Are Health Insurance Premiums Tax-Deductible? (2024)

Health insurance is one of the most significant monthly expenses for some Americans, leading them to wonder what medical expenses are tax-deductible to reduce their bill. As healthcare prices rise, some consumers seek to reduce their costs through tax breaks on their monthly health insurance premiums.

If you are enrolled in an employer-sponsored health insurance plan, your premiums may already be tax-free. If your premiums are made through a payroll deduction plan, they are likely made with pre-tax dollars, so you would not be allowed to claim a year-end tax deduction.

However, you may still be able to claim a deduction if your total healthcare costs for the year are high enough.Self-employed individuals may be qualified to write off their health insurance premiums, but only if they meet specific criteria. This article will explore tax-deductible medical expenses, including the requirements for eligibility.

Key Takeaways

  • Health insurance premiums, the amount paid upfront to keep an insurance policy active, have been steadily increasing as the cost of healthcare has increased in the United States.
  • When the Affordable Care Act was passed by President Barack Obama in 2010, it allowed certain families to access premium tax credits on their health insurance plans.
  • If you are enrolled in an employer-sponsored plan and your premiums are made through a payroll deduction, they are likely made with pre-tax dollars, and you would not be allowed to claim a year-end tax deduction.
  • You can deduct your health insurance premiums—and other healthcare costs—if your expenses exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income (AGI).
  • Self-employed individuals who meet certain criteria may be able to deduct their health insurance premiums, even if their expenses do not exceed the 7.5% threshold.

Understanding Health Insurance Premiums

Health insurance premiums, the amount paid upfront to keep an insurance policy active, have been steadily increasing as healthcare costs have increased in the United States. Premiums can be considered the "maintenance fee" for a healthcare policy, not including other payments that consumers have to pay, such as deductibles, co-pays, and additional out-of-pocket costs.

When the Affordable Care Act was passed by President Barack Obama in 2010, it allowed certain families to access premium tax credits on their health insurance plans, relieving some of the burdens of skyrocketing health insurance premiums.

According to research by the Kaiser Family Foundation, a non-profit organization that focuses on healthcare issues in the U.S., roughly half of Americans receive health insurance through an employer-based plan.

If your medical premiums are deducted through a payroll deduction plan, it's more than likely that you're covering your share of your insurance premium with pre-tax dollars. So, if you deducted your premiums at the end of the year, you'd effectively be deducting that expense twice.

Deductions for Qualified Unreimbursed Healthcare Expenses

However, you may be able to deduct some of your premiums if you purchase health insurance on your own using after-tax dollars. For the 2022 and 2023 tax years, you’re allowed to deduct any qualified unreimbursed healthcare expenses you paid for yourself, your spouse, or your dependents—but only if they exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income (AGI).

AGI is a modification of your gross income. It includes all your sources of income—wages, dividends, spousal support, capital gains, interest income, royalties, rental income,and retirement distributions—minus any number of allowable deductions from your income, including retirement plan contributions, student loan interest payments, losses incurred from the sale or exchange of property, early-withdrawal penalties levied by financial institutions, among others.

Expenses that qualify for this deduction include premiums paid for a health insurance policy, as well as any out-of-pocket expenses for things like doctor visits, surgeries, dental care, vision care, and mental healthcare. However, you can deduct only the expenses that exceed 7.5% of your AGI.

How to Calculate Your Healthcare Deductions

Suppose, for instance, that your adjusted gross income for the year was $50,000. Seven and a half percent of that amount is $3,750, so any qualified expenses exceeding that amount are deductible. If your total medical expenses, including premiums, were $6,000 in total, you'd be able to deduct $2,250 from your taxable income. Make sure you don't include any reimbursed expenses when doing your calculation, such as premium tax credits. Some individuals are eligible for premium tax credits if they've purchased their insurance through the Health Insurance Marketplace, also known as "The Marketplace."

The Marketplace is a platform for individuals, families, or small businesses to purchase health insurance. It was created as a result of the Affordable Care Act in 2010 to achievemaximum compliance with the mandate that all Americans carry some form of health insurance. If you purchase health insurance through the exchange, you may receive income-based government subsidies that help defray the cost of premiums sold on an exchange. If your estimated income falls between 100% and 400% of the federal poverty level for your household size, you qualify for a premium tax credit, according to the website. Through 2025, if your income is above 400% FPL, you may still qualify for premium tax credits that lower your monthly premium for a Marketplace health insurance plan.

It would help if you also left off any expenses reimbursed by your insurance company or your employer. To deduct medical expenses, you have to itemize your deductions rather than electing the standard deduction. Therefore, it is in your best interest to ensure that your total itemized deductions exceed the standard deduction amount before making this decision.

For the tax year 2022, the standard deduction is $12,950 for those filing an individual return and $25,900 for married couples filing jointly - and for the tax year 2023, the standard deduction goes up to $13,850 for individuals and $27,700 for married couples who file joint returns.

Are Health Insurance Premiums Tax-Deductible? (1)

Medical Expense Deductions for the Self-Employed

There is an exception made to the 7.5% rule for individuals who run their businesses. Among the many other tax deductions and benefits that self-employed individuals can claim, you're allowed to deduct all your premium payments from your adjusted gross income, regardless of whether you itemize your deductions. However, you may be precluded from this deduction if you are:

  • Eligible to participate in another employer's plan and elect not to
  • Self-employed, but you have another job that offers a health plan
  • Eligible to receive coverage through a spouse's employer-sponsored plan.

There are also limitations imposed on self-employed individuals based on the amount of their business income. In any given year, a self-employed person cannot deduct more than the income they generate through their business operations. Individuals who operate more than one business can designate only one of them as the health insurance plan sponsor; you cannot add up the income generated by multiple companies to claim the maximum deduction. In the case of self-employed persons, it may be in their best interest to choose their most profitable business as the plan sponsor to increase their potential amount of tax relief.

The deduction for self-employed individuals is considered a write-off to their income taxes; it is not deducted when they are filing on behalf of any of their business operations. For example, in the case of a sole proprietor, they would enter the amount of the deduction on their Form 1040 rather than on their Schedule C form, otherwise known as "Profit or Loss from Business."

Other Ways to Lower Your Tax Bill

If you're not eligible to deduct your health insurance premiums—either because you don't meet the cost threshold or because you opt to take the standard deduction when you're filing taxes—there are other ways to reduce your overall medical expenses.

You might consider electing a high-deductible health plan (HDHP) as a type of insurance coverage. HDHPs typically offer lower premiums than other plans. They also offer the unique feature of enabling plan subscribers to open up a Health Savings Account (HSA), a tax-advantaged savings account. Money that is contributed to an HSA account can be used to pay for out-of-pocket healthcare expenses. Your contributions to an HSA are tax-deductible and, when used for eligible expenses, your withdrawals are tax-free, too.

By selecting an HDHP, you're transferring more of your overall medical costs to a savings account with added tax benefits. The higher the tax bracket you're in, the more money you can save by utilizing an HDHP. For the tax years 2021 and 2022, the IRS considers an HDHP an individual insurance policy with a deductible of at least $1,400 or a family policy with a deductible of at least $2,800. For tax year 2023, a high-deductible health plan is defined as a plan with an annual deductible not less than $1,500 for self-only coverage or $3,000 for family coverage, and for which annual out-of-pocket maximums do not exceed $7,500 for self-only coverage or $15,000 for family coverage.

COBRA and HSA Funds

In some instances, you may be able to pay health insurance premiums with your HSA funds, too. This would mean that your premiums would also be paid with pre-tax dollars. One scenario where this might be possible is if you temporarily stay on your previous employer’s plan.

The Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) created a provision that allows qualified individuals to maintain group coverage for up to 18 or 36 months (depending upon applicable scenarios) after they leave their job or if they become ineligible for insurance coverage through an employer-sponsored plan because they’re working fewer hours.

Whereas most employers who offer health insurance will contribute partially to the total amount of your premiums, when you gain coverage under COBRA, you typically become responsible for covering the entire amount of your premiums. If, before selecting coverage through COBRA, you had an HDHP with an HSA through your employer, you typically have the option of taking your HSA account with you and continuing to contribute to it. So, while your premiums may be higher in this scenario, you have the advantage of paying for those premiums with pre-tax dollars.

If you are receiving unemployment insurance, you may also pay your premiums with pre-tax dollars, provided that you are enrolled in an HDHP and have an HSA account.

Limitations of an HDHP

While an HDHP can offer some tax benefits, they aren’t necessarily an appropriate healthcare solution for everyone. If you have a pre-existing medical condition or expect to incur significant healthcare expenses in the year ahead, you may want to select a plan that offers more comprehensive coverage.

Because of the features of an HDHP, they are typically only recommended for individuals who don’t expect to need healthcare coverage except in the face of a serious health emergency. You should carefully weigh your options during the open enrollment period to find the plan that best meets your needs.

What Medical Costs Are Tax-Deductible?

Tax-deductible medical costs include payments to doctors, dentists, surgeons, inpatient hospital care, acupuncture treatments, participation in weight-loss programs, and more. The Internal Revenue Service has a list of examples of deductible medical expenses on its website.

What Medical Expenses Are Not Tax Deductible?

Examples of non-tax-deductible medical expenses include funeral or burial expenses, nonprescription medicines, toothpaste, toiletries, cosmetics, and more.

Are Health Insurance Premiums Tax Deductible?

For the 2022 and 2023 tax years, you’re allowed to deduct any qualified unreimbursed healthcare expenses you paid for yourself, your spouse, or your dependents—but only if they exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income (AGI). Additionally, self-employed people may deduct premiums even if they don't exceed 7.5% of their AGI.

What Is a Qualified Medical Expense?

A qualified medical expense is generally one that can also be deducted as a medical expense on a yearly income tax return, such as doctors' visits, lab tests, and hospital stays.

Can I Claim Medical Expenses on My Tax Return?

It depends. You can claim only those qualified medical expenses that are greater than 7.5% of your adjusted gross income. The amount you may deduct is calculated on Schedule A (Form 1040).

The Bottom Line

If you are enrolled in an employer-sponsored plan, your premiums are likely already tax-advantaged. However, in some limited circ*mstances, you may be able to claim a tax deduction when you purchase your insurance plan.

For example, you can deduct the amount you spent on your health insurance premiums if your total healthcare costs exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income (AGI) or if you’re self-employed. In the latter case, you may be able to write off the total amount that you paid for premiums (as long as the amount doesn’t exceed your business income).

Investopedia does not provide tax, investment, or financial services and advice. Readers should consider engaging a qualified tax professional to determine a suitable tax strategy given your specific situation

Are Health Insurance Premiums Tax-Deductible? (2024)


Are Health Insurance Premiums Tax-Deductible? ›

Generally, if your employer pays for all or part of your health insurance premiums, you cannot deduct those premiums on your taxes. However, if you incur medical expenses that exceed a certain percentage of your income, you may be able to deduct those expenses, including premiums, as itemized deductions.

Are health insurance premiums fully tax deductible? ›

Health insurance premiums are deductible if you itemize your tax return. Whether you can deduct health insurance premiums from your tax return also depends on when and how you pay your premiums: If you pay for health insurance before taxes are taken out of your check, you can't deduct your health insurance premiums.

What percentage of health insurance can I write off? ›

In order to deduct medical expenses, including health insurance, from your taxes, your total medical costs must exceed 7.5% of your adjusted gross income (AGI) — and you can only deduct the amount above that 7.5%.

What proof do I need to deduct medical expenses? ›

You should also keep a statement or itemized invoice showing:
  • What medical care was received.
  • Who received the care.
  • The nature and purpose of any medical expenses.
  • The amount of the other medical expenses.

What disqualifies you from the premium tax credit? ›

A19. If you enroll in an employer-sponsored plan, including retiree coverage, that is minimum essential coverage you are not eligible for the Premium Tax Credit for your Marketplace coverage, even if the employer plan is unaffordable or fails to provide minimum value.

Does health insurance affect tax returns? ›

Whether you get financial help or not, health coverage is part of filing your taxes. Unless you report that you had health coverage, you may have to pay a state tax penalty. If you received federal or state financial help, you'll report that as well.

Does health insurance reduce taxable income on W2? ›

Form W-2 shows taxable wages reported after pre-tax deductions. Pre-tax deductions include employer-provided health insurance plans, dental insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, and 401(k) contributions.

Is health insurance 100% deductible for self-employed? ›

Self-employed people who qualify are allowed to deduct 100% of their health insurance premiums (including dental and long-term care coverage) for themselves, their spouses, their dependents, and any nondependent children aged 26 or younger at the end of the year.

What is the IRS rule for deducting medical expenses? ›

Medical Expense Deduction

On Form 1040, medical and dental expenses are deducted on Schedule A, Itemized Deductions. You can deduct only the amount of your medical and dental expenses that is more than 7.5 percent of your adjusted gross income shown on Form 1040, line 38.

Why do I owe taxes because of health insurance? ›

If there's a difference between the amount of the premium tax credit you used during the year and the amount you actually qualify for, it will impact your refund or the amount of taxes you owe. You'll include Form 8962 with your federal tax return. Get details on how to reconcile.

Does the IRS ask for proof of medical bills? ›

The IRS expects you to be honest when you claim the medical expense deduction, so keep your receipts as proof of your costs.

Can you deduct health insurance premiums without itemizing? ›

“Self-employed health insurance premiums are deductible as an 'above the line' deduction on Form 1040, which means you can deduct the premium even if you don't itemize deductions on Schedule A,” says Hunsaker. The rules are much stricter if you're a W-2 employee.

Will I get audited for medical expenses? ›

Claiming deductions for things like charitable donations or medical expenses to lower your tax bill doesn't in itself make you prime audit material. But claiming substantial deductions in proportion to your income does.

Do you have to pay back a premium tax credit for health insurance? ›

If at the end of the year you've taken more premium tax credit in advance than you're due based on your final income, you'll have to pay back the excess when you file your federal tax return. If you've taken less than you qualify for, you'll get the difference back.

How does tax credit on health insurance work? ›

When you enroll, the Marketplace will determine if you are eligible for advance payments of the premium tax credit, also called advance credit payments or APTC. Advance credit payments are amounts paid to your insurance company on your behalf to lower the out-of-pocket cost for your health insurance premiums.

Is $600 a month a lot for health insurance? ›

How much does health insurance cost in California? The average cost of health insurance in California is $600 per month in 2024. That's for a 40-year-old with a Silver plan. Bronze plans usually have cheaper rates, but they also have less coverage.

Can I deduct health insurance premiums paid out-of-pocket Turbotax? ›

Health insurance premiums paid with your own after-tax dollars are tax deductible. For example, if you purchased insurance on your own through a health insurance exchange or directly from an insurance company, the money you paid toward your monthly premiums can be taken as a tax deduction.

Is homeowners insurance tax deductible? ›

Unfortunately, homeowners insurance premiums aren't tax deductible, unless the property creates a source of income.

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