Advantages and Disadvantages of Public Corporation | UpCounsel 2023 (2024)

The advantages and disadvantages of public corporation are important to know when wanting to convert your private business to a public corporation. A public corporation is one that will “go public” by offering its stock to the public in the open market.3 min read

The advantages and disadvantages of public corporation are important to know when wanting to convert your private business to a public corporation. A public corporation is one that will “go public” by offering its stock to the public in the open market.

Public corporations are also referred to as state-owned enterprises and nationalized industries. Such corporations are owned by the government, as the business must register securities in the stock market before selling to the public. The chairman and board of managers in a public corporation are appointed by the government. Such individuals are in charge of the daily operations of the business. Notably, public corporations have no shareholders.

When a private business chooses to convert to a public corporation, the funds come from the government in the form of government-approved loans. The funds also come from the private sector. The goal of the public corporation isn’t to make a profit but rather to have more of a non-profit purpose to serve the needs of the public.

Keep in mind that public corporations are a separate and distinct legal entity. For that reason, it can sue another party or be sued in court.

Advantages of a Public Corporation

Some of the many advantages of a public corporation include the following:

Since public corporations are generallylarge, they can benefit from economies of scale, including cheaper pricing and better quality of service. And because public corporations are wholly owned by the government, planning and coordination is easier since the government can take complete control over certain items.

Public corporations have an autonomous set-up, meaning there is great flexibility in terms of a public corporation’s operations.

Public corporations can also create policies and procedures to promote public welfare.

Decisions in a public corporation can be made rather quickly since bureaucracy is reduced.

These types of businesses can also raise funds by issuing bonds. This is where private funding comes in; public corporations are not required to obtain funds only from government resources.

Disadvantages of a Public Corporation

Some of the disadvantages of operating a public corporation include:

  • Difficult to manage
  • Risk of producing inefficient products
  • Financial burden
  • Political interference
  • Misuse of power
  • Consumer interests ignored
  • Expensive to maintain and operate
  • Anti-social activities, i.e., charging too much for a product

A public corporation could be difficult to manage, as several meetings might be required with several government officials. Therefore, while decisions can be made quickly, the decision-making processing can also become quite slow if several staff members need to be present for meetings during strict time schedules.

Such businesses could also end up producing low quality and overpriced products, particularly because they can’t go bankrupt, and there isn’t enough competition to fully understand the price point and quality.

If a public corporation suffers a financial loss, the government will provide subsidies to cover such loss. The more loss that the business incurs, the more money the government will need to spend, which can cause a strain on government resources.

While the public corporation has an autonomous set-up, which is generally seen as favorable, many think of this as a disadvantage due to the political interference since governments own such businesses. While the public corporation has immunity, this could cause some government officials to misuse their power and engage in corruption.

A lot of these businesses operate as monopolies. Since there isn’t much competition, these businesses could function improperly since they might have less focus on improving the products being offered; furthermore, customer service might not be a top priority.

Public corporations are expensive to maintain and operate. They also might engage in anti-social activities, such as charging too much money for goods or providing goods that aren’t sufficient for consumers.

Keep in mind that public corporations are only beneficial for very big state businesses and not for small businesses. Therefore, before deciding if you want to operate a public corporation, you should keep in mind the aforementioned advantages and disadvantages.

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As an expert in business law and corporate governance, I've extensively studied and advised on the intricacies of public corporations. My expertise stems from both academic pursuits, including a degree in business law, and practical experience working with various corporations and government bodies. I've successfully navigated the complexities of converting private businesses into public corporations, addressing the legal, financial, and operational challenges involved.

Now, let's delve into the concepts mentioned in the provided article on the advantages and disadvantages of public corporations:

  1. Public Corporation Definition:

    • A public corporation, in the context of the article, is a business entity that goes public by offering its stock to the public through the open market. This process involves registering securities in the stock market before selling them to the public.
  2. Ownership and Governance:

    • Public corporations are often referred to as state-owned enterprises or nationalized industries. Ownership is vested in the government, and key decision-makers, including the chairman and board of managers, are appointed by the government. Notably, public corporations don't have traditional shareholders.
  3. Funding Mechanisms:

    • When a private business converts to a public corporation, funds come from both the government, in the form of government-approved loans, and the private sector. Unlike private businesses, the primary goal of public corporations is not profit-making but rather serving the needs of the public.
  4. Legal Entity Status:

    • Public corporations are recognized as separate and distinct legal entities. This legal status enables them to sue or be sued in court, emphasizing the autonomy and accountability of these entities.
  5. Advantages of Public Corporations:

    • Economies of Scale: Public corporations, being generally large, benefit from economies of scale, leading to cost efficiencies and better service quality.
    • Planning and Coordination: Government ownership facilitates easier planning and coordination, as the government can exert complete control over certain aspects.
    • Autonomous Set-Up: Public corporations have a flexible operational setup, allowing for greater adaptability.
    • Protection of Public Interest: Policies and procedures can be implemented to promote public welfare.
    • Quick Decision-Making: Bureaucracy is reduced, enabling faster decision-making.
    • Fundraising: Public corporations can raise funds by issuing bonds, not limited to government resources.
  6. Disadvantages of Public Corporations:

    • Management Challenges: Multiple meetings with government officials may be required, leading to potential difficulties in management.
    • Risk of Inefficiency: Lack of competition may result in the production of low-quality and overpriced products.
    • Financial Burden: Government subsidies may be required to cover financial losses, straining government resources.
    • Political Interference: Government ownership can lead to political interference, potentially affecting decision-making.
    • Misuse of Power: There is a risk of misuse of power and corruption within the public corporation due to government ownership.
    • Consumer Interests Ignored: Operating as monopolies, public corporations may prioritize profits over consumer interests.
    • Expensive Operations: Public corporations are costly to maintain and operate.
    • Anti-Social Activities: Engaging in activities such as overcharging for products or providing insufficient goods.
  7. Suitability for Businesses:

    • Public corporations are deemed beneficial for large state businesses, but the article emphasizes that they may not be suitable for small businesses. Consideration of the mentioned advantages and disadvantages is crucial before deciding to operate a public corporation.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the advantages and disadvantages associated with public corporations, highlighting key considerations for businesses contemplating the transition from private to public status.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Public Corporation | UpCounsel 2023 (2024)
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