experience.
  • Reasonable rates: Offers competitive pricing with an average monthly rate of $109.17 for good drivers.
  • A rating from A.M. best: Maintains a solid A rating for financial stability.


  • Lower multi-policy discount: The 10% multi-policy discount is relatively lower.
  • Limited discounts: Offers fewer discounts compared to some competitors.

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#4 – Hiscox: Tailored Solutions for Small Businesses and Decent Discounts


  • Specialized for small businesses: Tailored solutions for small businesses.
  • Decent discounts: Offers a 10% multi-policy discount and a 5% business experience discount.
  • A.M. best rating: Boasts a respectable A rating from A.M. Best.


  • Limited multi-policy discount: The 10% multi-policy discount is on the lower side.
  • Niche market: May not cater to a broad range of businesses.

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#5 – Chubb: Specialized Coverage for High-Value Assets and Generous Discounts


  • High-value assets: Specializes in coverage for high-value assets.
  • Generous discounts: Offers a 15% multi-policy discount and a 7% business experience discount.
  • Positive ratings: Maintains a solid A.M. Best rating.


  • Limited diversity in policies: May not offer as diverse policy options as some competitors.
  • Higher premiums: Premiums for high-value assets might be higher compared to others.

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#6 – Liberty Mutual: Diverse Policy Options and Decent Discounts


  • Diverse policy options: Offers a variety of policy options.
  • Decent discounts: Provides a 12% multi-policy discount and a 7% business experience discount.
  • Positive ratings: Maintains a solid A.M. Best rating.


  • Moderate multi-policy discount: The 12% multi-policy discount is competitive but not the highest.
  • Average customer service: May not excel in customer service compared to some competitors.

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#7 – The Hartford: Tailored Coverage for Specialized Industries and Discount Options


  • Specialized industries: Tailors coverage for specialized industries.
  • Discount options: Offers a 10% multi-policy discount and a 6% business experience discount.
  • A.M. best rating: Maintains a solid A rating from A.M. Best.


  • Lower business experience discount: The 6% business experience discount is relatively lower.
  • Limited online services: Online services may not be as robust as some competitors.

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#8 – State Farm: Personalized Service and High Discounts


  • Personalized service: Focuses on providing personalized service.
  • High discounts: Offers a 17% multi-policy discount and a 9% business experience discount.
  • Positive ratings: Boasts an A.M. Best rating.


  • Slightly lower multi-policy discount: Some competitors offer higher multi-policy discounts.
  • Higher premiums: Premiums may be slightly higher compared to some competitors.

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#9 – Allstate: Comprehensive Coverage and Generous Discounts


  • Comprehensive coverage: Known for comprehensive coverage options.
  • Generous discounts: Offers a substantial 25% multi-policy discount and a 10% business experience discount.
  • Positive ratings: Maintains a solid A.M. Best rating.


  • Higher monthly rates: May have slightly higher average monthly rates for good drivers.
  • Customer service concerns: Some customers may report dissatisfaction with customer service.

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#10 – AIG: Global Presence and Decent Discounts


  • Global presence: Offers coverage with a global presence.
  • Decent discounts: Provides a 12% multi-policy discount and an 8% business experience discount.
  • Robust coverage: Provides consultants with comprehensive risk management options.


  • Limited business experience discount: The 8% business experience discount is relatively lower.
  • Higher premiums: Premiums may be higher compared to some competitors.

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Insuring Your Consulting Business: Key Considerations and Coverage Options

As a consultant, your business is unique and requires specialized insurance coverage to address the specific risks you face. Here are some key types of insurance coverage that are important for protecting your consulting business:

  • Professional indemnity insurance: Also known as errors and omissions insurance, which is vital for consultants. It covers you in the event of professional negligence, errors, or omissions that result in financial loss or harm to your clients. It also provides coverage for legal defense costs, settlements, or judgments against you.
  • General liability insurance: It is essential for any consulting business. It protects you from third-party claims for bodily injury, property damage, or personal injury that occur on your premises or as a result of your business activities. This coverage is crucial for protecting your business from potential lawsuits and financial liabilities.
  • Cyber liability insurance: In today’s digital age, cybersecurity is a major concern for consultants. It provides coverage for expenses associated with data breaches, cyber-attacks, and digital risks. It can help cover the costs of notifying affected clients, conducting forensic investigations, restoring data, and managing public relations in the event of a cyber incident.
  • Business property insurance: While consultants may not have extensive physical assets, they often have valuable equipment, office space, and supplies that need protection. This insurance covers damage or loss of your business property due to events like fire, theft, vandalism, or natural disasters. It can include coverage for your office contents, computers, furniture, and other essential assets.
  • Business interruption insurance: It is designed to protect your consulting business from financial losses resulting from unexpected disruptions. If your business operations are temporarily halted due to a covered event. It helps ensure that your business can recover and resume operations without significant financial setbacks.

Remember that these are just some of the key types of insurance coverage that consultants should consider. Depending on the nature of your consulting services and the specific risks you face, you may need additional coverage such as employment practices liability insurance, commercial auto insurance, or workers’ compensation insurance.

Assessing your business risks and consulting with an insurance professional can help you determine the right combination of coverage to protect your consulting business comprehensively.

Mitigating Risks for Consultants: The Crucial Need for Business Insurance

Running a consulting business comes with its own unique set of risks and challenges. As a consultant, you provide valuable advice and guidance to clients, but sometimes things don’t go as planned. That’s where business insurance becomes essential. Business insurance protects you and your consulting business from unexpected events, legal claims, and financial losses.

Here are several compelling reasons why business insurance is crucial for consultants:

  • Protection against unhappy clients: Despite your best efforts, disagreements and claims can arise if a client feels dissatisfied with your services. Whether the claim is justified or not, business insurance can cover the legal and compensation costs, providing you with the support you need to navigate through such situations.
  • Safeguarding against data risks: In today’s digital landscape, no business is immune to the threat of cybercrime. Consultants often handle sensitive client data, making them potential targets for hackers. Cyber and data insurance can provide comprehensive coverage against cyber attacks, data breaches, and associated costs.
  • Mitigating Accidents and Injuries: Consulting work often involves face-to-face interactions with clients. In the event of an accident or injury on your premises or during a client visit, public liability insurance can protect you from potential legal claims. It covers the costs of compensation and legal expenses, ensuring minimal disruption to your business operations.
  • Resolving Legal Disputes: Consultants provide professional advice and guidance, which can sometimes lead to disputes and disagreements. Professional indemnity insurance plays a vital role in protecting consultants from allegations of professional negligence. It covers legal expenses enabling you to defend yourself against such claims and protect your professional reputation.
  • Meeting Contractual Requirements: Many client contracts and consulting engagements require consultants to have specific insurance coverage. By having the necessary insurance policies in place, you can meet contractual obligations and demonstrate to clients that you are a responsible and reliable partner.
  • Peace of Mind: Running a consulting business involves inherent risks and uncertainties. Having business insurance provides peace of mind, allowing you to focus on delivering quality services to your clients without constantly worrying about the potential financial impact of unexpected events. It creates a safety net that ensures the longevity and stability of your consulting business.

By understanding the risks involved in consulting and securing appropriate insurance coverage, you can protect yourself, your business, and your client’s interests. Business insurance is not only a prudent financial decision but also a strategic investment that safeguards your professional reputation and enables sustainable growth.

Insuring Your Consulting Business: Key Types of Insurance Coverage

When it comes to running a consulting business, it’s crucial to be prepared for unforeseen events that can impact your clients, reputation, and financial stability. These insurance policies are designed to address specific risks and challenges that consultants face in their day-to-day operations. Here are the key types of insurance for the consulting industry:

  • Professional Indemnity Insurance: It protects you in case a client claims financial loss or harm resulting from your professional services. It covers legal defense costs, settlements, and compensation, ensuring that you can defend yourself and your business against allegations of negligence, errors, or omissions.
  • Cyber and Data Insurance: It provides coverage against data breaches, cyber-attacks, and other cyber risks. It helps with the costs associated with investigating and managing a data breach, notifying affected parties, legal expenses, and potential lawsuits. This insurance also offers protection against loss of income and reputational damage resulting from a cyber incident.
  • Public Liability Insurance: It is vital for protecting against claims of bodily injury or property damage that may occur during these interactions. It covers legal expenses and compensation costs, ensuring that you are financially protected in the event of an accident or incident.
  • General Liability Insurance: It provides broader coverage against various types of claims, including bodily injury, property damage, and personal injury. This insurance is essential for consultants who have physical business locations or engage in activities that involve potential risks to third parties, such as hosting events or conducting training sessions.
  • Business Property Insurance: Consultants often have valuable equipment and property necessary for their work. It protects your physical assets and ensures that you can recover or replace your property in case of damage or loss, allowing you to resume your operations swiftly.
  • Business Interruption Insurance: It provides coverage for lost income, ongoing expenses, and additional costs incurred due to a covered event. It ensures that you can continue meeting your financial obligations and recover quickly after a disruption, such as a natural disaster or equipment breakdown.

These types of insurance coverage are crucial for consultants, but it’s important to assess your specific business needs and consult with an insurance professional to tailor your coverage accordingly. By having the right insurance policies in place, you can protect your business, clients, and yourself from potential risks and setbacks.

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Case Studies: Demonstrating the Crucial Role of Insurance for Business Consultants

Case Study 1: Professional Indemnity Insurance

Sarah is a business consultant who provides strategic advice to her clients. She recently advised a client on a major restructuring project, but due to unforeseen circ*mstances, the project didn’t yield the expected results. The client blames Sarah for the financial losses incurred and decides to take legal action.

Fortunately, Sarah had professional indemnity insurance in place. The insurance covers her legal defense costs and the settlement reached with the client, ensuring that her personal assets are protected. Without professional indemnity insurance, Sarah would have faced significant financial hardship and reputational damage.

Case Study 2: Cyber and Data Insurance

Michael is a digital marketing consultant who handles sensitive client data, including customer information and marketing strategies. One day, Michael’s computer system is hacked, and client data is compromised. The cybercriminal demands a ransom to release the data and threatens to leak it publicly.

Thanks to his cyber and data insurance, Michael is able to engage a team of cybercrime experts who mitigate the breach, recover the data, and strengthen his security measures.

The insurance covers the costs associated with investigating the incident, notifying affected parties, and implementing measures to prevent future attacks. Without this coverage, Michael’s consulting business would have faced severe financial and reputational consequences.

Case Study 3: Public Liability Insurance

Emily is a management consultant who often meets clients at their premises to conduct workshops and training sessions. During one of her sessions, a participant trips over a loose cable and sustains injuries. The participant decides to sue Emily for negligence, claiming medical expenses and loss of income. Thankfully, Emily had public liability insurance in place.

The insurance covers her legal costs and compensates the injured party for their damages. This ensures that Emily’s consulting business can continue operating smoothly without being burdened by significant financial liabilities.

Case Study 4: Business Property Insurance

John is a consultant who operates from his office space, equipped with computers, specialized tools, and office furniture. One night, a fire breaks out in a neighboring building and spreads to his office, causing extensive damage to his equipment and furniture.

Thanks to his business property insurance, John is able to recover the cost of replacing his damaged property. The insurance also covers the expenses associated with temporarily relocating his business operations while the office space is being restored. This allows John to continue serving his clients without major disruptions and financial strain.

Wind-Up: Insurance Considerations for Business Consultants

In the fast-paced world of consulting, where risks and uncertainties are part of the job, having the right insurance coverage is crucial for protecting your business, clients, and yourself. This article has highlighted key types of insurance that are essential for consultants.

Professional indemnity insurance offers protection against claims of negligence, errors, or omissions in your professional services. Cyber and data insurance provides coverage against cyber threats and data breaches, ensuring the security of sensitive client information. Public liability insurance protects against claims arising from accidents or injuries that occur during client interactions.

Additionally, business property insurance and business interruption insurance address the need to safeguard physical assets and mitigate financial losses in the event of disruptions. By understanding the unique risks consultants face and tailoring insurance coverage accordingly, you can navigate the challenges of your profession with confidence.

Insurance provides not only financial protection but also peace of mind, allowing you to focus on delivering exceptional services to your clients without the constant worry of unexpected setbacks. It is essential to consult with an insurance professional who can assess your specific needs and recommend a comprehensive insurance package that aligns with the nature of your consulting business.

Frequently Asked Questions

What factors should I consider when choosing business insurance for my consultancy?

When selecting insurance, focus on tailored coverage options for consultants, competitive rates, and positive customer feedback. Travelers, Nationwide, and Progressive are top choices, offering flexibility, personalized solutions, and online convenience.

How do discounts play a role in selecting the right insurance company for my consultancy?

Discounts significantly impact affordability. Nationwide, for example, stands out with a substantial 20% multi-policy discount and a 12% business experience discount. Consider such discounts along with your specific business needs.

Can I find coverage for specialized industries within the top insurance companies?

Absolutely. The Hartford specializes in coverage for specialized industries, offering a 10% multi-policy discount and a 6% business experience discount. Tailoring coverage to your industry is crucial for comprehensive protection.

Is it important to consider a company’s financial stability when choosing insurance?

Yes, financial stability is key. AIG, with its global presence, not only offers competitive discounts but also emphasizes financial stability. This ensures your insurance provider can meet its commitments, providing you with added security.

How can I balance comprehensive coverage and affordability for my consultancy?

Companies like Allstate strike this balance well. Known for comprehensive coverage, Allstate also offers a substantial 25% multi-policy discount and a 10% business experience discount, providing comprehensive protection at a competitive price.

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Written by:

Heidi Mertlich

Licensed Insurance Agent

Heidi works with top-rated life insurance carriers to bring her clients the highest quality protection at the most competitive prices. She founded, specializing in life insurance that doesn’t require a medical exam. Heidi is a regular contributor to several insurance websites, including,, and Forbes.As a parent herself, she understands the ...

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Written by Heidi Mertlich

Licensed Insurance Agent

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Justin Wright

Licensed Insurance Agent

Justin Wright has been a licensed insurance broker for over 9 years. After graduating from Southeastern Seminary with a Masters in Philosophy, Justin started his career as a professor, teaching Philosophy and Ethics. Later, Justin obtained both his Property & Casualty license and his Life and Health license and began working for State Farm and Allstate.In 2020, Justin began working as an i...

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Reviewed by Justin Wright

Licensed Insurance Agent

Editorial Guidelines: We are a free online resource for anyone interested in learning more about insurance. Our goal is to be an objective, third-party resource for everything insurance related. We update our site regularly, and all content is reviewed by insurance experts.

Best Business Insurance for Business Consultants in 2024 (Top 10 Companies) (2024)
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