Asset Rich and Cash Poor? How Insurance Can Be a Liquidity Source (2024)

07 August 2020| 5-mins read

It can be surprising to learn that many wealthy High-Net-Worth Individuals (HNWIs) are asset rich but relatively cash poor. This lack of liquidity leads to higher risks—especially in times of market turmoil.

According to Forbes magazine, Elon Musk, founder of Tesla and SpaceX, had an estimated net worth of over US$30 billion at end-March 20201. That puts him among the top 30 richest people in the world. With such numbers, you would think that having enough cash on hand to finance a lavish lifestyle would be no problem at all.

And yet, it was reported that at the end of 2018, Musk took out US$61 million in mortgages for five properties in California2. To put things into context, US$61 million represents a mere 2% of his net worth; this is equivalent to someone with a US$1 million net worth buying five properties for US$20,000!

This raises the question—why does a mega-billionaire like Musk even need to take out mortgages? And Musk is not the only ultra-HNWI to have done so—he just might be one of the most famous (and richest). This is a prominent example of what it means to be asset rich but cash poor.

Asset Rich and Cash Poor – A Glimpse at the Data (and the Risks)

They say you can’t get truly wealthy working for someone else, which is why most HNWIs are business owners. But it also means that their wealth is tied up in these business assets. As such, it does not necessarily follow that those who are rich in assets are also rich in cash. They can—and often do—lack liquidity.

Here’s some data. According to the UBS’ 2019 survey on global family offices3, the average family office held only 7.6% of their total assets in cash or their equivalents. Their largest asset allocations are:

  • Public equities – 32.4%
  • Private equity – 18.7%
  • Real estate – 18.0%
  • Bonds/Fixed income – 16.3%

These four comprise over 85% of their total asset allocation. And while it’s true that assets like public equities and bonds are usually considered liquid assets, the saying “cash is king” exists for a reason—nothing is as liquid as cash. This lack of liquidity can result in increased risks. Here are a couple negative scenarios to consider:

Scenario #1: Market turmoil and share-backed loans leading to cash needs

One way many HNWIs use to boost their liquidity via loans collateralised by publicly traded equities. This is what Elon Musk did for his US$61 million in mortgages, pledging shares in Tesla as collateral. But in the event of strong market turbulence—such as the one seen in global markets in early 2020, driven by the Covid-19 pandemic—there is a good chance that the value of such collateral could sharply decline.

If the decline is severe enough, it could result in loan covenants being breached. If that happens, the borrower can either top up the collateral or prepay the loans—which requires cash. If they can’t, the lender usually has the right to sell the collateral, which will usually be at the prevailing depressed market prices. To come up with the cash, the borrower might have to sell other non-pledged assets in a down market, likely turning paper losses into real losses.

Scenario #2: Higher than expected tax bills

The greater your net worth, the more scrutiny you will likely attract from the tax authorities. Once tax filing season rolls around, there is a chance that HNWIs could be hit by a higher-than-expected tax bill, which would create an immediate need for cash. Of course, proper tax planning and hiring the right tax advisors can go a long way toward mitigating this, but the risk is always there.

For instance, consider that in mid-2019, it was reported that Morgan Stanley’s wealth management business saw US$10 billion in outflows4. The reason for this record outflows was a change in the US tax code, indicating that the banks’ wealthiest clients’ tax bills took them by surprise.

Luckily for them, this was in mid-2019, when the US stock market was still approaching the peak of the longest bull market in history5. So those HNWIs who had to liquidate some investments to cover their tax bills probably did so at very favourable prices. But what if they had to do so in the middle of a major bear market, such as the one seen in early 2020? They would be doubly hit, both from the tax bill and from having to liquidate some of their investments at low values.

Fortunately, in Singapore, the tax code is very straightforward compared to other developed nations. There is also no capital gains tax6, which is beneficial for HNWIs. However, many HNWIs also have international investments, which can make tax filing significantly more complex—and increase the risk of higher than expected tax bills.

The High-Net Worth Dilemma – Liquidity vs. Returns

As the examples and scenarios above demonstrate, liquidity is important. But there are good reasons most HNWIs don’t keep a lot of their assets in cash.

The first reason is ability—many of them simply can’t. For instance, much of their wealth could be tied up in the family business. They cannot just decide to sell business assets or their shares in the business (which will likely be private).

The second reason—which is also the main reason why even the ultra-wealthy don’t keep a lot of cash on hand—is the opportunity cost of foregone returns. Cash doesn’t give any meaningful returns. In fact, because of inflation, it most often loses value in real terms instead. As billionaire hedge fund manager Ray Dalio once famously proclaimed, “cash is trash!”7 in the 2020 market.

Not all feel the same way. Warren Buffett’s company, Berkshire Hathaway, for instance, is also famous for sitting on US$128 billion in cash8 (as of March 2020).

Neither is wrong or right. They simply represent how much importance each is assigning to short-term liquidity. Buffett wants that huge pile of cash to snap up opportunities that have yet to materialise, while Dalio (at that point in January 2020) abhorred cash because it meant missing out on market returns.

But Buffett is an outlier, the greatest investor in the world. Most people, especially HNWIs, would follow the Dalio approach—a globally diversified portfolio with minimal cash. And as we saw in the data above, this is indeed what most HNWIs are doing.

Therein lies the dilemma. Most HNWIs do recognise the importance of cash, and the risks created by not having enough on hand. Yet, they either can’t keep a lot of cash on hand, or don’t want to give up the potential returns from staying invested in the market.

Using Universal Life Insurance as a Liquidity Source

Obviously, insurance is a not a perfect solution for the liquidity vs. returns dilemma. The truth is, there is no such thing—it is an unavoidable trade-off. Individuals must decide for themselves where on the spectrum they want to be, which will be based on their own unique circ*mstances, including risk appetite.

But insurance does have a unique characteristic that sets it apart from other financial assets, one that is particularly useful in this context. That is its ability to both generate liquidity without sacrificing its risk mitigation and protection aspect.

Generating consistent cash flow

The first way insurance can serve as a liquidity supply is through serving as a consistent source of income, similar to fixed-income assets like bonds. Some universal life insurance plans, for instance, are structured to pay out a regular monthly income after a single upfront lifetime premium to purchase the policy. This is on top of the usual death benefit.

In addition to helping fund everyday lifestyle needs, this regular cash flows can be used as proof to obtain further financing. Consider that, in the UK, the Mortgage Finance Gazette—an industry publication for mortgage professionals—reported in 2019 that HNWIs worth millions of pounds were being turned away for mortgages9. The main reasons for such rejections? Irregular cash flows, or in some cases, no cash flow at all.

As a source of leverage

Universal life insurance policies usually have a single upfront lifetime premium payment, which creates immediate cash value from day one, typically at a very high percentage of the premium cost. This can then be leveraged on through the ability to borrow against this cash value, which can serve as an immediate source of liquidity should any unexpected needs—such as a sudden tax expense—arise.

An advantage to such policy loans is that they are comparatively easy to qualify for (since the policy is already there). Plus, since it is based on cash value, there is no risk that adverse market movements would lead to calls to top up collateral (and thus further strain liquidity).

Universal Life Insurance – A Valuable Asset in Every HNWI’s Portfolio

Again, universal life insurance is not a perfect solution to the liquidity versus returns dilemma. But it is a useful tool that every HNWI should consider, especially since the upfront premiums can usually be financed through the family business.

We have focused in this article on how universal life insurance can serve as a source of liquidity. But keep in mind that this is only one aspect of its overall benefits; the main ones being things like legacy planningand wealth transfer. What’s great about certain universal life insurance plans is that they can add as a liquidity tap while still maintaining their primary protection advantages. This multi-faceted flexibility is what makes them such a valuable asset in every HNWI’s portfolio.

If you’re interested to learn about how Manulife Signature Income (II) can help you with your liquidity needs, speak to one of our financial consultants today.


These insurance products are underwritten by Manulife (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. (Reg. No. 198002116D). This article has not been reviewed by the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Buying a life insurance policy is a long-term commitment. There may be high costs involved if you terminate the policy early, and your policy's surrender value (if any) may be zero or less than the total premiums paid. This article is for your information only and does not consider your specific investment objectives, financial situation or needs. It is not a contract of insurance and is not intended as an offer or recommendation to purchase the plan. You can find the full terms and conditions, details, and exclusions for the mentioned insurance product(s) in the policy contract.

This policy is protected under the Policy Owners’ Protection Scheme which is administered by the Singapore Deposit Insurance Corporation (SDIC). Coverage for your policy is automatic and no further action is required from you. For more information on the types of benefits that are covered under the scheme as well as the limits of coverage, where applicable, please contact us or visit the LIA or SDIC web-sites (

We recommend that you seek advice from a Manulife Financial Consultant or its Appointed Distributors before making a commitment to purchase a policy.



3UBS – Global Family Office Report 2019







This plan may suit your needs

Asset Rich and Cash Poor? How Insurance Can Be a Liquidity Source (2024)


Asset Rich and Cash Poor? How Insurance Can Be a Liquidity Source? ›

The first way insurance can serve as a liquidity supply is through serving as a consistent source of income, similar to fixed-income assets like bonds. Some universal life insurance plans, for instance, are structured to pay out a regular monthly income after a single upfront lifetime premium to purchase the policy.

What do you think it means to be asset rich but cash poor? ›

What is asset rich cash poor? "Asset rich, cash poor" is a term used in finance to describe a situation where a person or entity owns valuable assets (e.g., property), but they don't have much immediate cash or liquid funds available.

Which asset would be considered to be the most liquid? ›

Cash is the most liquid asset possible as it is already in the form of money. This includes physical cash, savings account balances, and checking account balances.

What to do if you are house rich and cash poor? ›

Solutions for house-rich, cash-poor homeowners
  1. Live below your means. ...
  2. Consolidate debt. ...
  3. Lower your mortgage payment. ...
  4. Home equity loans. ...
  5. Home equity lines of credit. ...
  6. Home equity agreements. ...
  7. Cash-out refinances.
Mar 13, 2024

Is it better to be cash rich or asset rich? ›

Is it better to own assets or cash? Both assets and cash can be good investments. Ideally, you want to have a balanced portfolio with a good amount of liquid cash in the bank, and strong assets that are likely to rise in value in the long term. The main benefits of cash are simplicity and ease of use.

Is it good to be asset rich and cash poor? ›

Being asset rich but cash poor is a risky financial position because an unexpected expense can derail your finances. Balancing investing and saving, sticking with a budget and building an emergency fund can help you avoid becoming cash poor.

What is the rich and poor mindset? ›

Rich people see money as an opportunity, poor people see it as something to be earned. Rich people are said to make money work for them. Instead of just working and relying on income, a rich person would take a proportion of their income and invest it. Compounded interest works in favour of the rich.

What does it mean to list assets according to liquidity? ›

Order of liquidity is how a company presents their assets in the order of how long it would take to convert them into cash. Most often, companies list these assets on their balance sheet financial reports to help their employees and investors understand how much immediate spending power the business has.

What are the examples of liquid assets? ›

Liquid Assets Example

For example, bonds, mutual funds, stock's share, and money market funds are a few examples of investment liquid asset. Such assets are converted into cash very easily whenever there are any financial crises. Cash – It is an asset that can be accessed very easily and quickly.

What is the difference between assets and liquid assets? ›

Liquid assets like cash, stocks, and most bonds can be quickly converted to cash with minimal impact to their value, while non-liquid assets like real estate, collectibles, and equipment cannot be readily converted to cash without a significant loss in value.

Do most millionaires pay off their house? ›

In fact, the average millionaire pays off their house in just 10.2 years. But even though you're dead set on ditching your mortgage ahead of schedule, you probably have one major question on your mind: How do I pay off my mortgage faster?

Do millionaires keep their money in cash? ›

Many millionaires keep a lot of their money in cash or highly liquid cash equivalents. They establish an emergency account before ever starting to invest. Millionaires bank differently than the rest of us. Any bank accounts they have are handled by a private banker who probably also manages their wealth.

How do rich people live off borrowed money? ›

Rich people use debt to multiply returns on their capital through low interest loans and expanding their control of assets. With a big enough credit line their capital and assets are just securing loans to be used in investing and business.

Do rich people use bank accounts? ›

Wealthy people use many accounts to build wealth, and three are widely available. They use retirement accounts like IRAs and 401(k)s for tax benefits and free money. And they love to buy low-cost index funds in brokerage accounts to build accessible wealth.

What assets do most rich people own? ›

How the Ultra-Wealthy Invest
RankAssetAverage Proportion of Total Wealth
1Primary and Secondary Homes32%
3Commercial Property14%
7 more rows
Oct 30, 2023

Do rich people put their money in bank accounts? ›

Millionaires' checking accounts are all over the place,” Thompson said. “Some clients will only keep enough to pay for immediate expenses (e.g., $10,000) and others will have $150,000 in checking on any given day.”

What does it mean to be asset rich? ›

On the other hand, asset rich refers to a person who owns many assets, such as cars, real estate, and investment portfolios. In most cases, these assets are not liquid. Someone who is asset rich would definitely be considered wealthy.

What does it mean to be cash poor? ›

cash poor (comparative more cash poor, superlative most cash poor) (business, finance) Possessing considerable economic assets, but unable to quickly or easily liquidate them for monetary transactions.

What does it mean to be rich not in money? ›

Ultimately, being rich is more than just having money –it's about accessing resources that allow you to live a comfortable life and pursue your goals. It's about having the financial freedom to choose how you spend your time and energy rather than worrying about where your next meal comes from.

What is the meaning of rich and poor? ›

Rich or wealthy often serve as opposites of poor. If you have material things, you're rich, and if you don't, you're poor. You can be full of knowledge but get poor grades if you're not studying, or you might be poor in terms of money but rich in friends and kindness.

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