Agricultural Depression, 1920–1934 | MNopedia (2024)

Minnesota farmers enjoyed a period of prosperity in the 1910s that continued through World War I. Encouraged by the US government to increase production, they took out loans to buy more land and invest in new equipment. As war-torn countries recovered, however, the demand for US exports fell, and land values and prices for commodities dropped. Farmers found it hard to repay their loans—a situation worsened by the Great Depression and the drought years that followed.

The onset of World War I in 1914 sparked an economic boom for farmers in the United States. Demand for agricultural products soared as the war-ravaged countries of Europe could no longer produce needed supplies. This created a shortage that drove up prices for farm commodities. In Minnesota, the season-average price per bushel of corn rose from fifty-nine cents in 1914 to $1.30 in 1919. Wheat prices jumped from $1.05 per bushel to $2.34. The average price of hogs increased from $7.40 to $16.70 per hundred pounds, and the price of milk rose from $1.50 to $2.95 per hundred pounds.

To meet the demand, the US government encouraged farmers to produce more. In 1916, Congress passed the Federal Farm Loan Act, creating twelve federal land banks to provide long-term loans for farm expansion. Believing that the boom would continue, many farmers took advantage of this and other loan opportunities to invest in land, tractors, and other new labor-saving equipment at interest rates ranging from 5 to 7 percent. By 1920, 52.4 percent of the 132,744 Minnesota farms reporting to the Agricultural Census carried mortgage debt, totaling more than $254 million.

After the US entered the war in 1917 and continuing into the post-war years, 40 million acres of uncultivated land in the US went under the plow, including 30 million acres in the wheat- and corn-producing states of the Midwest. In Kittson County alone, wheat acreage increased from 93,000 acres prewar to 146,000 acres. Minnesota farmers had nearly 18.5 million acres under cultivation by 1929. The demand for land inflated the price of farm real estate, regardless of quality. The average price of Minnesota farm land more than doubled between 1910 and 1920, from $46 to $109 per acre.

After the end of the war, relief efforts kept the demand for US agricultural products high. Gross exports of all grains in 1918–1919 totaled 525,461,560 bushels. During that period, the US shipped more than 2.9 billion pounds of pork, 1.1 billion pounds of beef, and nearly 8.8 million pounds of dairy products to allied countries, various relief programs, and American Expeditionary Forces overseas.

Farmers continued to produce more, expecting demand and prices to remain stable. As Europe began to recover from the war, however, the US farm economy began a long downward trend that reached a crisis during the Great Depression. Minnesota farmers' gross cash income fell from $438 million in 1918 to $229 million in 1922. In 1932, it fell to $155 million.

With heavy debts to pay and improved farming practices and equipment making it easier to work more land, farmers found it hard to reduce production. The resulting large surpluses caused farm prices to plummet. From 1919 to 1920, corn tumbled from $1.30 per bushel to forty-seven cents, a drop of more than 63 percent. Wheat prices fell to $1.65 per bushel. The price of hogs dropped to $12.90 per hundred pounds.

As surpluses mounted, the federal government promoted lowering production. It also created programs designed to help stabilize prices. The goal was to achieve parity – to bring prices back to prewar levels and equalize the prices farmers received with the prices they paid for goods.

The passage of the Capper-Volstead Act on February 18, 1922 legalized the sale of farm commodities through farmer-owned cooperatives. Co-ops cut out the middlemen who often underpaid farmers for their products. Congress passed the Agricultural Appropriations Act later that year, creating the US Bureau of Agricultural Economics for economic research.

Foreign trade restrictions, such as the Fordney–McCumber Tariff (1922) and the Hawley-Smoot Tariff (1930), imposed high taxes on imports in an attempt to protect US farms and industry. International trading partners reacted by increasing import fees on American goods. US export of farm products declined, surpluses grew, and prices continued to drop. In 1932, Minnesota corn prices fell to twenty-eight cents per bushel, wheat dropped to forty-four cents per bushel, and the price of hogs fell 75 percent to $3.20 per hundred pounds.

With less demand for land, real estate values plunged to an average of $35 per acre by the late 1930s. Farmers struggled to repay loans for land that had lost its value. Rising property taxes, freight rates, and labor costs added to the financial hardships facing many farmers. In Minnesota, the average tax per acre increased from forty-six cents in 1913 to $1.45 in 1930.

The west-central counties of Minnesota suffered from the severe drought conditions of 1933–1934. A combination of poor farming methods and drought caused extensive soil erosion. A grasshopper infestation compounded crop losses in many western counties.

Farmers across the country began to default on their loans. An estimated sixty of every 1,000 farmers in the US either lost their farms or filed for bankruptcy. From 1926 to 1932, 1,442 farms totaling 258,587 acres were lost to foreclosure in Minnesota. Marshall County had the highest number of foreclosures during this period with 191. It was followed by Kittson County with 127 and Pennington County with 123. From 1922 to 1932, 2,866 Minnesota farmers declared bankruptcy.

In spite of the hardships, Minnesota's rural population increased during the 1930s. Many who lost farms to foreclosure remained on the property as tenants. Others moved from urban areas to the country.

On July 29, 1932, farmers met in St. Cloud to organize the Minnesota Farmers Holiday Association. Members staged a thirty-day strike to call a moratorium on foreclosures. The following April the state legislature passed a bill declaring a state of emergency for Minnesota farmers and approving a mortgage moratorium.

Congress passed several farm relief measures in 1933. The first Agricultural Adjustment Act established the Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) and gave it the power to pay subsidies to farmers who voluntarily reduced production. The Federal Emergency Relief Act (FERA), the forerunner of the Works Progress Administration (WPA), provided relief for both urban and rural residents through work projects.

The Resettlement Administration (RA), begun in 1935, moved 300 families from poor quality land in northeastern Minnesota to better farms through programs like the Beltrami Island Project. The RA was replaced by the Farm Security Administration in 1937.

The Supreme Court ruled in 1936 that the AAA was unconstitutional and suspended farm subsidies. Congress, in turn, responded with the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act. In 1938, a second AAA bill passed that controlled crop production through acreage allotment and soil conservation.

By December 1934, 18 percent of Minnesota's total population was on some form of relief and had received a total of $67,619,854 in benefits. From 1933 to 1936, rural and urban residents in seventy-seven Minnesota counties received federal aid payments. By the late 1930s, the US farm economy finally began to improve.

I am an agricultural historian with a deep understanding of the economic dynamics that shaped the fortunes of American farmers, particularly in the early 20th century. My expertise is grounded in extensive research, including primary sources, historical records, and scholarly publications. The intricacies of government policies, economic trends, and the agricultural landscape during this period are areas where my knowledge shines.

Now, delving into the provided article on Minnesota farmers in the 1910s through the Great Depression, let's break down the key concepts and elements:

  1. Economic Boom During World War I (1914-1919):

    • The onset of World War I led to a surge in demand for American agricultural products as war-torn European countries couldn't meet their own needs.
    • Minnesota farmers experienced a substantial increase in prices for corn, wheat, hogs, and milk during this period.
  2. Government Encouragement and Federal Farm Loan Act (1916):

    • The U.S. government encouraged farmers to increase production to meet the wartime demand.
    • The Federal Farm Loan Act of 1916 aimed to support this by providing long-term loans for farm expansion.
  3. Post-War Agricultural Expansion and Debt (1917-1920):

    • After the U.S. entered the war, uncultivated land went under cultivation, leading to increased production.
    • Farmers took advantage of loan opportunities, leading to a significant rise in mortgage debt.
  4. Post-War Relief Efforts and Decline (1920s):

    • Relief efforts sustained demand for U.S. agricultural products after the war.
    • As Europe recovered, however, the U.S. farm economy entered a downward trend, exacerbated by the Great Depression.
  5. Government Interventions and Legislation (1920s-1930s):

    • Surpluses and falling prices prompted the U.S. government to promote lower production and stabilize prices.
    • The Capper-Volstead Act (1922) legalized the sale of farm commodities through farmer-owned cooperatives, aiming to empower farmers in negotiations.
    • The Fordney–McCumber Tariff (1922) and the Hawley-Smoot Tariff (1930) imposed high taxes on imports, affecting international trade.
  6. Impact of the Great Depression (1930s):

    • The Great Depression saw a sharp decline in farm prices, leading to financial hardships for farmers.
    • Property values, including farm real estate, plummeted, and farmers struggled to repay loans.
  7. Relief Measures and Government Programs (1930s):

    • The Minnesota Farmers Holiday Association organized a strike to call for a moratorium on foreclosures in 1932.
    • The government passed several farm relief measures in 1933, including the Agricultural Adjustment Act and the Federal Emergency Relief Act.
    • The Resettlement Administration (1935) aimed to move families to better farms, and the Farm Security Administration replaced it in 1937.
  8. Constitutional Challenges and Recovery (1930s):

    • The Supreme Court ruled the Agricultural Adjustment Act unconstitutional in 1936, leading to the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act.
    • By the late 1930s, the U.S. farm economy showed signs of improvement.

In summary, this historical narrative underscores the complex interplay of war-induced economic booms, government interventions, agricultural expansion, debt, and the profound impact of the Great Depression on Minnesota farmers during the early 20th century.

Agricultural Depression, 1920–1934 | MNopedia (2024)


What caused the Great Depression in agriculture during the 1920s? ›

As Food Demand Drops, Farm Prices Collapse

In 1920, with the war over and the demand for farm goods decreasing, the U.S. government with little warning announced that it was ending price supports. The farmers, however, continued to produce at near record levels creating surplus commodities that sent prices plummeting.

Why did farms and agriculture suffer during the 1920s? ›

After World War I, farmers were left with the heavy debts they were encouraged to take on during the war. They owned more land and more equipment than they needed, while demand for their product significantly decreased. Market surplus led land and agricultural prices to plummet. Government relief was not provided.

What factors contributed to farmers difficulties in 1920s and 1930s? ›

The factors that contributed to farmer's difficulties in the 1920s to 1930s were the severe drought and the strong winds that destroyed their crops so they were unable to pay their debts.

What caused nearly one million farmers to lose their farms between 1930 and 1934? ›

In the early 1930s prices dropped so low that many farmers went bankrupt and lost their farms. In some cases, the price of a bushel of corn fell to just eight or ten cents. Some farm families began burning corn rather than coal in their stoves because corn was cheaper.

What impact did the Great Depression have on agriculture? ›

Between 1930 and 1935, nearly 750,000 family farms disappeared through foreclosure or bankruptcy. Even for those who managed to keep their farms, there was little market for their crops.

What problems did farmers face in the 1920? ›

For farmers, the 1920's were years of overproduction, debt and depression.

How did what happened to farmers during the 1920s foreshadow events of the Great Depression? ›

During the 1920s, farmers faced decreased demand for their products and lower crop prices. Those who were in debt could not repay loans, and rural banks failed. This pattern repeated itself in other sectors of the economy during the Depression.

What were 4 problems with the economy in the 1920s? ›

By the end of the decade several problems in the economy were becoming apparent including speculation, poverty, overproduction and tariffs. Why was speculation a long-term weakness in the 1920s American economy? Speculation was buying shares to sell for a profit, based on the belief that prices would carry on rising.

Why did the rural depression that hit farmers during the 1920s go largely unnoticed by the rest of the nation? ›

In conclusion, the rural depression that affected farmers during the 1920s went largely unnoticed by the rest of the nation due to factors such as limited media coverage, urban-centric focus, limited communication channels, and political and economic priorities.

What problems did farmers face in 1930? ›

Farming in the 1930s on the Great Plains was perhaps the most difficult occupation in the world. Farmers not only faced a global economic slow down of historic proportions, but they also faced one of the worst and longest droughts in America's history.

How did farmers recover from the Great Depression? ›

Perhaps most important, falling farm product prices shifted income away from farmers. This column argues that this redistribution explains between 10% and 30% of the US output decline in 1930. Recovery from the Great Depression began in 1933 in part because farm product prices rose, reversing this redistribution.

How many farms were lost during the Great Depression? ›

Nevertheless, some 750,000 farms were lost between 1930 and 1935 through bankruptcy and foreclosure.

Who made money during the Great Depression? ›

Business titans such as William Boeing and Walter Chrysler actually grew their fortunes during the Great Depression.

Why did the Great Depression hit farmers the hardest? ›

The causes of the fall in farm prices included: reduced demand (since the war was over); increasing mechanization that resulted in large crop yields; increasing technology such as fertilizers that made growing crops easier; and the fact that too many people were employed in agriculture driving down wages and prices for ...

Why did the 1932 farmers on the Great Plains begin to lose crops? ›

Crops began to fail with the onset of drought in 1931, exposing the bare, over-plowed farmland. Without deep-rooted prairie grasses to hold the soil in place, it began to blow away. Eroding soil led to massive dust storms and economic devastation—especially in the Southern Plains.

Why were farmers struggling and losing their farms during the 1920's quizlet? ›

Farmers were struggling due to an overproduction of crops and low crop prices. individuals borrow money to buy stock. During the 1920's some people borrowed up to 90% of the price of the stock.

What was the biggest problem that farmers faced? ›

What Are 5 Problems Faced By Farmers?
  1. Problem #1: Climate Change.
  2. Problem #2: Pests and Diseases.
  3. Problem #3: Soil Degradation.
  4. Problem #4: Access To Markets.
  5. Problem #5: Lack Of Financial Resources.
  6. Conclusion.
Jan 1, 2023

How did overproduction affect farmers in the 1920s? ›

After the war, farmers were producing more than the American people could use and the price of farm goods dropped so low that many farmers couldn't make enough money to pay off their huge debts. Corn, which had sold for 70 cents a bushel in the early '20s, dropped to 10 cents a bushel.

Why are farmers struggling? ›

The agriculture business has become increasingly unstable. Financial uncertainty, physical isolation and increasingly unpredictable crop yields linked to climate change are just some of the stressors that are fueling a mental health crisis among farmers.

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