Apollo 17 at 50: Last step, last words and long wait for lunar return (2024)

“As I take man's last step from the surface, back home for some time to come, but we believe not too long into the future, I'd like to just say what I believe history will record: That America's challenge of today has forged man's destiny of tomorrow. And, as we leave the Moon at Taurus-Littrow, we leave as we came and, God willing, as we shall return: with peace and hope for all mankind.”

Those were the last words spoken on the moon by astronaut Gene Cernan, during the Apollo 17 mission, on Dec. 14, 1972.

No one has set foot on the moon since.

As we reach the 50th anniversary of the final moon landing, there is hope for a return “not too long into the future,” as Cernan put it.

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With the launch of Artemis I on Nov. 16, the United States is inching its way back to placing humans on the moon. Artemis' Orion spacecraft skirted past the moon Nov. 21, the closest a human-rated craft has been to the moon since Apollo 17's moon landing. Orion is set to splashdown in the Pacific Ocean on Sunday, capping off a mission that NASA hopes sets American on a path back to the lunar surface.

FLORIDA TODAY has been spotlighting the 50th anniversary of each successful Apollo moon landing mission since 2019, six in all.

Here is what to know about Apollo 17, which launched 50 years ago Wednesday.

The crew

The crew consisted of Gene Cernan, Jack Schmitt and Ronald Evans.

Schmitt was notable because he was initially slated to fly on Apollo 18, but after the mission was canceled, the community of lunar geologists pressured NASA to reassign Schmitt to a remaining flight arguing the importance of landing a geologist on the Moon. He bumped Joe Engle from the mission. Engle later flew to space on two shuttle missions.

Here's more about the three crewmembers:

Apollo 17 at 50: Last step, last words and long wait for lunar return (1)

Eugene “Gene” Cernan. (March 14, 1934-Jan. 16, 2017) Cernan, the mission’s commander, traveled into space three times and to the Moon twice: as pilot ofGemini 9Ain June 1966, as lunar module pilot ofApollo 10in May 1969, and as commander of Apollo 17 in December 1972, the final Apollolunar landing.

Harrison Hagan "Jack" Schmitt. (Born July 3, 1935–) Schmitt, the lunar module pilot, is the most recent living person — and only person without a background in military aviation — to have walked on the Moon. He received a B.S. degree in geology from the California Institute of Technology in 1957 and then spent a year studying geology at the University of Oslo in Norway, as a Fulbright Scholar. He received a Ph.D. in geology from Harvard University in 1964.

Ronald Evans. (Nov. 10, 1933-April 7, 1990). Evans, the Command Module Pilot, along with five mice, orbited the Moon a record 75 times as his two crewmates descended to and explored the lunar surface. He was a Vietnam War fighter pilot.

The mission

The primary objectives included:

⋅ Collecting samples from an area a substantial distance from Mare Imbrium, a vast lava plain on the Moon that is one of the larger craters in the Solar System. It was first visited by the Apollo 15 crew. NASA wanted samples from what is believed to have been young volcanic activity (i.e., less than three billion years). They also wanted samples far from areas traversed by Apollo 15 and Apollo 16.

⋅ Placing several science experiments, perhaps the most encompassing being the Apollo Lunar Surface Experiments Package (ALSEP), a suite of nuclear-powered experiments that were flown on each landing mission after Apollo 11.

For Apollo 17, the ALSEP experiments were a Heat Flow Experiment (HFE) to measure the rate of heat flow from the interior of the Moon; a Lunar Surface Gravimeter (LSG) to measure alterations in the lunar gravity field at the site; a Lunar Atmospheric Composition Experiment (LACE) to investigate what the lunar atmosphere is made up of; a Lunar Seismic Profiling Experiment (LSPE) to detect nearby seismic activity and a Lunar Ejecta and Meteorites Experiment (LEME), to measure the velocity and energy of dust particles.

The landing site

Taurus–Littrow was chosen as the landing spot. Apollo 15 Command Module Pilot Al Worden observed features he described as likely volcanic in nature when flying over it.

Apollo 17 at 50: Last step, last words and long wait for lunar return (3)

At Taurus–Littrow, it was believed the crew would be able to obtain samples of old highland material from the remnants of a landslide event that occurred on the south wall of the valley and the possibility of relatively young, explosive volcanic activity in the area.

Overnight launch and a historic picture

Apollo 17 launched on Dec. 7 at 12:33 a.m., pushing into a new day after being scheduled for late on Dec. 6. It was the only launch-pad delay in the Apollo program caused by a hardware problem, one that was solved in less than three hours. It was also the only Apollo mission launched at night.

Apollo 17 at 50: Last step, last words and long wait for lunar return (4)

Approximately 500,000 people watched the launch in the vicinity of Kennedy Space Center, despite the early-morning hour. The launch was visible as far away as 500 miles with observers in Miami reporting a "red streak" crossing the northern sky, according to NASA.

As the rocket headed toward the moon, it recorded a photo of Earth known as the “Blue Marble” taken from a distance of about 18,000 miles away. NASA says it has become one of the most reproduced images in history.

Apollo 17 at 50: Last step, last words and long wait for lunar return (5)

The furthest drive on the moon

Cernan and Schmitt headed toward the moon’s surface in the lunar lander named “Challenger” while Evans stayed in the command service module “America.”

Challenger touched down on the lunar surface at 2:55 p.m. EST on Dec. 11.

Cernan stepped onto the moon’s surface first, saying, "I'm on the footpad. And, Houston, as I step off at the surface at Taurus–Littrow, we'd like to dedicate the first step of Apollo 17 to all those who made it possible."

Schmitt then stepped out to become the 12th person, and most recent, to step onto the moon after a successful landing.

During their approximately 75-hour stay on the lunar surface, Cernan and Schmitt performed three moonwalks. The astronauts deployed the lunar roving vehicle and then set up the ALSEP. They drove the rover to nine planned geological-survey stations to collect samples and make observations.

Apollo 17 at 50: Last step, last words and long wait for lunar return (6)

During the second moonwalk, the duo drove the rover 4.7 miles away from the lander, the furthest distance any spacefarers have ever traveled away from the safety of a pressurizable spacecraft while on a planetary body, and also during an EVA of any type.

During the third moon walk, a 17.7-pound rock was collected. It was the largest rock brought back by Apollo 17. A small piece of it is on exhibit at the Smithsonian Institution in Wahsington D.C., one of the few rocks from the Moon that the public may touch.

MacGyver on the moon

After offloading the lunar rover, Cernan caught his hammer under the right-rear fender extension, accidentally breaking it off.

Cernan and Schmitt made a short-lived fix using duct tape, attaching a paper map to the damaged fender. Lunar dust stuck to the tape's surface, however, preventing it from adhering properly.

Overnight, prior to the second moon walk, the flight controllers devised a procedure communicated by John Young: taping together four stiff paper maps to form a "replacement fender extension" and then clamping it onto the fender.

The astronauts carried out the new fix which did its job without failing until near the end of the third excursion.

Evans a busy man

Evans spent approximately 148 total hours in lunar orbit, including solo time and time spent together with Cernan and Schmitt, which is more time than any other individual has spent orbiting the Moon.

The flight plan kept Evans busy, making him so tired he overslept one morning by an hour, despite efforts of Mission Control to awaken him.

Deep space walk on the way home

After saying his final words on the moon, Cernan and Schmitt closed up Challenger for the ascent back to the America module.

The duo successfully lifted off from the lunar surface on Dec. 14, 1972, at 5:54 p.m. EST. The return to lunar orbit took just over seven minutes. They docked with Evans and the lunar orbiter about two hours later.

During the return to Earth, Evans performed a 65-minute EVA to retrieve film cassettes from the service module's SIM bay, with assistance from Schmitt, who remained at the command module's hatch.

Apollo 17 at 50: Last step, last words and long wait for lunar return (7)

At approximately 184,000 miles from Earth, it was the third "deep space" space walk in history, performed at great distance from any planetary body. As of 2022, it remains one of only three such space walks, and it was the final one of the Apollo program.

The Apollo 17 spacecraft reentered Earth's atmosphere and splashed down safely in the Pacific Ocean at 2:25 p.m. EST on Dec. 19, 1972. The crew members were recovered by the USS Ticonderoga.

Apollo 17 legacy

None of the Apollo 17 astronauts flew in space again.

The Command Module America is currently on display at Space Center Houston at the Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Houston.

Apollo 17 at 50: Last step, last words and long wait for lunar return (8)

Cernan's Apollo 17 spacesuit is in the collection of the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum. Schmitt's and Evans’ spacesuits are in storage at the Smithsonian's Paul E. Garber Facility.

Apollo’s final stats

The Apollo program ended with a total cost of $25.8 billion. When adjusted for inflation this figure is closer to $257 billion in 2022 dollars, according to planetary.org.

The Laser Ranging experiment set up by the Apollo 11 astronauts is still collecting data on the moon to this day.

NASA estimates that a total of 400,000 men and women across the United States were involved in the Apollo program.

Thirty-three men flew 11 Apollo missions. Of these, 27 men reached the Moon, 24 orbited the Moon – and 12 walked on the surface. A total of 60 miles were driven on the moon by lunar rovers.

Contact Tim Walters at twalters@floridatoday.com.

Apollo 17 at 50: Last step, last words and long wait for lunar return (2024)


Apollo 17 at 50: Last step, last words and long wait for lunar return? ›

And, as we leave the Moon at Taurus-Littrow, we leave as we came and, God willing, as we shall return: with peace and hope for all mankind.” Those were the last words spoken on the moon by astronaut Gene Cernan, during the Apollo 17 mission, on Dec. 14, 1972. No one has set foot on the moon since.

What was the last word said on the Moon? ›

And Eugene Cernan's last words on the moon, spoken on December 14, 1972, were these: “As we leave the moon…we leave as we came and, God willing, as we shall return with peace and hope for all mankind.”

Why have we waited 50 years to go back to the Moon? ›

But in 1970 future Apollo missions were cancelled. Apollo 17 became the last crewed mission to the Moon, for an indefinite amount of time. The main reason for this was money. The cost of getting to the Moon was, ironically, astronomical.

How long did it take Apollo to get to the Moon and back? ›

The Apollo 11 mission showcases the wonders of orbital mechanics. While it took Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and their team three days, three hours and 49 minutes to reach the moon and set foot on its surface, they returned to Earth in just two days, 22 hours and 56 minutes.

How long did Apollo 17 spend on the lunar surface? ›

D. in geology from Harvard and was the first geologist to walk on the Moon. Cernan and Schmitt spent a total of 75 hours on the Moon and performed three extra-vehicular activities (EVAs, or “moonwalks”), totaling 22 hours and 4 minutes.

Who was the last human on the moon? ›

Eugene Cernan, the last man to walk on the moon, died Jan. 16, 2017. Captain Cernan was one of fourteen astronauts selected by NASA in October 1963.

Who walked on moon twice? ›

Three astronauts made the journey from Earth to the Moon twice: James Lovell (Apollo 8 and Apollo 13), John Young (Apollo 10 and Apollo 16), and Gene Cernan (Apollo 10 and Apollo 17).

Is the flag of America still on the Moon? ›

The radiation has rendered the nylon thread in the flags very brittle, and the Apollo 14 and 15 flags may have disintegrated. However, LRO photography has positively confirmed the Apollo 12, 16, and 17 flags are still erect on the Moon.

Why can't we go back to the Moon now? ›

The NASA workforce is one-tenth of what it used to be and funds are limited. The last 45 years have been spent building space shuttles and the International Space Station, which is why we don't have the technology to take people back to the moon.

What happens if you look at the Moon Local 58? ›

It plays a major role in the Local 58 series as a hazardous/deadly entity, particularly in Show For Children and (chronologically) later in Weather Service. Through unexplained means, the Moon becomes capable of harming, possessing or killing those who view it with the naked eye.

Did Apollo 17 go to the moon? ›

Landing occurred at 7:54:57 p.m. Dec. 11, at lunar latitude 20 degrees, 10 minutes north, and longitude 30 degrees 46 minutes east. Apollo 17 was the last lunar landing mission. Three extravehicular activities, or EVAs, lasted a total of 22 hours, four minutes on the lunar surface.

Who is the first female on moon? ›

CHRISTINA KOCH has the kind of job children dream of. Beginning in 2019, on her first mission to the International Space Station (ISS), the NASA astronaut lived in space for 328 days – the longest time any woman has spent there.

Who was the first woman in space? ›

Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman to travel to space on June 16, 1963, when she orbited Earth as part of the Vostok 6 mission.

Why was Apollo 17 the last? ›

Apollo 17 took the 11th and 12th people to the surface of the moon and marked the end of the Apollo program. By the time the mission launched, on Dec. 7, 1972, public interest in space exploration had declined and the government had shifted focus to the Vietnam War.

What was special about Apollo 17? ›

Apollo 17, U.S. crewed spaceflight to the Moon, launched on December 7, 1972, and successfully concluded on December 19, 1972. It was the final flight of the Apollo program, and Apollo 17 astronauts Eugene Cernan and Harrison Schmitt were the last humans to walk on the Moon.

What time did Apollo 17 lift off? ›

Apollo 17 lifted off at 05:33:00 UT (12:33:00 a.m. EST) on 7 December 1972 after a 2 hour, 40 minute delay due to a malfunction of a launch sequencer. Launch was on Saturn V SA-512 from Pad 39A at Kennedy Space Center and was the first nighttime launch of an Apollo.

What was the word spoken on the moon? ›

Neil Armstrong was the first person to walk on the moon when Apollo 11 successfully landed the lunar module on the surface of the body. Armstong stepped on to the lunar surface while connected to a worldwide broadcast and spoke the words ''That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind''.

What were the famous words spoken on the moon? ›

As he took his first steps, he uttered words that would be written into history books for generations to come: “That's one small step for man. One giant leap for mankind.”

What did they say on the moon? ›

On Apollo 11, as he stepped onto the surface of the moon from the bottom rung of the lunar module's ladder, Neil Armstrong said: “That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” It was later revealed that he had intended to say: “That's one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.”

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