Airbnb Service Fees: How Much Does Airbnb Charge Hosts? (2024)

Whether you’re offering a wintery cabin escape, a cottage out in the countryside or even a whole fleet of luxury beachfront villas, Airbnb is unequivocally the first solution most hosts choose.

There is no denying that Airbnb is a fantastic platform for finding suitable guests to fill your property’s vacancies. It’s global, it’s easy to use, and better yet, it requires very little time or effort to set up at a very low cost – or so we believe. Not to mention, Airbnb is undoubtedly one of the biggest travel startups to emerge from the sharing economy in recent years. There are over seven million listings worldwide on the platform and on average over 2 million guests stay on Airbnb every night. Its unparalleled success is in part due to its ease of entry, but what about their commission? How much does Airbnb take?

Airbnb has now made some new changes to the way their service fees are set up. Previously those charges could add up to 25% between host and guest and the lion share of this amount always fell to the traveler. However, since then Airbnb has switched gears and almost completely eliminated guest service fees. Amidst the changes, some hosts have found themselves wondering how much Airbnb is costing them. We’re here to clarify the Airbnb fee confusion as well as provide a thorough outline of Airbnb vs. Lodgify fees and services.

Hosts can expect to pay around a 3% fee for each booking service for the split-fee option or 14-16% for the host-only option (more on how that works later). This is based on the amount that the owner is going to charge the guest for being able to experience a stay at their rental property. Once the owner determines the price that is going to be charged for the rental, the booking or Airbnb host fee will be visible to the host but not the guest who is viewing the listing.

In this article, we’re going to break down the costs of using Airbnb with real money examples. We’ll crunch these numbers in order to compare them with the costs of using complementary channels, for example, those involved with creating your own professional vacation rental website. This will help owners and managers to determine what route is best for their vacation rental journey.

Don’t see the form to download the Airbnb Revenue Calculator? Click here.

Disclaimer: Lodgify is an Airbnb Preferred Software Partner. This post, including any claims or statements within, is solely from Lodgify and is not endorsed by, directly affiliated with, authorized, or sponsored by Airbnb in any way.

Contents show

What are Airbnb host fees?

When you’re running an Airbnb business, it can feel like you need to give a piece of the pie to everyone. From your team members to Home Owner Association (HOA) fees, there’s definitely some overhead that you’ll need to factor into your business. As we said, your OTA’s are no exception! Don’t forget to consider the host fees associated with listing on an OTA when you’re crunching your vacation rental numbers.

The average Airbnb host pays about 3% for the split-fee option, as stated earlier, but what if you check your account and 15% is missing? Each host will pay a different host service fee percentage depending on the property and a number of other factors. Still, we can assess the main factors that affect that percentage charged.

Fees vary largely depending on the host, and the type of Airbnb (for example Airbnb Luxe and Airbnb Plus are subject to different fees). It can be a bit unclear what fees exactly they charge which is why it’s important, as a host, to track the charges from your account. If your payout doesn’t look quite like you expected it to, take a look at the “fees breakdown” to see what was deducted. Airbnb charges hosts the host service fee, as explained above, but there shouldn’t be any other routine hosting-specific fees deducted from your bookings.

Airbnb Service Fees: How Much Does Airbnb Charge Hosts? (1)

Location matters a lot, too. If you host your property in Mainland China, for example, the host service fee is 10%. If, like many hosts, your property is connected to software (such as Lodgify or other channel managers) you might also be expected to pay more as the split-fee isn’t always allowed for these types of listings (exceptions are sometimes made for properties located in the U.S., Canada, Bahamas, Mexico, Argentina, Taiwan, and/or Uruguay).

Airbnb also takes your cancellation policy into consideration when calculating the host service fee amount. If you have a strict cancellation policy, you can expect it to be around two percent higher than more flexible policies.


Out of the two Airbnb owner fee options, this one is the most commonly selected. As the name implies, the service fee will be split between the host and the guest, so to offset the charge for the owner. In most cases, guests will be charged 14.2% in addition to the price of the property and it will be visible to them before check-out. For the split-fee option, the 3% paid by the host will be deducted from the payout amount, which we’ll cover in a bit.

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Host-only fee

Some hosts prefer to have a more transparently-priced property. By choosing the Airbnb host-only fee, guests will not have an extra service fee tacked on to their total amount as the expense will fall fully on the host.

Airbnb’s Service Fees page states that the minimum host-only fee starts at 14% and can increase up to 20%. Additionally, a 2% fee may be added on top of this if the host has a Super Strict cancellation policy.

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If your property already has a high VAT, tax, or cleaning fee it might be useful to opt for the host-only fee option so as to not scare off guests due to an excessive amount of additional expenses.

Remember that the host-only fee is a mandatory selection under certain conditions, such as having a software-connected account or operating a hotel. In most cases, using channel management services like Lodgify means that the host-only fee is obligatory.

Tip: offset this extra expenditure by raising your base rate. Guests won’t know that your rate is inflated to cover this. If anything, they’ll be happy to see fewer fees tacked on in the price breakdown!

Other service fees:

Airbnb makes it incredibly easy to manage fees by simplifying the owed amount into either host or guest fees. Other services fees, such as the Airbnb experiences fee for hosts, will fall outside of your accommodation expenses. Additionally, local and VAT fees or taxes are not the responsibility of Airbnb.

Airbnb Experiences fee

There are many hosts who choose to pair their accommodation with an experience. Airbnb Experiences are a great way to create a beautiful memory for your guests while also encouraging them to rebook for future trips to come.

The fees for Airbnb Experiences don’t have quite the same breakdown as Airbnb fees for stays. In every case, the host is responsible for the Airbnb Experiences service fee. Airbnb will charge hosts a 20% service fee on every experience offered. The calculation is based on the total price of the experience and, like Airbnb accommodations, is automatically deducted from the host payout.

Airbnb makes some exceptions for social impact-oriented experiences.

Airbnb fee calculator: how to calculate your Airbnb host fees?

When we’re talking about percentages and varying fees, it can be tricky to nail down what the actual cost of Airbnb is. Knowing what you owe not only helps you understand your profit margins but also helps you to scale your business by adjusting your prices accordingly. Let’s take a look at how you can calculate the Airbnb host fees on your own instead of being surprised by the number in your Airbnb payout.

Airbnb commission breakdown

The most advertised number is a 3% booking fee for the split-fee option. This tiny margin means only an easy ten dollars and some change if your booking amount is $350, for example. So, if the number is so low, why do hosts find that a larger percentage is coming out of their payout?

It’s important to fully understand the Airbnb commission and additional fees breakdown. There are other fees, factors, and considerations that go into your host payout, so it’s not advisable to attribute your decreased payout only to the hosting fee. Beyond the booking fees that factor into Airbnb’s commission, here are some other numbers that might be useful in understanding your payout decrease:

  • Routing rules and minimum payouts
  • Payment processing fee
  • Local taxes and VAT
  • Currency exchange rates
  • Guest and host discounts
  • Dynamic or long-term pricing

Your booking fee can be quite simple, but remember that there are many moving parts, like payment processing and local taxes, to consider when understanding the Airbnb commission process and how that relates to your payout.

How does Airbnb calculate service fees?

Airbnb keeps things simple by sticking to a 14-16% average rate. There’s still some variance, but the rate is usually 14-16% for most hosts.

The rate is decided by Airbnb based on their operational needs. Just as you would charge guests a fee to cover cleaning that you can then pay to your crew, Airbnb charges a service fee to cover their own expenses. This is the rate that Airbnb has determined as fair for both hosts and their own needs.

How can you see the host service fee on Airbnb?

In an aim to stay transparent about the breakdown of their fees, Airbnb makes it to where you can see the amount taken from the booking total. The fee will be automatically deducted from your payout, but you can still check the fee overview if you’re interested, by following these steps:

  1. Go to the Transaction history inside your account
  2. Under the reservation that you’re trying to review, click on the reservation code
  3. Once inside the reservation, find Payout
  4. Look for the Airbnb Service Fee under your reservation’s payout

How Airbnb collects service fee payments

Once a vacationer has finished their renting experience and checked out, Airbnb releases the payment. The payment will be everything you are owed minus the service fees. Airbnb deducts the amount owed for the service fee from the payment before issuing it to the owner.

Airbnb fees: frequently asked questions

We’ve gathered some of the most frequent questions that hosts ask themselves regarding Airbnb fees and commissions. Let’s take a look!

How much does Airbnb charge hosts?

The amount that Airbnb charges hosts depends on the payment structure. For split-fee, the host is charged 3% of the booking amount. For the host-only method, owners can expect to pay around 14-16% of the booking amount.

What percentage does Airbnb take?

It depends on the payment structure you’ve opted for, your property, and your property’s location. If you, like most owners, use channel management software, you’ll be using the host-only fee option. This can typically range from 14-16%.

Why does Airbnb charge service fees?

The host fee is charged by this platform to handle their administration costs. Part of the responsibility that Airbnb has is handling all guest payments. This takes time and resources, so a host fee helps to cover these fees. Airbnb states that their fees cover:

  • 24/7 customer support
  • Marketing to guests via Google, social media, and more
  • Protection for you and your place
  • Educational resources for Hosts

The service fee is not only necessary to keep Airbnb operations running smoothly, but it’s also standard for all OTAs.

Can I advertise my property for free on Airbnb?

Yes! Advertising a listing on Airbnb is completely free. Airbnb markets your property for you by listing it on their high-traffic website without any additional cost to you. Airbnb doesn’t have paid advertising for their listings. That’s why it’s vital for you to maximize your Airbnb copywriting efforts so your listing organically ranks well.

How much does it cost to post on Airbnb?

Nothing! Listing your property is free on Airbnb. You won’t pay any sign-up fee or subscription cost. You’ll only be expected to pay once you start receiving bookings where you’ll then pay a percentage of the total amount which is usually around 15% for hosts who choose the host-only fee plan.

Can I avoid paying the Airbnb service fee?

To put it simply, no. Payment is handled primarily through the Airbnb platform, so they know what guests are paying for your property. The amount is then subtracted automatically from your payout, so there’s not really any way to work around that.

Keep in mind that if you do try to hack or find a loophole to this, you’ll be in violation of Airbnb’s usage rules and risk getting removed from the site.

What happens to the fee if a guest cancels?

How the fee is handled largely depends on your cancellation policy and payout method. For example, if guests are due a full refund, you won’t be expected to pay the host service fee.

Even beyond our own explanation, when you look for the answers to these questions online, many search results will arrive at the same conclusion: creating your own vacation rental website can actually complement your existing Airbnb activity and get you more bookings.

What’s the real cost of listing on Airbnb?

As Airbnb doesn’t operate under flat fees, it can be a bit tricky to determine the true cost of listing on Airbnb. How much do your Airbnb costs differ if your listing is worth $100 for one night versus another vacation rental in your area priced at $350 a night?

The answer to how much Airbnb costs is going to vary depending on numerous factors, but let’s try to cover the cost range with an example. Owners who use the host-only fee plan are going to pay, on average, 14-16% per booking. Let’s say that your minimum payout is set to $1,000 and your price per night is a flat $100. Once you’ve completed 10 nights you’ll be due your payout. Assuming your booking fee is 15%, your payout will be around $850 (not including any deductions from taxes or other variable charges) with $150 going to Airbnb. To put it another way, you’re giving Airbnb $15 for every night your property is booked.

How to become more independent from Airbnb?

If the majority of your bookings are coming from Airbnb, you might be wondering how you can diversify your reservations. Not every potential guest is going to be on Airbnb and you don’t want to miss out on any opportunity to fill your reservation calendar.

Airbnb paired with other reservation sources means bigger earnings and a wider reach for your vacation rental. New hosts and even seasoned vacation rental veterans can find it challenging to gain independence from listing sites. Here are some tips for becoming more independent from Airbnb.

Get your own vacation rental website

If you want to book guests through another means, you’re going to need the website to do so. The majority of your guests are going to want to google you or make sure your vacation rental is legit outside the comfort of the Airbnb website. The best way to do this is by getting your own vacation rental website.

Airbnb Service Fees: How Much Does Airbnb Charge Hosts? (4)

Having your own vacation rental website gives you an extra channel for guests to get to know you, communicate with you, and get inspired to book your short-term rental.

Get listed on other OTAs

Different listing sites attract different guest types. Let’s say you’re aiming for a high-end clientele. Wouldn’t it make sense to publish your property in a place it will get seen by this particular audience?

Further, there are so many listing sites to choose from, and with different audiences and guests for each platform, why wouldn’t you tap into those markets? There’s no limit on the number of OTAs you can publish your property on, so it’s advantageous to make your listing as visible as possible.

The popularity of listing sites tends to ebb and flow, but your vacation rental shouldn’t have to. By listing your property on multiple pages you extend your reach and decrease your dependency on Airbnb.

Use a channel manager to sync your calendars

Remember you’ll need to do more than just sign-up for these other listing sites. Give your other listing sites the same attention and care as you did your Airbnb account by uploading quality vacation rental photos and connecting all your reservation calendars to your channel management system.

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There might not be a limit on the number of listing sites you can publish on, but it needs to be manageable. Imagine how much worse it would be for your business if you received a booking from a niche listing site and completely forgot you published there in the first place! By syncing all your calendars to one, easy-to-use channel manager, you eliminate the need to manually check your listings, thus unlocking the potential to publish on as many platforms as you’d like!

Lodgify vs. Airbnb

Now let’s be clear about one thing: we love Airbnb! It’s a respected channel for diversifying your vacation rental bookings and reaching a wide audience. We proudly parade our preferred partnership status and our Airbnb management software comes with a channel manager to synchronize your listings (via API integration) and ensure you never experience mix-ups or double bookings.

It’s also useful to point out that Lodgify and Airbnb are very different services – and that means they do not have to be used exclusively. Many Lodgify users maintain active Airbnb accounts alongside their own vacation rental website.

Airbnb is a distribution channel, meaning it is a great way to create visibility for your rental, as it will be seen by thousands of guests who are already searching for accommodation in your specific area.

Lodgify, on the other hand, is software that owners and managers use to create their own professional vacation rental website; accept online bookings and payments and manage all reservations and inquiries from one place.

Advantages of using Lodgify to manage your Airbnb listing

Managing property listings and bookings across different sites can be quite tricky, especially when you have your own website for your vacation rental business. You need to ensure that all the calendar availability, bookings and rates are always up-to-date.

So how can you manage everything from one place and save time? Not only does Lodgify sync directly with Airbnb via API, but it also provides you with additional functionalities.

1. Invest in your own direct booking channel

One of the main advantages of creating your own website via Lodgify is that it allows you to accept your own online bookings and payments for your vacation property.

Aside from this, having your own direct booking channel is hugely important for creating and maintaining your vacation rental brand, and is an ideal place to showcase your reviews from all external channels in one place.

A vacation rental website made with Lodgify will also allow repeat guests to book directly with you for their next visit – rather than going via listing sites and paying those additional fees mentioned earlier.

Investing in your own channel, such as your own website, is a must for your business’s long-term goals. Not only will it help you to gain independence from online travel agencies, it will also enable you to build a reputation and credibility, and it costs a lot less in the long run than solely sticking to sites like Airbnb.

2. Avoid double bookings

Hotels have long been using channel managers to ensure that room availability and calendars are updated on any external listing sites when there is a booking made. For vacation rental owners, it’s the same principle. For example, if a guest makes a reservation on Airbnb, it will automatically be updated on your website. Channel managers are essential in your vacation rental business to ensure that everything is in sync.

Managing your vacation rental business is easy when you can use just one central reservation system for all your bookings and inquiries. Lodgify’s Channel Manager has a two-way synchronization with Airbnb, which means you don’t have to manually update your availability calendars.

You’ll be able to keep your website’s calendar up-to-date by instantly importing bookings into Lodgify, which will synchronize your availability. When you receive a booking on one channel, all the rest will automatically update to show your guests the correct availability. Double bookings won’t occur anymore and you’ll be able to easily manage all your reservations from one single platform.

3. Maximize profit with rate markups

While it’s free to list on most OTAs, the majority do charge commission per booking. A channel manager marks up base rates on specific channels to cover any fees or commissions.

You can also use them to maximize profits through dynamic pricing. For example, pricing by demand and day of the week makes it much more likely to fill the gaps in the calendar and increase revenue.

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When you change a rate on Lodgify’s channel manager, it will be updated instantaneously on Airbnb. This will prevent guests from paying too little or too much when booking your vacation rental.

4. Build brand awareness

Since a channel manager saves so much time, it helps vacation rental businesses to expand their reach to more channels.

More exposure usually leads to more bookings especially with the immense amount of traffic you can get from exposing your property on Airbnb. Simply being on Airbnb increases awareness of your property as guests navigate through different listings on their booking journey. Some of those guests may even be compelled to visit your vacation rental’s official website and make a direct booking.

Having a channel manager is essentially an easy, effective and affordable way to boost bookings and enhance the ongoing marketing efforts of a vacation rental business.

5. Answer your guest’s messages

Communicating with your guests during their booking process or before their arrival is vital. It’s the making or breaking point and shows your guests how you are as a host. But when guests are messaging you from different sites and platforms, it can get a bit confusing and complicated.

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With Lodgify’s message integrations, you won’t lose track. Any message you receive or send on Airbnb will automatically appear on your Lodgify account. Likewise, you can communicate with your Airbnb guests through your Lodgify account.

This way, all messages are synced into one centralized platform. If a guest messages you on a non-listing platform such as Facebook messenger, it will also appear on your Lodgify account, along with your Airbnb inbox.

6. Manage multiple accounts on one single platform

There are many tools that vacation rental owners like you can use to help streamline your processes. Instead of managing your business through different platforms and accounts, it’s worth checking out options that allow you to do everything from the same place.

With Lodgify, owners and property managers can manage all their bookings from one place with an integrated channel manager while having their own vacation rental website.

The Lodgify channel manager provides two-way API connections to Airbnb to ensure rates, availability, and bookings are correct across all your channels. There is no maximum number of accounts you can connect to and all of them are included in the subscription price.

You won’t need to switch between your different Airbnb accounts anymore, but instead, manage everything from Lodgify.

7. Ensure consistency across your channels

Constantly manually updating your listings across Airbnb and all of your other channels can be a repetitive bore and is also prone to error because there’s a higher risk of posting inconsistent prices or promoting the wrong descriptions.

If a potential guest finds the wrong information on your Airbnb listing and the specifics have changed, it’s highly unlikely that they will continue with the reservation. Additionally, they might think you’re unorganized and untrustworthy.

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Lodgify instantly synchronizes with Airbnb so it’s far less likely for errors such as overbookings or double bookings to occur. Once a room or property has sold on one channel, our channel manager will automatically remove availability for those dates on the other online channels. This will avoid any inconsistencies on your listings – and the best part, it’s quick and easy!

8. Easily import and export properties

If you’re just getting started with your vacation rental business, you’ll want to diversify your bookings by creating your own website and promoting your property on platforms like Airbnb.

If you have already created your properties in Lodgify and you want to create an Airbnb account or you wish to add a new listing in Airbnb, you can do it directly inside your Lodgify account. Or if you already have an Airbnb account and want to showcase your listing(s) on your new Lodgify website, you can also import all of your listings.

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Lodgify’s two-way integration allows you to export a property’s name, description, photos, amenities and rates from Lodgify to Airbnb and save time.

Cost of Lodgify vs. Airbnb

When you’re weighing out the Airbnb commission vs the Lodgify fees, you might find that it’s not exactly a clear pros and cons list. Lodgify and Airbnb help your vacation rental in different ways and provide different services. It’s advantageous to use both, but if you’re trying to have a clear price breakdown between Airbnb versus Lodgify, we’ve done the math for you.

While Airbnb takes a commission per booking from both the host and the traveler, Lodgify charges a monthly fee which varies depending on how many properties you have, and if you choose to pay monthly, yearly or biannually.

So, putting this into numerical terms: If the average Airbnb booking* had a value of $1,500, the total amount for host fees would come to around $225. Comparing that to a $225 fee, you would only spend $32 a month for your own website with Lodgify.

To better explain how Lodgify’s software can save you money, we’ve done some more calculations.

Let’s take a look at some hypothetical sums to help paint a better picture of how the two services’ fees are divided up between guests and hosts in case of the shared host and guest fee – plus, what both services really cost you.

We calculated these figures by choosing some hypothetical monthly earnings:

  • $100, $200, $300, $400, $500, $1,000, $2,000 and $5,000 – to cover hosts at different ends of the spectrum. Of course, some hosts may earn less or even a lot more than our invented numbers here.
  • We chose the host-only fee model to make a more accurate comparison
  • To find the Airbnb host fee, we calculated 15% of the monthly earnings (or the “mid-tier” when it comes to hosting fees).

To find the total Lodgify fee, we used:

  • The flat monthly rate of our Professional plan that we charge customers with one rental who are on a yearly plan – $32.
  • To this amount, we added the average credit card processing fees charged by external payment gateways such as Stripe and PayPal (around 3%).

As the Lodgify monthly fee never changes, the saving difference constantly grows as monthly revenue increases. That means that with just one or two Airbnb bookings, you could pay for a whole year of Lodgify fees.

Monthly Revenue$100$500$1000$2000$5000
Airbnb Host$15$75$150$300$750
Airbnb Total:$15$75$150$300$750
Lodgify Professional Plan$32$32$32$32$32
Credit Card Fees$3$15$30$60$150
Lodgify Total:$35$47$62$92$182
Monthly Savings:-$20$28$88$208$568

Say you’re an Airbnb host only who rents out your apartment for two weekends a month, at $100 a night – your monthly Airbnb income is $400. Of that amount, Airbnb will take. If you suddenly decide to rent your apartment for more nights that month, higher fees will be charged. For six nights 10 nights out of the month your fees would increase to $150; and for 20 nights, $300.

If you’re a Lodgify user running the same business, for four nights’ of renting, this charge would be around $44 ($32 for your monthly Lodgify subscription, plus credit card processing fees). For 10 nights, the total fees you would incur would be $62 and for a 20-night rental, just $92 extra would be paid in fees. That’s because, unlike with Airbnb, your Lodgify subscription cost will stay the same, no matter how many nights you rent each calendar month.

Overall, it’s clear using Lodgify for a big chunk of your bookings can help you save plenty of money in the long run. As this amount increases, so do your savings. For owners who earn in the higher range like $2,000 per month, you’ll save $208; and for owners who bank $5,000 per month, you’ll save a whopping $568 compared to Airbnb.

How much money can you save by using Lodgify vs. Airbnb?

Your savings are entirely up to you. Remember that when comparing a flat monthly membership like Lodgify’s Professional and Ultimate plans to a commission-based platform, the amount of money you save is entirely dependent on how much you earn. With our two plans, you rake in the entirety of your booking total, no matter how big or small.

It’s up to you to determine if your monthly earnings exceed the membership cost of Lodgify or fall below the total amount subtracted from Airbnb’s booking fees. If you’re consistently hosting and your ADR is top-tier, you’ll find that the savings for using Lodgify versus Airbnb are higher simply because the membership fee is independent of your earnings.

Calculating the Airbnb fees: how we worked it out

We wanted to take the most accurate snapshot of the Airbnb vs. Lodgify landscape so we assessed the average. The host fee for Airbnb falls between 14-16% so we based our calculations on the median of 15%. Similarly, Lodgify offers three subscription tiers: Starter, Professional, and Ultimate. We based our Lodgify calculations on our middle subscription plan, the Professional.

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We assume that from a low range, hosts who only offer their accommodation occasionally, net around $100, and hosts in the higher tiers may earn upwards of $5,000 a month. We offered a price breakdown of the different ranges of Airbnb income accordingly and compared the price breakdown of both Airbnb and Lodgify then subtracted the Airbnb sum from the Lodgify subscription cost plus credit card transaction fees.

What is (and isn’t) included with Lodgify and Airbnb fees

We’ve already discussed some of the benefits of using Airbnb, but one hugely important asset we haven’t mentioned yet is this: Airbnb does the marketing for you. For this reason, it’s an ideal solution for many busy hosts who want to rent out their homes, but do not have enough free time to dedicate to marketing activities. By fully completing a listing, Airbnb’s algorithm will ensure that your property shows up somewhere in the search results for your city or town.

There are things every owner can do to help boost their presence in search results. These include:

  • Listing quality
  • Ease of booking
  • Guest preferences

The full list of factors to improve search ranking on Airbnb can be found here.

On the other hand, with Lodgify, you’re in control of your own marketing. But don’t fret – Lodgify helps owners every step of the way. From building your professional website to receiving direct bookings, there are tools in place to help your marketing efforts from the very first day.

Lodgify websites are:

  • Optimized for search engines
  • Mobile-friendly
  • Easily integrated with social media sites and marketing tools.

What’s more, with your own website, you’re truly in charge of your vacation rental brand and we’ll help you to build it. Our vacation rental owners’ blog is a one-stop-shop for everything related to marketing, achieving direct bookings and the guest experience. Bursting full of resources like articles and free eBooks, owners can refer back to our content time and time again to help overcome their biggest obstacles.

We’ve already seen the numbers: a vacation rental software like Lodgify works out much more affordable for owners with long-term business goals. And as you’ll be saving hundreds or even thousands, you’ll be able to invest in additional marketing if needed.

What to take away

There is no doubt that using Airbnb is one of the best ways to get your vacation rental booked up quickly. As it is one of the world’s largest vacation rental platforms, it’s a fantastic distribution tool to get your property in front of the right viewers at the right time.

Nevertheless, it’s becoming more important than ever for owners and managers to have – and maintain – control of their own booking channel, such as their own website. This is essential in order to establish a brand identity, cater to repeat guests, and have somewhere to direct inquiries that come in via other channels. In addition to this, a professional website allows owners to stand out from the crowd in an overly competitive industry.

Download our free Airbnb fee calculator

See how these fees apply directly to your own property by using our Airbnb fee calculator. By entering the totals of your Airbnb earnings and bookings, you’ll have a clear idea of what Airbnb is costing you as it directly pertains to your earnings.

The only way to find out which option is best for you is by crunching the numbers yourself. We’ve taken the guesswork out of the calculations with our free Airbnb fee tool. Give it a try and see just how much you could be saving.

If you’re ready to tally up your savings, start a free 7-day trial of Lodgify. You’ll soon see just how easy it is to build your own vacation rental website, take direct bookings and manage your reservations from one place with our software.

Don’t see the form to download the Airbnb Revenue Calculator? Click here.

Airbnb Service Fees: How Much Does Airbnb Charge Hosts? (2024)


Airbnb Service Fees: How Much Does Airbnb Charge Hosts? ›

2. Host-only fee. With this structure, the entire fee is deducted from the Host payout. It's typically 14–16%, though Hosts with Super Strict cancellation policies may pay more, and fees for monthly stays may be less.

Do Airbnb hosts get the service fee? ›

Airbnb automatically withholds service fees from host payouts after a completed booking. Payouts are released 24 hours after the experience, or the first experience in an immersion. Hosts are paid their earnings with the service fees already removed. They don't need to reimburse Airbnb for the service fees.

How much percent does Airbnb take from host? ›

The host pays a flat rate of 3% of the total booking cost and the guest pays a percentage of their reservation fee (this is somewhere between 5-20% depending on the length of stay, the location, and the cost of the reservation to start with).

How do I avoid Airbnb service fee as host? ›

  1. Create Your Own Website. In short, the best way and most obvious way for hosts to stop paying fees on Airbnb are to use other platforms, preferably their own. ...
  2. Provide Guests With the Option to Move Transactions to Direct-Booking Websites. ...
  3. Get Listed on Alternative Platforms.

Why do some Airbnb charge service fee? ›

To help Airbnb run smoothly and to cover the cost of services like 24/7 customer support, we charge a service fee when a booking is confirmed. There are 2 different fee structures for stays: a split fee and a Host-only fee.

Can I avoid the service fee on Airbnb? ›

In short, no. You can't reduce the overall service fee. However, you can reduce your cost as the host by introducing the split-fee option. You could also consider reviewing your cancellation policy, as hosts with stricter policies typically have higher service fees.

Who gets the Airbnb service fee? ›

Historically, Airbnb has had a single fee structure for all Hosts, in which a service fee is charged to both the Host (3%) and the guest (under 14.2% in most cases).

Can Airbnb host charge extra for cleaning? ›

A cleaning fee is a one-off charge for cleaning the space you stay in and is set by the Host. It's an extra amount on top of the nightly rate when you book a listing. This fee covers the extra expenses Hosts incur when getting their place ready for guests to arrive or after they leave.

How much does the average person make from Airbnb? ›

What Is the Average Airbnb Host Salary by State
StateAnnual SalaryHourly Wage
New Hampshire$57,648$27.72
46 more rows

What is the average Airbnb margin? ›

Current and historical gross margin, operating margin and net profit margin for Airbnb (ABNB) over the last 10 years. Profit margin can be defined as the percentage of revenue that a company retains as income after the deduction of expenses. Airbnb net profit margin as of March 31, 2023 is 23.3%.

Why are some cleaning fees so high on Airbnb? ›

The cleaning costs for Airbnb hosts are often higher than those for hotels because they likely can't take advantage of economies of scale. For example, hotels have commercial-size laundry machines. Plus, listings are typically spread out geographically, so there's the inefficiency of traveling miles between properties.

What is a fair cleaning fee for Airbnb? ›

What is the average Airbnb cleaning fee? The average cleaning fee on Airbnb is between $50 – $80, however, this average is somewhat misleading. With such a huge spectrum of listings from tiny rooms in shared houses, to opulent mansions with 10+ rooms, it's very hard to find an accurate average.

How do I negotiate cleaning fees on Airbnb? ›

Filling a gap between stays

However, if your short stay would fill a short gap between a host's longer booked stays, you may be able to persuade an Airbnb host to reduce or waive the cleaning fees. Again, the host might be happy to collect some revenue for that night rather than having the property sit empty.

Are Airbnb guests expected to clean? ›

Treat your Host's home like your own

Cleaning fees set by Hosts are only meant to cover the cost of standard cleaning between reservations (ex: laundry, vacuuming, etc.). Litter: Guests should put their trash in designated trash receptacles and be mindful of excessive amounts of trash.

Where do Airbnb hosts make the most money? ›

The "richest" US hosts, though, make well above the national average. According to Tipalti's study, Hawaii is the US state with the highest average annual host earnings. There, Airbnb hosts make, on average, a whopping $73,247 per year.

How much do Airbnb hosts make on average per month 2023? ›

As of Jun 3, 2023, the average annual pay for an Airbnb Host in the United States is $59,296 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $28.51 an hour. This is the equivalent of $1,140/week or $4,941/month.

What is the most profitable Airbnb? ›

According to data shared by Mashvisor, one of the top Airbnb host calculators, Nashville in Indiana is one of the US cities that offer the highest short-term rental cash on cash returns. Hosts can expect a monthly short-term rental income of about $5,000, with daily rates averaging at $260.

What is a good Airbnb occupancy? ›

A good Airbnb occupancy rate should be above 50%. Otherwise, it means that your short-term rental is staying vacant for more than half the time for which it is being listed for booking.

How do you tell if your Airbnb will be profitable? ›

A simple way to calculate your Airbnb revenue is by multiplying the year-round occupancy rate and your average daily rate. If you charge $150/night and achieve a 70% occupancy rate, you will make around $150*0.70*365, which is $38,325 before expenses and taxes.

Can you make a living from Airbnb? ›

According to online data, Airbnb business owners can make close to $100,000 per year, if not more, without owning any properties. From co-hosting to becoming a vacation rental consultant, we've compiled the top 10 ideas on how to make money on Airbnb without acquiring a property.

How much should I charge for Airbnb? ›

Average Airbnb Prices By Arrangement Type: 2021/2020
Entire Home$149/night$123/night
Hotel Room$85/night$102/night
Private Room$66/night$53/night
Shared Room$44/night$39/night

Should I tip my Airbnb cleaner? ›

Considering the fact that Airbnb requires its United States hosts to pay its cleaners a living wage, there's no need to tip housekeepers.

Should I include a cleaning fee on Airbnb? ›

An Airbnb cleaning fee is one of the most important things hosts need to consider when pricing their vacation rentals. A cleaning fee can keep your rental spotless and pristine, and discourage guests from booking shorter stays.

Does Airbnb take the full amount? ›

The total price of your Airbnb reservation is based on the nightly price set by the Host, plus fees or costs determined by either the Host or Airbnb. In addition to this, listings in some geographical locations may include taxes as well.

Why are Airbnb fees so high? ›

The cleaning costs for Airbnb hosts are often higher than those for hotels because they likely can't take advantage of economies of scale. For example, hotels have commercial-size laundry machines. Plus, listings are typically spread out geographically, so there's the inefficiency of traveling miles between properties.

What percentage does vrbo take from hosts? ›

A 5% commission fee is charged on the rental amount and any additional fees you charge the traveler (such as cleaning, pet, and boat fees). Bookings that originate from our expanded distribution partners may have higher fees.

Are Airbnb worth it? ›

Renting through Airbnb could be more lucrative than renting to a long-term tenant, depending on your location. Your costs may be higher if you rent through Airbnb, since you'll be expected to provide furnishings, keep the place clean, and pay utilities.

How often does AirBnB pay hosts? ›

Airbnb typically releases the payout 24 hours after the guest's scheduled check-in time. If your guest is staying for 28 or more nights, payouts for that reservation are released monthly.

How do I get out of AirBnB cleaning fee? ›

Submit your request: You'll describe the issue, provide photos or video if you can. You can ask the Host to fix the issue, request a refund of the cleaning fee, or, for severe issues, you could request to cancel your reservation for a full refund of remaining nights.

Is it better to pay AirBnB in full? ›

Of course, we are just a single data point, but cancellations do occur and when they do, an extra 10% certainly helps with finding a new place closer in to your travel date, when there's less inventory and frequently higher prices. In short, we think it's safer to pay in full upfront.

Do I have to clean my Airbnb? ›

Treat your Host's home like your own

Cleanliness: Guests should not leave the listing in a state that requires excessive or deep cleaning (ex: with moldy dishes, soiled carpets, stains from pets, etc.).

Does Airbnb always charge a cleaning fee? ›

Hosts don't need to charge for cleaning, and there are no Airbnb cleaning fee rules enforced. Many hosts do choose to charge a cleaning fee, as it keeps their rentals immaculate and encourages guests to leave a 5-star review.

What is the Airbnb fee problem? ›

Airbnb has a pricing strategy problem on extended stays (28+ nights), which make up to 25% of the nights it sells each quarter. The reason for this disconnect is that its service fees are too high compared to the value it brings as an intermediary to hosts and guests on these longer stays.

Why do people use Vrbo instead of Airbnb? ›

Vrbo allows shoppers to search for properties based on guest ratings and reviews, so they can look only at properties that other guests have endorsed, and it also offers a tool that filters out properties that don't offer free cancellation. Airbnb does not offer these tools at this time.

What are host fees? ›

A Host Service Fee is a fee you pay to list your property on Airbnb's platform. It's a percentage of the total booking price and is calculated based on how many nights guests book, how much they spend per night and the price of your listings.

Do more people use Airbnb or Vrbo? ›

When it comes to variety, Airbnb comes out on top. Currently holding 5.6 million worldwide listings, Airbnb provides more opportunities to find a unique reservation versus the 2 million listings on Vrbo.

How much do Airbnb Superhosts make? ›

From October 2021 to September 2022 Superhosts have collectively earned over $23 billion in income from hosting on Airbnb. In Q3 2022 the typical Superhost earned 64% more than a regular Host.

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.