An Ultimate Guide for a Day Trader - Facts and Tips (2024)

With the development of technology and the rise of online trading platforms, day trading is easier than ever for the average investor.

As a result, we have created a comprehensive guide for novice investors who want to start learning day trading. Today we’ll go over the fundamentals like what is a day trader, the day trading definition, and what you’ll need to get started with day trading.

What is day trading?

Day trading refers to the practice of selling and buying financial assets in a very short period of time with the intention of generating a profit. Stocks, currencies, digital currencies, exchange-traded funds, commodities, and other traditional and alternative financial instruments are all examples of these assets.

Day trading is a distinct method of generating daily profits in the financial market, in contrast to other methods like investing and swing trading. The length of time for which an asset is held constitutes the primary distinction.

Key Factors

Let’s start with the key factors that you may concentrate on as a regular day trader. Among these assets are:

  • Currency: You can buy currencies whose value you believe will rise and sell currencies whose value you believe will fall.
  • Stocks: These are publicly traded company shares such as Google, Facebook, and Apple. When you buy a share, all you are doing is buying a small piece of the company.
  • Commodities: These are raw resources or tangible commodities. Among them are crude oil, gold, silver, and precious metals.
  • ETFs: They refer to financial instruments that track assets. For example, Invesco QQQ tracks the Nasdaq 100 index, while most Bitcoin ETFs track CME Bitcoin Futures.
  • Bonds: These are loans made by investors to enterprises, governments, nations, and organizations. Borrowers agree to pay some interest rate over a set length of time.
  • Indexes: These measure the performance of certain equities. Dow Jones and the Nasdaq 100 are two examples.

How Does Day Trading Work?

So what is a day trade? A significant number of day traders may purchase and sell stocks depending on recent events. These might include anything from quarterly earnings statements to new launches or significant announcements. They are concentrating on the events that are occurring at the moment. When trying to determine if it is a good moment to purchase or sell, other traders may make use of complex algorithms or examine charts.

Day traders might earn money in one of two ways: by buying and selling stocks quickly. A day trader will purchase a stock then sell it after its value has increased if they see that the stock is going higher on that particular trading day. However, if the value of the stock decreases, then they will suffer a financial loss when they try to sell it.

How to Start Day Trading

Once you’ve mastered a technique and are successfully trading it on a simulator, you may begin to consider trading in a real account.

  1. The following are the steps to take:
  2. Start a brokerage account, then deposit funds.
  3. Have a trading strategy that you can go through every morning.
  4. Use simple and repeatable day trading indicators and strategies.
  5. Next, make a plan then follow it.

Remember to trade gradually.

Day Trader Definition

In order for a transaction to be called a day trade, the buyer of shares of Google on Monday must also be the seller of those shares on the same trading day.

The vast majority of day traders make use of the leverage offered by margin accounts so that they may expand their trading activities and acquire bigger positions. This way, they stand to possibly profit more than they would if they did not use leverage.

How to Become a Day Trader

As you may have figured already, day trading is really no laughing matter, and being a trader is a full-time job in and of itself. There are several factors to consider before becoming a day trader.

Capital Arrangement

If you trade as a full-time job, you should make sure that there are emergency savings that you can tap into in the event that trading does not turn a profit for you. Also, if you already have a job, you should make sure that you keep working there for some time before you leave it to become a trader full-time.

Day trading requires an understanding of both money management and risk management. The act of formulating a strategy for managing one’s financial resources is meant to be referred to by this term. To provide one example, when you first start trading, you should never risk more money than you can manage to lose. Trading is a risky business that should never include critical funds like those for medical care, retirement, or education.

Understanding the Markets

Day traders must not only be familiar with the processes involved in day trading, but they must also be up to date on stock market news that may affect stock prices. This might include the interest rate plans of the Federal Reserve System, statements on leading indicators, and other economic, commercial, and financial news.

Therefore, do your assignments. Create a list of the stocks that are on your trading wish list. Maintain a level of awareness about the specific firms, the stocks of those companies, and the overall market. Read up on the latest business news, then mark trustworthy internet news providers.

Setting up a trading strategy

Day trading is a high-risk activity, but if you use the appropriate method, you may be able to reduce that risk.

Therefore, you need to be familiar with chart patterns.

Do not make the mistake of entering a trade simply because a stock is moving. Keep an eye out for any patterns that could fit in with the plan you have. If the stock moves in the same direction as one of your setups, you can use that to make a trading strategy.

As you gain more experience and improve your skills, you will get better at spotting trends and coming up with smart ways to trade.

Integrating the strategy

After formulating your killer strategy, it’s time to test it out. You can do this freely by using the demo trading accounts.

After practicing using a demo account for a while, you will have to go to the next level. If you’re a regular trader, switching from a demo to a real account is as easy as clicking a button. Putting funds into your account and thereafter beginning to trade is all that is required to accomplish this goal. You are going to need to go through an induction procedure if you are going to be adopting a strategy that involves prop trading.

Day Trading Strategies

In the following part, we will discuss the most common day trading methods that you may use in your trading approach in order to get profitable results in the trading markets.


The scalping approach is intended to take advantage of slight price fluctuations. Traders that use this approach will execute hundreds of transactions in a single day, believing that small price swings are easier to profit from than bigger ones. In a nutshell, scalping seeks to benefit from minute price swings in an asset.

Using this strategy, you would open a position on an asset and then liquidate it as soon as it became profitable. This stance should be taken on the preceding trend.

Range trading

When an asset trades between constant high and low values over a period of time, this is known as a trading range for that security. Price resistance is often found at the highest point of a security’s trading range, while price support is typically found at the lowest point of a security’s trading range.

A significant number of traders consider how long a trading range has been in effect. Large movements in the trend typically come after long periods of range-bound movement. Day traders usually take advantage of the trading range that occurs during the first half an hour of trading as the reference point to be used for their intraday trading techniques. A trader could buy a stock or commodity, for example, if it goes above and stays above its initial trading range.

News-based trading

A technique known as “news trading” is one that aims to capitalize on opportunities that present themselves in the markets whenever pertinent economic information is reported in the mainstream media. During the course of any trading session, they represent one of the most significant or noteworthy price moves. This indicates that news trading offers consistent possibilities for trading, despite the fact that these positions are not devoid of associated dangers. When it comes to trading in news, most of it is based on how things turn out, which is different from traditional technical or fundamental trading.

Day Trader Techniques

Before you get mired down in chart patterns and technical indicators, start with the fundamentals of day trading for a career.

The fundamentals may provide the groundwork for a knowledge of what really works, allowing you to adapt to any market.

Management of Risk

Everyone who chooses to trade stocks does so at their own risk. There’s no getting around it. The idea is to keep your risks to a minimum. By developing your own methods and procedures, you may lower your risks and increase the likelihood that your trading strategies will succeed.


There is a lot of day trading. If you’re not cautious, you might wind up squandering your day, wasting a terrific setup, or even losing a deal.

Day trading requires intense concentration. Therefore, time management is essential.

Key Levels

It’s critical to understand significant levels on the stock chart. These are price movement support and resistance levels. Knowing about these locations can help you make trading strategies.

Who Makes a Living as a Day Trader?

The majority of day traders fall into one of two categories: those who operate alone or for a bigger organization.

The vast majority of professional day traders are employed by big players such as hedge funds. The fact that these traders have access to some proprietary resources gives them an edge over their competitors. There is a professional trading desk, a lot of cash and leverage, and expensive tools for analysis.

These traders are often searching for simple ways to make money, such as through arbitrage possibilities and news occurrences. Because of their resources, they are able to profit on day trades that involve less risk than individual traders have a chance to respond.

Day Trading Risks

The fact is that day trading is considered risky, even for pros. In the end, taking some chances is an unavoidable component of everyday living. When trading, the chance of losing money is both the most obvious and most persistent risk that you will face.

There comes a point in every trader’s career when they incur a loss, regardless of how much experience they have or how well-prepared they are. This universal principle is brought to our attention by the depressing fact that there is no trading method that is successful forever.

Your trading strategy will undoubtedly fail you at some point, regardless of how complex, skillfully designed, or ingenious you think it to be.


Let’s take a look at some of the most frequently asked questions in day trading.

What are examples of day trading?

There are several examples of day trading. First, scalpers are just concerned with generating a marginal profit from each deal they engage in. These investors enter deals, monitor their profits for a few minutes, and then get out of those transactions as soon as possible. The second batch is algorithmic traders that conduct their business via the use of computer programs called bots and algorithms.

Thirdly, the copy traders. These follow the lead of more seasoned market participants. They just make use of the tools made available by forex brokers in order to imitate the trades of other traders who are more successful than they are.

How much money do I need for day trading?

Even though the legal threshold for day trading is just $25,000, it is advised that novice traders begin with at least $30,000.

What is the first rule of day trading?

When day trading, you should never keep a position open when the market is closed for the day. This is the first important rule. Remember to sell out, whether you win or lose. Most day traders follow the rule that you should never hold a losing position overnight in the hope that some or all of your losses will be made back.

Is being a day trader really worth it?

Day trading is not something you should do on an infrequent basis or as a pastime. There is no assurance that you will make money, nor is it possible to forecast what your rate of return will be over any given time period. But there are day trading rules that you can learn to master that will help you make the most money and lose the least.

An Ultimate Guide for a Day Trader - Facts and Tips (2024)


How much money do day traders with $10000 accounts make per day on average? ›

With a $10,000 account, a good day might bring in a five percent gain, which is $500. However, day traders also need to consider fixed costs such as commissions charged by brokers. These commissions can eat into profits, and day traders need to earn enough to overcome these fees [2].

What is the secret to day trading? ›

Set a Financial Loss Limit

It's smart to set a maximum loss per day that you can afford. Whenever you hit this point, exit your trade and take the rest of the day off. Stick to your plan.

How much does the average day trader make a year? ›

The average income of a day trader varies widely, depending on factors like experience, strategy, and market conditions. While some traders can make over $100,000 per year, many others struggle to break even.

How do you beat the pattern day trader rule? ›

Using a cash account is probably the easiest way to avoiding the PDT rule. The only set back with a cash account is you can only use settled funds. This means when you buy or sell a stock in a cash account, the money takes 2 days plus the trade (T + 2) date to settle before you can use them again.

Can I make $100 a day day trading? ›

You're really probably going to need closer to 4,000 or $5,000 in order to make that $100 a day consistently. And ultimately it's going to be a couple of trades a week where you total $500 a week, so it's going to take a little bit more work.

Can you make $200 a day day trading? ›

A common approach for new day traders is to start with a goal of $200 per day and work up to $800-$1000 over time. Small winners are better than home runs because it forces you to stay on your plan and use discipline. Sure, you'll hit a big winner every now and then, but consistency is the real key to day trading.

What is the number one rule in day trading? ›

What Is the First Rule of Day Trading? The so-called first rule of day trading is never to hold onto a position when the market closes for the day. Win or lose, sell out. Most day traders make it a rule never to hold a losing position overnight in the hope that part or all of the losses can be recouped.

Why is day trading not worth it? ›

It's Very Costly. Every time you buy or sell a stock, there are commissions (i.e. brokerage fees) and taxes involved. Because of the high-frequency of trades being placed, these numbers add up very quickly — to the point where it can eat into a significant portion of your profits (or even turn a profit into a loss).

Why do people fail at day trading? ›

The best trades need some time to work, and if you are impatient, the odds of failure greatly increase. If your time frames are inflexible, then there is a much greater chance that your trades will fail. Aggressive short-term trading is extremely difficult, and most people will fail at it.

How many hours do day traders work? ›

Most independent day traders have short days, working two to five hours per day. Often they will practice making simulated trades for several months before beginning to make live trades. They track their successes and failures versus the market, aiming to learn by experience.

What is the best day trading platform? ›

Our five best day trading platforms for April 2024
  • Low fees: Robinhood.
  • Stocks and options traders: E*TRADE.
  • Options and futures investors: Tastytrade.
  • Mobile investing: Webull.
  • Active brokers: Interactive Brokers.
Mar 26, 2024

Do day traders pay taxes? ›

How day trading impacts your taxes. A profitable trader must pay taxes on their earnings, further reducing any potential profit. Additionally, day trading doesn't qualify for favorable tax treatment compared with long-term buy-and-hold investing.

What is the 3 trade rule? ›

You're generally limited to no more than three day trades in a five-trading-day period, unless you have at least $25,000 of equity in your account at the end of the previous day.

What are the golden rules for trader? ›

Set realistic expectations for your business.
  • Rule 1: Always Use a Trading Plan.
  • Rule 2: Treat Trading Like a Business.
  • Rule 3: Use Technology to Your Advantage.
  • Rule 4: Protect Your Trading Capital.
  • Rule 5: Become a Student of the Markets.
  • Rule 6: Risk Only What You Can Afford to Lose.

What is the 3 day trade rule? ›

Essentially, if you have a $5,000 account, you can only make three-day trades in any rolling five-day period. Once your account value is above $25,000, the restriction no longer applies to you. You usually don't have to worry about violating this rule by mistake because your broker will notify you.

How much does a successful day trader make a day? ›

Profit Margins

Some traders aim to earn 1%-2.5% of their account balance daily. It should be noted that higher risks usually accompany higher returns and that traders who risk more have a higher potential to blow out their trading accounts. Many profitable traders attest to the importance of proper risk management.

How much do day traders trade per day? ›

A day trader might make 100 to a few hundred trades in a day, depending on the strategy and how frequently attractive opportunities appear. With so many trades, it's important that day traders keep costs low — our online broker comparison tool can help narrow the options.

Can I make 1000 per day from trading? ›

Earning Rs. 1000 per day in the share market requires knowledge, discipline, and a well-defined strategy. Whether you choose day trading, swing trading, fundamental analysis, or any other approach, remember that success takes time and effort. The share market can be highly rewarding but carries inherent risks.

What is the average return on day trading? ›

Drawbacks to Day Trading

A frequently quoted day trader average return rate is 10 percent, but recall that the failure rate is about 95 percent. Moreover, as NYU's 93 years of stock market return data illustrates, the average rate of return for the stock market historically has been 9.8 percent.

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