Airline Pilot Salary: Comprehensive Breakdown & Industry Comparison (2024)

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How much is an airline pilot’s salary? How much do pilots make? A short answer is the average airline pilot salary for 2022 was $225,740, and we will update 2023 as soon as those reports are in. How does pilot pay compare to other jobs? How much do pilots get paid? Salary Examples for Captains at Major Airlines: Salary Examples for First Officers at Major Airlines: How is a pilot’s salary calculated? Why does pay range matter? What are some sample salaries for regional airlines? Salary Examples for Regional Airlines Captains: Salary Examples for Regional Airlines First Officers: How do international pilot salaries compare to U.S. airline pilot salaries? Are cargo pilots paid well? Salary Examples for Cargo Airlines Captains: Salary Examples for Cargo Airlines First Officers: What is a pilot’s starting pay? Why does starting pay seem low compared to overall pilot salaries? How long does it take to go from First Officer to Captain? Do pilots receive a minimum daily guarantee? Rather watch our 6-minute video on pilot salaries? Do pilots ever receive signing or retention bonuses? Can I earn overtime and earn beyond my base salary? Do I need a college degree to fly for the airlines? Does networking help in the hiring process? What kinds of benefits do airline pilots receive? What are the top 10 benefits of being a pilot? How many years can an airline pilot work? Can I really get paid to do what I love? Salary Examples for Charter Airlines Captains and First Officers: How Much Do Pilots Make? Calculate Your Pilot Salary Below: Average Charter Airline Pay Average Cargo Airline Pay Average Regional Airline Pay Average Major Airline Pay Are there trends in pilot wages? Are pilot incomes expected to increase? Do pilots belong to labor unions? What steps can a pilot take to earn at the top? News and trends regarding airline pilot salaries 2023 2022 2021 2020

Epic Flight Academy students put in a lot of effort to become airline pilots. They make connections while at flight school that will stay with them throughout their careers. But the real question is… how much will they earn?

How much is an airline pilot’s salary?

Pilot pay varies for many reasons, such as the airline and years of service, with the average salary over $200,000 in 2023. People choose an airline pilot career for a variety of reasons, first and foremost being their love of flying. However, with the growing demand for commercial airline pilots worldwide, airline pilots’ salaries are an excellent reason to consider an aviation career.

Have you have been thinking about becoming a pilot, but you’re concerned with how much pilots are paid? For the relatively small investment you make in flight training, the financial rewards of a pilot’s paycheck are more than sufficient. With an annual income in 2022 ranging from $56,000 to $700,000+ in the U.S., it is important to understand how pilot salaries are calculated.

How much do pilots make?

A short answer is the average airline pilot salary for 2022 was $225,740, and we will update 2023 as soon as those reports are in.

Like other professions, pilot salary is not equal across the board. Pilot salaries vary annually among airlines, the type of aircraft, and even flying routes. For example, salary depends on various factors, such as pilot credentials, experience, job title, and pilot union agreements. Also, most people don’t realize that pilots are paid by the hour and not an annual salary. GlassDoor, a website where people self-report their earnings, shows that average domestic airline pilot salaries are respectable. However, salaries varies among airlines.

For example, Southwest Airlines pilots earn an average annual salary of $222,000. However, some Southwest pilots earn as much as $549,000. Similarly, United Airlines pilots earn an average of $205,000. The average Delta Airlines pilot earns $192,000 with top-earners making $526,000. American Airlines pilots earn an average salary of $118,000, with some pilots earning in excess of $700,000. Most importantly, pilot salaries continue to increase. Even international airlines pay well. For instance, Qatar pilots average $173,000-187,000 annually. Additionally, China Southern Airlines starts its pilots at $228,000 per year. An average Lufthansa pilot earns $102,000 annually.

Airline Pilot Salary: Comprehensive Breakdown & Industry Comparison (1)

How does pilot pay compare to other jobs?

In 2023, U.S. News included pilots in the Top 10 highest-paying jobs. In fact, it was the only non-medical job to make the top ten list for salary.

How much do pilots get paid?

TheBureau of Labor Statistics reported the median U.S. pilot salary at $211,790 in 2022. This means 50% of pilots earn more than this, and 50% earn less. However, there are pilots working for major airlines making more than $700,000 per year. Many factors impact airline pilot salaries. You have to look at multiple criteria and examples to have a real understanding of how much pilots earn. In other words, you want to know how much you can expect to earn.

How much do pilots make is a simple question with a multi-faceted answer. Salaries vary whether you’re with a legacy or regional airline. Other factors include experience and equipment. We have shared examples of Captain and First Officer salaries for several major airlines. These salaries are based on flying 1,000 hours per year. Like we said, the average commercial pilot salary in 2022 was $225,740.

Salary Examples for Captains at Major Airlines:

Airline Pilot Salary: Comprehensive Breakdown & Industry Comparison (2)

Salary Examples for First Officers at Major Airlines:

Airline Pilot Salary: Comprehensive Breakdown & Industry Comparison (3)

How is a pilot’s salary calculated?

First of all, remember that airline pilots are paid by the hour for actual hours flown. They are not paid per flight. Federal law requires that airline pilots are to fly no more than 1,000 hours per year. This is to ensure they are well rested and ready to fly each time they enter the co*ckpit. Compare this to an average job where workers are expected to work 40 hours per week. Taking two weeks off for vacation, the average person works 2,000 hours per year – double that of a commercial pilot.

A pilot’s hourly rate increases for each year he or she has worked for an airline. The range in hourly rate also changes by airline and by type of aircraft. For example, an experienced Captain flying an A350 for Delta can expect to earn $354 per hour. Delta pays a junior First Officer $92 per hour. Flying a B777 for United Airlines, a senior Captain earns $352, and the junior First Officer $91. All factors matter, such as whether you fly a Boeing 747 or a Bombardier CRJ200. Experience also counts, such as whether you’ve been flying professionally for one year or ten. It also matters which airline you have chosen to fly for. All of this plays a part in how your pay is calculated.

Why does pay range matter?

Pay range matters if you plan to stay with one airline. Remember that these ranges in pay are on a continuum from lowest to highest pay. This changes incrementally depending on your pilot experience with the airline. This applies to cargo airlines as well as passenger planes. FedEx Express pays a junior First Officer $84 per hour, and senior Captains earn $335. The range at UPS is even greater, with junior First Officers starting at $52 per hour and senior Captains earning $341. These are wide ranges among a few examples of freight carriers showing actual salary calculations.

What are some sample salaries for regional airlines?

Regional airlines typically start at around $60-146 per hour for a new First Officer. They determine your starting pay based on various factors, such as your flight experience and type ratings. Piedmont Airlines, a subsidiary of American Airlines, is one example. In 2019, this U.S. regional airline announced First Officer starting pay of $50-55 per hour and Captains at $76-96 per hour. However, by 2023, they raised first year FOs to $96 per hour and Captains to $154 per hour.

Pilot salaries have experienced rapid growth in the past few years. Additionally, regional airlines tend to contribute 3-5% for your 401k, reaching 10% after you’ve been with them a while. Most regional airlines do not want to be a stepping-stone on your way to the major airlines. This is why their pay has become more competitive and generous. Pictured below are samples of regional pilot annual salaries.

Salary Examples for Regional Airlines Captains:

Airline Pilot Salary: Comprehensive Breakdown & Industry Comparison (4)

Salary Examples for Regional Airlines First Officers:

Airline Pilot Salary: Comprehensive Breakdown & Industry Comparison (5)

Check Your Airline Pilot Training Eligibility Now!

How do international pilot salaries compare to U.S. airline pilot salaries?

Most international airlines pay pilots similarly to U.S. airlines. The airline pilot shortage is not just a U.S. problem, and the shortage is predicted to worsen. Many international airlines offer premium pilot salaries to entice American pilots to work for them. For instance, Emirates Airlines pays an average salary of $192,000 plus an additional $50,000 annually for housing. This is on the high side. Also, most pilots have been with Emirates a long time.

Piloting the larger jets pays approximately $121,000, while flying smaller jets internationally pays around $104,000. This is why many international flight students attend flight schools in the U.S. Training in the U.S. is more available and affordable than in many other countries. An FAA-approved license and ratings will transfer to any country. To properly compare pay rates between airlines, it is always advisable to review their hiring requirements.

Airline Pilot Salary: Comprehensive Breakdown & Industry Comparison (6)

Are cargo pilots paid well?

Yes, the reported average salary for cargo pilots in March 2022 was approximately $95,112, with a range of $80,956 to $141,150. Indeed reported the average base salary for cargo pilots in May 2023 as $76,109. As with any position, experience, company, and equipment help determine salary.

Salary Examples for Cargo Airlines Captains:

Airline Pilot Salary: Comprehensive Breakdown & Industry Comparison (7)

Salary Examples for Cargo Airlines First Officers:

Airline Pilot Salary: Comprehensive Breakdown & Industry Comparison (8)

What is a pilot’s starting pay?

Flight instructors’ starting pay is a modest $49-60 per hour, depending on the flight school. In the U.S., most pilots’ first paid job is the position of certified flight instructor. They first earn a private pilot license, instrument rating, commercial pilot, and instructor training, and then they teach others to fly. This is mainly because of the 2013 FAA “1,500-hour rule.” The rule requires all First Officers flying for commercial airlines to have accrued a minimum of 1,500 hours to qualify for their Air Transport Pilot (ATP) license. In order to log these required hours, pilots become instructors. This allows them to “build time” in their logbooks, hone their skills, teach new pilots, and get paid.

The critical component for U.S. pilots is that they can build their hours without having to rent the use of an airplane, which could be costly. Once they have earned their ATPL, pilots can expect to be hired as a junior First Officer. First Officer starting pay with a regional airline is approximately $50-90, depending on the company.

Why does starting pay seem low compared to overall pilot salaries?

The reason pay starts on low side is because airlines are investing what will later become part of your salary into your training. This is why your pay isn’t great the first year. Although you have your CPL and have logged the minimum hours to fly commercial, you must be trained in the airline’s fleet. International airline pilots earn their ATP with different minimums depending on the country.

For example, flight students fromColombia,Taiwan, and Saudi Arabiaknow that when they train in the U.S. and return home to begin their flying careers, they only need to have logged 250 hours instead of 1,500. Most have logged these required hours before leaving the U.S. Therefore, most international flight students can begin their airline pilot careers without first becoming instructors. To fully understand the number of hours needed to fly in your country, check with the Civil Aviation Authority there.

How long does it take to go from First Officer to Captain?

Many of our graduates report going from FO to Captain in as little as 4 years with regional airlines. However, a more realistic range is 4 to 12 years, especially among the legacy airlines.

Do pilots receive a minimum daily guarantee?

Yes, most airlines use the model of a minimum daily guarantee. Remember, pilots do not fly for 40 hours per week. Pilots are only allowed to fly 1,000 hours in a calendar year. Therefore, most airlines offer a monthly guaranteed minimum hours, usually around 75 to 80. Some offer minimum pay on a daily basis, typically around 4.1 hours. This guaranteed minimum ensures you’ll have a paycheck even when a flight is grounded.

Rather watch our 6-minute video on pilot salaries?

Do pilots ever receive signing or retention bonuses?

Yes, regional airlines frequently offer signing bonuses. For example, in 2021, Piedmont Airlines offered a $180,000 retention bonus. In 2023, signing bonuses began breaking records. For instance, Envoy Air, Piedmont Airlines, and PSA Airlines offered signing bonuses of $100,000. Signing bonuses have become more common due to the pilot shortage, especially with regional airlines. Therefore, this is good news for pilots who have recently completed flight school and want to begin their aviation careers. In addition to signing bonuses, some airlines pay annual bonuses to employees. For example, in 2019, Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air workers shared $120 million in bonuses due to outstanding performances in 2018.

Can I earn overtime and earn beyond my base salary?

Yes, pilots can earn 100-300% increases by working on their days off. The airline you work for often pays these rates just to make sure a scheduled flight happens. When a pilot is making $500-700,000 annually, they are typically picking up this overtime to make that happen.

Do I need a college degree to fly for the airlines?

Although most airlines do not require a college degree, many do assign value to having a degree. Many airlines use a point system to determine the best candidate and rate of pay. A college degree can give you an edge during the hiring process. Epic Flight Academy has partnered with Daytona State College and Purdue Global where your flight training transfers as college credit.

Does networking help in the hiring process?

Yes, connections made while training often lead to the first job. Your qualifications will ultimately carry you across the finish line to the pilot job you are seeking. However, we know of many instances where friends helped former classmates land new positions. We frequently hear from our graduates who share their new positions and other career information. They network through social media after graduating from flight school and continue to support each other once they launch their aviation careers.

Your flight school offers a place for networking. Here at Epic, we frequently host events for our students to meet representatives from our partner airlines. Airline reps enjoy meeting students during their training and build relationships with them. All of this leads to strong connections that help our flight students on their career paths. Never underestimate the power of networking.

What kinds of benefits do airline pilots receive?

Airlines typically provide excellent perks and benefits that include health, life, dental, and vision insurance and a retirement plan. You also receive paid vacation time, sick days, holidays, and other personal time off benefits. Most airlines provide per diem to cover food expenses, etc. Perhaps one of the greatest benefits is the pilot’s schedule. Because a pilot can only fly 1,000 hours per year, you often have as much as two weeks off every month, resulting in greater leisure time than most occupations. Most airlines offer free airfare via jumpseats. Airlines typically extend this perk to family members as well based on seniority and other factors.

Pilots can also find themselves overnighting in some wonderful locations. As a result, they enjoy spontaneous sight-seeing and memory-making. Employees in any field of work often forget about the value of benefits. These benefits cost employers real money. When calculating your actual pay, always remember to include your total benefits package to understand the value of your compensation. In today’s gig economy where companies frequently contract people as freelancers who receive no benefits, pilots remain fortunate considering the many benefits paid by their employers.

What are the top 10 benefits of being a pilot?

  • 1. First, the view from your “office!” In other words, seeing the world through sunrises and sunsets is a unique perk.
  • 2. Next, the paycheck! As you can see, pilot salaries are generous and help you pay the bills.
  • 3. Job security! As more pilots retire and the shortage continues, job offerings grow.
  • 4. Travel benefits! Fly free, or at the very least, at heavily discounted rates. This typically applies to your family, too.
  • 5. Flexible schedules! Although the work hours can be irregular, generous time off enhances work-life balance.
  • 6. Layovers typically include staying at nice hotels with great amenities. In other words, relax and enjoy!
  • 7. Healthcare plans include medical, dental, and vision for you and yours. This is because the airlines want you to stay healthy!
  • 8. Dynamic career options include a multitude of aircraft types, airline types, home base, and more.
  • 9. Professional development and training using the latest technology. As a result, you earn more type ratings.
  • 10. Finally, camaraderie and closeness within the aviation community is a perk many pilots treasure.

How many years can an airline pilot work?

In the U.S., the FAA requires airline pilots to retire at the age of 65. However, they can still fly as private pilots for companies like NetJets, where Indeed reports the average pay at $207,771 per year. The mandatory retirement age in the U.S. is one of the main causes of the pilot shortage. In 2023, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill increasing the retirement age to 67. However, the Senate has not acted on this yet.

A pilot can spend more than 40 years in their profession. Therefore, airline pilots must also maintain a healthy lifestyle to avoid losing their Class 1 Medical. ATPs must have a Class 1 Medical. Pilots should never smoke or use drugs. They must limit alcoholic intake, exercise regularly, and get plenty of rest. In other words, good pilots take all steps necessary to maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to avoid losing their Class 1 Medical.

Can I really get paid to do what I love?

Yes, pilot job growth potential is above average for jobs and job security. However, many people who become pilots do so for less tangible reasons than pay and perks. Pilots often profess to having a “calling” to fly. Perhaps there are pilots in their family tree or inspirational stories of military missions. Maybe the desire to fly is innate in humans, just stronger in some. We understand the deeper reasons people choose this career path, however many are certainly motivated by salary.

We provide pilot salary information to help you understand the nuanced ways airlines determine pilot salaries and factors that contribute to increases in salary. After all, you have to make a living, and isn’t it wonderful when you can get paid to do what you love? Therefore, we provide examples of pilot salaries to give you an idea of the range. Whether fractional, charter, regional, law enforcement, or major airlines, starting pay is generous. And, the longer you fly, the more you earn. Following are examples of charter pilot salaries.

Salary Examples for Charter Airlines Captains and First Officers:

Airline Pilot Salary: Comprehensive Breakdown & Industry Comparison (9)
Airline Pilot Salary: Comprehensive Breakdown & Industry Comparison (10)

How Much Do Pilots Make? Calculate Your Pilot Salary Below:

  • Average Charter
  • Average Cargo
  • Average Regional
  • Average Major

Average Charter Airline Pay

  • Hourly
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Annual

Average Cargo Airline Pay

  • Hourly
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Annual

Average Regional Airline Pay

  • Hourly
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Annual

Average Major Airline Pay

  • Hourly
  • Weekly
  • Monthly
  • Annual

How does this calculator work? First of all, we averaged the ‘year 6’ captain salaries of the airlines we shared on this page. Next, we entered those averages into the calculator so you can see an estimate. Now, how can you use this calculator? Simply enter data into any one of the fields, and the calculator will do the rest. For example, If you enter $65 per hour, the calculator will show what that will be each week, month, and year. Remember, this is a pilot salary calculator. Pilots fly 1,000 hours per year, so this calculator only calculates pilot salaries, not other occupations.

Are there trends in pilot wages?

Yes, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics compiles salary data on airline pilots, copilots, and flight engineers. For example, in 2023, the Bureau reported the median pilot salary in 2022 at $211,790. Compare this to the median salary for all workers in the U.S. in 2022, which was only $56,420. Trends clearly show pilot wages on the rise.

Median Annual Pilot Salary Trends in the United States:

  • 2023: TBA in 2024 when USBLS releases this information
  • 2022: $211,790
  • 2021: $202,180
  • 2020: $186,870
  • 2019: $174,870
  • 2018: $140,340
  • 2017: $137,330
  • 2016: $127,820

Are pilot incomes expected to increase?

Yes, the upward trend in pilot salaries and bonuses shows no signs of abating. Southwest Airlines will increase pilots’ salary by nearly 30% in 2020 according to their new contract. For instance, an average Southwest pilot earned $230,626 in 2015, so their pay is certainly above average. Furthermore, Delta pilots voted for a similar deal, and in 2023 saw another 37% increase. With the ongoing pilot shortage and increase in air travel, airline pilots can expect a steady rise in wages.

Do pilots belong to labor unions?

Many pilots do join unions to advocate for their best interests, including wages and benefits. The Air Line Pilots Association, International (ALPA) is the largest union for pilots in the world and represents 63,000+ pilots from around the world. This includes the U.S. and Canada. ALPA is a member of the AFL-CIO and the Canadian Labour Congress. Airline Pilots Association is the labor union that represents pilots from American Airlines.

What steps can a pilot take to earn at the top?

  1. First, be a good pilot.

    Take your currency requirements seriously and focus on safety first. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Enjoy a balanced diet, regular exercise, and sufficient sleep. Therefore, avoid tobacco and alcohol use, because good health is highly valued.

  2. Second, be a good employee.

    Be reliable, be a good colleague, maintain a positive attitude, and be flexible. Adhere to your corporate values, which likely emphasize customer satisfaction. Above all, your work reputation follows you, therefore you need to make sure it’s a good one.

  3. Third, research.

    You may have reasons for wanting to work somewhere, so keep this in mind. Then, find out what different airlines are paying. Legacy airlines, such as Delta and United, are known for top pay. However, with various signing bonuses and benefits, you may be surprised at what other airlines offer. Check your network to see if anyone has pertinent information.

  4. Fourth, negotiate.

    Decide what you really want. Be willing to compromise. Although you may not be able to negotiate your salary, you can likely negotiate your benefits. Prioritize. Make sure you are asking for what you really want. A younger pilot may focus on salary, whereas a long-time pilot may want more personal time off.

  5. Fifth, prepare.

    Whether you’re going to your first job interview or your fifth, prepare yourself. Follow proven tips on how to get a job as a pilot. Prepare for your job interview. Most importantly, learn all you can about the company ahead of time.

News and trends regarding airline pilot salaries


  • September 29, 2023United Airlines pilots ratified new contracts that bring $10 billion in raises.
  • August 21, 2023The New York Times reports American Airlines pilots ratified contracts with big raises.
  • June 8, 2023Barron’s reports that experienced pilots are earning as much as $700,000.
  • March 1, 2023Forbes reports Delta pilots receive 34% pay increase.
  • February 24, 2023USA Today reports pilot salary increase is highest since 2010.


  • December 5, 2022Reuters shares US pilot salaries are outpacing global salaries.
  • September 29, 2022SkyWest doubles pilot salaries.
  • April 22, 2022 ABC News reports the severity of the pilot shortage is driving up salaries.
  • February 22, 2022Parade published the top-paying 30 careers with airline pilot coming in at #14 earning an average of $186,870.
  • January 26, 2022Forbes reports Delta pilots looking for salary gains with $265,800 the average salary for a 12-year captain.
  • January 13, 2022Market Watch reports airline pilot salaries as the highest salary in the non-medical field.



  • September 29, 2020Airline pilots, co-pilots and flight engineers rank in the top 50 fastest-growing jobs that pay over $100k.
  • May 3, 2020Pilot salaries increase based on the airline they work for. For example, your location impacts your salary at American Airlines.
  • January 20, 2020Delta Airlines’ profits were high, therefore they paid all 90,000 employees an extra two months’ salary as a bonus.
  • January 7, 2020CNBC has added airline pilot to its best paying jobs list of 2020, the first time the position has appeared on its list. They report a salary of $146,600.

Being an airline pilot has always offered a rewarding career and now more so than ever. Therefore, do your research to make sure you receive the best flight training possible and best job offer possible. Pilots can spend a lot of time away from home and experience irregular schedules, so join the airline that fits your priorities.

Airline Pilot Salary: Comprehensive Breakdown & Industry Comparison (2024)
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