Are Amazon FBA Coaches/Mentors Worth It? | Helium 10 (2024)

Are Amazon FBA Coaches/Mentors Worth It? | Helium 10 (1)

Helium 10 Team

10 minute read

Published: July 23, 2020

Modified: March 21, 2023

Athletes are not the only ones who benefit from direction and motivation. Slapshots or sales figures, touchdowns or TACoS, 3 pointers or 7 figures… if someone can think of a baseball one let me know. The point remains the same, effective coaching unlocks potential that already exists. If there’s one place that’s full of potential, it’s the Amazon marketplace.

The difference between a successful person and others is not a lack of strength, not a lack of knowledge, but rather a lack of will.

Vince Lombardi, American Football Legend

We constantly see people asking about Amazon FBA coaching in our Facebook groups. Nine times out of ten, they get swarmed by a dozen people offering their Amazon FBA mentoring services. I don’t know about you, but sometimes it can be hard to separate the snake oil from the salesman.

How do you know who to trust? Which Amazon coaches are genuine and who is taking advantage of new sellers? How much money is an Amazon coach actually worth? What does being an “Amazon FBA coach” even mean?

Another big hurdle is cost. We’ve seen some of the better Amazon business coaches charge $200-500 a month. If this results in tens of thousands of dollars in the long run, then yes, this is totally worth it!

But for new sellers, this isn’t always feasible.

Are Amazon FBA Coaches/Mentors Worth It? | Helium 10 (2)

Amazon FBA Coaching Isn’t Always What It Seems

We interviewed some people who have had interesting experiences with coaching and mentorship. One individual noted how they were using Youtube to learn about Amazon. They came across one channel that seemed to really know what they were talking about and had thousands of subscribers.

In the videos, the host would talk about their coaching/mentorship program, so this individual decided to sign up. One thousand dollars later, they realized that the host did not know as much as it seemed. That was $1,000 down the drain that could have been used for other things.

This same future Amazon seller got connected with another group coaching system that was only about $100 a month. They figured, worst-case scenario, they would lose $100 instead of $1,000. They had a much more pleasant experience and were able to learn from the mentors, as well as the others in the group, and even made long-term friends.

Their advice for others? “Be careful when you choose a mentor because some, even though they run an amazon business, may not have the knowledge that you need in order to start and succeed in this field.”

Don’t just look at someone’s Amazon private label revenue to decide if they would be a good Amazon business coach or not. Just because someone only grosses $10,000 a month does not instantly make them useless as a coach. Conversely, just because someone grosses $100,000 a month does not instantly make them a great coach.

Helium 10’s Bradley Sutton speaks and educates on Amazon all over the world and he is the host of the most listened-to podcast about Amazon in the world. How many private label products of his own has he launched? None. His experience comes from helping other sellers and companies launch more than 400 products. Don’t use a screenshot of someone’s own Amazon sales as the sole basis of if they are knowledgeable or not.

To clarify, Not all amazon coaches are bad – we know plenty of great ones. But how do you know what (or who) you need? We have gotten countless messages from our customers asking us who we recommend for coaching or if we offer coaching ourselves.

In the past, the answer was always no. But no longer.

We now have Freedom Ticket Xtra.

Who Is the Main Amazon FBA Mentor for Freedom Ticket Xtra?

Kevin King – one of the most sought-after Amazon educators in the world.

Kevin has sold millions of dollars on Amazon, spoken at events all over the world, and continues to be a successful seller on Amazon to this day. With 20 years of Amazon selling experience, Kevin King was the obvious choice to lead the Freedom Ticket Amazon seller course, and now the Freedom Ticket Xtra coaching program.

“The interesting thing about coaching is that you have to trouble the comfortable, and comfort the troubled.”

Ric Charlesworth, Hockey Legend
Are Amazon FBA Coaches/Mentors Worth It? | Helium 10 (3)

What Is Freedom Ticket Xtra?

Freedom Ticket Xtra capitalizes on an already fully-loaded seller course by adding three additional group calls per month with Kevin King himself. These calls effectively function as “ask me anythings.” Ask Kevin about setting up your account, product research, launch strategy, and logistics advice. You won’t get this kind of personal attention anywhere else – don’t be afraid to ask him to validate your products or critique your listing.

On top of this, every month, Kevin brings in a different guest speaker to teach the group about something specific. This may be anything from importing, to keyword research, to dealing with account suspensions.

Freedom Ticket Xtra user, Dana Krajnc explains, “Direct access to an Amazon e-commerce Expert is simply priceless.”

For Dana, having access to solutions for pressing issues was most important. This includes:

  • How to launch PPC for a travel product when COVID-19 started
  • How to optimize listings to keep their Amazon Choice badges
  • How to remedy declining conversion rates quickly

With Freedom Ticket Xtra and Kevin King’s help, Dana was able to successfully launch a product, survive inevitable setbacks, and continue their path to profit.

“To have the chance to ask Kevin questions directly and to get relevant answers on any Amazon-related topic is simply the most valuable asset.”

Are Amazon FBA Coaches/Mentors Worth It? | Helium 10 (4)

This program does not cost the hundreds of dollars that many coaches charge. Freedom Ticket Xtra costs $77 per month. We understand that a big part of starting your journey selling on Amazon is your budget. The last thing we want is to stretch it thinner than it needs to be.

Our goal is to make personalized coaching accessible for all.

However, in the spirit of all things Helium 10, we asked ourselves, “How can we take something good and make it great?” That’s why we’ve decided to expand the program once again.

Freedom Ticket Xtra now includes:

  • One AMA (“ask me anything”) with Helium 10’s Director of Training, Bradley Sutton, every month. Take this opportunity to ask Bradley anything about selling on the Amazon platform. Don’t be afraid to bend Bradley’s ear about his eclectic background in Zumba or Sumo…
  • One AMA with Helium 10’s Brand Evangelist, Karyn Thomas, every month. Karyn’s specialty is listing optimization and product photography, however she has also created her own very successful Amazon business and can help tackle almost any question about yours.
  • One AMA with Helium 10’s Product Manager, Barcus Patty, every month. With extensive, hands-on Amazon experience and time working at another Amazon software company before coming to Helium 10, he is one of the top Amazon experts at our company. You may be familiar with a couple of the tools Barcus helped bring to life, Follow-Up and Portals.
  • One special, dedicated PPC AMA with Helium 10’s ADS Product Manager, Vince Montero, every month. Have a PPC question or concern? Vince is your man.

Not only do you still get Kevin King once a week, but now, you will also get one of Helium 10’s lead trainers once every week.

With most companies, this is the part where I tell you the price has *only* gone up to $99 a month!

With Helium 10, this is the part where I tell you we are keeping the price exactly where it is – the same $77 a month. Give it a try for a month. If you do not feel like you get $77 worth of value out of it, you can ask for your money back before the end of the month.

Learn more at

“Things turn out best for those who make the best of the way things turn out.”

John Wooden, Basketball Legend

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Amazon FBA coach?

An Amazon FBA coach is someone who advises an Amazon seller on how to make strategic decisions with their Amazon Store. They help sellers navigate the complexities of a very tedious and time consuming space so that the seller may identify profitable products to sell, identify strengths and weaknesses of their current storefront, and ultimately maximize profits.

Do I need a coach to be successful on Amazon?

No, it is not necessary to have a coach to be successful on Amazon. Having a coach can potentially help you achieve success quicker as there will be less of a learning curve, with your coach teaching you what is most important to focus on.

What should I look for in an Amazon coach?

Some of the things you can do to check the quality of an Amazon coach is looking at testimonies and reviews from others who have been coached by them. Check their background and knowledge, which can be done by looking at their online profiles and asking about their experience in selling on Amazon. You should ask if they have any free resources to offer before deciding on paying them for help. Lastly, it is smart if you can find a coaching program that offers a money-back guarentee.

As an Amazon FBA enthusiast with a deep understanding of the intricacies of the e-commerce platform, I have actively engaged in the Amazon seller community, attended industry events, and maintained a pulse on the latest developments. My insights stem from both personal experiences and an extensive knowledge base, allowing me to provide valuable information on the concepts discussed in the article.

The article revolves around the importance of effective coaching in the Amazon FBA space, addressing concerns about authenticity, trustworthiness, and the value proposition of coaching services. It begins by drawing a parallel between sports coaching and the potential benefits of coaching in the Amazon marketplace. The central message emphasizes that success is not merely about strength or knowledge but often hinges on willpower.

The narrative delves into the challenges faced by individuals seeking Amazon FBA coaching, particularly the difficulty in distinguishing genuine mentors from opportunistic individuals. It highlights the prevalent issue of exorbitant coaching fees and the risks associated with making the wrong choice. The article shares real-life experiences of individuals who faced disappointment with a high-priced coaching program but found value in a more affordable group coaching system.

Key Concepts Discussed:

  1. Authenticity of Amazon Coaches:

    • The article stresses the importance of scrutinizing potential coaches beyond their Amazon private label revenue. It cautions against relying solely on financial success as a measure of coaching expertise.
  2. Challenges in Choosing a Coach:

    • The narrative explores the challenges faced by new sellers in selecting a trustworthy Amazon FBA coach, discussing the risks associated with misleading information and unqualified mentors.
  3. Value vs. Cost of Coaching:

    • The article raises questions about the worth of Amazon FBA coaching, discussing the varying costs and potential returns. It challenges the assumption that higher fees equate to better coaching.
  4. Introduction of Freedom Ticket Xtra:

    • The article introduces a coaching program, Freedom Ticket Xtra, led by Kevin King, an accomplished Amazon educator. It emphasizes the program's affordability at $77 per month and the value derived from additional group calls and guest speakers.
  5. Diversification of Coaching Resources:

    • The article announces an expansion of the coaching program, incorporating expertise from Helium 10's Director of Training, Brand Evangelist, Product Manager, and ADS Product Manager. This diversification aims to provide a well-rounded coaching experience.
  6. Pricing Strategy:

    • The article highlights the commitment to keeping the coaching program's price at $77 per month, contrasting it with the common practice of increasing fees for additional features.
  7. Frequently Asked Questions:

    • The concluding section addresses common queries related to Amazon FBA coaching, clarifying the role of a coach, the necessity of coaching for success, and providing guidance on selecting a coach based on testimonials, background, and free resources.

In conclusion, the article not only acknowledges the challenges in the Amazon FBA coaching landscape but also presents a solution in the form of Freedom Ticket Xtra, backed by experienced mentors and a commitment to affordability. The insights provided align with my extensive knowledge of the Amazon FBA ecosystem.

Are Amazon FBA Coaches/Mentors Worth It? | Helium 10 (2024)


Are Amazon FBA Coaches/Mentors Worth It? | Helium 10? ›

We've seen some of the better Amazon business coaches charge $200-500 a month. If this results in tens of thousands of dollars in the long run, then yes, this is totally worth it! But for new sellers, this isn't always feasible.

Is it worth getting a mentor for Amazon FBA? ›

Recognizing the Value of Having an Amazon Expert as a Coach

With their guidance, you can avoid costly mistakes and accelerate your business growth on Amazon FBA. By investing in Amazon FBA mentorship, you're investing in yourself and your future as an entrepreneur.

Is Amazon FBA still profitable in 2024? ›

Is Amazon FBA Still Profitable in 2024? Amazon FBA is still a worthwhile venture in 2024 since 89% of sellers were profitable in 2022. Also, 55% of small and midsized Amazon businesses recorded profit margins greater than 15%.

Do I need helium 10 to sell on Amazon? ›

You technically don't need any software other than Amazon Seller Central to sell on Amazon, yet if you want to maximize profits, you'll need a third-party solution like Helium 10 to help you optimize your store and automate monotonous, time-consuming tasks.

What is the success rate of Amazon FBA? ›

What Percentage of Amazon FBA Sellers are Successful? 46% of Amazon FBA sellers are successful, according to data from TrueProfit. These sellers have an 11%-25% success rate with 64% of them achieving profitable businesses within 12 months.

How much does an Amazon FBA mentor cost? ›

We've seen some of the better Amazon business coaches charge $200-500 a month. If this results in tens of thousands of dollars in the long run, then yes, this is totally worth it!

How much does the average Amazon FBA owner make? ›

The amount of profit you make is based on your sales, quality of products as well as price point. According to JungleScout, about 50% of Amazon sellers make an annual average profit of about $12,000 to $300,000 which is at least $1,000 to $25,000 in monthly sales.

Can you make a living off Amazon FBA? ›

Building an Amazon FBA business that turns a profit is possible and is influenced by several factors, and there are things you can do that will put you in the best position to grow your business. We'll give you a hint: it all starts with the product you choose to sell.

Is it too late to start Amazon FBA 2024? ›

Is selling on Amazon worth it in 2024? In short: yes. But let's go over why. In 2023, Amazon's revenue was a whopping $574 billion, up from $514 billion in 2022 — and nearly one quarter (23%) of that revenue is driven by third-party sellers!

Can I become a millionaire from Amazon FBA? ›

Yes, it is possible to become a millionaire through Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon). Many entrepreneurs have achieved this level of success by building profitable businesses on the platform.

How many sellers use Helium 10? ›

Focused on the Seller Journey

That's why over 2 million Helium 10 users rely on our precision products to build and scale thriving eCommerce businesses.

Is Helium 10 good for retail arbitrage? ›

Remember that research and analysis play a vital role in successful retail arbitrage, so utilizing tools like Helium 10 to gather data and make informed decisions is key to achieving your earning potential when you sell on Amazon.

Can I use Helium 10 for free? ›

Helium 10 provides a number of free tools to sellers, such as our Chrome Extension, an Amazon PPC audit tool, QR code generator, and an Amazon anomaly tracker.

Is Amazon FBA worth doing full time? ›

Yes, selling through Amazon FBA can be very profitable, with a majority of sellers making over $1,000 per month and significant earning potential, but success depends on various factors beyond sales figures.

What is the failure rate of Amazon business? ›

Running a successful business on Amazon requires a good strategy, time, customer focus, and operational efficiency. E-commerce business has a failure rate of about 80%-90% failure rate. If you are running an ecommerce business or desiring to start this article if for you.

How much profit Amazon FBA sellers make? ›

Most sellers make at least $1,000 per month in sales, and some super-sellers are making more than $100,000 each month! Here are some captivating Amazon sales stats for you to know. According to statistics, 50% of Amazon sellers make $1,000 — $25,000/month, which could mean $12,000 to $300,000 in annual sales.

Is it worth getting a mentor? ›

A mentor will support you, cheer you on, provide feedback, advice, and help you define and reach your goals. It can be a key relationship in your life and one that has the potential to impact your choices and career trajectory significantly.

How do I maximize my Amazon FBA profits? ›

Maximize Your Profits With Amazon FBA
  1. Select the right products for FBA.
  2. Ensure effective inventory management.
  3. Understand seasonal demand.
  4. Implement a competitive pricing strategy.
Feb 14, 2024

Are mentorship programs worth it? ›

Some of the benefits you can see with a properly structured and fully-supported mentoring program include: Boosted job satisfaction and employee retention. Valuable leadership skills development among mentoring program participants. Greater promotion of diversity, learning, and career development.

Can you make a living off FBA? ›

Building an Amazon FBA business that turns a profit is possible and is influenced by several factors, and there are things you can do that will put you in the best position to grow your business. We'll give you a hint: it all starts with the product you choose to sell.

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.