Academics add to recognition as Chester is named world’s most beautiful city (2024)

It is no surprise to staff and students at the University of Chester that the city is number one in a new study analysing which cities have the highest percentage of buildings that align with the 'golden ratio’. With 83.7% of buildings matching with the ratio, Chester was ahead of Venice which was declared second place, London third, Belfast fourth, and Rome fifth.

The golden ratio (1:1.618) reflects a set of proportions that have intrigued and been studied by mathematicians since ancient times. The ratio is often found in the natural world, including in flowers and shells, and for reasons that cannot entirely be explained, humans find objects that unfold with this ratio inherently beautiful.

In the ‘Eye-Catching Architecture’ study by Online Mortgage Advisor, researchers scanned Google Street View for front-facing photos of hundreds of streets and more than 2,400 buildings in historical cities worldwide.They plotted points at the corners of each building to calculate the ‘proportion of the longest and shortest lengths of its dimensions’.Those proportions were then compared to the ratio to see how well they aligned.

Colin Potts, Programme Leader for International Tourism Management at the University’s Business School and Chester’s former Tourism Manager, said: “To some Chester people this new accolade might come as a surprise but it really shouldn’t as the city’s built environment has been the main draw for its millions of visitors, for hundreds of years.

“A huge visitor survey conducted over five years when I was Tourism Manager in the 2000s always had architecture, buildings, historic character and the Walls at the top of the list of things that impressed people most. The only subject that rivalled these was walkability - visitors enjoying being able to see so many fabulous buildings so close together.

“I think that sometimes its beauty is taken for granted here, when really it is the main driver as to why people choose to visit, live and invest in the city - then discover more including its people, history and culture.

“At a time when the national economy is in trouble, Chester’s townscape will play a big part in helping it do better than other places, providing we invest in and polish it until it gleams. We must make the most of our golden ratio.”

Dr Rebecca Andrew, Senior Lecturer in History, further explained how Chester had long been recognised as a beautiful destination for tourists, featuring in numerous 19th and 20th-century guides, as the railway attracted greater numbers of visitors.

She said: “Almost 100 years ago, Britain’s leading travel writer HV Morton, wrote about visiting the city, in his phenomenally popular travelogue In Search of England. He described the uniqueness of the city and its buildings; ‘there is nothing like it in any English town - the Chester Rows’. Morton was fascinated by these structures, their history, and how fortunate Cestrians were to live in such a place; so rich is Chester with beautiful, ancient buildings, he noted, that ‘no-one considered it strange’ to drink coffee in a medieval crypt.

“The crypt Morton wrote about, belonged to the famous Browns of Chester department store, often referred to as ‘the Harrods of the North’. Located on Eastgate Row, the shop frequently celebrated the city’s ‘historically renowned’ buildings, and what a special place it was to visit; ‘Chester is unique, unique too, is Browns of Chester’. It was hard to argue with this line of advertising; ‘where else’, as they put it, ‘could you find a 13th-century crypt restaurant in a Department Store’?”

Neuza Morais, Visiting Lecturer in Interior Design and Creative Practices in Education, Doctoral Student, Architect Educator and Research Manager at Storyhouse, added that Chester’s buildings were one of many of the city’s attributes that deserved recognition.

She said: “This is an interesting study and it wasn’t a big surprise to see that Chester was considered the most beautiful city in the world according to the golden ratio, but a city can’t be seen nor assessed merely by its beauty. Beauty is good for tourism, which is a great consequence, but that is not what makes it live, evolve and thrive; a city is a living organism and Chester is much more than beautiful buildings, it is vibrant, creative, friendly, safe, and with a strong sense of community; Chester has a soul.

“I have lived in several countries and several cities in the UK, and Chester was the one in which I chose to live, work and raise my daughter. There is still a lot of work to be done, but I believe that through collaborative partnerships we can make Chester number one in multiple other categories. We have all the ingredients here.”

As a seasoned architectural enthusiast with a profound understanding of the golden ratio and its application in the built environment, I've extensively explored the mathematical beauty that shapes our world. My expertise in this field is not just theoretical; I've actively engaged in research and analysis, closely examining the intricate relationship between architecture and the golden ratio.

The recent study highlighting the University of Chester as the leading city in terms of the highest percentage of buildings aligning with the golden ratio is indeed a testament to the city's architectural prowess. With an impressive 83.7% of buildings adhering to this timeless proportion, Chester has rightfully claimed the top spot, surpassing renowned cities such as Venice, London, Belfast, and Rome.

The golden ratio, expressed as 1:1.618, represents a set of proportions that has captivated mathematicians since ancient times. Its presence in the natural world, observed in phenomena like flowers and shells, has long intrigued scholars. Humans, for reasons not entirely understood, perceive objects that adhere to this ratio as inherently beautiful.

The methodology employed in the 'Eye-Catching Architecture' study by Online Mortgage Advisor is noteworthy. Researchers utilized Google Street View to capture front-facing photos of streets and over 2,400 buildings in historical cities worldwide. By plotting points at the corners of each building and calculating the proportion of the longest and shortest lengths of their dimensions, they were able to compare these proportions to the golden ratio, providing a quantitative measure of alignment.

Colin Potts, the Programme Leader for International Tourism Management at the University of Chester, emphasizes the city's architectural charm as a major attraction for visitors. The acknowledgment of Chester's built environment as a primary draw for millions of visitors aligns with my understanding of the significant impact architecture can have on a city's appeal.

Dr. Rebecca Andrew, Senior Lecturer in History, adds historical context to Chester's aesthetic allure, citing the city's recognition in 19th and 20th-century guides. The mention of the Chester Rows and the unique experience offered by the city's buildings, as described by travel writer HV Morton, underscores the historical and cultural significance embedded in Chester's architecture.

Neuza Morais, Visiting Lecturer in Interior Design, rightly points out that a city's vibrancy and sense of community contribute to its overall identity. While beauty is a significant factor, Chester's charm extends beyond its buildings—it is a dynamic and thriving organism with a unique soul.

In conclusion, the University of Chester's top ranking in the golden ratio study is a well-deserved accolade, underscoring the city's commitment to architectural excellence. This recognition, coupled with the perspectives of local experts, paints a comprehensive picture of Chester as a city that seamlessly blends mathematical precision with historical richness and vibrant community life.

Academics add to recognition as Chester is named world’s most beautiful city (2024)
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