An Autumnal Day’s Stroll and Sightseeing Adventure” 🍂 – British & Far East Traders Lifestyle (2024)

An Autumnal Day’s Stroll and Sightseeing Adventure” 🍂 – British & Far East Traders Lifestyle (1)

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  • britishfareasttraderspartners_admin
  • January 30, 2020
  • AUTUMN, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Diana Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain, Green Park, Hyde Park Corner, Hyde Park London, Kensington Gardens, London (England), Marble Arch, Royal Parks London, St. James's Park (London), Thames River Cruises, The Serpentine Lake, TRAFALGAR SQUARE (LONDON), Victoria Embankment, Westminster, Westminster Abbey, Westminster Bridge, Whitehall London

As autumn graces the historic heart of London, a captivating narrative of culture, history, and the changing seasons beckons. With leaves painting the ground in hues of gold and crimson, Central London invites you on a journey through its enchanted avenues. Let’s embrace the autumnal magic in the air as we set forth on a day’s stroll, blending the rich stories of the past with the vibrant pulse of the present.

🍁 Exploring the Splendid Sights of Central London 🍁

With each step, immerse yourself in a London transformed by autumn, where the crisp air whispers secrets and golden leaves guide your path through a rich tapestry woven with tales of yesteryears and present-day discoveries.

🌰 A Day’s Stroll and Sightseeing Adventure 🌰

Become a vital part of London’s ever-evolving narrative, where each sight shares whispered secrets of autumnal wonders and historic tales, inviting you to forge deep connections with the heartbeat of the city in its most enchanting season.


Our autumnal journey begins in Hyde Park, an oasis adorned with amber hues, inviting you to immerse yourself in serene landscapes that echo with whispers from time’s passage.

🦆 Exploring Serpentine Lake in London’s Hyde Park 🦆

At Serpentine Lake, the water mirrors the golden canopy above, crafting a scene of peace that invites reflection, quiet conversations, and dreamy afternoons spent in the embrace of autumn’s gentle caress.

💖 Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain 💖

Here, we find a place that celebrates a spirit of love and compassion, a fountain that flows with tales as endless as the cycle of seasons, offering a space to reminisce amidst the autumnal serenity.


The Hyde Park Cafe beckons, a warm haven where steaming brews carry tales of shared smiles and quiet moments, inviting you to add your own story to its rich tapestry amidst the golden glow of autumn.


A space of convergence, Hyde Park Corner stands adorned with leaves that narrate tales of countless journeys undertaken under the watchful eyes of history, sharing whispers of the myriad paths that beckon in the autumn air.


As you proceed, the Wellington Arch towers with grandeur, sharing stories of heroism echoed in the rustle of autumn leaves, inviting you to pause and reflect amidst the golden hues that adorn this historic gate.


Green Park unfolds, a sea of tranquillity painted in autumn’s rich palette, where rustling leaves share whispered tales with those seeking a quiet haven in the heart of the vibrant city.


As we wander through pathways strewn with golden leaves, Buckingham Palace emerges, a symbol of history and elegance, sharing stories of regality woven through centuries, now adorned with autumn’s golden crown.



At St. James’s Park, autumn unveils a theatre of natural splendours, inviting you to wander through avenues narrating rich stories of seasonal beauty and vibrant life.


Delve deeper into tales spun through centuries, as the park shares whispered secrets of autumns past, inviting you to a historic stroll under a golden canopy.


Whitehall unfolds, a corridor of power dressed in autumn splendour, where historic walls whisper tales of governance amidst the rustle of golden leaves, inviting a reflective stroll through Britain’s heartbeat.


As we reach Westminster, the rich history of this political hub echoes in the autumn breeze, sharing whispered tales from the golden corridors of power, inviting you to become part of London’s autumnal narrative.


Venturing to the vibrant South Bank, discover a space where modern creativity meets the golden hues of autumn, inviting you to immerse yourself in a kaleidoscope of art and culture, enhanced by the enchanting atmosphere of the season.


As dusk paints the sky, we reach the Thames, where the whispered stories of the river meld with the quiet beauty of autumn nights, inviting tranquil reflections under a moonlit sky.

🌉 London Tower Bridge up close 🌉

Our day’s adventure reaches its pinnacle at the iconic Tower Bridge, witnessing the timeless beauty adorned with autumnal accents, sharing silent tales as night enfolds the golden city.


Please make yourself a cup of tea or an aromatic mug of coffee. Give yourself permission to put your feet up and have a pause to your day. Enjoy these pictures.

Talk to you soon.

As always, Stay Zen! Be Zen!

An Autumnal Day’s Stroll and Sightseeing Adventure” 🍂 – British & Far East Traders Lifestyle (2)
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An Autumnal Day’s Stroll and Sightseeing Adventure” 🍂 – British & Far East Traders Lifestyle (43)
An Autumnal Day’s Stroll and Sightseeing Adventure” 🍂 – British & Far East Traders Lifestyle (44)

If you do plan to bring your car in Central London,

please ensure you have booked your parking in advance if your hotel does not have free allocated parking.

Parking fees in Central London are notoriously expensive

some to the tune of even £42/hour and that is not even the top end of it.

Shop wisely, you are in one of the most expensive cities in the world lol.

JustPark gives you very good parking deals all over the UK,

we’ve used JustPark severally and you can save tons of money

just by saving on London parking.

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An Autumnal Day’s Stroll and Sightseeing Adventure” 🍂 – British & Far East Traders Lifestyle (61)


Hyde Park is an iconic spot in London and a favourite among locals and visitors alike.

With its sprawling greenery and historic monuments, the park is an ideal spot for a leisurely stroll, a picnic, or even a jog.

The park was first opened in 1635 during the reign of King Charles I, and it has been a popular destination ever since.

It is a Royal Park and covers 350 acres, making it one of the largest urban parks in the world.

It is home to a variety of wildlife, including ducks, geese, squirrels, and even a family of pelicans.

The park contains several iconic monuments, including the Marble Arch, the Albert Memorial, and the Serpentine Lakes.

It also contains a variety of sculptures and statues, ranging from ancient Greek gods to the famous Peter Pan statue.

There are also several cafes and kiosks dotted throughout the park, where you can enjoy a snack or a hot drink.

The park is also home to a variety of events.

Every summer, the park hosts the ‘Speakers’ Corner’ where people can come and make speeches or hold debates.

There are also various concerts and festivals throughout the year, such as the Hyde Park Festival and Open Air Theatre.

Hyde Park is a wonderful place to spend the day, whether you’re a local or a visitor.

Whether you’re looking for a peaceful stroll, a bite to eat, or a spot of culture,

this park is sure to have something for everyone.

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Exploring Serpentine Lake in London’s Hyde Park

Located in the middle of London’s historic Hyde Park, Serpentine Lake is one of the city’s most beloved spots.

This man-made water body was created in 1730 to provide a spot for activities such as boating and fishing, and it has since become a popular destination for locals and tourists alike.

The lake stretches over 40 acres and is surrounded by a beautiful landscape of trees, shrubs, and wildflowers. It’s also home to a wide variety of wildlife, from wildfowl and fish to reptiles and amphibians. The lake is regularly stocked with brown trout, making it a great spot for fishing.

In addition to being a great spot for fishing, the lake is also a popular spot for other activities such as swimming, sailing, boating, and walking.

There is a café and a boat rental shop located on the northern side of the lake, and there are plenty of benches and picnic tables scattered around the area.

Serpentine Lake is also home to two of Hyde Park’s most popular sites: the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Walk and the Diana Memorial Fountain.

The Memorial Walk is a seven-mile circular path and is a great place to take a leisurely walk or a jog.

The Diana Memorial Fountain is a beautiful memorial to Princess Diana and is located at the lake’s western end.

Visiting Serpentine Lake is a great way to take in some of London’s natural beauty and to explore one of its most beloved spots.

Whether you’re looking for a peaceful spot to relax, a place to get in some exercise, or a spot to spend some quality time with friends and family, Serpentine Lake is the perfect destination.

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Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain

Diana, Princess of Wales was a beloved and iconic figure in the 20th century.

After her death in 1997, her memory was commemorated with several memorials around the world, including the Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain in London.

The memorial was designed by Kathryn Gustafson and opened in July 2004.

It is located in Hyde Park and is built in the shape of an oval stone ring, with two sides separated by a shallow pool of water.

The water flows in two directions, representing the “ever-changing flow of life”.

The memorial is made of Dartmoor granite

and Portland stone and it is said to symbolise Diana’s connection with her two sons, Prince William and Prince Harry, and her bond with the public.

The fountain is surrounded by a large area of open space, which is often used for relaxation and picnics.

The memorial has become a popular tourist attraction and is often featured in film and photography.

It is also a popular spot for wedding photos.

The Diana, Princess of Wales Memorial Fountain is a beautiful and meaningful tribute to a much-loved figure.

It serves as a reminder of how Diana’s compassion and charity touched so many people’s lives, and how her memory continues to inspire and bring people together.

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Park visitors picking up fallen chestnuts.

These are lovely when roasted.

Be careful that you’re not picking horse chestnuts though, we’ve picked a handful in Sussex before thinking all chestnuts are the same but my word, those things are a killer; please verify this for me.

Good thing they tasted awful, otherwise could have eaten loads then died in the end.

That could have been a disaster haha!!

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An Autumnal Day’s Stroll and Sightseeing Adventure” 🍂 – British & Far East Traders Lifestyle (137) We’re guessing these geese are also enjoying the abundance of chestnuts,

good for them.

We love seeing happy people and happy animals.

Good for the soul!

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They remind us of a scene from Disney’s Little Mermaid when the prince and Ariel (the little mermaid) were boating.

Maybe the creator took some inspiration from Hyde Park lol…

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An Autumnal Day’s Stroll and Sightseeing Adventure” 🍂 – British & Far East Traders Lifestyle (144) Wow, you seem to be in deep thoughts.

Carry on your meditation. I feel you. Bless your heart.

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Look how graceful these beauties are.

They remind us of Tchaikovsky’s Swan Lake,not that we know the lyrics nor the meaning of the composition, the title just popped into mind lol.

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This basin/ pool spillover from the lake doubles up as a wishing well

and people throw in some shiny pennies as tokens for their wishes.

Some don’t really even know what they want in life,

so their wish is hopefully to finally find out what they want in life.

You would need more than a few shiny pennies for that problem lol.

You need some serious soul-searching.

Life is a limited and time-sensitive ASSET.

You’ve got to make the most of what you’ve got because

you really won’t know when it will be taken away from you do you?

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We are now heading away from the middle of the park, your marker is really the Serpentine.

Now heading towards Hyde Park Corner.

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This is Trafalgar Square, it sits just outside St. James’s Park.

Chinese New Year Celebrations are usually held here organisedby the London Chinatown Chinese Association.

Check out our blog:


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St. Thomas Hospital towering from the Southbank of the River Thames.

It sits just opposite (across the river) The Palace of Westminster.

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The iconic London Eye towers above the South bank of River Thames.

London Eye offers a 360 degree view of the City and neighbouring counties.

The only drawback is when the weather is nice,all the tourists want to have the experience too so be prepared to queue for an average of 2 hours during peak season.

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River Thames offers visitors alot of things to do.

If you don’t wish to queue for 2 hours for the London Eye,perhaps you could take Thames River Cruises which can takeabout 45 minutes to 2 hours depending on the cruise you choose.

Some of them even have luxury cruises, champagne on board, what’s there not to love?

Just make sure you don’t get too tipsy and drown yourself on the water.

These waters have alot of buried secrets lol-

don’t be one of them.

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We are now crossing River Thames via Westminster Bridge.

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An Autumnal Day’s Stroll and Sightseeing Adventure” 🍂 – British & Far East Traders Lifestyle (289)


The Best Way to end a long day’s walk is always beside the water as much as possible.

There is healing energy being beside the water even if you don’t get your feet wet.

It is perhaps the calm and the cool & gentle breezethat caresses your soul.To top it all off, the beautiful lights of the establishmentsand of London’s skyline is a very romantic juxtapositionthat makes London a global city that will be forever lovedby many more generations to come.

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That is the magnificent Shard London towering over the city.We recommend you visit the Shard for an incredible London Nightlife experience.

To learn more, visit their website at :

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That’s the HMS Belfast, a decommissioned British Naval ship.It’s now a permanent fixture in River Thames that serves as a tourist attraction perhaps.You are not allowed inside it though (at the time of writing).

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From the other side of the river looms the Tower of London,infamous for drowning prisoners with the Thames water.Also infamous for executions in its long history.It is now a historical place, perhaps a bit of a museum.It’s not used as a residence nor a prison anymore.We never had an inkling to visit the place,who would want to immerse themselves in a place full of dark past.

In UK if they say a place is haunted,we really don’t joke with it anymore lol.

We used to stay in a very old Inn as a base for our Cotswolds tripand that was enough to put us off Old Inns and haunted places.

We’re here to relax not to be haunted.

Can you hand us some red wine please lol.

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This is the London Tower Bridge,contrary to what most visitors believe to be the London Bridge.

The Tower Bridge can accommodate taller ships passing underneathby raising its bridge at the same time cutting and stopping road traffic.

London Bridge is actually not a featured tourist attraction anymore as it is very old,and like what the nursery rhyme accurately says,it is actually falling down so they had to do alot of restoration work.

We’re not sure if it is still in active service though.You’ll have to do your research about that. Head is tired lol.

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London Tower Bridge upclose.

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An Autumnal Day’s Stroll and Sightseeing Adventure” 🍂 – British & Far East Traders Lifestyle (341)

This is the posh Bond Street.Could you believe we managed to even arrive here by foot after all that walking.

We actually planned to just walk along the North bank of the Thamesas it would surely lead us back to Westminster Bridge,and from Westminster Bridge it would all be easy going to the hotel around Kensington area.

WRONG! It was actually a disaster and we started to panic.

That side of the river is not all the way accessible to pedestrian,alot of repairs going on along the banks,and its not all very touristy.

You’ll see more of cold looking buildings and industrial areas.

Now its okay to be confronted with this reality during the day,but at night around 10pm you will really start to panic.

So we decided following the river is no good and opted to use Google Maps instead.

Now Google Maps is also playing up as it leads us to locked up footpathsor abandoned subterranean footpaths.

Seeing Bond Street once more means where now in familiar territory.

Thank goodness for it.

We won’t even need any more wine to send us to sleep.We were utterly drained, and so are the phones we used for navigation.

Can’t wait to just put up our feet up in bed and drift off like a log.

Goodnight London! Goodnight World!

An Autumnal Day’s Stroll and Sightseeing Adventure” 🍂 – British & Far East Traders Lifestyle (2024)
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Author: Neely Ledner

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Author information

Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.