Asset Management Company (AMC) - Types and Benefits (2024)

What is an Asset Management Company (AMC)?

Asset Management Company or AMC is a financial institution that manages client investments. These customers can be individuals, businesses, or institutions. To generate returns, an AMC pools money from its clients and invests it in various asset classes such as stocks, bonds, and real estate. The fee for the company’s services is typically a percentage of the assets under management. An AMC’s primary goal is to maximize returns while minimizing risk for its clients.

This blog will give you an overview of AMC and its working. Read on!

How Do Asset Management Companies Work?

Asset Management Companies (AMCs) pool client funds and invest them in a variety of asset classes to generate returns. They charge a percentage of the assets under management for their services. AMCs employ investment professionals who analyze markets, research individual investments, and build portfolios based on client objectives and risk tolerance. An AMC’s primary goal is to maximize returns while minimizing risk for its clients.

Here are the steps which AMC takes:

1. Allocation of Assets

To keep the investor’s trust and confidence, the AMC must invest carefully in various equity and debt instruments. The timing of buying or selling, however, is determined by the fund manager, who manages the funds and allocates the pooled amount to various asset classes.

2. Research and Portfolio Building

Thorough market research and portfolio creation based on current market conditions and economic factors require significant time and investment. A Fund Manager conducts market analysis and concludes with his or her team of analysts. The goal of fund managers is to create a balanced portfolio that can perform even in the worst of times. A portfolio is built by taking into account the risk factors associated with each asset class.

3. Performance Review

The AMCs must account to investors for their investments. To avoid a bad reputation and investor criticism, it is critical to carefully assess the fund’s performance regularly, taking into account factors such as NAV, fund returns, and so on.

How Are the Funds Managed by an Asset Management Company?

Asset management groups follow the given processes to generate returns for their investors as per a scheme’s predetermined objective:

1. Research and Analysis

The AMCs must account to investors for their investments. To avoid a bad reputation and investor criticism, it is critical to carefully assess the fund’s performance regularly, taking into account factors such as NAV, fund returns, and so on

2. Asset Allocation

Investment managers decide on asset allocation based on the fund’s investment objective after conducting extensive research. In the case of debt mutual funds, for example, they will invest primarily in highly rated bonds and fixed-income securities.

3. Building a Portfolio

Following the completion of the preceding processes, the fund manager will construct an investment portfolio based on market findings. He/she will use his/her market knowledge to decide which security to buy, sell, or hold.

4. Reviewing the Performance

Because AMCs are in charge of managing investor funds, portfolio performance is critical. As a result, asset managers must provide investors with NAV information as well as portfolio details regarding sales and repurchases.

What are the Types of Asset Management Companies?

Given below are all the different types of AMCs:

  • Mutual funds
  • Exchange-traded funds
  • Index funds
  • Hedge funds
  • Private equity funds
  • Other funds

Who Regulates Asset Management Companies in India?

The Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI) is responsible for regulating Asset Management Companies in India. SEBI issues regulations that protect the interests of investors. All AMCs must comply with SEBI guidelines and rules.

In addition, the Association of Mutual Funds of India (AMFI) passively regulates AMCs to protect investors’ interests. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) and India’s Finance Ministry also play a minor role in regulating AMCs.

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Pros and Cons of Asset Management Companies

Discussed below are the pros and cons of AMCs:


1. Well-Diversified Portfolio

An AMC maintains portfolio diversity which mitigates the market-related risks of investments. Moreover, investors do not have to take the burden of evaluating and choosing the various investment instruments for reaping benefits from their investments.

2. Expertise of Fund Managers

Professional fund managers are responsible for the management of funds and formulating investment strategies. They have extensive knowledge and sound experience in dealing with various risks. With their expertise, fund managers help maximising returns.

3. Economies of Scale

Asset Management Companies get the benefit of large funds. They use it to procure high-quality assets and securities efficiently. Please note that AMCs focus on procuring assets and securities, which reduces the overall operation cost.

4. Balanced Investments

Investors who invest through an AMC benefit from a refined balance between debt and equity instruments.


1. Risk of Operational Problems

The massive scale of operations and capital investments may hinder the fund’s performance. Additionally, fund managers may find it difficult to manage the funds adequately in relation to market volatility. This may reduce the fund’s performance.

2. Risk of Underperforming

Though portfolio diversification aims to mitigate risks, the risk of underperformance never really goes away.

3. High Management Fees

Irrespective of the fund’s performance, investors need to pay a management fee, which can be high depending on the type of fund. If a fund fails to perform well, the high management fee further reduces the investors’ returns.

How to Choose an Asset Management Company?

1. AUM (Assets Under Management)

Having a large amount of pooled funds enables AMCs to reduce their fund expenses, which reflects in the fund’s returns. Moreover, it helps them handle the sudden pressure of redemption from large investors.

2. Credentials of the Fund Managers

The fund manager is responsible for all investment decisions. Hence, you should always check the track record and investment style of fund managers on AMC’s website before allocating your savings to any mutual fund scheme.

3. AMC’s Market Reputation

Fund management companies do not earn their reputation in a day. They need to deliver consistent returns and have a clear track record for years to build a reputation. In that regard, investors should go through AMC’s annual reports and compliance reports before making a decision.

Why Should You Invest via AMC?

1. Economy of Scale

This refers to the benefits of expanding the scale of operations. When the scale of operations grows, the per-unit cost of operations decreases. Because AMCs can buy financial instruments in large quantities and negotiate favorable commission rates, they can offer attractive returns on their investment products.

2. Expert Money Management

AMCs employ fund managers and financial experts with extensive experience in managing investments. They often hire services of leading experts specializing in specific asset classes such as debt, real estate, and equity.

3. New Investment Opportunities

They provide access to various stocks that individuals may not be able to invest in individually. For example, a fund management company can invest in stocks belonging to booming sectors that require a substantial amount of funds.

4. Reduces Risk Exposure

When many individual investors combine funds, it results in a considerable amount of money. This allows AMCs to invest in a wide variety of asset classes and subclasses. If some of the portfolio constituents underperform, other holdings can make up for it.

Things to Consider before choosing an AMC

1. Investment Goals

Consider your investment goals and select an AMC that aligns with them. For example, if you want to build long-term wealth, invest in an equity-oriented AMC.

2. Track Record of Performance

Examine AMC’s track record of performance over the years. Examine the fund’s previous performance, returns, and volatility. Consider how well it has performed during various market cycles.

3. Experience of the Fund Manager

The fund manager’s experience is a critical factor in determining the fund’s performance. Look for an AMC that has experienced fund managers with a track record of producing consistent returns.

4. Investment Philosophy

Each AMC has its investment philosophy, which should be considered before investing. It reflects AMC’s investment approach and assists you in understanding its investment style.

5. Asset Allocation

Ensure that the AMC provides a diverse range of investment options that correspond to your investment objectives. Consider AMC’s asset allocation strategy and how it aligns with your investment goals.

Role of AMFI, RBI, and SEBI in the Operations of AMC

AMFI (Association of Mutual Funds in India), RBI (Reserve Bank of India), and SEBI (Securities and Exchange Board of India) all play significant roles in Asset Management Companies (AMCs) operations in India.


AMFI is an Indian self-regulation organization that represents the mutual fund industry. Its primary role is to promote the mutual fund industry’s interests while also protecting the interests of investors. It establishes mutual fund industry standards and ensures that mutual funds adhere to those standards. AMFI also runs investor education programs to teach people about mutual funds.

2. RBI

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is India’s central bank. All financial institutions, including mutual funds, are regulated and supervised by it. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) regulates the flow of funds in the economy, including the flow of funds into and out of mutual funds. It also monitors AMC activities to ensure that they adhere to the RBI’s regulations and guidelines.


SEBI is India’s securities market regulator. It regulates the mutual fund industry by establishing mutual fund industry rules and regulations. SEBI ensures that the mutual fund industry abides by these regulations to protect investors’ interests. SEBI also monitors the activities of AMCs to ensure that they follow SEBI regulations and guidelines.

SEBI, AMFI and RBI Guidelines on Asset Management Company

Some of the guidelines and practices mandated by SEBI, AMFI, and RBI for mutual fund companies are as follows:

  • An AMC’s net worth should not be less than Rs. 10 crores.
  • The AMC’s chairman should not be a trustee of any mutual fund company.
  • The organization will not invest in any of its schemes. The company can only invest if it fully discloses its intent to invest in the offer documents.
  • An AMC may not serve as a trustee of a mutual fund.
  • The key personnel must have a spotless record.

Final Word

An Asset Management Company (AMC) is a significant player in the world of investing. AMCs provide individuals and institutions with a convenient and diversified investment option by pooling resources from investors and investing them in a variety of assets. Choosing the right AMC can make a significant difference in achieving your investment objectives, and it’s critical to consider several factors before investing, including investment objectives, performance track record, fund manager’s experience, cost structure, and risk management.

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Are Asset Management Companies reliable like banks?

Yes, like banks, AMCs too are regulated by government authorised bodies. The capital market regulator SEBI and AMFI (Association of Mutual Funds in India) regulates AMCs in India. These companies must adhere to SEBI guidelines and regulations and make regular disclosure to investors.

Are AMCs buy-side or sell-side firms?

Asset Management Companies are buy-side companies as they help clients to purchase investment products. In comparison, sell-side firms include stockbrokers and investment banks that help to sell investment products and services to buy-side companies and investors.

How does SEBI regulate AMCs in India?

SEBI lays down risk management guidelines that every AMC in India must follow. Moreover, SEBI regulates the trustees of all mutual fund companies, who in turn supervise the actions. SEBI also requires AMCs to submit quarterly reports on its activities and submit compliance certificates to trustees.

How can an AMC start a new mutual fund scheme?

An AMC raises money from investors for a new mutual fund scheme through an NFO (New Fund Offer). This is a process where the fund offer opens for around 15 days allowing investors to enter the scheme. To get permission for an NFO, AMCs need to submit documents such as SID (Scheme Information Document) and KIM (Key Information Memorandum) to SEBI.

What does a asset management company do?

An asset management firm pools money from investors and invests it in various assets such as stocks, bonds, and real estate to generate returns for its clients.

What is an example of an asset management company?

Some examples of asset management companies include BlackRock, Vanguard, Fidelity Investments, and State Street Global Advisors. There are also many domestic and regional asset management companies around the world.

How does AMC make money?

AMCs generate revenue by charging a management fee, which is calculated as a percentage of the assets under management. They may also charge performance fees based on the fund’s returns, as well as account maintenance and transaction fees.

How many AMC are in India?

There are 35 asset management companies in India

Before you go…

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Disclaimer: Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme-related documents carefully.

This article has been prepared on the basis of internal data, publicly available information and other sources believed to be reliable. The information contained in this article is for general purposes only and not a complete disclosure of every material fact. It should not be construed as investment advice to any party. The article does not warrant the completeness or accuracy of the information and disclaims all liabilities, losses and damages arising out of the use of this information. Readers shall be fully liable/responsible for any decision taken on the basis of this article.

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Asset Management Company (AMC) - Types and Benefits (2024)


What is AMC and types? ›

Asset Management Company or AMC is a financial institution that manages client investments. These customers can be individuals, businesses, or institutions. To generate returns, an AMC pools money from its clients and invests it in various asset classes such as stocks, bonds, and real estate.

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Different Types of Asset Management Companies

Mutual funds. Index funds. Exchange-traded funds. Private equity funds.

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Historically, the three main asset classes have been equities (stocks), fixed income (bonds), and cash equivalent or money market instruments. Currently, most investment professionals include real estate, commodities, futures, other financial derivatives, and even cryptocurrencies in the asset class mix.

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An Asset Management Company (AMC) is a financial institution that manages and oversees the operations of mutual funds and other investment vehicles. These companies play a pivotal role in the investment industry by creating and administering various fund products to meet the diverse financial goals of investors.

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What Is an Asset Management Company (AMC)? An asset management company (AMC) is a firm that invests pooled funds from clients, putting the capital to work through different investments including stocks, bonds, real estate, master limited partnerships, and more.

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An Asset Management Company (AMC) is a firm that invests the funds pooled from individual investors in securities with the objective of optimal return for investors in exchange for a fee.

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There are four main asset classes – cash, fixed income, equities, and property – and it's likely your portfolio covers all four areas even if you're not familiar with the term.

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  • Preventative (not Reactive) Maintenance.
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One key area of financial services is asset management, which involves helping people make money from investment opportunities, including real estate and stocks. If you're interested in a challenging career in finance with opportunities for advancement, you might consider a job in the asset management field.

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Managing the estate of someone with wealth is an example of asset management. Having a certain number of investments and property is a full-time job to oversee, so an asset manager is hired to do so.

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The most common types of AMCs are:

Comprehensive+ labor AMC. Labor only AMC.

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AMC operates over 10 thousand screens around the world, the vast majority of which are in the United States. Most of the company's revenue is generated by the cost of theatre admission, but food and beverage sales have also remained a healthy revenue stream over the years.

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AMC stands for Actively Managed Certificate. It is an investment vehicle combining features of structured products and actively managed funds. It provides a “wrapper” for an investment strategy, or specific underlying assets. The certificate is sold to investors and the capital is used to implement the strategy.

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The AMC full form in mutual fund is Asset Management Company. AMCs are formed as trust in India. AMCs are firms that pools money from various investors for investing in various securities.

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business was founded in 1920. How many theatres does AMC operate? AMC is the largest movie exhibitor in the U.S., Europe, and the World. As of December 31, 2023, AMC owned or operated approximately 900 theatres and 10,000 screens across the globe.

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AMC General Info

What does AMC stand for? AMC stands for American Multi-Cinema and is not in affiliation with the cable television station, AMC. Was this information helpful? Why do some AMC locations say "Loews"?

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