Banks with the BEST hours (2024)


Sil, what's your opinion? Comment below:

It is entirely group dependent. My bank, for example, has certain groups that work 90 hours every week and others that work 60. It just depends on how hot the industry or product that your group covers is.

That being said, 65 to 70 is very good compared to other banks, especially if you are making street. All professional services - law, medicine, finance - will required some level of commitment over the standard 40 hours.


BrokerJoker, what's your opinion? Comment below:

60-65 hrs is probably the best available. Comparatively, anyone trying to start a career in any industry will be working around the same amount. If you move to a smaller boutique you may get better hours in between deals - but you will have much less in terms of resources to lean on and possibly lower overall comp.


bridge_troll, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Agree with this. Not sure where you could possibly beat 60 - 65


LaNoob, what's your opinion? Comment below:


Certain coverage groups at the BB have nice hours.

What industry groups are these exactly???


LaNoob, what's your opinion? Comment below:

> Certain coverage groups at the BB have nice hours.

Which are these likely to be?


captainkoolaid, what's your opinion? Comment below:

6-6 lifestyle

Disclaimer for the Kids: Any forward-looking statements are solely for informational purposes and cannot be taken as investment advice. Consult your moms before deciding where to invest.

  • Banks with the BEST hours (13)
  • Anonymous Monkey
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  • Rank: Chimp


Anonymous Monkey, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Banking analysts complain about 100 hour weeks but that rarely happens in reality. Your hours are common among NYC bulge brackets. Pick any 4 random NYC bulge bracket groups and 2 will probably have comparable hours.


m2, what's your opinion? Comment below:

I had this discussion with a friend the other day. We agreed that if you're a certain kind of guy, you'll always work 60-70 hours per week. Doesn't matter what you do: banking, consulting, HF/PE/VC, own firm, management in some firm, corp. dev., moving to your parents' business, whatever. If you go for the supercompetitive jobs, 60-70 actually marks a lower boundary for the hours you'll work.

Yes, I have read about the 4-hour work week also, but if you think about it, the implied "spending the other 66 hours per week by the pool" may not really be appealing for a longer period. Actually, a lot of the more senior people I work with now are financially independent, but still work hard, for reasons other than compensation.

I think 60-70 is sustainable for the long haul. That may not be in line with western mainstream views currently, but who cares.

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EatsChineseFood, what's your opinion? Comment below:

To be fair, you can't exactly apply the 4 hour work week to investment banking. A lot of that is predicated on using virtual assistants and if you send everything to India (banking's version of VAs) you'll quickly find yourself also looking for contractual work


Esuric, what's your opinion? Comment below:


The hours have gotten better as I am getting faster at my job, but I still pull 65-70 hours a week on average (get in at 930am leave at 9PM M-F, and a few hours on either Sat. or Sun).

So that isn't "65-70 hours a week," You're staying for 11.5 hours on the weekdays, but unless you count the time you spend bullsh*tting, taking a sh*t and eating, you're probably doing around 10 hours of actual work (optimistic). So a few hours on EITHER Saturday OR Sunday means you're working maybe 55 hours a week. That's inline with any real job in finance. Not sure how much lower you expect to go.

“Elections are a futures market for stolen property”

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K3, what's your opinion? Comment below:

So since you work this range, 65 hours ish a week. What is your compensation like?



cashfl0w, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Not bad, how does recruiting go for these type of shops? Lately I seen a few apps on


The Stranger, what's your opinion? Comment below:

The issue isn't really the average hours - the issue is 1) the ratio of hours spent / hours actually needed (ie facetime) 2) the predictability of the hours 3) the lumpiness of the hours

Being in the office for 65 hours when there's no deal flow feels almost as bad as working 90 'necessary' hours, in my personal opinion.

Life's is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

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Tom Bwady, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Aside from very busy periods where many deals are running almost parallel in the sales process, I typically work 9-7 (lunch hour not included). My team will likely end up closing 10-15 deals this year, and I will have significant touches (e.g., creating entire CIMs) on approximately 1/3 of them; will likely have slightly less significant touches on another 1/3.

Hours worked doesn't necessarily mean much after a certain point. Most success in closing deals comes down to maximizing efficiency and team cohesiveness, two elements which are unfortunately lost upon many banks, it seems.

  • 2

Related Topic


13thpedestrian, what's your opinion? Comment below:

banks with less working hours? (Originally Posted: 01/29/2013)

hey guys, i'm kind of at the stage of deciding my dream and the working hour of IB comes to me as the hardest obstacle to me (well it might be same to others but) and i'm wondering if there's kind of banks with less salary but with less working hours and better working conditions. I thought the European banks would be the answer but found out to be wrong. I'll really appreciate if you help.

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newfirstyear, what's your opinion? Comment below:

You should look at S&T and ER, both have less hours, but same money at the junior level.


theworks9, what's your opinion? Comment below:


You should look at S&T and ER, both have less hours, but same money at the junior level.

They do no have the same comp at the junior level at all.

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MinneBanker, what's your opinion? Comment below:

also interested.

I know some MM banks and boutiques are better. as well as places like DB Jax and a few non-NYC BB offices (maybe midwest?)


triplectz, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Well at this point, probably UBS.


Bullet-Tooth Tony, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Won Jun:

hey guys, i'm kind of at the stage of deciding my dream and the working hour of IB comes to me as the hardest obstacle to me (well it might be same to others but) and i'm wondering if there's kind of banks with less salary but with less working hours and better working conditions. I thought the European banks would be the answer but found out to be wrong. I'll really appreciate if you help.

Check out the CorpFin groups at Accounting firms (Big 4 and other large CPA/Consulting groups). There is a thread on it if you want more detail, but you will make less (still decent) and work less (50-65 hrs/wk). Many required previous IB experience though.


WallStreetPlayboys, what's your opinion? Comment below:

You don't want to join an investment banking job with low extremely low hours. That's means no deals which means no résumé which means less exits.

IB is about 75-80 hoursER is about 60 hours S&T is about 55 hours


WallStreetPlayboys, what's your opinion? Comment below:

@ Snapple - I assume you mean "exceptions to the rules" the comment above was general.

Exceptions to the rules are as follows.

Exceptions - lean toward IB1. Crappy economy so you're still grinding doing useless work never winning any deals (recession periods)2. Your group is a natural sweat shop (you got screwed)3. You're bad with politics and are unable to play the "office games" and find ways to lower your working hours.

Exceptions - lean towards ER1. If you work for a psycho analyst or your group/office tends to be insane2. You cover an insane amount of stocks

Sales and Trading - ???????????1. You really got royally screwed times 10 billion. Have no idea how you're going to be clearing 80+ hours when the job is primarily market hours and there is really no weekend work

Hope that clears things up.

  • 2


mountainvalley, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Try DCM/ECM at the BBs. For corp. fin. roles, look at the regional players like SunTrust, PNC, and WF (although they're getting more serious recently) that will have a better work/life balance.


WallStreetPlayboys, what's your opinion? Comment below:

ECM/DCM = general same hours above poster is correct.

ER/IB pay change is "it depends" generally IB will pay more. If you work for a top analyst in ER you get paid well and taken care of.

Arguing about who "always" gets paid more is a big waste of time though. Glad newfirstyear is getting paid more.


WallStreetPlayboys, what's your opinion? Comment below:

^^ Cleared this comment up above.

  1. Working for sweat shop
  2. Your group has next to no deal flow and you're getting murdered on many pitches, trying to stay afloat
  3. You're in M&A and getting crushed all the time

People who say they "average" 100+hours a week are generally straight up lying. If you're getting reamed like that in IB as a 2nd year (1st years always get killed because they are slow regarding all the excel, ppt and word stuff) might be smart to switch banks unless you're getting serious deal experience.

Eg. 80 hours a week and a few deals when you leave is fineHowever, would trade for 100 hours a week if all your deals were mega dealsWould not do 100 hours a week for 2 years at any firm if it was 100% pitching

There are certainly weeks you work 120 hours but again, if you average it across maybe that should be edited to 75-85.

Finally 75-85 includes ALL banks, if we're simply talking about only hard core banks sure the average is going to be higher, but we're just getting into a pissing match at that point which i doubt either of us want to do.

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m.c.trader, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Consulting may be a good idea then, the hours are less.

There's also Money or asset management.

All decent paying jobs, but with less hours than IB or even S&T


FinancialTimes2009, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Risk management is another option - the work in credit RM is similar to that in IB, though you won't get the same depth of experience.


Ricqles, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Go look at local boutiques. Granted that you won't be paying 100+, but you will be working 70-80 tops.


datagirl, what's your opinion? Comment below:

it seems you are more desperate for the lack of hours rather than the I-Bank job itself. Focus on whats important :)

  • Banks with the BEST hours (54)
  • Anonymous Monkey
  • O
  • Rank: Chimp


Anonymous Monkey, what's your opinion? Comment below:


Barbarian, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Joseph Morgan

__________________________if you ain't first, you last


Blank999, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Look at regional middle market banks. You might have to put in the occasional long week, but in general the hours will be better.

  • Banks with the BEST hours (61)
  • Anonymous Monkey
  • O
  • Rank: Chimp


Anonymous Monkey, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Public accounting? ^

Related Topic


StoneKiss, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Do hours really vary across different firms? (Originally Posted: 01/24/2016)

Firms like Lazard and Moelis along with several BBs are known for long working hours. Do hours really differ? It's hard to meet someone who has experience with two or more firms. I think that anyone can expect to work for 90+ hours in investment banking. But do firms like Lazard or Moelis regularly demand 110+ hours? I currently have a couple of offers to consider. Although I am ready for long hours, I am very curious.

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high hopes, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Yes. Every firm's hours vary depending on group, too. There's info in other threads here about UBS LA, GS & MS TMT, and some other allegedly notorious ultra hard working groups.


OIiviér, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Satellite office, and downtime (August) slowest possible is still probably 55 hours...on a standalone basis. Average I would say is still min. 60, circa 65


Related Topic


Tomas49, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Which bank is the softest (Originally Posted: 06/03/2016)

I am looking to join a top investment bank as a 1st year associate. I want to get the best brand name on my resume, have the best experience to provide me with exit opps, and receive positive feedback day to day (I am sensitive), but I do not want to work the latest hours. So my question: which bank has been dubbed as the softest on the street?


Attack_Chihuahua, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Troll post. Look at his header.

To OP: Do a better job trolling. If you're making fun of someone it's more effective if you provide enough information that we can figure out who/what you're making fun of.

  • 1


mtnmmnn, what's your opinion? Comment below:

You can't trust what's on glassdoor anyway. buddy is in London and the glassdoor total comp range for associate is £35K - £125K.... Of course HSBC doesn't pay as well as some of the BBs, but the difference isn't that big (at least at the associate level) and my buddy consistently works 50-55 hours a week vs. 90+ for my other bschool classmates that ended up at BBs / EBs. I am in no way advocating going to work with HSBC or any other global balance sheet banks (at the end of the day, you pretty much only get mandates because you are a lenders so it's not the most exciting work environment), but just pointing out that it's a great place lifestyle place if that's what you are into.


Frieds, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Bada Boom. Realest guy in the room right here!


vanillathunder, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Eveniet id praesentium quas est. Consequuntur similique voluptas sint maxime unde soluta. Laboriosam et a autem. Enim eum earum eum iure.

Ducimus rem unde et sint voluptate. Qui distinctio molestiae possimus dolorem. Vero nihil repudiandae doloribus et. Assumenda odit quasi vel inventore nam est. Deleniti laboriosam iusto et tempore iste vel.

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Jim_Lahey, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Optio perferendis dolores dolorum. Hic nesciunt nobis nihil repellat et natus. Consequuntur in molestias voluptatum et quo dolores non. Autem quia esse natus dolores consectetur exercitationem deleniti. Eum doloremque voluptas vitae.

Eos ut autem soluta sunt. Quas quod soluta dolore alias consequuntur repellendus. Laudantium modi quasi molestias sit neque sunt perferendis minus.

Veritatis tempore rerum eveniet voluptas et. Minima non magni quia error aspernatur qui necessitatibus. In et dicta cumque odit illo et quo.

Vel sint quaerat omnis iure vero quo. Qui minus molestiae quisquam soluta et est consequatur. Aspernatur dolor nihil quis qui sunt cum quae. Assumenda eveniet eum earum dolores quia iste cum.



ellama, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Est eligendi est recusandae sed ut rerum. Libero accusamus et alias voluptas. Similique expedita ad maxime voluptatem quo sed qui corrupti.

Provident animi occaecati id dolorem. Quia saepe sint vero. A quasi omnis rerum cumque expedita. Magnam eaque velit neque est nam vitae. Repellendus iste qui velit. Et nostrum labore sunt accusantium possimus quos est rerum. Libero nihil dolorem quis labore sapiente natus.



HugeMiddleMarketBanker, what's your opinion? Comment below:

Laboriosam nisi ut doloribus similique. Et voluptatum in voluptas impedit nihil alias voluptatem. Iure voluptatibus velit commodi facere ut. Sit vitae aut et esse earum quia. Ex libero ea tenetur quidem alias.

Ex rerum quidem quasi ut. Cupiditate magnam id eaque nulla qui. Tempora dolorum accusamus fuga eligendi.


Banks with the BEST hours (2024)
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