AI Pricing (2024)

Artificial intelligence (AI) encompasses everything from chatbots to data analysis systems, helping businesses around the globe create personalized, sales-driving experiences for consumers and business buyers.

AI Pricing this year

Already, analysts predict spending on AI systems reached nearly $118 billion in 2022 and surpass $300 billion inthe next few years.

How much does artificial intelligence cost, though? It’s a question companies of all sizes (from enterprises to startups) are asking. Good news, this AI pricing guide covers all your questions about the cost of artificial intelligence, from the average rates to the pricing factors that determine what you pay.

Keep reading to learn more about the average cost of artificial intelligence! Or, for more information about how you can add an AI package to your existing WebFX services, give us a call at888-601-5359to chat with an experienced WebFX strategist.

*AI services are only available to current clients.*

In 2023, companies can pay anywhere from $0 to more than $300,000 for AI software. This software can range from a solution provided by a third-party to a custom platform developed by a team of in-house or freelance data scientists.

AI TypeCost
Custom AI solution$6000 to $300,000 / solution
Third-party AI software$0 to $40,000 / year

In comparison, custom AI solutions cost anywhere from $6000 to over $300,000. This price tag includes development and rollout. Ongoing AI services, like for consulting, generally cost less and depend on the consultant’s hourly fee. Most AI consultants charge $200 to $350 per hour. If your company uses a third-party AI software, like for a pre-built chatbot, expect to pay up to $40,000 per year. In some cases, your business may find free chatbot applications that meet your bot marketing needs, though these mostly work for entrepreneurial operations.

AI Pricing (8)

What factors determine the cost of artificial intelligence?

When it comes to artificial intelligence, a range of factors influence AI software costs. From your preference for a custom or pre-built solution to the type of AI required, like a virtual assistant or analysis system, dozens of decisions will influence what your business invests in AI.

Learn more about the most influential AI pricing factors:

AI type

Companies can choose from several different AI software solutions, including:


A chatbot uses AI marketing to help your business streamline, automate, and improve customer support interactions.

You can use chatbots on your website, as well as select social media platforms, likeFacebook. With a custom or pre-built chatbot, your business can offer shoppers or business buyers product recommendations, order updates, and even the convenience of making a purchase.

Analysis systems

An analysis system helps your business interpret and take action from large quantities of data.

You can use analysis systems to make data-backed decisions when it comes to your sales and marketing initiatives, likepaid advertisingorsearch engine optimization (SEO). This data-driven approach can help your company improve advertising and marketing spend, as well as increase its returns.

Analysis systems have also extended into writing.

Your company can now useAI SEO content writing services, for instance, to assess the optimization of current pages and receive actionable suggestions, like reaching a certain word count or using a specific title tag. Businesses can even use these services to build brand-new pages.

These kind of analysis system and service costs around $600 per page.

Virtual assistants

A virtual assistant helps your company complete general, everyday tasks while saving time.

Mainstream virtual assistants include Cortana, Siri, and Google Assistant. Some businesses, however, require a custom virtual assistant that uses company data to respond to customer or employee questions or requests.

AI Pricing (9)

Your AI choice, whether a chatbot, virtual assistant, or data analysis system, can impact how much your business pays for AI. Rates for a custom-built chatbot, for example, start at $6000. In comparison, prices for a custom-built data analysis system begin at $35,000.

Project type

When it comes to AI, companies can choose from pre- or custom-built solutions.

If you’re looking to incorporate a chatbot into your website, for instance, you may choose a pre-built option likeDrift,HubSpot, orTARS. As expected, these pre-made options cost less than custom-built ones.

Drift, for example, costs $400 to $1500 per month while TARS costs $99 to $499 per month.

In comparison, prices for developing a custom chatbot can start at $6000 and go up to almost $15,000.

That doesn’t mean your business should move away from custom solutions. It is, however, an AI pricing factor that you and your company leaders will need to consider. If you want (or need) a custom solution, prepare a larger budget than for a pre-built product.

AI features

What you want in an AI solution also influences how much your artificial intelligence will cost.

Even if you’re choosing a pre-built solution, your must-have features will impact what you pay. If you want a chatbot that can integrate with your custom relationship management (CRM) software, for example, you may need to choose a higher-priced plan.

Or, if you want a custom data analysis system that uses the best AI software available, like IBM Watson, prepare for higher AI software prices. In this scenario, remember that your AI serves as an investment. If you want accurate and fast data analysis, you want an AI platform trusted by the industry.

Additional factors that your team should consider when investing in an AI solution include:

  1. Data format
  2. Data storage
  3. Data structure (unstructured or structured)
  4. Data processing speed
  5. Minimum accuracy rate for predictions
  6. Data visualization
  7. Dashboard requirements
  8. And more

While you can determine your AI requirements when meeting with AI development companies or data scientist contractors, it’s helpful to discuss what you want, need, and expect from an AI solution before researching providers.

AI management

How you develop, launch, and manage your AI also influences the cost of artificial intelligence.

In-house AI management

In-house AI management gives your business complete responsibility when it comes to your AI. Your team develops, launches, manages, and updates your AI solution. That means you maintain an in-house development and data scientist team.

Compared to outsourced AI management, in-house management tends to cost more.

That’s because you must maintain a team, which includes salaries, benefits, and other hiring costs. For reference, data scientistsearn an average salary of $94,000. Developers bring in around $80,000 per year.

With in-house management, however, your company can build an experienced team that knows your business, brand, and users. They also understand what your organization needs from an AI solution, whether it’s a chatbot, analysis system, or virtual assistant.

Outsourced AI management

Outsourced AI management allows your business to pass-on the responsibility of your AI. Your dedicated partner, whether an agency, freelancer, or contractor, handles the development, launch, management, and maintenance of your AI solution.

Compared to in-house AI management, outsourced management usually costs less.

That’s because your business doesn’t have in-house hiring costs. You pay a monthly rate or one-time fee (depending on your service plan) and your AI partner takes care of the rest, whether it’s building a chatbot, running data analyses, or fixing a system error.

Outsourcing your AI can also help your business connect with some experienced data scientists and AI companies. You can access top talent without the cost of hiring those individuals in-house. Plus, you can work with specialized people for complex, one-time tasks.

Whether you lead your AI initiatives in-house or collaborate with a partner, know that either decision will influence your AI software costs. If you decide to keep operations internal, plan for some additional expenses. For outsourced services, expect some cost savings.

Project duration

The duration of your AI efforts will also impact how much your artificial intelligence costs.

For example, if you’re looking to build an AI analysis system in two, versus three, months, expect higher costs. Your provider (if you’re outsourcing) will have to dedicate more developers to the build, as well as more hours. If you’re taking on the project in-house, you may even have to hire more team members.

In most cases, a more in-depth AI initiative will require more time, which generates higher AI costs.

For instance, building a complete AI analysis system can encompass several stages, from a minimum viable product (MVP) to a full product rollout. That process can take up to a year in some cases. An AI MVP, for example, often takes four to six months to generate.

As you research AI software costs for your business, take into consideration the timeframe.

That doesn’t mean your company should try and push in-house or outsourced teams to build your solution faster. Or, that you should cut features that your business needs if it wants to make the most of your AI.

Instead, you should look at the duration as a cost factor and budget for it accordingly.

Is AI worth the price tag?

It depends.

Artificial intelligence offers immense value, and every business should try and take advantage of it. With AI, you can expedite processes, get value from company data, and provide clients with a better experience. All those benefits can help drive sales and boost revenue.

AI Pricing (10)

The cost of artificial intelligence, however, can make companies hesitate.

Remember, though, that your business doesn’t have to build a custom solution. You can choose from pre-built options that offer immense power and insight. Chatbots are one of the most common examples of AI that companies can use without straining themselves financially.

If you’re looking for AI solutions that go beyond chatbots and into data analysis, there are options too.

MarketingCloudFX, for example, offers the power of AI (specifically, IBM Watson) and machine learning to provide actionable insight andguidance into your marketing efforts. It can even assess sales and informational content across your site viaAI content analysis and writingforsearch engine optimization.

You can take advantage of platforms like these without the high development cost of a custom system.

With these different options, you can make AI a worthwhile investment for your business.

Measuring the metrics that affect your bottom line.

Are you interested in custom reporting that is specific to your unique business needs? Powered by MarketingCloudFX, WebFX creates custom reports based on the metrics that matter most to your company.

  • Leads
  • Transactions
  • Calls
  • Revenue

Learn More AI Pricing (11)

AI Pricing (12)

Learn more about AI pricing in your industry

Businesses across industries, from retail to manufacturing, can take advantage of artificial intelligence. Whether you’re looking to deliver dynamic pricing, improve customer service, or enhance online marketing initiatives, you can use AI to accomplish these goals — and without stressing your team.

While AI may pose a high price tag, depending on your company’s size, goals, and requirements, it offers immense advantages. As an early, rather than later, adopter, your business can get ahead of competitors and capitalize on the benefits of AI, like by using dynamic pricing to boost revenue.

Do you want to learn more about how AI can accelerate your company’s growth?

Add AI services to your existing marketing package with WebFX by talking to your account manager today!

AI Pricing (2024)


AI Pricing? ›

AI-powered pricing refers to the use of artificial intelligence algorithms to analyze large amounts of data and make pricing decisions based on that analysis. This type of pricing uses data-driven insights and predictive analytics to determine the most optimal price for products or services.

Why is AI so expensive? ›

That's because a search through an AI-language model requires more computing power — specifically chips — and electricity than a typical search. Analysts say the extra costs can amount to billions of dollars over the span of years, Reuters reported. The projected costs of AI search varies.

Is AI cheaper than humans? ›

AI Machines are Cheaper in the Long Run

While the initial costs of building and training an AI machine are high, the total operating price is much lower than paying a human for the same job. Only electricity and periodic maintenance are required to use the machine.

How much does it cost to train an AI? ›

OpenAI has projected that the cost of training large AI models will increase from $100 million to $500 million by 2030, with the cost of training a single model ranging from $3 million to $12 million. The cost of training a model on a large dataset can be even higher, reaching up to $30 million [12].

Is AI becoming cheaper? ›

Why are large AI models like GPT becoming increasingly affordable, and will other mainstream models follow the trend? The decreasing cost of large AI models is mainly due to the continuous advancement of technology and intensification of competition.

Is AI really worth the hype? ›

However, as fast as it gained traction, its flaws have been rapidly uncovered with some industries reeling from its unreliability and inaccuracies. But, when utilised, deployed and piloted properly, AI has the potential to revolutionise businesses by increasing their capacity and efficiency.

What can AI not replace? ›

As such, jobs that require high emotional intelligence, such as therapists, social workers, and nurses, are not likely to be replaced by AI. Specialized Professionals: Jobs that require deep expertise in a particular field, such as doctors, lawyers, and scientists, are less likely to be fully replaced by AI.

What did Elon Musk say about AI? ›

When asked if AI advances the end of an empire, he replied: "I think it does. I don't think (AI) is necessary for anything that we're doing."

Who will be replaced by AI? ›

Artificial intelligence will affect nearly every profession, experts say, with office workers up first. Experts tell the Star artificial intelligence will eventually influence every profession — but white collar workers are first in line. That said, AI won't replace humans entirely, meaning now is the time to adapt.

How do you price an AI project? ›

There are a number of factors that can affect the cost of AI, including the type of data available, the complexity of the problem being solved, the number of people involved in the project and how long you're willing to wait for results. The type of data you have available is a key factor.

Can anyone build an AI? ›

Yes, you can create your own AI system by following the steps outlined in this article. However, creating an AI system requires technical expertise in fields such as machine learning, deep learning, and natural language processing.

How long does it take to build an AI? ›

Simple AI systems can be built in a matter of weeks, while more complex systems can take months or even years to build. Your prior experience and knowledge: If you have a background in computer science, machine learning, and data science, you will be able to build your AI system more quickly and efficiently.

Is AI more expensive than humans? ›

AI Machines are Cheaper in the Long Run

While the initial costs of building and training an AI machine are high, the total operating price is much lower than paying a human for the same job. Only electricity and periodic maintenance are required to use the machine.

Is investing in AI worth it? ›

Artificial intelligence is a disruptive technology with enormous potential rewards, but it's risky due to its rapid evolution and volatility. Investors should do their research before investing in AI-related companies.

How does AI make humans lazy? ›

AI in education leads to the creation of laziness in humans. AI performs repetitive tasks in an automated manner and does not let humans memorize, use analytical mind skills, or use cognition (Nikita, 2023). It leads to an addiction behavior not to use human capabilities, thus making humans lazy.

Why is machine learning so expensive? ›

To use a trained machine learning model to make predictions or generate text, engineers use the model in a process called “inference,” which can be much more expensive than training because it might need to run millions of times for a popular product.

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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

Birthday: 1997-09-21

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Job: Principal Design Liaison

Hobby: Web surfing, Skiing, role-playing games, Sketching, Polo, Sewing, Genealogy

Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.