Adverse Possession and Fences (2024)

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Adverse Possession Statute

Adverse Possession – sometimes referred to as “squatters rights” – is a legal way to obtain title to real estate without purchasing it, by occupying the property for a number of years.

Adverse Possession and Fences (3)Because the law is poorly understood by most people, the belief persists that all that is required is to 1) find a vacant house, and 2) move in. The reality is much more complex. If you have an adverse possession problem, then call our Houston Real Estate Attorneys today.

Adverse Possession Statute of Limitations

Elements of Adverse Possession

To qualify for title by adverse possession, the claimant must hold the property for 3, 5, 10 or 25 years.

The only way to qualify for the 3 or 5 year time period is to have a deed or some kind of instrument that appears to grant title to the property.

If there is a defect in the deed, or defect in the title before a deed was granted, an adverse possession claim can help cure that defect, which may be necessary in order to sell the property.

Without a deed, the claimant must first occupy the property without the permission of the title holder, and then hold it exclusively and claim title for 10-25 years before filing suit to have the court declare the claimant as the owner.

How to Adversely Possess in Texas

During that time, the claimant will need to pay the taxes, maintain the property, keep trespassers and any other claimants out, and generally treat the property as exclusively their own. This means that adverse possession claims typically require a substantial investment of time and money to be successful.

Fences & Adverse Possession

Things get even more complex when the basis of a claim to property is the location of a fence. Many people mistakenly believe that after a fence has been in place for a number of years, the fence line becomes the property line.

This results in litigation between neighbors to determine the correct property boundary and ownership, and in most cases, this belief is simply not correct.

Casual Fence vs Boundary Fence

There is a long line of cases in Texas which distinguish between a “casual fence” and a “boundary fence.”

The courts define a “casual fence” not by how high the fence is, how long it’s been there, or the building materials, but by the original purpose of the fence.

Particularly in urban areas, fences are typically built to contain children and pets, and to provide privacy; these traits are what define the fence as a “casual fence.” Property lines are defined by deeds; a surveyor can review the deeds, and mark the exact area on the ground that defines the property.

If someone tries to claim title to property on their side of the fence, but on their neighbor’s side of the property line defined by the deed, they will have to show that they’ve met all of the standards for an adverse possession claim, which is almost always impossible in that situation.

For example, has the claimant gone to the tax office and asked to be assessed taxes on the extra land on their side of the fence? If not, they have not been openly and obviously treating the property as their own.

Must Have Exclusive Possession

Are there water lines or other structures underground that are owned by someone else? If so, the claimant does not have exclusive possession of the property they are claiming. Did the claimant have permission from their neighbor (expressed or implied) at some point for the placement of the fence or other use of the property?

If so, the necessary time period for adverse possession never begins, because the claimant’s possession is not adverse to the deed holder. How did the fence get put there? If the claimant’s neighbor put up the fence, then the fence won’t support the adverse possession claim, because the claimant didn’t put it there.

More often than not, the origin of the problem is simply that fence builders aren’t surveyors, and so they’ll happily put a fence anywhere you ask them to put it. A fence which is simply misplaced cannot meet the standard for adverse possession, and I sometimes refer to these situations as accidental possession.

If you have a question about your property boundary, your first step should be to contact a surveyor, and have them do a survey of the property and mark the boundaries.

If you find that the fence is not on the property line, you may want to consider moving it. If that’s impossible because your neighbor is claiming that they own some of your lot, call your favorite lawyer. You can recover the property being wrongfully held by your neighbor, and It Feels Good to Prevail!

Real Estate Attorney Articles

  1. Subject To Real Estate Deals
  2. Transferring Real Estate to Spouse
  3. Common Types of Deeds

By Teri Walter|2021-04-11T12:48:35-05:00November 24th, 2020|Financial|

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Adverse Possession and Fences (2024)


How do you remember adverse possession? ›

The acronym “OCEAN” is an easy method to remember the elements that must be proved to succeed in an adverse possession claim: Open, Continuous, Exclusive, Adverse and Notorious. The typical adverse possession case does not involve a squatter who moves onto a property to live.

How do I stop adverse possession in Texas? ›

Preventing Adverse Possession
  1. Calling the police.
  2. Asking the trespasser to pay rent for the property.
  3. Deterring trespassers with a “no trespassing” sign.
  4. Giving a person a written permission to use the property and getting their written acknowledgement that the property is not theirs.
May 19, 2020

How long do you have to occupy land before it becomes yours in Texas? ›

How Long Must Trespasser Possess the Land. The default period for adverse possession in Texas is a decade—referred to as a 10-year statute of limitations.

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Code § 16.026, the trespasser can bring suit within ten years without any sort of tax payments or "color of title." However, the claimant must be able to establish all other standard elements of adverse possession – open, exclusive, continual, actual and hostile possession of the land.

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These purposes can be remembered by the bar exam mnemonic MIMIC: Motive, Intent, Mistake (or lack thereof), Identity, or Common scheme or plan (including preparation).

What is adverse possession for dummies? ›

Adverse possession is a doctrine under which a person in possession of land owned by someone else may acquire valid title to it, so long as certain requirements are met, and the adverse possessor is in possession for a sufficient period of time, as defined by a statute of limitations.

Can I remove neighbors fence on my property in Texas? ›

Under this statute, a person may not remove a fence that is a separating or dividing fence in which the person is a joint owner or that is attached to a fence owned or controlled by another person, absent mutual agreement between the parties.

What is the shortest time for adverse possession? ›

The statutory period for adverse possession may be as short as three years or as long as twenty years. Many jurisdictions allow an adverse possessor to "tack on" his or her period of adverse possession to a previous possessor's period, so long as there is no lapse in time between the two occupations.

What is the notorious element in adverse possession? ›

Notorious possession is typically a common law requirement of the doctrine of adverse possession. The requirement establishes that acts of ownership must be observable by others, and not be secret or hidden.

Does paying property tax give ownership in Texas? ›

In Texas, paying someone else's property taxes doesn't lead to ownership of a property. According to Texas law, the property belongs to the person with the “clear title,” which means it is free of any claims or disputes of ownership, and no one else can make a legal claim.

What is the 10 acre rule in Texas? ›

So long as: You are on at least a 10-acre tract of land; You are more than 150 feet from the residence or occupied building on the neighboring property; and. You do not discharge the firearm in a manner reasonably expected to cause the bullet to cross the boundary of the land.

What is the statute of limitations on adverse possession in Texas? ›

ADVERSE POSSESSION: THREE-YEAR LIMITATIONS PERIOD. A person must bring suit to recover real property held by another in peaceable and adverse possession under title or color of title not later than three years after the day the cause of action accrues. Acts 1985, 69th Leg., ch.

Can you go to jail for squatting in Texas? ›

This is illegal. Squatters do have rights, but they must fulfill the requirements for adverse possession to take advantage of them. If they do not fulfill these requirements, they can be arrested as criminal trespassers.

Which of the following is true about adverse possession? ›

Adverse possession is a law governing illegal settlement in a private property and the right of ownership upon settlement period exceeds the statute of limitations. Adverse possession is a forceful act of trespassing in a private property and claiming the right of ownership.

How long do you have to squat in a house to own it in Texas? ›

The Squatter Must Have Resided on the Property for a Continuous Period of Time. In Texas, this period is 10 years. This time must not be interrupted. In other words, they cannot file for an adverse possession if they, for example, give up the property for a while and then return to claim it later.

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Pass rates: Both Themis and Barbri offer strong pass rates, with about 85-90% for first-time test takers. Average pass rates are higher when students have completed more of the program.

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ROY G. BIV = colors of the spectrum (Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet.) This is by far the most popularly used mnemonic. To make an Expression or Word mnemonic, the first letter of each item in a list is arranged to form a phrase or word.

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Mnemonic codes are those codes that consist of alphabets or abbreviations as symbols for codifying a piece of information. E.g. HQ for headquarters, DLI for Delhi in train bookings.

What is a open and notorious possession? ›

open and notorious (not comparable) (law) A requisite condition of adverse possession stipulating that the disseisor's occupation of the property must be visible and provide reasonable (if tacit) notice to the disseisee.

What is adverse possession in Texas? ›

Adverse possession is a statute that gives legal title ownership of land to a trespasser over the original property owner. Typically, a trespasser who has lived on a piece of property for the required period files a title action and notifies the owner.

Which of the following is not a necessary condition for claiming title by adverse possession? ›

Which of the following is NOT a necessary condition for claiming title by adverse possession? a combination of actual and constructive notice evidence of real property ownership.

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As a rule, if a fence is not a boundary fence, it must be built at least two feet inside your property line. The best options for building near a neighbor's existing fence are placing the new one right up against the current one or leaving enough space between the fences for someone to mow.

Do I have to give my Neighbour the good side of the fence? ›

If you're the courteous type and enjoy getting along with your neighbours, it would be generous to show the smooth side of the fence towards them, but this is far from being an established convention and there's absolutely no obligation to do so if you don't want to.

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Fencing & POAs

Property owners' associations (POAs) in Texas cannot prevent an owner from installing certain types of fencing on their property. Several new laws passed by the Texas Legislature in 2021 prohibit an association from restricting: swimming pool enclosures. security measures like perimeter fencing.

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California has the shortest adverse possession time of just five years. Texas requires 30 years. Other states are in between. Ask a local real estate attorney for details in your state.

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Unclaimed Personal Property

Once the personal property is considered abandoned under the law, it must be reported to the Texas Comptroller. Texans can search for unclaimed property in their name through the Texas Comptroller's website and submit a claim.

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While modern courts do not formally observe the “nine-tenths of the law” principle, possession still matters today. In 1998, a Texas court acknowledged the “nine-tenths” principle but made clear that possession is merely part of a “hierarchy of title.” In re Garza, 984 S.W. 2d 344 (Tex. App.

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These are the typical requirements for an adverse possession claim: Continuous use: The possessor making the claim must have continuously occupied and used the property for the required period of time.

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If the owner of that land comes to reclaim it after more than 20 years, the neighbor may claim ownership of it. A common example of adverse possession is a fence that is over the property line, cutting off the edge of someone else's property and allowing the neighbor to use it.

What is open and notorious adverse possession in Texas? ›

Cases involving adverse possession often hinge on whether the possession is “open and notorious” and “hostile to the claim of the owner.” “Open and notorious” means that the adverse possessor must visibly appropriate the property as to give notice to others that they claim a right to the property.

How many years can you go without paying property taxes in Texas? ›

Many Texas homeowners wonder how long their property taxes can remain delinquent before their home is foreclosed on, and, unfortunately, the answer is – there is no specific answer. The state of Texas and individual counties don't set specific repayment deadlines for delinquent property taxes.

What is proof of property ownership in Texas? ›

A title conveys the idea of legal ownership of a Texas property, as well as the legal rights that come with that ownership. A title is not a physical document, but rather a concept that is conveyed through a property deed — which is an official document that shows your legal ownership of a property.

What are squatters rights in Texas? ›

Squatting Laws in Texas - An Overview. A squatter is someone who lives on a property to which they have no title, no rights, and/or no lease. But despite this fact, squatters have protections under federal and state laws. Under the Texas squatters' rights, a squatter can legally own property through adverse means.

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Most of Texas counties require a minimum of 10 acres to legally hunt or discharge a firearm. There is no statewide mandate but the state has given counties and local jurisdictions the right to establish and enforce 10 acre minimums in the interest of public safety.

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Determining Urban or Rural Homesteads in Texas

Rural homesteads are limited to 200 acres for a family and 100 acres for a single adult, including improvements on the property. An urban homestead is limited to ten acres with improvements, which must be in adjacent lots.

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Ag exemption requirements vary by county, but generally you need at least 10 acres of qualified agricultural land to be eligible. Check with your county to verify.

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Don't worry; you can use the following mnemonic device to help you remember them: ''Merging property enterprises shouldn't abandon, destroy, forfeit, or release easem*nts.

What are the elements necessary for adverse possession? ›

the possessor must have actually entered the property and must have exclusive possession of the property; the possession must be “open and notorious”; the possession must be adverse to the rightful owner and under a claim of right; and. the possession must be “continuous” for the statutory period.

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What are the elements of adverse possession? actual entry, exclusive possession, open and notorious, hostile and adverse, continuous and interrupted.

What is the mnemonic linking system? ›

The Mnemonic Linking System (Stories or Images)

The mnemonic linking method (also called "chaining") consists of developing a story or image that connects together pieces of information you need to remember. Each item leads you to recall the next item.

Which of the following would not terminate an easem*nt? ›

Easem*nts will continue indefinitely unless terminated by by an express agreement, abandonment, merger, or a lack of necessity. Easem*nts may generally be terminated when the easem*nt holder and the easem*nt owner agree in writing to end the easem*nt.

What is mnemonic device link method? ›

The Link Method is one of the easiest "mnemonics," or memory tools, to learn. You choose interesting images to represent items on a list, then link those images together in memorable ways. Each link jogs your memory about what comes next.

What is true about adverse possession? ›

Adverse possession is a legal doctrine that allows a trespasser to claim title and ownership rights of a piece of real estate after a period of time. Requirements of adverse possession include exclusive use, continuous use and open takeover of the land.

What does open and notorious mean in adverse possession? ›

Open and notorious possession. This requirement states that the actions of the occupant must be apparent to everyone. The trespassory act must be out in the open, such as a property owner who erects a fence one foot over the property line of his neighbor's property.

Can I tell someone to get off my property? ›

A trespass notice can be verbal or written

A trespass notice is a formal warning that tells a person to stay off your property. You can trespass them verbally, or by giving or sending them a written trespass notice. Find out how to serve a trespass notice in writing.

Which of the following best describes the requirements to acquire title by adverse possession? ›

An adverse possessor must have continuous and uninterrupted possession for a minimum of five years, actual, open, and notorious possession, hostile possession, and must have paid property taxes on the property adversely possessed.

What elements are contained in deeds? ›

Although different jurisdictions require different elements for a valid deed, the following elements are generally required: The names of the grantor and the grantee, and words of conveyance such as “grant, convey, assign, transfer, and give,” any of which demonstrate the grantor's intent to pass title to the grantee.

What conditions must be satisfied before a person can acquire property by adverse possession? ›

In California, for a person to claim adverse possession, they must demonstrate that they have been in continuous and exclusive possession of the property for at least five years, openly and notoriously, and under a claim of right or with the belief that they have the legal right to possess the property.

What do you have to prove in order to claim a piece of property through adverse possession quizlet? ›

1 - In order to acquire title by adverse possession, the claimant must prove, by clear and convincing evidence,... that for the statutory period 'his use of the land was continuous, open and notorious, exclusive and hostile to the true owner. '

When a person takes possession of a property and discovers that evidence indicates flaws in the title that will invalidate the deed? ›

Adverse possession is a legal concept that allows a person to gain property rights to a piece of land that they do not legally own. This happens when a person takes possession of a property and discovers that evidence indicates flaws in the title that will invalidate the deed.

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