Annual multi-trip travel insurance | AA Insurance (2024)


Annual multi-trip travel insurance | AA Insurance (1)

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    Skip to main content [Accesskey 'S'] Go to home page [Accesskey '1']Are you a business customer?

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    Frequent flyer?

    Get travel insurance for multiple trips worldwide over the year

    Coronavirus Advice for our customers

    If you go away twice or more in a year, an annual multi-trip policy could be better value than buying single trip insurance for each journey. You can even tailor the cover to suit your holiday.

    • Enhanced benefits for AA Members, including excess waiver and UK rehabilitation cover (Silver or Gold cover only – not Bronze).*
    • Emergency medical expenses up to £15 million.
    • Emergency assistance available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
    • Cover for multiple trips worldwide up to 62 days each (dependent on age and location).
    • Special rates for couples and families.

    You can add cover for existing medical conditions when you enter your details.

    Coronavirus Advice for our customers


    Your personal travel cover

    Can I purchase AA Travel Insurance if I don't live in the UK?

    No. The policy only covers UK residents, so non-UK residents are not covered. The UK is defined as England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man and the Channel Islands.

    Do you have personal liability cover for holiday accommodation?

    Personal liability cover is included for temporary rented holiday accommodation, but not if you own the overseas property, or you have the property on any other type of hire.

    Is terrorism covered?

    Terrorism is covered providing it wasn't already taking place at the beginning of your trip, at the time of purchasing your policy, or when booking your holiday, whichever is the later.

    Are the benefits per person?

    The benefits are per person unless otherwise stated.

    When does the delayed baggage benefit come into force?

    If your baggage is delayed for more than 12 hours after your arrival overseas at your final destination, there is cover up to £300 to replace essential items of toiletries, medication and clothing.

    If your property is lost permanently, any payment made under delayed baggage will be deducted from the eventual claim for loss, damage or theft.

    Am I covered to work or study in Europe?

    We cover some types of manual work, but there's no cover for professional entertaining. Study overseas can be covered but doesn't include any professional liability cover or any excluded activity.

    Sports and activities

    Is sailing covered as an activity?

    Sailing is covered providing you're qualified and you're not racing. We don’t cover personal liability for this activity.

    Is there cover for water sports?

    Jet boating and powerboating are covered as standard, so long as you're not racing or competing.

    For an additional premium we can cover:

    • High diving, as long as its amateur only and not the main purpose of the trip.
    • Scuba diving and mixed gas diving to 40 metres, as long as you're a qualified scuba diver or accompanied by qualified instructor, and not diving alone or involved in cave diving.

    There's no cover for motorboats or diving with sharks.

    Is cross-country skiing covered?

    Pleasure skiing of this type is covered providing you've purchased winter sports and hazardous activities for an additional premium.

    What happens if I get hurt while skiing, and I haven't taken out winter sports cover?

    You won't be covered for medical costs. Winter sports cover doesn't just add on the specific winter sports (see the policy booklet). It's excluded from all sections of the policy, unless your policy schedule shows that you've bought winter sports cover.

    Do I need winter sports cover for ice hockey?

    Yes, you do. We can also cover field hockey for an additional premium.

    Your health

    What if I'm not sure if my medical needs are covered?

    Please call us on 0808 169 1195 and we can discuss your medical conditions.

    Policy documents

    Travel insurance policy documents

    Please read all of the information relating to your policy before you buy AA Travel Insurance.

    Policies ending with PF or PN (Bronze, Silver and Gold cover levels)

    Purchased from 3 April 2023

    • Travel Insurance Policy Wording

    Policies starting with PF or PN (Bronze, Silver and Gold cover levels)

    Purchased between 4 January 2022 and 2 April 2023

    • Travel Insurance Policy Wording

    Purchased between 22 July 2021 and 3 January 2022

    • Travel Insurance Policy Wording

    Policies ending with PA (Bronze Essentials, Silver Essentials, Gold Essentials cover levels)

    Purchased from 3 April 2023

    • Travel Insurance Policy Wording

    Policies starting with PA (Bronze Essentials, Silver Essentials, Gold Essentials cover levels)

    Purchased between 4 January 2022 and 2 April 2023

    • Travel Insurance Policy Wording

    Purchased between 22 July 2021 and 3 January 2022

    • Travel Insurance Policy Wording

    Backpacker policies (Bronze Essentials, Silver Essentials, Gold Essentials cover levels)

    Purchased from 3 April 2023

    • Travel Insurance Policy Wording

    Purchased between 22 July 2021 and 2 April 2023

    • Travel Insurance Policy Wording

    How to claim

    Booking claims

    Before you make a new claim, please contact your travel provider or tour operator first. They may be able to move your trip to a different date or provide you with a refund.

    If the travel provider or tour operator can't resolve your particular request, you can still make a claim on your policy.

    Contact us to make a claim

    You can find our contact details below.

    Have your policy document and any other necessary documentation ready when you call.

    We'll explain how to make a claim, and give an indication of cover for your claim.

    What you need to do to make a claim

    Do you need to cancel your holiday?

    • Medical reasons First, seek advice from a doctor for them to confirm whether it's medically necessary to cancel. This can be either a phone consultation or an appointment at the surgery.

    For all other reasons, call our claims team as soon as you're aware you may need to cancel. Cancellation charges increase the closer you get to the departure date for your holiday. The claims team will tell you what information is needed to claim, and whether your circ*mstances are covered.

    Do you need to cut your holiday short?

    • Because of a medical condition You should contact the Emergency Medical Assistance Service on +44 (0)147 335 6274.
    • Because of illness, injury or death of a close relative We'll need confirmation of their condition from their doctor. We'll also ask for clarification as to whether their health was stable at the time of booking your holiday and taking out your travel insurance. Call our claims team as soon as you return home and they'll tell you what information is needed to claim, and whether your circ*mstances are covered.

    Has something happened to your belongings or baggage?

    • If you suffer a theft on holiday you should report the matter to the local police and get a written report from them. A crime has been committed so you need to report it and we will ask for the written police report when you make your claim.
    • If you lose something while on holiday, consider where you may have lost it and anywhere it could have been handed in. Report it to any party or place where you think it might have gone missing and get a record in writing. This will help with your claim.
    • If anything happens to your luggage while it's checked in, you must report it to the airline and get a Property Irregularity Report (PIR). Try to do this while you're at the airport, or as soon as possible if you notice the problem after you've already left. If you want to claim from the airline directly, they may need you to follow up in writing within 7 days. You should check with them what their requirements are.
    • If your baggage is delayed on your outbound flight for more than 12 hours, we cover for your replacement of emergency items such as clothes, toiletries and medication up to the limit in the policy. You should retain the receipts for all of your purchases. This is because we only cover items where a receipt is provided.

    Call our claims team as soon as you can after you return home. They can tell you what other information is needed to claim.

    Have you lost your passport or essential travel documents?

    • If your passport or other essential travel documents are lost or stolen during your trip, you should report the matter to the police or consulate as soon as possible. You'll need proof of the incident to make your claim.
    • You should also get replacement or temporary documents as soon as possible, so you can return home without disruption to your plans.

    Call our claims team as soon as you can after you return home. They can tell you what other information is needed to claim.

    Have you had an accident or been taken ill abroad?

    Call our Emergency Medical Assistance Service as soon as you can.

    You can find our contact details below.

    • If you're looking for outpatient treatment only, you should call before you have the treatment. They'll be able to direct you to the best place for your care.
    • Keep all receipts, invoices and reports that you are given. These will help you when you come to submit your claim.
    • If public treatment is available, you should take this option for your treatment. If you are offered a choice between a public or private treatment and you opt for private treatment, we may not cover your claim.

    Call our claims team as soon as you can after you return home. They can tell you what other information is needed to claim.

    Just so you know, Silver and Gold cover also provide a hospital benefit for any inpatient stay over 24 hours.

    Did you experience a travel delay or enforced stay, travel disruption or missed departure?

    • Get confirmation of the reason and length of the disruption from the provider. We can't consider your claim without this.
    • If you're claiming additional costs rather than a fixed benefit, keep all receipts.

    Call our claims team as soon as you can after you return home. They can tell you what other information is needed to claim.

    The information you need to make a claim

    For all claims, you'll need an original booking invoice for your holiday showing dates of travel.

    For other claims, you'll also need the information below.

    Cancellation claims

    • Original cancellation invoices from tour operator and travel agent.
    • For other pre-paid trip costs we will require proof of purchase, and where appropriate, confirmation of any refunds given.
    • Proof of reason for cancellation when reason is not medical (for medical reasons we will send you a medical certificate for completion).

    Cutting short a trip

    • Documentary evidence showing the reason for cutting your trip short.
    • Evidence of additional expenses incurred in getting you home early.

    Emergency Medical expenses

    • Original bills for all expenses claimed for.
    • Medical report showing diagnosis of condition. We may send you a medical certificate for your doctor to complete.

    Baggage loss or theft

    • Household insurance details.
    • Property Irregularity Report if the loss or damage was in the care of an airline, during transit. Or a police report for theft, or third party report for loss.
    • Proof of ownership, such as an invoice, receipt, bank statement, photo or similar evidence.
    • Repair report that confirms whether the item can be repaired or not and if so how much it will cost.

    Delayed baggage

    • Household insurance details.
    • Property Irregularity Report if loss or damage or delay was in the care of an airline, during transit. Or police report for theft, or third party report for loss.
    • Proof of ownership, such as an invoice, receipt, bank statement, photo or similar evidence.
    • A letter from the airline, or other proof that confirms the time and date the baggage was returned.
    • Receipts for your emergency replacement purchases.

    Passport loss or theft

    • Household insurance details.
    • Property Irregularity Report if loss or damage was in the care of an airline, during transit. Or police report for theft, or third party report for loss.
    • Proof of ownership, such as a receipt.
    • Receipt for the emergency passport.
    • Evidence of travel and accommodation costs incurred in obtaining the emergency passport.

    Delayed arrival or travel disruption

    • Evidence of the flight number, date and time of scheduled departure and actual date and time of departure.
    • Proof of reason for delay.

    Missed departure or travel disruption

    • Proof of what caused the missed departure. For instance, a public transport delay could be a vehicle breakdown or strikes.
    • Original receipts for additional transport and accommodation costs incurred.
    Good to know

    * To qualify for these additional Member benefits you must be an AA Member at the time of purchasing the policy. The benefits are not available for the Bronze level of travel insurance.

    Fairer Finance is a research and ratings agency that looks to help consumers make more informed decisions, and which encourages financial services businesses to compete on more than price. The Star Ratings are designed to give customers an idea of the quality of a product they're thinking about buying.

    AA Travel Insurance is a trading style of Automobile Association Insurance Services Limited (AAIS). AAIS is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), Financial Services Register number 310562.

    AA Travel Insurance policies are underwritten by Inter Partner Assistance SA.

    Inter Partner Assistance SA is authorised and regulated by the National Bank of Belgium, with a registered head office at Boulevard du Régent 7, 1000 Brussels, Belgium. Authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority (firm reference number 202664), and subject to regulation by the Financial Conduct Authority and limited regulation by the Prudential Regulation Authority.

    The UK branch office address of Inter Partner Assistance SA is 106–118 Station Road, Redhill RH1 1PR. Inter Partner Assistance SA is part of the AXA Group.

    Policies purchased up to 2April 2023

    0330 058 2991

    Lines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

    Email [emailprotected]

    Emergency Medical Assistance

    +44 (0)147 335 6274

    Lines are open 24/7 all year.

    Call now

    Policies purchased from 3April 2023

    0330 1235 751

    Lines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

    Make a claim

    Emergency Medical Assistance

    +44 (0)330 1235 751

    Lines are open 24/7 all year.

    Call now

    Travel insurance enquiries
    Policies purchased up to 2April 2023

    0330 058 1644

    Lines are open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.

    Call now

    Travel insurance enquiries
    Policies purchased from 3April 2023

    0330 123 5485

    Lines are open Monday to Friday 8:30am to 8pm, Saturday 9am to 5pm, Sunday 10am to 4pm.

    Call now

  • Annual multi-trip travel insurance | AA Insurance (2024)


    Is annual multi-trip insurance worth it? ›

    Which should I choose? To recap, think about your travel plans for the next 12 months. If you're sure you'll only take one holiday, then single trip cover is likely to be your best option. If you're planning more than one trip, you might be better off getting annual multi-trip insurance.

    Does annual travel insurance cover multiple trips? ›

    Covers an individual for multiple trips taken within a specified time frame, usually one year. Typically bundles coverage for travel medical, emergency medical evacuation, baggage delay, baggage loss and travel delay.

    Can you buy travel insurance for the whole year? ›

    And you can save money on travel insurance by purchasing coverage for an entire year instead of purchasing it each time you travel. If you're a frequent traveler, you'll benefit especially from an annual travel insurance policy since it may be the most cost-effective option.

    Does annual travel insurance make sense? ›

    Annual travel insurance can be worth it if you take multiple trips each year and want to make sure you always have coverage in place.

    When should I start multi trip travel insurance? ›

    The start date can be up to 31 days in advance. If you have a pre-booked trip and need cancellation cover, make the start of your policy the date you take it out, not the date your trip starts. The period of insurance is for 12 months.

    Is it better to get single or annual travel insurance? ›

    This will depend on how many trips you make per year. If you know you will only go on one or two holidays abroad in a 12-month period, a single trip policy will most likely be the best option. However, if you take several trips abroad each year, an annual multi-trip policy could be cheaper.

    What is the best rated travel insurance? ›

    Best travel insurance of 2024
    Travel Insured InternationalWorldwide Trip Protector5.0 stars
    TravelSafeClassic4.5 stars
    AegisGo Ready Choice4.5 stars
    TravelexTravel Select4.0 stars
    3 more rows

    When should I take out annual travel insurance? ›

    Annual multi-trip policies can be bought usually up to 90 days in advance. Cover will only begin on the start date that's stipulated in the policy. So, to ensure you're covered before you go on your trip, be sure to arrange that the policy begins on the day you buy it, or on the day you book your first holiday.

    What is often not covered in travel insurance? ›

    According to Allianz Global Assistance, a travel insurance provider, "Trip cancellations and trip interruptions due to known, foreseeable, or expected events, epidemics, or fear of travel are generally not covered."

    Is Allianz good travel insurance? ›

    We at the MarketWatch Guides team awarded Allianz Travel Insurance 4.1 out of 5 stars based on our provider review methodology. Named our pick for concierge services, Allianz offers 24/7 travel assistance through a multilingual team, which can help policyholders with travel and coverage issues while abroad.

    Does annual travel insurance cover trip cancellation? ›

    Yearly travel insurance works a little bit differently than single-trip insurance. For the most part, you won't find an annual travel insurance policy that covers extras such as baggage loss or rental car insurance, though you may find some that cover trip interruption and cancellation.

    Is it better to buy travel insurance early or late? ›

    In general, you can buy coverage any time before the date of your trip. That said, it's always best to buy coverage as soon as you make your reservations. The sooner you buy travel insurance, the sooner you'll be protected and the more benefits you may be eligible to receive.

    What are two disadvantages travel insurance? ›

    It can also be expensive, difficult to file claims, and not always cover the things you thought it would — or should.

    What percent of trip should travel insurance cost? ›

    Travel insurance is not one-size-fits-all, so the price and conditions of a plan will vary. However, it may be useful to understand pricing guidelines to plan your travel insurance purchase. In general, you should expect a plan will cost anywhere from 4%-10% of your total pre-paid, nonrefundable trip cost.

    How much travel insurance do I need for Europe? ›

    Without this coverage, you are responsible for any medical expenses. The average cost of travel insurance is between 5% and 10% of the total price of your trip. This can be worth it for the medical benefits alone when traveling in Europe.

    Is it good to get trip cancellation insurance? ›

    When booking travel, particularly expensive trips consisting of nonrefundable reservations, it makes sense to consider trip cancellation insurance since it can protect your deposit if your plans do not materialize due to unforeseen events.

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    Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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    Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

    Birthday: 1997-12-23

    Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

    Phone: +494124489301

    Job: Marketing Representative

    Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

    Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.