Average Net Worth (Wealth) in Singapore: Statistics [2023] (2024)

Do you know what your net worth is?

Knowing your net worth is important. It indicates the true health of your finances.

If you do know your net worth, how does yours compare with others’ in Singapore?

We set out to take a deeper look into Singaporeans’ net worths and found interesting facts and statistics such as the average (mean and median) net worth, average debt, wealth distribution, number of high- (and ultra-high-) net-worth individuals in Singapore, and how our wealth compares with other countries. If you want to check out statistics on average (mean and median) income instead, click here.

So, read on!

(Conversion rate used: US$1 to S$1.35)

Key Findings

  • The average debt per adult is S$73,618
  • The average mean and median net worth per adult in Singapore is S$483,575 and S$125,729, respectively
  • There are 298,650 millionaires in Singapore, of which 73 have more than half US$1 billion
  • 297,033 adults are considered high-net-worth individuals (having between US$1 million to US$50 million) and 1,617 adults are considered ultra-high-net-worth individuals (having more than US$50 million)
  • 16% of the adult population (or 790,000 adults) in Singapore have less than S$13,500 of wealth

There are more interesting details. Read on to find out more.

SIDE NOTEWhen was the last time you've done proper financial planning or went through a review of your finances?In this day and age in Singapore, doing so will absolutely improve the quality of life for you and your loved ones.Here are 5 reasons why financial planning is so important.

The Current Financial Landscape in Singapore

Singapore, a safe place with low taxes, attracts wealthy individuals (and businesses) from all parts of the world.

Some have come to this little red dot and now call it their home, making them some of the country’s richest people.

What about the general population?

In recent times, million-dollar HDB (public housing) homes are becoming more common. In fact, as of 3 Oct 2022, 277 of such homes were already sold in 2022, contrasting to only two such transactions completed in 2012.

With the rising cost of living, are Singaporeans really getting richer?

One way to find out is to look at the net worth (or wealth) of the adult population.

Note: To calculate net worth, simply take your total assets and subtract your total liabilities. You can use an online calculator or an Excel template for this. It’s also good financial practice to track your net worth on a regular basis.

The Data We Looked At

The primary data we looked at comes from the Credit Suisse Research Institute’s Global Wealth Report (2022), which was published in Sep 2022. As of 13 Jan 2023, this is the latest report available.

The report is extremely comprehensive and analyses the household wealth of 5.3 billion people across the world, covering those who have less than US$10,000 to the pinnacle of the wealth pyramid. It also includes data from 2000 to the end of 2021.

The Singapore Department of Statistics, our national statistical office, is indicated as a source for Singapore’s household balance sheet and financial balance sheet.

Unfortunately, the breakdown of net worth by age isn’t available in this report. There is currently no published and reliable data elsewhere either. Do also note that the data looks at the resident population.

Finding the Average Net Worth: Difference Between Mean and Median

Included in the report are data on the average mean and median net worth or wealth.

It’s important to know their differences before showing you the research findings, so let’s take a quick trip down memory lane.

There are three types of averages: mean, median, and mode. Mean is the most commonly used average, and as such, the terms “mean” and “average” are often used interchangeably. Mode is the least commonly used, so we can ignore that for now.

Let’s look at this example.

PersonNet worth
Person 1$10,000
Person 2$12,000
Person 3$30,000
Person 4$35,000
Person 5$50,000
Person 6$60,000
Person 7$70,000
Person 8$500,000
Person 9$800,000
Person 10$1,000,000

To calculate the mean, we’ll sum up the net worth of the 10 people and divide it by 10, and we’ll have $256,700. If we were to say that the average net worth is $256,700, it paints an incomplete picture as seven people (the majority) have less than $100,000. That number is pushed up by only a minority of three people who have $500,000 or more.

In reality, income/wealth inequality is indeed prevalent (the richest people hold a greater proportion of wealth). Thus, the mean average is usually skewed.

What is the median average then? If we rank the values from smallest to largest, the number in the middle is the median.

But in this example, the middle number can be either from Person 5 or 6, so the median will be $55,000 ((50,000+60,000)/2).

The median gives a better indication of the overall net worth of a population.

7 Statistics on the Net Worth (Wealth) of Singapore Adults in 2023

Here are some noteworthy facts and statistics from the report.

1) The average debt per adult is S$73,618

Debt is money that is owed to another party. It could be in the form of mortgage loans, car loans, credit card debts, or others (e.g., personal loans and education loans).

Mortgages typically account for the bulk of household debt because of their larger quanta and the fact that everyone needs a roof over their head.

Debt per adult has increased from US$26,598 (S$35,907) in 2000 to US$54,532 (S$73,618) in 2021, a significant increase of 105%.

Average Net Worth (Wealth) in Singapore: Statistics [2023] (1)

While there are many factors at play in this increase in debt, one possible reason could be rising property prices, especially in the private sector, which have been on an upward trend throughout the decades.

Average Net Worth (Wealth) in Singapore: Statistics [2023] (2)
DID YOU KNOW?According to a survey conducted by MoneySense, about 3 out of 10 Singapore residents aged 30 to 59 had not started planning for their future financial needs. This isn't surprising because personal finance can seem complicated and daunting. But really, there are only a few things that you should focus on.Learn how to significantly improve your personal finances with the 7-step wedding cake strategy today.

2) The mean net worth per adult is S$483,575

Net worth or wealth is defined by adding financial assets plus non-financial assets (mostly housing and land) less debts.

In 2021, financial and non-financial wealth per adult in Singapore was US$238,070 (S$321,394) and US$174,666 (S$235,799), respectively, a ratio of 57.7% and 42.3% of gross wealth.

Factoring in debts, the average mean net worth per adult in 2021 was US$358,204 (S$483,575), which is more than triple the US$107,007 (S$144,459) figure in 2000.

Average Net Worth (Wealth) in Singapore: Statistics [2023] (4)

Given what we have learnt from our quick maths lesson earlier, is the general population that rich? We should also look at the median.

3) The median net worth per adult is S$125,729

The median will be a better indication of the wealth of the average man in the street, as half of the population is below the median and the other half is above it.

Since 2000, the median net worth per adult has risen by 160.4%, from US$35,769 (S$48,288) to US$93,133 (S$125,729) in 2021.

Average Net Worth (Wealth) in Singapore: Statistics [2023] (5)

This would be a more realistic figure to use if you want to compare how well you’re doing with your “neighbours”.

4) There are 298,650 millionaires (inclusive of billionaires) in Singapore

With an adult population of 4,932,000, how many can be called millionaires (and billionaires)?

Average Net Worth (Wealth) in Singapore: Statistics [2023] (6)

Here are some wealth distribution statistics of the richest in Singapore:

Net WorthNumber of People
US$1 million to US$5 million263,895
US$5 million to US$10 million21,028
US$10 million to US$50 million12,110
US$50 million to US$100 million974
US$100 million to US$500 million570
More than US$500 million73
Total (US$1 million or more)298,650

Singapore is home to 298,650 millionaires. Although there is no further breakdown of those who have US$1 billion or more, we have 73 individuals who are worth more than half US$1 billion.

In the report, it is also stated that people who have wealth between US$1 million and US$50 million are considered high-net-worth (HNW) individuals, and those who have more than US$50 million are considered ultra-high-net-worth (UHNW) individuals.

Following this categorisation, Singapore has a total of 297,033 high-net-worth (HNW) individuals and 1,617 ultra-high-net-worth (UHNW) individuals.

5) 790,000 adults in Singapore have less than S$13,500

Apart from the “riches” we see in the news and media, there’s also the other side of the coin.

Here’s the wealth distribution of the population:

Net WorthPercentage of Population
Less than US$10,00016% (or 790,000)
US$10,000 to US$100,00036.2% (or 1,784,000)
US$100,000 to US$1,000,00041.8% (or 2,060,000)
More than US$1 million6.1% (or 299,000)

From the data, 16% of the total adult population, or 790,000 adults, have less than US$10,000 (S$13,500) to their name. 1,784,000 (36.2%) adults have wealth between US$10,000 and US$100,000 and 2,060,000 adults (41.8%) are worth between US$100,000 to US$1 million. 6.1% of the adult population has over US$1 million.

This shows the wealth gap or inequality between the rich and the poor.

When we zoom out and look at these numbers on a global scale, the number of people in Singapore who are in the lowest wealth range doesn’t look so bad.

53.2% of adults in the world have less than US$10,000. This group of people, although forming the majority, holds only 1.1% of the world’s total wealth. In contrast, a small minority of 1.2% of the world’s adult population has over US$1 million, but collectively, they have a 47.8% share of total wealth.

6) Singapore is ranked 13th in the world for mean wealth per adult

How wealthy are Singaporeans compared to the rest of the world?

With a mean net worth of US$358,204 (S$483,575) per adult, Singapore is placed 13th in the world rankings. The top three countries in this category are Switzerland, Luxemborg, and the United States.

With a median net worth of US$93,133 (S$125,729) per adult, Singapore is ranked 23rd in the world. The top three countries for median net worth per adult are Iceland, Luxembourg, and Australia.

7) One-third of the adult population are members in the top 10% of global wealth

According to the report, 36.6% (1,805,000) of adults in Singapore are members of the top 10% of global wealth. And 5.0% (249,000) of adults are in the top 1% category.

These are some of your crazy rich Singaporeans.

How Do You Grow Your Net Worth?

There you have it. Hopefully these statistics on wealth in Singapore have shown you the financial health of the average person living here.

While money isn’t the solution to all problems, without (enough) money, financial goals such as having a comfortable retirement and funding children’s education can’t happen.

The financial blueprint to increase net worth is to increase income (as well as to protect it with the different types of insurance policies), spend less to save more, and lastly, invest the excess.

Don’t know where to start? Consider going through a comprehensive financial planning session with us. Learn more about FullCircle™ Planning today.

Disclaimer: The statements or opinions expressed on this site are of my own. The information is meant purely for informational purposes and should not be relied upon as financial advice.

I am a financial expert with a deep understanding of wealth metrics and financial planning. My expertise is grounded in a thorough analysis of global wealth reports, including the Credit Suisse Research Institute's Global Wealth Report (2022), which is the most recent and comprehensive source of information on the household wealth of 5.3 billion people worldwide.

The article in question delves into the net worth landscape in Singapore, offering insights into key indicators such as average debt, mean and median net worth, wealth distribution, and the number of high- and ultra-high-net-worth individuals. Let's break down the concepts used in the article:

  1. Net Worth:

    • Net worth is a crucial financial metric that reflects an individual's or a household's financial health.
    • It is calculated by subtracting total liabilities (debts) from total assets.
    • The article emphasizes the importance of knowing and regularly tracking one's net worth for a true assessment of financial well-being.
  2. Average Debt per Adult:

    • Debt per adult is the amount of money owed to another party, encompassing various forms such as mortgage loans, car loans, credit card debts, and personal loans.
    • The article mentions a significant increase in average debt from US$26,598 in 2000 to US$54,532 in 2021, possibly influenced by factors like rising property prices.
  3. Mean and Median Net Worth:

    • Mean net worth is the average calculated by summing up the net worth of all individuals and dividing it by the total number.
    • Median net worth is the middle value when all net worth values are arranged in ascending order.
    • The article highlights the difference between mean and median, showcasing how wealth inequality can skew mean values.
  4. Wealth Distribution:

    • The article presents a breakdown of wealth distribution, indicating the percentage of the population in different wealth brackets.
    • It highlights the wealth gap, showcasing that a small percentage of the population holds a significant share of the total wealth.
  5. Number of Millionaires and Billionaires:

    • The article provides statistics on the number of millionaires and billionaires in Singapore, categorizing them into high-net-worth (HNW) and ultra-high-net-worth (UHNW) individuals.
    • Wealth distribution among this group is detailed, emphasizing the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few.
  6. Global Wealth Rankings:

    • Singapore's mean and median net worth per adult are compared globally, with rankings indicating its position in terms of wealth.
    • The article places Singapore 13th in mean wealth per adult and 23rd in median wealth per adult globally.
  7. Top Percentiles of Global Wealth:

    • The article reveals that a significant proportion of Singapore's adult population falls within the top 10% and 1% of global wealth.

In summary, the article provides a comprehensive overview of Singapore's financial landscape, backed by data from reputable sources. It encourages individuals to assess their own financial situations, understand wealth distribution trends, and consider financial planning strategies to improve their net worth.

Average Net Worth (Wealth) in Singapore: Statistics [2023] (2024)
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Name: Margart Wisoky

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Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.