aria-current - examples and best practices (2024)

The aria-current attribute should be used to identify the current item in a set of items. Below we show some applications of this attribute to make websites more accessible to all users.


aria-current is an attribute defined in the WAI-ARIA(opens in a new tab)specification. This specification extends native HTML, allowing youto change the way an HTML element is "translated" into the accessibility tree.

The aria-current can be used to indicate that an element represents the currentitem within container or set of related elements. It can take multiple values, specifically:page, step, location, date, time, false, true.

When and how to use


Whenever you need to indicate the current page within a set of pagination links (main navigation),providing a screen reader alternative to styling the current page.

aria-current - examples and best practices (1)

Spotify Polaris(opens in a new tab) indicates the current page in the main navigation. While visible to sighted users, it also uses aria-current="page" to convey the information to screen reader users.


Whenever a website hierarchy is deeply nested, it's often a good practice todisplay the hierarchy of a given page using the Breadcrumbs Pattern.By using aria-current="location" we can mark the current page in the hierarchy to screen reader users.

aria-current - examples and best practices (2) in a new tab) website uses the Breadcrumbs Pattern to display the hierarchy of the current page.


When we display a list of dates, one being today's date, we should use the `aria-current="date"to mark the current date to screen reader users.

aria-current - examples and best practices (3) in a new tab) uses aria-current="page" to identify the current date to screen reader users.


If we need to indicate the current step within a step indicator of a multi-step process (e.g.: wizardform, multi-step checkout, etc), aria-current="step" should be used to indicate thecurrent step to screen reader users.

aria-current - examples and best practices (4) in a new tab)'s process of buying a ticket is a multi-step process. Visually, the current step is indicated to sighted users. aria-current="step" should be used as an alternative to screen reader users.


Example 1: Breadcrumbs

<nav aria-label="breadcrumbs">



<a href="/">





<a href="/parent">














aria-current vs. aria-selected

Tabs Widget

In widgets where aria-selected has the same meaningas aria-current, we should use aria-selected instead.

For example, when using Tabs, we should mark thecurrently selected tab with aria-selected="true. This has the same meaning asaria-current="page", but aria-selected="true" is preferred.

<div role="tablist" aria-label="Entertainment">

<button id="tab-1-button" role="tab"

aria-controls="tab-1" aria-selected="true">

Tab 1


<button id="tab-2-button" role="tab"



Tab 2



<div id="tab-1" role="tabpanel"

tabindex="0" aria-labelledby="tab-1-button"




<div id="tab-2" role="tabpanel"

tabindex="0" aria-labelledby="tab-2-button"





Date Picker Widget

Another place where it can be confusing to use either aria-current or aria-selected is on a date picker.The former should be used to signal today's date and the former should be used to signal theuser's selection.

aria-current - examples and best practices (5)

aria-current - examples and best practices (2024)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.