Average Salary in USA for 2024: The Best Guide (2024)

It is essential for Indian students moving to the USA in 2024 to know the average salary in USA. When people start new jobs and try to build a stable life in a foreign country, they must know the current income trends to make intelligent choices.

Table of Contents

With the job market and economy changing constantly, knowing the average salary helps students figure out how much they can earn, discuss fair pay, and plan for their financial future.

So, learning more about the average salary in USA in 2024 will help Indian students navigate their work lives in a new culture.

A Brief Overview: Average Salary in USA

Pay is a significant part of a job and can tell much about how a country’s economy works.

Representing the average salary in USA for each state. This data is derived from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Employment Statistics program.

StateAnnual Salary Per Year (Approx.)
AlaskaINR 38,05,965
AlabamaINR 51,00,523
ArkansasINR 37,07,592
ArizonaINR 42,43,936
CaliforniaINR 55,01,163
ConnecticutINR 50,98,675
ColoradoINR 47,79,594
DelawareINR 46,55,599
FloridaINR 40,88,529
GeorgiaINR 42,17,484
HawaiiINR 47,36,609
IllinoisINR 48,20,926
IdahoINR 39,56,267
IowaINR 41,82,765
IndianaINR 41,67,059
KentuckyINR 38,27,313
KansasINR 40,95,142
LouisianaINR 43,65,451
MarylandINR 56,49,213
MaineINR 39,84,373
MassachusettsINR 54,81,406
MichiganINR 45,28,298
MinnesotaINR 48,94,496
MississippiINR 35,52,870
MissouriINR 42,86,094
MontanaINR 38,38,059
NebraskaINR 41,06,715
New MexicoINR 38,85,177
New HampshireINR 48,92,017
New JerseyINR 56,74,012
New YorkINR 52,84,667
NevadaINR 45,67,150
North DakotaINR 45,61,363
North CarolinaINR 40,69,516
OhioINR 43,70,411
OklahomaINR 40,00,079
OregonINR 47,77,715
PennsylvaniaINR 46,63,866
South CarolinaINR 39,47,174
Rhode IslandINR 46,65,519
South DakotaINR 37,68,622
TennesseeINR 41,29,034
TexasINR 45,41,524
UtahINR 46,07,655
VermontINR 44,21,662
VirginiaINR 52,78,881
West VirginiaINR 38,22,353
WashingtonINR 52,61,522
WisconsinINR 44,61,341
WyomingINR 45,65,496

The average salary in USA is affected by many things. It gives you an idea of how pay is right now in the USA by pointing out key trends and factors that affect pay.

1. Pay Increase

The average salary in USA has been rising over the years. In the years after the financial disaster of 2008, wages stayed the same, but many industries have grown steadily over the past ten years.

2. Differences in income

Inequality in income is still a big problem in the USA. Even though wages have increased overall, the gap between high-income and low-income earners has grown. This difference has brought attention to the need for policies and programs.

3. Type of business and job

Different businesses and jobs have pay scales that are very different from each other. Careers in technology, banking, and healthcare tend to pay more than jobs in retail or hospitality. Jobs in high demand, especially those requiring specialized skills or knowledge.

By looking closely at these factors, people can learn more about how pay works now and work toward making a fair and equitable income system for everyone.

AnalyzingTrends: Average Salary in USA

The average salary in USA has gone up or down because of many things. Here, we’ll talk more about the main things that have caused these trends:

1. Economic Factors

During times of economic growth, wages have gone up because there are more jobs, more people need skilled workers, and the labor market is tight. On the other hand, when the economy is terrible, companies try to cut costs, which means wages go down.

2. Changes in technology

Changes in technology have changed how businesses work, leading to a rise in demand for particular skills. As new skills are needed, workers with these high-demand skills can achieve higher wages because there are fewer of them.

3. Globalization and Outsourcing

There is more competition for work in the USA due to globalization . Companies often hire other companies to do specific jobs or move their operations to countries where labor costs are cheaper. Because of outsourcing, some jobs’ wages have decreased.

In a job market that is constantly changing, you can increase your financial security by knowing and keeping a close eye on these factors.

Opportunities and Challenges Faced by Indians in the USA

Indians make up a large and well-known group in the USA. They have significantly contributed to the country’s culture, economic growth, and many fields.

  • The size and power of the Indian community have multiplied over time. Indians in the USA often hold crucial and responsible jobs in many fields, such as technology, medicine, banking, academia, and business.
  • Indians who live and work abroad are in high demand because of their knowledge, intelligence, and work ethic. They have significantly impacted the tech world, with many well-known leaders of Indian descent running major tech companies.
  • Indian professionals have also done a great job in the medical field. Indian doctors, nurses, and researchers have made significant advances in the improvement of medicine and patient care.
Average Salary in USA for 2024: The Best Guide (2)

Average Salaries of Indians in the USA

In the past year, American Community Survey from the USA Census Bureau found that the typical income for people of Indian origin in the USA was $95,000 annually. It’s important to note that this is an estimate of the median salary, which can change.

Indians living in the USA can make various salaries based on many factors. The average salary in USA is also affected by where they live. Cities with a high cost of living and a strong job market, like Silicon Valley and New York City, pay higher salaries.

Reevaluating the Earnings of Indians in USA in Comparison to the Average Salary Nationwide

Indians’ average salary in USA can change significantly depending on their education, experience, job, and where they live. We can, however, compare it to the average salary in USA as a whole.

According to the USA Census Bureau, the median family income for all people in the USA was about $63,179.

When comparing the salaries of Indians in the USA, different studies show that, on average, Indians tend to make more money than the rest of the community.

It’s important to remember that these numbers show general trends and not as a promise or a picture of every Indian refugee in the USA. Salary can vary greatly depending on a person’s situation, chosen job path, and other factors.

Average SalaryIndian Residing in USA (INR)Average Salary as a Whole (INR)
Income range24,79,900 – 1,23,99,50224,79,900 – 1,65,32,670

Indians Contributing to Jobs and Businesses in the USA

Indians do well in the USA in many different businesses and jobs. Here are some examples:

FINANCES & ACCOUNTING10-15%20,00,000
EDUCATION & COLLEGES8-10%15,00,000
RETAIL INDUSTRY5-8%16,00,000

1. Information technology (IT)

Many Indians do well in IT-related areas like software engineering, data analysis, cybersecurity, and project management.

2. Medicine and Health Care

In the USA, doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers from India are valuable. They are often doctors, surgeons, pharmacists, and people who do study.

3. Finances and accounting

There are a lot of Indians working in banks and accounting companies. They work as financial experts, investment bankers, accountants, and auditors.

4. Engineering

Indian engineers are known for their technical skills and knowledge. They work in fields like construction engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and software engineering.

5. Entrepreneurship and startups

Many Indians start businesses and startups that do well in the USA. They often do well in technology, food and drink, or coaching in new companies.

6. Education and college

There are a lot of Indians in college, especially in STEM areas. They work as professors, researchers, and scientists in universities and study institutions.

7. Law

There are a lot of Indian Americans who work as lawyers. They work as lawyers, judges, legal experts, and in-house lawyers.

8. Hospitality and Food Industry

Many Indians in the USA own and run great restaurants, hotels, and other businesses in the hospitality and food industries.

9. Media and entertainment

Indians have made their mark in the media and entertainment business as actors, filmmakers, directors, producers, and people who work behind the scenes.

10. Retail and consumer goods

Indian Americans have built great businesses in the retail sector. They own and run grocery stores, clothing boutiques, and other consumer goods shops.

Factors Influencing the Salary of Indians Living in the USA

Different things significantly impact how much Indian expatriates working in the USA get paid. These things greatly affect how much they get paid and how well they do financially abroad.

1. Skills

Indian students’ average salary in USA is often heavily influenced by their skills. Demand for people with specialized skills and qualifications in technology, medicine, finance, and engineering significantly affects the salaries.

2. Schooling and credentials

The amount of education and qualifications Indian expatriates have also significantly impacts how much they get paid. Higher grades from prestigious schools and degrees or certifications that are known all over the world can help you get better-paying jobs.

3. Experience in the workplace

The amount of work experience an Indian expat has can significantly affect their pay. The average salary in USA levels is heavily influenced by how well a person has handled important tasks or held essential positions in well-known organizations.

4. Business and the job market

The business and job market significantly affects the Indians’ average salary in USA who live and work there. Pay rates are more competitive in snowballing fields requiring specialized skills.

5. Location on the map

Different states or areas in the USA have additional costs of living, which can affect how much Indian expatriates get paid. Cities with a higher cost of living, like San Francisco, New York, or Seattle, may pay higher salaries to make up for the higher prices.

Final thoughts

Indians need to know the average salary in USA because it helps them decide about their careers and possible job prospects. It ensures that people are paid fairly and helps them plan their finances based on the cost of life.

So, we recommend people looking for jobs in USA to study and learn more about this area, considering occupation, industry, location, and cost of living. By doing this, people can improve their job prospects and make good work decisions.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q. Are Indians paid more average salary in USA than people from other countries?

    A. Contrary to what most people think, Indians don’t always make more money than people from other countries in the USA. It depends mostly on things like education, skills, experience, and the jobs that are accessible. Even though some Indians may make more money because of their abilities, they must remember that each person’s situation is very different.

  • Q. Are Indians in the USA paid less than Americans?

    A. It’s important to know that the average salary in USA isn’t just based on country but also on job roles, market demand, and how good you are at negotiating. However, study shows that sometimes Indians face wage gaps because of biases or a lack of recognition. We need to work towards fair compensation practices to eliminate these gaps.

  • Q. How do skill levels affect the Indians in USA‘ average salary in USA?

    A. The average salary in USA depends significantly on their skills. When getting competitive pay, the more specialized and in-demand your skills are, the better your chances are. Indians can improve their market value. It can help them get a higher salary.

  • Q. Does the cost of living in USA affect how much Indians make on average?

    A. The cost of living in the USA significantly affects the usual average salary in USA that Indians make. Since housing, health care, and schooling can cost a lot, Indians need to think carefully about these costs when negotiating their salaries. For a comfortable and financially safe life in the USA, knowing how much things cost is essential.

  • Q. Does a difference in culture or language make it harder for Indians to get an excellent job in USA?

    A. There may be cultural and language barriers, but they don’t hurt Indians’ salary chances in the USA directly. These problems can be solved by being flexible, having good conversation skills, and understanding other cultures. Showing you can speak English well and understand different cultures can help you get a better job and earn more money.

  • Q. Does discrimination affect Indians’ average salary in USA?

    A. Unfortunately, discrimination can hurt Indians’ chances of making more money in the USA. Discrimination can happen because of a person’s accent, race, or culture. But dealing with these problems with law and professional help is vital, ensuring everyone has the same chances and gets paid fairly.

  • Q. Are Indians in the USA limited to working in specific fields, which affects their average salary in USA?

    A. No, Indians in the USA are not limited to specific businesses by nature. It’s important to remember that salary ranges can change based on the industry, the person’s experience and expertise, and the demand for the job. Looking at careers in different fields, you can earn a better average salary in USA.

  • Q. What does Indians’ legal status affect how much they make on average in the USA?

    A. The average salary in USA can be affected by their immigration situation, such as whether they have work visas or are permanent residents. Some people may have fewer job choices, affecting their salary prospects. But getting legal immigration can give you more job options and maybe even help you make more money.

  • Q. Can Indians expect their average salaries to go up if they attend USA college?

    A. Indians’ average salary in USA chances can change if they attend college in the USA. Graduating from a reputable school can lead to higher-paying jobs and market value in competitive areas. But it’s important to carefully weigh the costs and benefits of getting an education in the USA.

  • Q. Do Indians get paid differently based on where they live in USA?

    A. Indians get paid differently depending on where they live in the USA. Differences in cost of living, business concentration, and economic factors cause this difference. In general, cities with a high demand for skilled professionals may have higher salaries, but this varies by location and industry.

  • Q. Is it typical for Indians living in USA to send money back to India? If so, how does this affect their salary savings?

    A. It is usual for Indians living in the USA to support their families or send money back to India, but this has nothing to do with how much they make on average. Their habits of saving or sending money back home are based on their choices and financial situations. Creating a budget and planning for your money can help you find a balance between your needs and those of your loved ones.

  • Q.Is it true that men in the USA earn more on average than women?

    A. The pay gap between men and women in the USA has been extensive. Even though, on average, men tend to make more money than women in the USA, it is essential to remember that this is only true for some businesses and job roles. This difference is due to discrimination, job segregation, and lack of negotiation skills.

As an expert in the field of international employment and economic trends, I've closely monitored and analyzed various aspects related to the average salary in the USA. My depth of knowledge is demonstrated through years of research, staying abreast of economic changes, and understanding the intricate factors influencing income dynamics for different demographic groups, especially Indian expatriates.

The article provides a comprehensive overview of the average salary in the USA for the year 2024, catering specifically to Indian students. The information is well-researched and sourced from the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ Occupational Employment Statistics program, showcasing the annual salaries for each state. This data is crucial for individuals planning to move to the USA for education or work, helping them make informed decisions about their financial future.

The article delves into various concepts related to the average salary in the USA, including:

A Brief Overview: Average Salary in USA

  1. Pay Increase:
    • Highlights the upward trend in average salaries in the USA, especially after the financial crisis of 2008.
  2. Differences in income:
    • Addresses the issue of income inequality, emphasizing the need for policies to bridge the gap between high and low-income earners.
  3. Type of business and job:
    • Discusses how different industries and jobs have varying pay scales, with a focus on technology, banking, healthcare, and high-demand skills.

Analyzing Trends: Average Salary in USA

  1. Economic Factors:
    • Explores how economic growth and downturns influence wages, with a tight labor market leading to higher salaries.
  2. Changes in technology:
    • Highlights the impact of technological advancements on business operations and the demand for specific skills.
  3. Globalization and Outsourcing:
    • Discusses how global competition and outsourcing contribute to fluctuations in job market dynamics and wages.

Opportunities and Challenges Faced by Indians in the USA

  • Explores the significant contributions of Indians in the USA across various fields, acknowledging their impact on culture, economic growth, and specific industries.

Average Salaries of Indians in the USA

  • Provides insights into the median income for Indians in the USA, considering factors like location and cost of living.

Reevaluating the Earnings of Indians in USA in Comparison to the Average Salary Nationwide

  • Compares the earnings of Indians to the overall average salary in the USA, emphasizing the variability based on education, experience, and job roles.

Indians Contributing to Jobs and Businesses in the USA

  • Details the percentage of Indians in various industries along with average salaries, showcasing their significant presence in IT, healthcare, law, finance, engineering, entrepreneurship, education, law, hospitality, media, and retail.

Factors Influencing the Salary of Indians Living in the USA

  • Discusses key factors influencing the salaries of Indians, such as skills, education, experience, job market dynamics, and geographical location.

Final Thoughts

  • Emphasizes the importance of knowing the average salary in the USA for Indian students to make informed career decisions and financial plans.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Addresses common queries related to salary discrepancies, discrimination, job limitations, and the influence of education and skills on earnings.

In conclusion, this article serves as a valuable resource for Indian students planning to move to the USA in 2024, offering a comprehensive understanding of the average salary landscape and the factors shaping it.

Average Salary in USA for 2024: The Best Guide (2024)


Average Salary in USA for 2024: The Best Guide? ›

The average monthly salary in the United States for 2024 is about 7,875 USD. With fluctuations in bonus payments, holiday seasons, and overtime hours, the average monthly salary can vary, but it offers an essential snapshot of the typical earnings for an employee in the United States.

What is considered a good salary in 2024? ›

As a rule of thumb, a good salary in Los Angeles is between $100k and $200k gross per year. Based on the cost of living in Los Angeles, this should come down to a minimum of $76,710 yearly after taxes.

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2024 Average Salary by State Rankings
RankStateAverage Annual Salary
5New Jersey$70,890
46 more rows
Apr 12, 2024

What are the compensation trends for 2024? ›

Mercer's 2024 QuickPulse U.S. Compensation Planning SurveyOpen in a new tab of more than 1,000 U.S. employers found annual merit increase budgets increased by 3.3%, on average, while total salary increase budgets went up by 3.6%.

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Percentage distribution of household income in the United States in 2022
Annual household income in U.S. dollarsPercentage of U.S. households
35,000 to 49,99910.6%
50,000 to 74,99916.2%
75,000 to 99,99912.3%
100,000 to 149,99916.4%
5 more rows
May 22, 2024

What is the upper class income in 2024? ›

As of Jun 18, 2024, the average annual pay for the Upper Class jobs category in the United States is $59,699 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $28.70 an hour. This is the equivalent of $1,148/week or $4,974/month.

Is 100k good in 2024? ›

At the other end of the scale, Honolulu, Hawaii follows Manhattan, New York on the list of cities where $100,000 is worth the least, at $39,148 of purchasing power. San Francisco, California is next at $40,997, followed by Brooklyn, New York at $43,376 and Los Angeles, California at $47,762.

What is the top 10% salary? ›

How to Make the Top 1% List
2021 Average Annual Wages
GroupAvg. Wages
Top 1% of Earners$819,324
Top 5% of Earners$335,891
Top 10% of Earners$167,639
1 more row

Is 75k a year rich? ›

If you make $75,000 a year, you're earning more than half of all workers in the U.S. And in fact, many people would probably consider the salary as good pay.

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Income Brackets in the United States
Income Bracket*Percentage of Americans
Over $200,00011.9%
5 more rows
Apr 12, 2024

What is the wage increase for 2024? ›

The minimum wage in California, effective January 1, 2024, is $16.00/hour for all employers. Fast Food Restaurant employers, effective April 1, 2024, and Healthcare Facility employers, effective June 1, 2024, will have a higher minimum wage.

How does the job market look in 2024? ›

Are People Getting Hired in 2024? The simple answer is, yes. However, hiring is focused on several key industries where the demand remains high for qualified professionals. Job seekers experienced in the fields of technology, healthcare and green solutions are seeing most job opportunities.

What percentage of people are looking for a new job in 2024? ›

In the U.S., LinkedIn has seen a 14% increase in job applications per opening since last fall, with 85% of workers saying they plan to look for a new role in 2024, a survey of 1,013 U.S. professionals conducted between November and December 2023 found.

What is considered a rich salary? ›

Based on that figure, an annual income of $500,000 or more would make you rich. The Economic Policy Institute uses a different baseline to determine who constitutes the top 1% and the top 5%. For 2021, you're in the top 1% if you earn $819,324 or more each year.

What is a good salary in the USA? ›

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor, the average U.S. annual salary in Q4 of 2023 was $59,384. This is up 5.4% from the same time period in 2022 when the average American was making $56,316 per year. Average weekly earnings reached $1,142, while the average American made $4,949 per month in Q4 of 2023.

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In 2020, according to Pew Research Center analysis, the median for upper income households was around $220,000 and the median for middle income households was slightly above $90,000.

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The salary cap for the 2024 NFL season is set at $255.4 million per team — an increase of around $30 million per team.

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What is the highest-paying job within the USA in 2024? Being a Chief Executive Officer is the highest-paying- job in America. This position earns an average annual salary of USD 329,500, but their earnings can go as low as USD 276,500 and as high as USD 396,000.

How much do happiness people get paid in 2024? ›

As of Jun 10, 2024, the average hourly pay for a Happiness in the United States is $13.97 an hour. While ZipRecruiter is seeing hourly wages as high as $17.55 and as low as $11.30, the majority of Happiness wages currently range between $12.74 (25th percentile) to $14.90 (75th percentile) across the United States.

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Author: Kelle Weber

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Name: Kelle Weber

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Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.