Are Tailwind Tribes Power Ups Really Worth The Extra Money? (2024)

Are Tailwind Tribes Power Ups Really Worth The Extra Money? (1)Are Tailwind Tribes Power Ups Really Worth it? In this post I’m going to talk about whether Tailwind tribes power ups are really worth the extra money.

I’m going to briefly explain how they fit into an overall blogging strategy and show you exactly how they’ve performed for my blog so you can decide for yourself if Tailwind tribes power ups are really worth the extra money for you to consider the upgrade. Let’s go!

Table of Contents

What IsTailwind? And Are Tailwind Tribes Power Ups Really Worth It?

Are Tailwind tribes power ups really worth it? So, you’ve started a blog and you’ve written a couple of posts. Mostly read by your Mom and a few of your kindest friends. Sweet.

And you’ve gotten on Pinterest and that’s been cool because you’ve also learned how to make pins on Pic Monkey or Canva and you’ve converted your personalPinterestto a business profile and set up all your boards and you’re pinning all the time and your traffic seems to be growing but you’re still not setting the blogging world on fire yet. Am I right?

*This post contains affiliate links which means if you make a purchase by clicking a link on this page we may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. The opinions expressed here are our own and we only recommend products and services we know, use and love. Thank you for supporting our blog!

Until you find one of the missing puzzle pieces… Tailwind. Aha moment! With a powerful scheduler like Tailwindat your fingertips you finally have the power to automate your pinning which frees up your time to create more of that awesome content you’ve been working on! And then you discover the exponential growth potential of Tailwind tribes.

They cost a little extra, but are they really worth it? Should you go for it or keep going on your own? I’m going to tell you. Better yet, I’m also going to show you my own results.

I have to start by saying that I honestly could not run my blog without Tailwind. I could write and publish, but I would be hard pressed to drive the traffic I’m able to drive without the combination of the ever awesome Pinterest and the amazing Tailwind scheduler. By the way, if you haven’t signed up for Tailwind yet you simply must and can get a free two-week trialhere! See? No brainer. Try it for free first and then decide.

What Are Tailwind Tribes?

Tailwind tribes are similar to group boards that you may already be familiar with on Pinterest. They are communities of bloggers in various niches who join together to share each other’s content. There are tribes for personal finance, blogging, fitness, food and many others. Many are public meaning you can join instantly and some require a few clicks and an approval. Some are private meaning you have to know the owner to be invited to join.

When I started blogging in May of 2018, I had heard that Pinterest group boards were no longer going to be as effective as they once had been for sharing and promoting pins. Pinterest was apparently not going to give them as much pin juice as they had been. In a way I was relieved because it seemed like finding and requesting to join those group boards was a daunting, imperfect and slow process and could quite possibly end up being a waste of time and effort.

So, I decided not to spend a ton of time researching those or individually emailing group board owners. Instead, I started with Tailwindand joined a couple of tribes to test those out and I’m SO glad I did. You can preview tribes and check their stats and member’s pin quality before joining one and you can even leave a tribe if it’s not performing for you. There are so many tribes to choose from and the process of finding and joining tribes couldn’t be any easier!

Tailwind is also a Pinterest approved partner so I also knew that I was safe in using them in combination because they ‘get along.’ Phew! Because no one wants their blog to end up in Pinterest jail!!

How Do Tribes Work?

Once you join a tribe you can submit your pins to the tribe and share pins from that tribe according to the tribe’s rules. Most tribes are 1:1 meaning you need to share one pin per each one you submit to the tribe. And the great thing is while you’re sharing that others can share your content as well. It’s the perfect way to cross promote!

My followers see your content and yours see mine! You can even see how many ‘shares’ you got as well as who shared and what that kind of exposure you’re getting for your content. It’s an ideal way to amplify your reach on Pinterest!

As you can see below on this day I received 13 shares from my tribe mates for the pins I had submitted in that one particular tribe. Some days I’ll get 1 or 2 shares and some days I get 19+ shares in each tribe! Imagine the possibilities of what something like that could do for your blog. It all depends on how strong my pins are and who shares on any given day. It’s always fun and exciting to see which pins are performing!

Are Tailwind Tribes Power Ups Really Worth The Extra Money? (2)

And if you look to the left side of the screenshot below you can see the stats for this tribe. They vary and can go up and down so I check my tribe’s stats monthly.

Are Tailwind Tribes Power Ups Really Worth The Extra Money? (3)

You can also click on the ‘YOURS’ tab to see which of your pins got ‘shares’ from your tribe mates. It will also tell you how many shares you got for each pin so you can see which ones are doing better than others. Some of my pins do very well in some tribes and some do better in others.

Are Tailwind Tribes Power Ups Really Worth The Extra Money? (4)

You can also click on the profile icon next to each share to see who shared your pin and how much exposure they will get your pins. You can even thank them or click “SEE SUBMISSIONS” and really thank them by returning the favor. I definitely keep track of this and give some major pin love back to anyone who gives my pins exposure by sharing them. I’ve even had some power pinners send some great traffic my way and it’s been really fun to see what other major bloggers are in each of my tribes.

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How Many Tribes Should I Join And How Many Pins Do I Submit To Each Tribe?

Great question! I’m currently a member of 19 tribes (yes 19!) and I submit about 1-2 pins per day to each tribe. I generally make 2 new pins per day and submit those to all of my tribes at once in the morning. If you do the math of 2 pins per day x 28 days x 19 tribes this means I’m submitting around 2,128 pins to my tribes per month in total.

I know that sounds like a lot but for my part its only 2 pins per day hurled out into the blogosphere and the tribes really do all the work for me! Being able to submit my 2 pins per day is why I decided to go with the Tribes Unlimited plan as I would definitely be needing to submit more than 200 pins per month to my tribes because now I’m submitting 10x that number. I would run out of the 80 pins you can submit on the Tribes Pro plan in about a day.

Once a pin has been out of circulation for a month I can also consider re-sharing it if it had a good number of repins. I also share other’s pins and check my stats on Tailwind which are a pretty great feature worth checking out as well.

And remember above how I said some tribes give me 19+ shares a day. Yes, a day! Multiply that by the 19 tribes I’m currently a member of and multiply that by the exposure each share can potentially bring me. Without exposure I would have less traffic and fewer conversions so this the other reason I decided to go with the Tribes Unlimited Plan because without fewer tribes I would definitely end up with less shares and less exposure, traffic and conversions. But how much exposure, how many shares and repins are you actually getting Tanya? I’m getting to that below.

How Much Does Tailwind Tribes Cost?

You can start Tailwind with a free two-week trial and beyond that they have some pretty reasonable pricing plans. But, if you want to harness the power of tribes and all that beautiful exposure and traffic growth potential you should first decide how much you think you’ll need or use them.

On the basic Tribes Pro plan you can join up to 10 tribes and submit up to 80 pins to the tribes. It’s not a bad place to start until you have enough pins to really use those 80 tribes submissions. Tribes Max is a mid range plan with unlimited tribes memberships and up to 200 tribes submissions per month. And Tribes Unlimited is well, unlimited. Meaning you can join as many tribes as you’d like and submit as many pins per month to them as your heart desires. Pretty amazing, isn’t it?

The possibilities are endless with the tribes unlimited plan. Of course you want to work within your budget and it will also depend on how quickly you want to monetize and grow your blog.

PRO TIP: Bank your shares. When you don’t have enough pins to submit, you can and should ‘share’ as many as you need to for your daily pinning while you’re ramping up. That way you will have ‘banked’ a healthy amount of shares so when you’re ready to pin more of your own content you will have a solid track record of being ‘good at sharing.’ Your tribe mates will know you’re really doing your part. Plus, you’ll have lots of room to share all your sparkly brand new pins without having to worry about keeping up with sharing as you grow. I banked a ton of shares when I was first starting out and it’s worked well for me.

Are Tailwind Tribes Power Ups Really Worth The Extra Money? (6)

Have Tribes Increased My Blog’s Traffic?

I know this is what you’ve been waiting for. Has it been worth it Tanya? I’m about to tell you I promise! I started my blog in May, 2018 so the screenshots below are from May and June, 2018. Using just Pinterest I was able to hover around 600-700 page views per month to my blog. Not bad for a newbie but I wasn’t make a killing either.

Are Tailwind Tribes Power Ups Really Worth The Extra Money? (7)
Are Tailwind Tribes Power Ups Really Worth The Extra Money? (8)

Then in July, 2018 I decided to try Tailwind and got their basic plan. My traffic grew to 1,265 but I still wasn’t really getting to where I wanted to be.

Are Tailwind Tribes Power Ups Really Worth The Extra Money? (9)

Once I upgraded to the Tribes Unlimited plan on August 1st, 2018 things went KAPOW! My traffic jumped from 1,265 page views to 6,022 page views in a month! And as I write this my page views are headed to the 10,000 figure for this month and will definitely go higher in October! So yes, I would say Tribes are definitely worth it!

I also want to mention that these are my personalresults, but Tailwind also publishes theTypicalResultsof Tailwind for Pinterest Membersevery year, so you can see exactly what the average growth rate looks like for their members.

And read on because it gets better!

Are Tailwind Tribes Power Ups Really Worth The Extra Money? (10)

Tailwind Tribes Unlimited Power Ups Are Totally Worth It!

I definitely could not have achieved this on my own without the power of Tailwind tribes and my Tribes Unlimited Power Up. And we all know that more exposure leads to growth in traffic and page views which leads to growth in subscribers, conversions and you guessed it – more earnings! My blog continues to grow daily thanks to Tailwind tribes and my Tribes Unlimited Power Up. So is it worth it? Yup. Every single penny.

Another nifty feature of being a tribes power ups subscriber is a weekly email with a summary of the exact activity and exposure you’ve received from tribes. You can even see the most shared pinners and their pins. This is invaluable insight and information. In the screenshot below you can see that since I joined tribes I’ve received 1.6K re-shares, 416 repins and I’ve enjoyed a reach of 16.7 Million! Again, this would have been hard to achieve without my Tribes Unlimited plan on Tailwind.

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I know I had my doubts but I’m glad I took the leap of faith and tested the Tribes Unlimited Power Up for myself. I hope this helps you make up your mind to start your free two-week trial offer of Tailwind today. You can always start with the basic plan or Tribes Pro and work your way up to Tribes Unlimited as you grow your blog. I think you’ll see as I did that Tailwind Tribes Unlimited Power Ups are completely worth it!

Are Tailwind Tribes Power Ups Really Worth The Extra Money? (12)

Some Of My Favorite Resources…

*This page contains affiliate links which means that if you click on a link I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. I only recommend things I personally use and like. Thank you for supporting my blog!

If you need to make some quick cash I recommend Survey Junkie. It’s free and is something easy and quick that you can do from your laptop or smart phone or even possibly on the go in your spare time to make some extra cash quickly. You just give them your honest opinion and earn money! Try Survey Junkieand earn $10 just for registering today!

Inbox Dollars pays up to $35 per poll and will give you a $5 bonus just for joining today! They pay you cash (not points) for taking surveys, playing online games, searching the web and more! Check out Inbox Dollars and start earning side hustle money today!

Vindale Researchis another great survey site where you can answer market research questions about new products which are going to be released soon. You will not only make side hustle money but you’ll also be getting to learn about brand new products before everyone else does. Sign up with Vindale Research today!

Honey is my favorite new way to save and earn! I love it because it automatically applies the best coupon code to whatever I’m buying online! How great is that? I’ll never have to search for another coupon code while I’m checking out again. It’s a simple browser extension and I already used it to save money on an Amazonpurchase I just made. And, it’s free! And for the side hustle aspect, for everyone you refer to Honey on your blog or social media with your link you will earn $5! Now that’s awesome! Try Honey today!

Another great way to get cash back for your everyday shopping is Ibotta. Just do your normal shopping, scan your receipt in their easy to use app and Cha Ching! Cash back! It’s basically free money. And just for signing up with my link you’ll receive a $10 bonus! Sign up here today!

Blogging is one of the best side hustles I’ve found. It’s low-cost, can be done remotely and when you put the work in, it can provide passive income that comes in even on days when you can’t make it to your laptop! The first day I made an affiliate sale on my blog I was sitting on the beach with some friends in town! That was THE BEST feeling EVER! Start Your Blog Today!

To help you start your blog today, here are some of my favorite blogging resources…

Bluehost: I’ve been with them from the beginning and have had nothing but a great experience. You can self-host your blog for as little as $3.95/month plus with my link you’ll also get a free domain ($10 value!)

Tailwind: My go to Pinterest scheduler – oh where would I be without you! Tailwind has automated my pinning and I simply couldn’t live without it! I started with the basic plan and have since upgraded to their unlimited tribes power up so I can make the most of my tribes and their reach to grow my traffic!

Fiverr:Freelancers can be invaluable to bloggers. Finding someone in a pinch to help you with an aspect of your blog can save you time and make you money!

You can also find a full list of my favorite resources and online tools here!

*This post may contain affiliateinks which means if you click a link on this page and make a purchase we may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. We only recommend products we use and love. Thank you for supporting our blog! Our polices page can be found here.

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Are Tailwind Tribes Power Ups Really Worth The Extra Money? (2024)
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Author: Trent Wehner

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Author information

Name: Trent Wehner

Birthday: 1993-03-14

Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

Phone: +18698800304764

Job: Senior Farming Developer

Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.